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OBJECTIVE: At the end of this presentation, student should be able to
I. define System Automation
II. list Automation Tools
III. states the advantages and disadvantages of System Automation
IV. list and explain the types of System Automation with examples
V. states the reasons for System Automation
VI. list the examples of Automated Technology
In today's fast-moving, highly competitive industrial world, a company must be flexible, cost effective
and efficient if it wishes to survive. In the processing and manufacturing industries, this has resulted in
a great demand for industrial control system/automatically in order to streamline operation in terms of
speed, reliability and product output.

Meaning of Automation
Automation is a technology concerned with the application of mechanical, electronic, and computer-
based systems to operate and control production. This technology includes automatic machine tools to
process parts, automatic assembly machines, industrial robots, automatic material handling and storage
systems, automatic inspection systems for quality control, feedback control and computer process
control, computer systems for planning, data collection and decision-making to support manufacturing
Automation can also be seen as the us of control systems, and information technology to reduce the
need for human work in the production of goods and services. In the scope of industrialization,
automatically is a step beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided human
operators with machinery to assist them with the muscular requirements of work, automatically
greatly decreases the need for human sensory and mental requirements as well.

Automated System Operations

Automated System Operations (ASO) is the set of software and hardware that allows computer
systems, network devices or machines to function without any manual intervention. ASOs allow
computer systems to work without a human operator physically located at the site where the system is
installed. Automated system operations are a part of the automatic system control where the processes
are completely automated with the help of control loops and special logic.
Automated system operations are also known as lights-out operations.
Automated System Operations are a combination of both software and hardware that is designed
and programmed to work automatically without the need for a human operator to provide inputs
and instructions for each operation.
Automated system operations are used in a wide range of applications like
 control and monitoring systems,
 data security applications,
 factory automation systems,
 automated message response systems and so on.
These systems take several system and environmental events as input and perform operations based on
conditional decision making and specific control logic.

Introduction to System Analysis and Design, COM 125


Engineers can now have numerical control over automated devices. The result has been a rapidly
expanding range of applications and human activities. Computer-aided technologies (or CAx) now
serve as the basis for mathematical and organizational tools used to create complex systems. Notable
examples of CAx include Computer-aided design (CAD software) and Computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM software). The improved design, analysis, and manufacture of products
enabled by CAx has been beneficial for industry.
Information technology, together with industrial machinery and processes, can assist in the design,
implementation, and monitoring of control systems. One example of an industrial control system is a
programmable logic controller (PLC). PLCs are specialized hardened computers which are
frequently used to synchronize the flow of inputs from (physical) sensors and events with the flow of
outputs to actuators and events.[82]

Different types of automation tools exist:

 ANN – Artificial Neural Network
 DCS – Distributed Control System
 HMI – Human Machine Interface(Or Computer Human Interface, CHI)
 RPA – Robotic Process Automation
 SCADA – Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
 PLC – Programmable Logic Controller
 Motion control
 Host simulation software (HSS) is a commonly used testing tool that is used to test the
equipment software. HSS is used to test equipment performance concerning factory automation
standards (timeouts, response time, processing time).


 Increased output or productivity
 Improved quality
 Increased predictability
 Improved robustness (consistency), of processes or product
 Increased consistency of output
 Reduced direct human labor costs and expenses
 Reduced cycle time
 Increased accuracy
 Relieving humans of monotonously repetitive work
Required work in development, deployment, maintenance, and operation of automated
processes are often structured as “jobs”
 Increased human freedom to do other things
Automation primarily describes machines replacing human action, but it is also loosely
associated with mechanization, machines replacing human labor. Coupled with
mechanization, extending human capabilities in terms of size, strength, speed, endurance, visual
range & acuity, hearing frequency & precision, electromagnetic sensing & effecting, etc.,
Introduction to System Analysis and Design, COM 125

advantages include:
 Relieving humans of dangerous work stresses and occupational injuries (e.g., fewer strained
backs from lifting heavy objects)
 Removing humans from dangerous environments (e.g. fire, space, volcanoes, nuclear facilities,
underwater, etc.)


 High initial cost
 Faster production without human intervention can mean faster unchecked production of defects
where automated processes are defective.
 Scaled-up capacities can mean scaled-up problems when systems fail—releasing dangerous
toxins, forces, energies, etc., at scaled-up rates.
 Human adaptiveness is often poorly understood by automation initiators. It is often difficult to
anticipate every contingency and develop fully preplanned automated responses for every
situation. The discoveries inherent in automating processes can require unanticipated iterations
to resolve, causing unanticipated costs and delays.
 People anticipating employment income may be seriously disrupted by others deploying
automation where no similar income is readily available.


Industrial automation refers to computerized systems within manufacturing that handle different
processes and machineries in place of human involvement. Most of the processes handled by such
systems would be perceived as being repetitive, mechanical, or in other cases, both.
With modernization and technology, industries have started adopting automated systems to increase
efficiency and productivity at work. The vast adoption of these systems has seen the industrial
automation market growing globally reaching 127.04 billion dollars in 2018 and expected to grow to a
staggering 296.70 billion dollars in 2026, according to Fortune Business Insights.
While these statistics show an increasing adoption of automation systems, they do not break down the
numbers to the widely varying automation systems that exist. How then would you know what
automation system is the right one for your business?
The right automation system for your business is determined by the
a. labor conditions,
b. competitive pressure,
c. manufacturing and assembly specifications,
d. work requirements,
e. and the cost of labor.
Below we highlight the different types of automation systems, and the industries they are typically
found in.
By looking at the types of systems mentioned below and considering the factors mentioned above, you
should be better suited to pick the right automation system for your business.

Also referred to as hard automation, fixed automation systems carry out a single set of tasks
without deviation. Because of its function, this type of system would typically be used for
Introduction to System Analysis and Design, COM 125

discrete mass production and continuous flow systems. An example of a fixed automation
equipment would be an automated conveyer belt system designed to increase efficiency by
moving objects from point A to B without minimal efforts. Just like all other fixed automation
system equipment, automated conveyer belts perform fixed and repetitive operations to achieve
high production volumes.
It is a system in which the sequence of processing (or assembly) operations is fixed by the
equipment configuration. The operations in the sequence are usually simple. It is the integration
and coordination of many such operations into one piece of equipment that makes the system
complex. The typical features of fixed automation are:
a. High initial investment for custom–Engineered equipment;
b. High production rates; and
c. Relatively inflexible in accommodating product changes.
The economic justification for fixed automation is found in products with very high demand
rates and volumes. The high initial cost of the equipment can be spread over a very large
number of units, thus making the unit cost attractive compared to alternative methods of
production. Examples of fixed automation include mechanized assembly and machining
transfer lines.
Repetitive manufacturing which allows for variations within the manufacturing process
although limited (e.g. in food packaging or the textile industry)
Adopting a fixed automation system such as automated conveyer belts and including value-
added solutions meant to
 cut both time and labor costs in their installation,
 eases off competitive pressure for your business,
 increases your profit margin,
 and keeps you one step ahead of the competition.
An example of a value-added solution would be using bundled wire for automated conveyer
systems. This not only cuts down installation time, but also lowers labor costs and keeps
employees safe from injuries associated with pulling wire during installation.

In this, the production equipment is designed with the capability to change the sequence of
operations to accommodate different product configurations. The operation sequence is
controlled by a program, which is a set of instructions coded so that the system can read and
interpret them. New programs can be prepared and entered into the equipment to produce new
products. Some of the features that characterize programmable automation are:
a. High investment in general-purpose equipment;
b. Low production rates relative to fixed automation;
c. Flexibility to deal with changes in product configuration; and
d. Most suitable for batch production.
Automated production systems that are programmable are used in low and medium volume
production. The parts or products are typically made in batches. To produce each new batch of a
different product, the system must be reprogrammed with the set of machine instructions that
correspond to the new product. The physical setup of the machine must also be changed over:
Tools must be loaded, fixtures must be attached to the machine table also be changed machine
settings must be entered. This changeover procedure takes time. Consequently, the typical cycle
for given product includes a period during which the setup and reprogramming takes place,
Introduction to System Analysis and Design, COM 125

followed by a period in which the batch is produced. Examples of programmed automation

include numerically controlled machine tools and industrial robots.
Repetitive manufacturing whereby the same products are being produced over a long period of
time and in large batches. These types of equipment can keep carrying with very little human
supervision. They are typically used in automobile and machinery manufacturing.
The initial set up of programmable automation equipment may require a high cost but because
the processes are continuous and relatively unchanging, they tend to be less expensive in the
long run.

Also referred to as soft automation. It is an extension of programmable automation. A flexible
automated system is one that is capable of producing a variety of products (or parts) with
virtually no time lost for changeovers from one product to the next. There is no production time
lost while reprogramming the system and altering the physical setup (tooling, fixtures, and
machine setting). Consequently, the system can produce various combinations and schedules of
products instead of requiring that they be made in separate batches. The features of flexible
automation can be summarized as follows:
a. High investment for a custom-engineered system.
b. Continuous production of variable mixtures of products.
c. Medium production rates.
d. Flexibility to deal with product design variations.
The essential features that distinguish flexible automation from programmable automation are:
a. the capacity to change part programs with no lost production time; and
b. the capability to changeover the physical setup, again with no lost production time.
These features allow the automated production system to continue production without the
downtime between batches that is characteristic of programmable automation. Changing the
part programs is generally accomplished by preparing the programs off-line on a computer
system and electronically transmitting the programs to the automated production system.
Therefore, the time required to do the programming for the next job does not interrupt
production on the current job. Advances in computer systems technology are largely
responsible for this programming capability in flexible automation. Changing the physical setup
between parts is accomplished by making the changeover off-line and then moving it into place
simultaneously as the next part comes into position for processing. The use of pallet fixtures
that hold the parts and transfer into position at the workplace is one way of implementing this
approach. For these approaches to be successful; the variety of parts that can be made on a
flexible automated production system is usually more limited than a system controlled by
programmable automation.

Flexible type of automation is utilized in computer-controlled flexible manufacturing systems

and allows for a more flexible production. Every equipment receives instructions from a
human-operated computer which means that the tasks can vary widely with changing code
delivered to the computer. This type of automation would typically be used in batch processes
and job shops with high product varieties and low-to-medium job volume, such as in textile
Discrete manufacturing which allows for variations within the manufacturing process
although limited e.g. in food packaging or the textile industry.

Introduction to System Analysis and Design, COM 125


Job shop manufacturing which occurs within set production areas and is more labor intensive
compared to other forms of manufacturing. An example would be making custom machinery.
Batch process manufacturing whereby raw materials move through the production line in
batches such that there is a pause between each step as a batch moves through (e.g. in the
pharmaceutical industry and in paint manufacturing).
Continuous process manufacturing which offers consistent processing as the manufacturing
process from beginning to end does not change. This type of manufacturing is commonly used
in food and beverage manufacturing as well as oil and gas manufacturing.

Integrated automation involves the total automation of manufacturing plants as it is entirely
handled by computers and control processes with minimal human involvement. Computers can
design the necessary parts, test the designs, and fabricate the parts. Integrated automation, like
flexible automation, is compatible with both batch process manufacturing and continuous
process manufacturing.

Technologies that use this type of automation include:

 Computer-aided process planning
 Computer-supported design and manufacturing
 Computer numerical control machine tools
 Computerized production and scheduling control
 Automatic storage and retrieval systems
 Flexible machine systems
 Automated material handling systems, e.g. robots
 Automated conveyor belts and cranes


Following are some of the reasons for automation:
1. Increased productivity: Automation of manufacturing operations holds the promise of
increasing the productivity of labor. This means greater output per hour of labor input. Higher
production rates (output per hour) are achieved with automation than with the corresponding
manual operations.
2. High cost of labor: The trend in the industrialized societies of the world has been toward ever-
increasing labor costs. As a result, higher investment in automated equipment has become
economically justifiable to replace manual operations. The high cost of labor is forcing business
leaders to substitute machines for human labor. Because machines can produce at higher rates
of output, the use of automation results in a lower cost per unit of product.
3. Labor shortages: In many advanced nations there has been a general shortage of labor. Labor
shortages stimulate the development of automation as a substitute for labor.
4. Trend of labor toward the service sector: This trend has been especially prevalent in India.
There are also social and institutional forces that are responsible for the trend. There has been a
tendency for people to view factory work as tedious, demeaning, and dirty. This view has
caused them to seek employment in the service sector of the economy government, insurance,
personal services, legal, sales, etc. Hence, the proportion of the work force employed in
manufacturing is reducing.
Introduction to System Analysis and Design, COM 125

5. Safety: By automating the operation and transferring the operator from an active participation
to a supervisory role, work is made safer.
6. High cost of raw materials: The high cost of raw materials in manufacturing results in the
need for greater efficiency in using these materials. The reduction of scrap is one of the benefits
of automation.
7. Improved product quality: Automated operations not only produce parts at faster rates but
they produce parts with greater consistency and conformity to quality specifications.
8. Reduced manufacturing lead time: With reduced manufacturing lead time automation allows
the manufacturer a competitive advantage in promoting good customer service.
9. Reduction of in-process inventory: Holding large inventories of work-in-process represents a
significant cost to the manufacturer because it ties up capital. In-process inventory is of no
value. It serves none of the purposes of raw materials stock or finished product inventory.
Automation tends to accomplish this goal by reducing the time a workpart spends in the factory.
10. High cost of not automating: A significant competitive advantage is gained by automating a
manufacturing plant. The benefits of automation show up in intangible and unexpected ways,
such as, improved quality, higher sales, better labor relations, and better company image. All of
these factors act together to make production automation a feasible and attractive alternative to
manual methods of manufacture.


1. Hands-Free Search Engine Autos (UPDATE) - The Google Driverless Car is Finally Coming
into Fruition
2. Automated School Buses - The Navia Autonomous Shuttle Brings Driverless Autos to
3. Appliance-Controlling Adapters - The Zuli Smartplug Turns Lights on Automatically When
You Enter
4. Garage Opener Apps - This Garage Door Opener App is Controlled Securely by Beacon
5. Automated Personal Beacons - Signul is a Beacon System That Streamlines Daily Tasks
6. Robotic Gas Pumps - This Robot Gas Pump Could Change the Way We View Refueling
7. Automated Texting Apps - The Android ‘On the Move' Widget Will Keep You Safe on the
8. Electronically Automated Doggy Doors - This Sliding Puppy Door has Motor-Sensitive
9. Automated Social Messaging Services - 'Relaxed' Sends Auto-Reply Messages on Facebook
& Twitter
10. Smartphone-Synced Vents - Aero Tracks the Room's Temperature and Can Be Programmed to
Open and Close
11. Automated Automotive Pedals - The Porsche ACC InnoDrive System Makes Driving Safe &
12. Robotic Barbecue Cleaner-The Grillbots clean all the dirt and grove away after you finish
13. Automated Jewelry Cleaning Appliances - The Trio Jewelry Cleaner is effective and easy to
14. Automated Snacking Machine - The Popcorn Indiana 'Popinator' uses voice detection to
launch snacks
Introduction to System Analysis and Design, COM 125

15. Selective Home Automation Console - The Wigwag System is expandable, sophisticated and
16. Autonomous side walk Vehicle - This Compact Vehicle by Hitachi is a great alternative to
17. Automated Pencil Sharpener - The ipoint evolution stops when it detects a sharp pencil point
18. Automated Home Electronics - The WeMo plug allows you to control your surroundings with
an App
19. Automated Stirring Device - The Stirio helps to constantly stir a pot on the stove
20. Compact Automated Cabs - The OPTI driverless taxi makes urban transport more efficient

 Meaning of Automation
 Types of Automation System
 Reasons for Automation System
 Examples of Automated Technology

Introduction to System Analysis and Design, COM 125

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