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Tha Devalopmant of the Arrhenius Equation

Keith J. Laidler
Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Research and Graduate Studies in Chemistry, University of Ottawa,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K 1N 6B4

Today the influence of temperature on the rates of chemical # = AF” (I + C 6) (4)

reactions is almost always interpreted in terms of what is now
known as the Arrhenius equation. According te this, a rate In terms ef the absolute temperature T, the equation can be
constant £ is the product of a pre- exponential (“frequency”) written as
factor A and an exponential term (5)
# = A—e ” ^” (I) In 1862 Betthelot (9) presented the equation
where R ic the gas constant andñ is the activation energy. The in \ = A’ + IJ’f or k = A eh " (6)
apparent activation energy Supp is now de firied (1 j in terms
of this equation as A considerable number of workers supported this equation,
which was taken seriously at least until 1908 (J 0).
(2) In 1881 Warder (i i , J2) proposed the relationship

Often A and ñ can be treated as temperature independent. l« + k 1(b — 1’) = c (7)

For the analysis of more precice rate-temperature data, par- where a, 6, and c are constants, and later Mellor (4) pointed
ticularly those covering a wide temperature range, it is out that if one multiplies out this fr›rmula, expands the
usual to allow A to be proportional to T raised to a power factor in T and accepts only the first term, the result is
m, so that the equation becomes
k = a’ + b’T" (8)
ñ = A’T“ e —”^” (3)
Equation (7) received some support from results obtained by
where now A’ is temperature independent. Recently Gardiner Urech (28—JS) and by Reicher (J6, 17), but it did not prove
(£) hac shown that eqn. 13) applies satisfactorily, and better at all popular.
than eqn. (1), te a number of reactions; he has also discussed In 1883 Schwab (i 8), working in van’t Hoff's
reasons for the failure of eqn. (1). In modern compilations (3) laboratories in Amsterdam, proposed the relationship
the procedure often employed is to use eqn. (1) for data of
lower precision or where the temperature range is limited, and In /z - A’ — + DT ‹› # — A ‘ ^ —””"'” (9)
to analyze more precise data in terms of eqn. (3). —e
Although the temperature dependence of rates is now al- and demonstrated that it applied to the conversion of dibro-
most universally interpreted in terms of these equations, for mosuccinic acid into bromomaleic acid and to the reaction
a period of over 60 years (ca. 1850 to ca. 1910), in spite of between hydroxide ions and monochloroacetate ions. In the
considerable experimental effort, there was much uncertainty following year van’t Hoff's famous textbook on chemical
and controversy. Mellor’s famous textbook of kinetics (4) dynamics (7 9) appeared, and it contained a discussion of
published in 1904 quotes Ostwald as saying that temperature the temperature dependence of equilibrium constants in
dependence “is one of the darkest chapters in chemical me- terms of an equation that we can now express in the form
chanics.” In van’t Hoff’s pioneering textbook of physical bU°
chemistry (5) published in t898 the evidence was reviewed (10)
with respect to a number of empirical relationships between bT AT2
/z and T, and the author concluded his survey by saying that where K is the concentration equilibrium constant and k U°
“It is so far impossible to choose between the above equa- the standard internal energy change. Van’t Holt pointed out
tions.” that since K is the ratio of rate constants i and /z — i r re-
Some of these early struggles with the problem have re- action in forward and reverse directions, these rate constants
cently been reviewed by King (6, 7), who in a very interesting are also expected to obey an equation of the same form
way has covered both scientific and historical aspects. Besides
being of considerable historical interest, a study of the early E
work on temperature dependence provides us with consider- bT
able insight as to how scientific progress is made not merely where E is an energy change that relates to the particular
from an analysis of data but from theoretical considerations re- action.
of broad applicability. Van’t Hoff acknowledged having received inspiration for
these ideas from a paper by Pfaundler (20), whe as early as
The Empirical Approach: A Brief Histor ical Survey
W ilhelmy (8) appears to have been the first to propose, ’ To avoid confusion, the early equations have all been converted to
in 1850, an equation relating the rate constant of a reaction a consistent notation, and natural logar ithms have been used
to the temperature. He used the Celsius temperature 0, and throughout. Gonstants such as A. A’, B, c, a, r, o, e, b, a' , and 6' are
his equation can be written as1 temperature independent.

494 Journal of Chemical Education

1867 had given a qualitative discuesion of equilibrium and large to be explicable on the basis of how temperature
rates in terms of molecular motions and Maxwell’s law of affects the molecular translational energies, or of the
distribution of molecular speeds. Pfaundler saw clearly that temperature dependence of the viscosity of the medium. He
when chemical equilibrium is established, forward and reverse concluded that the explanation must be that an equilibrium
reactions are occurring at equal rates. Maxwell’s law had is established between normal and active reactant
led to the conclusion that the fraction of molecules having molecules, and that this equilibrium shifts in the manner
energy greater than a critical value £ is equal to predicted by van’t HofPs equation (eqn. (10)). He did not
exp(—E/RT) and can increase markedly with temperature. concern himself with a pos- sible temperature dependence
Pfaundler suggested that only those molecules possessing of this energy difference; in fact he tacitly assumed no
more than a critical energy E could undergo chemical temperature dependence and therefore favored the simple
change. Pfaundler’s work is now largely forgotten, but he eqn. (1).
was responsible for important con- cepts that are usually An equation in which the pre-exponential factor also has
attributed to van’t Hoff and Arrhe- nius. a temperature dependence was first proposed in 1893 by
Van’t Hoff did not assume AU° and £ to be temperature Kooij (29), whose equation may be expressed as
independent; he also considered the possibility that Aft°
£ might involve a temperature independent term and in ad-
dition a negative term proportional to U. He thus This equation was supported by Trautz (80) in 1909. As
considered two possible forms for the temperature pre- viously noted, this equation (equivalent to eqn. (3)) is
dependence of h, eqn. perhaps the most satisfactory of the equations; data that do
(9) and also the simpler relationship not fit the simple eqn. (1) usually fit eqn. (13) very
B precisely.

OF (t2) In 1865—67 Harcourt and Esson (8J—8J) made
pioneering contributions to chemical kinetics, being the
We have seen that eqn. (9) wae supported by the work of first to relate reactant and product concentrations to the
Schwab (18); it was also supported by work of Spohr (2J), time by means of equations that they obtained by
van’t Hoff and Reiches (2P), Buchb0eh (28), and integrating the differential equations for rates of reaction.
Wegscheider (24). Some 30 years later they col- laborated again on a very
In the meantime Hood was making careful kinetic long paper (34) presented as a Bakerian Lecture to the
studies of a number of reactions in 9o1ution, and in a paper Royal Society. In this publication they gave very precise
published in 1885 (25) he interpreted his results in terms of results for the reaction between hy- drogen peroxide and
Berthelot’s formula, eqn. (6). This equation remained hydrogen iodide, obtained from 0°C to 50°C at intervals of
popular for another 20 or more years; a number of papers about 5°. They presented a very detailed analysis of the
supported it, including those of Tammann (P6), Remsen temperature dependence and concluded that it was best
and Reid (27), and Perman and Greaves (i0). represented by equations of the form
A very important contribution to the problem was made
in In # = A’ -r C In T 'or # = AT* (14)
1889 by Arrhenius (28), whose approach was rather different This type of relationship did not receive much
encourage- from that of the other workers. Starting with van’t Holt’s ment from others, but it was supported by some work
of Veley equation (eqn. (11)) Arrhenius pointed out that the magni- (35) on the affinity constants of bases. One
particularly in- tudes of the temperature effects on rates are usually much too teresting feature of Harcourt and Esson’s work
is that they
Table 1. Summary of Temqerature•Dependenoe Equatiozss
Differential Expression Eqn. Number Refer-
Form Integrated Form for k in Text Supported by
d In k _ B -I- GT +
—B + 15 van’I Hoff, 1898
dF " W T Bodenstein, 1899
d In £ _ 8 + CT 30
13 Kooij, 1893
dT " T' Trautz, 1909 IB.
d In /r _ B + OF
In /r = #‘ - - -I- DT 9 Schwab, 1883
âT " W 7
van't Hoff, 1884
Spohr. 1888
van't Hoff and Reiches. 1889
Buchbock. 1897
Wegscheider, 1899
d ln k G£ + OF
In â - A’ + C. In T + DY 16 is
C=Ae—” 12 van’t Half, 1884 29
dT H
Arrhenius, 1889
Kooij, 1893 34
d In k G 35
k=XW 14 Harcourt and Esson, 1895
ar ‘T 36
Veley, 1908
Harcourt and Esson, J912 fi'5
d In k _ 3T
Berthelot, 1862 38
Hood, 1885
Spring, 1887 40
Veley. 1889
Hecht and Conrad, 1889
Pendelbury and Seward, 1009
Tammann, 1897
Remsen and Reid, 1899
Bugarszk y, 1904
Perman and Greaves, 1908
Volume 61 Number 6 June J984 495
made no assumpt,ir›n as to the absolute zero; they represented
I t is a curious hist‹iri‹'al fact that in spite of the controversy
the absolute temperature as + #, where # is the centigrade
that had been raging f'or some 60 years, by the second decade
(Celsius) temperature, and found to be 272.6°, in very good
of the present century all f‹irmulae except eqns. (1) and (3)
agreement with the modern value of 27'1.15°. They had thus
had been q uiet ly dropped. For example, the inn portant
established, quite independently of' thermodynamics, a kinet.ic
papers of Trautz (4.5) and Lewis (4ñ) on the significance of
absolute zero of temperature, at which chemical reaction
the pre- exponent,ia1 factor use ‹in ly the simple Arr henius
would cease.
equati‹ n (eqn. (I )). As far as the Harc‹›urt-Esson equation is
Most other workers, however, favored different tempera-
concerned, I am nt›t aware of any papers that qur›te it except
ture-dependence equations, and in 1912 Harcourt and Esson
as an his- torical anomaly (see, for example, ref. (47)).
returned to the fray with another lengthy paper (’36 ), in
The most important reason f'or the acceptance of the
which they analyzed many ‹›f the results obtained by others.
Arr henius equations is that all ot the other relationships are
They claimed that eqn. (14) interprets the temperature
theoretically sterile. The parameter B in eqn. (12) is related
dependence better than the rival equations, and for some
to an energy E which can be related to the height of an energy
reactions this claim is reasonable. For several reactions,
barrier for the reaction. The parameters C’ and D that appear
hr›wever , agreement can be obtained only if C is allowed to
in the Harcour t-Esson and Berthelot formulations, on the
be significantly tem- perature dependent—it sometimes
other hand, cannot easily be related to any meaningful
decreases with increasing T , but more often increases. To
physical quantity. The undoub ted fact that, for cert.ain re-
explain deviations from their equation, they suggested that
actions, the Harcourt-Esson equation libs the data better than
“the conditions for a stable communication of heat energy
other equations is not a compelling argument in view of the
to chemical energy are not se- cured.” Harcourt and Esson’s
fact that it does n ot lead to any understanding of the way in
two papers make no reference at all to Arr henius’ ideas,
which a chemical reaction r›ccurs.
and make only a disparaging refer- ence to the arguments of
van’t Hoff. Comparison of lhe Empirical Equations
In his 1898 book, van'I Hoff IN) pointed out that most of the At first sight it appears surprising that equations as widely
previously presented equations were special cases of the different as some of those listed in Table 1 can all give a rea
equations sonably good bit to the same experimental data. We may first
In \ - A’ — + L’ Tn T + DT or k A'' -e ' ^ -“”'*”' focus attention on the three one-parameter eqns. (12), (14),
and (6). A tit t.o these separate equations is confirmed if the
(15) following plots are linear:
They can be arrived at by dropping one or two of the constants
eqn. (12): ln k against 1/£
fi , C, or N . ’1’his is illustrated, and the equations and refer-
ences summarized, in Table 1. We will refer to the general eqn. {] 4); lr k against ln /
equation (eqn. 15) as a three-parameter equation, since three eqn. ( 8): ln k against T
parameters P, C, and D are concerned with the temperature
dependence and remain when the equation is put into its The reason that all ct these plots can give reasonably good
differential form. Dropping one of the three constants leads linear fits with the same data is that over the narrow tem-
to three two-parameter equati‹,ns, eqns. (1.3) and (9) and a perature ranges usually em ployed in kinetic studies, 1/'r, ln
third equation T, and T are more ter less linearly related to each other. For
practical reast›ns the temperature range of a kinetic study is
often ‹›nly about 40° —50°, and it is sometimes even less.
which seems to have received no consideration or supp‹›rt. Moreover, the temperature range is often somewhere around
Dropping two of the constants leads tr› the th ree one-param- room temperature and is t'requently much higher. For exam-
eter equations, eqns. (12), (14), and (6). ple, if a study is carried tuft from 0°C to 50°C, the range is
In the following year (1899) Bodenstein (42) published the 275 K to 323 K, and the variati‹›n in absolute temperature is
results of very careful measurements, over a wide temperature therefore only about 20*r.
range (283°—508° C), on the gas phase reaction between hy Figure 1 shows ln T and T plotted against 1/1', for the
drogen and iodine, on the reverse decompositi‹›n of hydrogen temperature range from 0°C try 100°C. The plot ot In T against
iodide, and on the equilibrium H; + I_ 2HI. He analyzed I IT shows little curvature, and if the range were only 40° or
his results in terms of the three -parameter eqn. (15) and ob- so, as in many experiments, the curvature would be hardly
tained very gocd agreement. However, from the modern point detectable. If we espand ln T about the mid point of the range
of view his analysis would hardly be considered satisfactory. ('323 K) and accept only t he first term, the result is
For example, for the combination of hydrogen and iodine he
fitted his temperature data to the formula In t I/K) = 4.78 + 3.1 0 'x J0 "(T/K) {18)
Over the 0--100° C range this equation represents the rela-
tionship with an err‹ r of less than 0.2'7.
The plot of 7’ against 1/T shows a little more curvature. In
(note the extravagant use of significant figures). This means reality such a plot is a hyperbola (see inset in Fig. 1), but in
that the preexponential factor varies with temperature ac- the 0- 100° C range one is at the far reaches of the hyperbola
cording to T ' , which now seems to be an unreasonably where there is little ctir vat ure. An expansion i›I 1 /T about
strong dependence. Since his pre-exponential factor decreases the mid point of the range leads to
strongly with increasing temperature, Bodenstein’s parameter j
BR corresponds to an activation energy (181.7 kJ mol ' ) that -619x10—"-9f9x10—"(T/K) (19)
is significantly higher than the presently accepted E zpg value
(3b , ‹') of I 71.4 kJ mol ' Over the 0—100° C range this equation is valid to within 3%.
In 1908—1909 Trautz and Vo}kmann (4.? , 44) also It follows that if In k is plotted against any one of the three
analyzed data of others on the basis of various formulae, functions 1/T, In T, and ’F and a straight line is obtained, the
including the three-parameter eqn. (15). Their analysis also plot wi11 be almost linear if either of the other two functions
leads tu ab- normally large negative temperature dependencies is employed. This is illustrated in Figure 2 for the very reliable
of the pre-exponential t'actors, and therefore to apparent data of Harcourt and Esson (34) on the reaction between
activation energies that are t‹›o high according to modern hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen iodide, the temperature
interpreta- tions. range being 0°C to 50° C. The open circles are for a plot of In

496 Journal of Chemical Education

*! 32 33 34 3.5 3.6

- 6.C



- 880

I n ( T/ K)
Figure 2. Plots for the data of Harcourt and Esson (34) for the reaction
— 260
between hydrogen perox ide and hydrogen iodide. The units of the rate
8 6 8.8 3.O 3. 8 3 4 3.6 3.8 constant are not stated but are probably dm’ mol— ’ min— . The natural
logarithm of the va/ue k" of the rate constant is plotted against In (7//
(open circles) and against 1/(7/K} (filled circles).
Figure 1. Plots of In 17/ II and T/ K against 1/(TI fi), lor \he temperature range
0”—100°C. The inset shows a plot of T/ K against 1/{ 7/ for the range 0 K to three two-parameter equations, eqns. (13), (9), and (16),
10 K.
will be equally reliable. The three-parameter eqn. (15) will
Ta6}e 2. RWatJonsfiip between tfie ArrfienTus Activat*an Energy hardly ever be significantly better than any of the two-
£( /3'Z*d Tn mid F) and the Temperature Parameters parameter equations; indeed, as we have noted with
reference to Bo- denstein ’s analysis, the three-parameter
equation may be
Equation Activation energy E disadvantageous in that there may be a variety of assignments
of parameters that will lead to equally good agreement with
13 experiment.
lt is to be emphasized that finding out which equation
16 gives the best fit It› experimental data is not neeessarily the
12 most satisfactory way of' mak ing scientific progress. A
14 RCT RDTv4' significant point is that certain plots are inherently m ore li
kely to be linear than certain other plots. The more often
one takes logarithms, the more linear do plots become. This
is well il-
fi against In T, corresponding to the t'ormula favored by lustrated by an equation of the form xy — constant. A simple
Harcourt and Esson (eqn. (14) ), while the t'ilIed circles are for pltit of J' against z gives a hyperbola, whereas a plot of ln
an Arrhenius plot of ln fi against 1/T. It is certainly true, as against ln i gives a straigh t line; plots of In y against z , or of
Harcourt and Esson concluded, that the In # against In T plot y against ln z , give lines uf m uch less curvature than the hy-
is more linear than the other, so that their preference for eqn. per bola.
14) is justified or Harcourt arid Esson’s plots ct' I n £ against In T are inher-
The slope of the plot /z against In Z' leads to a vaIue of ently more likely to be linear than pltits of In i against F or
20.4 1'or Harcourt and Esson ’s parameter C; i.e., their tem- 1/T, liecause the variation in In T ‹›ver any range is consider-
perature dependence is expressed by ably less than that ot' ?’ or of 1/T. Thus in the 0 to 50°C range,
T and I /7’ vary IU' 17%, whereas ln T only varies by 3‘fo.
Harcourt and Esson ’s work is nevertheless of considerable
The Arrhenius parameter N in eqn. (12) has an average value interest and signiI'icance. Perhaps their most important
of’ 6.05 X 10* K, corresp‹›nding to an activation energy of 50.3 contribution was to demonstrate the kinetic absolute zero.
kJ mol I . Table 2 shows the relationships between the Although their equation was not the most fruitful one, it did
Arr henius activation energy defined by eqn. (2), and the pa- represent the temperature dependence very well for certain
rameters in the various equations. In terms of the Harcourt reactions, including the one they studied in detail. The
and Essun parameter C, the activation energy is RR"F and will Arr henius eq nations (eq ns. (1) and (3)) give zero rate at the
therefore range from 46.3 kJ mol ' at 0°C to 54.8 kJ mol i at absolute zero because as T • 0, —E!R T - and theref'ore exp(—
50° G. This, however, as shown by the plot in Figure 2, does not ñ/ft T) approaches zero. In the same way ln T • — as
correspond to a very large curvature, and might easily have F 0; therefore according to the Harcourt-Esson formula,
been overlooked if the data had been less precise. as "/’ . In K — and therel'ore /i approaches zero. Thus,
Most kinetic data can be interpreted almost equally well although their formula was not a fruitful one, in that it did not
by any rat“ the three one-parameter equations. This being so, lead to a useful theoretical concept of a chemical reaction, it
the introduction of' an additional parameter into any ct these did lead to their important discovery ‹af the kinetic absolute
equations will probably give a completely reliable fit; thus, the zero.
Volume 61 Number 6 June 1984 497
Further Progress Literature Cited
After it had been recognized, in the second decade of the t1) "Man ua1 of Sy m bols and ’l’ermin ology fvr Ph ysicocln emical Qu a ntities and Units;
present century, that eqns. (1) and (3) were the most satis- Appendix V, Symbolism and Terminology in Chemica) 1inetics,” (rmommendations
factory, progress in kinetics was much more rapid. During the prepared by ' J. I a'dle r ar'd •!*° published *n *•e Appl Chem., 53. 753
last century chemists had been largely content with factual t2) Gardiner , W. C., Hcc. Chem. Yes., 1It, 826 (I 977).
information about the products and speeds of a chemical re- (3) I‘"or example, (a) Bauloh, D. I.., Drysda)e, D. D.. add Home, D. G., “f4igh
Temperature Reaction Rate Data," J.Tniv. of Leeds, Vols. I- 5, l96g-70j (b)
action; the question of' the mechanisms of reactions was Kondtatiex, y. g., "@@ Consorts of Gas Phase Reactions,” Office of Standard
hardly considered. Until the end of the nineteenth century Reference Data, National Bureau of S tanclarfis, Washington, t)C, 1972; tej K era,
physical chemistry was still in its infancy, having made its J. A., and Moss, S. J., 'ccc Handbook of B'mo1ecu1ar and Termolecular Gas
Reactions," CRC php, Boca ypt,
most im- portant advances in the treatment of solutions of
electrolytes. Ostwald and Arrhenius were the pioneers in this t4) Mellor, J. W., “Chcmi eat 8 tatics and Dhmm ics,’' Lung ma #„ Green Jp. , 3#pd #p,
field, and Harcourt played a similar pioneering role in (6) Van 't Hoff, J. H., " Lectu res on Theoretical and Physical C5 # yittty, putt , pgt
kinetics; in his lectures he was constantly emphasizing the yi##t by mm Pcs,” Edward Arnold, Londo», i8g8.
(6) King, M. C., km 6iz, 28, 70 (t98l).
importance of finding cut how and why c hemical change ‹Y Xing, M. C., AmF z, 29, 49 (1982).
occurs (4B, 49). lt is unfortunate that, because he supported a t6) WU helmy, L., Hogg. Ann .. 81, 422, 499 (1880).
sterile treatment of temperature dependence, he was himself {9) Be rtheloa, M., hon. C6‹m. Phys., 68 1 sl , I l0 (1862).
(10J Pe r man, E. I*., and Greaves, R. H., free. ftod Snc., A , 80, 3G3 ( 9gg).
unable to bring this laudable aim to a successful conclusion. t1i} Warder, R. B., Amer When d. , 3, 808 (1881}.
From the beginning ot the second decade of this century T12) Wander, R. B., Ber. , t't, 136a 1861); see also Warden, R. B., 7. PTiy
(T896—’T); Mr ienr e , 1, ’T4t (188a).
'men., I, t49
one can discern three distinct lines of development in the (I 3) Urecfi, F'., 8er , l6, ’762 (T BB:3).
theory of kinetics, all based on the Arrhenius equation and all (t4) Ureoh, fl., Ber., 20, Z 8fi6 T887).
(Ifi) NJ tech, 5., R‹r , TO, I8fi6 ( l887).
coming together in 193fi with the formulation of transition-
state theory ISO, 62 ). {17} Reieher, L. T., T‹eGig 's A rim. , 232. 103 tl88f›) .
118) Scbwab, L. C., 1)issertation, Univ. ot Amsterdam, 1883.
( I9) Van’t Hoff, J. H., “Etudes de dynamique ehimi9 ue,” F. Muller and Co., Artste raam,
I) In t9t I Xch ns tamm and ScheFler (52), in a paper that nuw 188't.
seems years ahead of its time, attempted a thermodynamic (20} f’faund ter, L., Ann flys. Chem., 181, 55 t1867).
formulation of reaction rates. 'This work was further
t$'2J Van t Hoff, J H., and Reicfier, L. T., Z pJiy Chem. , 3. 482 t1889) .
developed by Brandsma and Scheffer (53—55). {83 j Buch 6ñc£, G., Z ph y . Chefn ., 2$, 123 t1897 J.
2) In 1914 Marce lin (56, 57) treated a chemical reaction in terms (24 J Wegscheider, R., Ritz d Vie». Aged , 108, iia, 119 i89sl.
of' motion over what we would now call a “potential-energy (26J Hood, J. 4., PM if log , 80 {6] , 823 (1886}.
surface.” The dynamics of such motion was further treated by (26J Ta**a^ ^, G , Wied. Ann ., 68, 292 (1897 J.
t 27) Rernse u, I., »a mid, E. E., z o«. chem. 2 , 21, 281 i1899).
Eyring and Polanyi (58 ) and by ke lzer and Wigner (59 j. t88} A rrhenine. S., Z pipe. Cn em. , d, 256 1889 J; a translation of t5# t#q pqp jp tgj yyt
I n 1916 Trautz (SP), and in 1918 Lewis (67 ) developed a treat- the t deal with temperature dependence is incl uded in Bae k. M. H., and Laid ter, 5
4., '‘S• Iected Readings in Che mica I K ineHes,'' Pergamon 9 q$ t, Oxford , 1867, pp.
meit of the pre-exponential factor A in terms of the kinetic J I—35.
theo ry ot gases. This treatment was supported and developed (29) Kooij, D. M., Z. pits Chem . , 12, 156 (1893J.
by many work ers, particularly by H inshelwood (62) and Mo- (30) Trauts, M., Z §A ys. Cnern , 66, 496 \1909).
(31) Harcour I, A. V., and Esson, W ., Proc. boy. foe , A14, 470 (1865}.
elwyn -Hughes (fiJ) .
Harcourt, A. * , ""8 Essor', .. Pfii7 Trocs., i 5G, isz ( i 866); excerpts from this
A number of papers attempted to bridge the gap between orticle are re prod need in Back, M. H., and Laidler, K. J., pp, 8-2y, (see ref. (2gj}.
these rather different approaches. La Mer (64), for Harcourt, A. V., and Esson, W., PDF I. Are ns., 157, I1'7 {1867).
(34J Harcourt, A. V.. end Esson, W., Phd 1. Tr# n z., 186A, 8iy
example, combined the kinetic theories of collisions with {18gs). (35} Veley, V. H ., J. tfi em. Doc , 08, 2122 (190BJ.
the thermo- dynamic formulations, and represented the
preexponential factor as the pr‹iduct of a collision
frequency and a term es p(kS t/Q), where AS* is the Hecht, W., and Donrad, M., Z. phyc. Chem , 4, 450 (1889).
{40) Pendlebury, W. H., and Seward, M., Proc. n«, Soc., z , 4s, .3ss Iie8gi.
entropy of activation. B»ga •si , s., z. pays. c ‹o , iz, sas i lso3J.
It was in 1935 that the most general and comprehensive Bodenstein, M., Z. plys Chem , 29, 296 (1899 J.
treatment of reaction rates was formulated, independently
by Eyring (50) and by Evans and Polanyi (57 ). This theory, 498 Journal of Chemical Education
now generally called tsarist tion-st etc th cor y , has been ex-
tensively applied to a wide variety of physical and chemical
processes (65, 6fi). Pacey (6‘7) has recently discussed the re-
lationships, which are sometimes not entirely straightforward
between the Arrhenius activation energy and the height of an
energy barrier.
Subsequent treatments of rates, such as those concerned
with the dynamics ot' motion over a potential-energy
surface, have been of' great value, but they are much more
complicated than transition-state theory and are less
general in their ap- plication. The results of calculations on
the basis of these treatments are to a good appr‹›ximation
consistent with transition-state thet›ry and with the
Arrhenius equation.

The author's best thanks are due to M. Christine King,
for very valuable discussions and suggestions regarding the
subject matter of this paper. After this paper was prepared
S. R. I•ogan’s very interesting article (68 ) on a related topic
appeared; the author is grateful to Logan for valuable sug-
gestions, some of' which have been used in revising the
present paper.
t4a j

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