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"Social" refers to matters related to human society, interactions, and relationships

among individuals or groups of people. It encompasses various aspects of how

people engage with one another, form connections, and participate in collective
activities. Here are some key dimensions of the term "social":

1. Social Interaction: This refers to the ways in which people communicate,

engage with, and respond to each other. Social interactions can be verbal or
non-verbal, occurring in face-to-face settings, through written or digital
communication, or in various social settings.
2. Social Relationships: Social connections between individuals, such as
friendships, family relationships, romantic partnerships, and professional
collaborations, are an essential aspect of the social domain. These
relationships are vital for emotional support, cooperation, and the exchange
of ideas and resources.
3. Social Norms: These are shared expectations, values, and rules that guide
behavior within a society or a specific group. Social norms help shape the
accepted ways of interacting and can vary across cultures and contexts.
4. Social Institutions: These are established systems and structures within a
society that regulate and organize various aspects of human life, such as
education, government, religion, and the economy.
5. Social Psychology: A subfield of psychology that studies how people's
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence and actions
of others. Social psychology explores topics li

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