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My passion towards computer science started when in was in 8th standard. When my computer

science teacher first ever taught me HTML I was fascinated by how some simple lines of code

can transform into something that can be viewed by the whole world as a website. Ever since

then my passion and love towards computer have been exceptionally increased. We are in a

modern world where computers have the power to redefine what it is capable of doing in terms

of computation, speed, and various other parameters. With such an aggressive growth rate,

anyone is who is willing to take a long-term career will be provided with higher opportunities to

shine in this field. It was evident that I will be a part of computer programming and that is the

reason I chose Computer Science as my career.

Beyond all this, my love towards computer and the limitless opportunities in this diverse
field will provide me a ton of opportunity to excel. This time, I have decided to continue my
education in an ambitious, exclusive and international environment. After a complete year
in Technical Support for Microsoft, I have decided to return to academic to undertake my
Master in Computer Science at the University of Auckland. There is few logical reasoning
behind why I chose New Zealand. The educational system which is designed is effectively
carried out in New Zealand, along with the stability of the nation and the weather which
also makes it fine destination for international studies. Beyond all this, there are plenty of
other co-curricular opportunities which makes it a dream land for international students.
It should also be noted that University of Auckland is the birth place of R Programming.
With such a huge value and heritage who wouldn’t want to study
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