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How to Get a New Fitness Client

(or two) Overnight

“Getting a Client (or two) Overnight” is an excerpt from the textbook for the Online Trainer Academy and is copyright
J. Goodman Consulting Inc. and the PTDC. Learn more about how you can become a certified online trainer (OTC)
through the Academy at

This system employs free software So many trainers try to appeal to a

(Google forms) and a little hustle to huge number of clients. The result is
get one (or more) clients overnight. that most marketing messages
The basic overview is that you will (especially those on social media) get
create a Google form, put it out on ignored.
social networks and free listing sites,
and, when people fill in your survey, If you can nail down the specific
call and convert them into a client. person you’re looking for, then you’ll
For now, because you need to move find that people are more than
quickly, your business structure is willing to reach out wanting help.
basically this: you have one package
that includes a custom workout and Don’t mess around with the script.
support via email and one 30- Every word and the precise layout
minute Skype call a month for $200. are there for specific reasons.
It’s not an ideal way to structure your
business, but it’ll do for now. To get started quickly, keep it simple.

Additional Notes For now, because you need to move

quickly, here’s your business struc-
While the system laid out below ture: you have one package that
seems simple, it’s very precise. The includes a custom workout and
better you identify your ideal cus- support via email and one 30-minute
tomer and the benefits that will drive Skype call a month for $200. It’s not
them to action, the more success an ideal way to structure your busi-
you’ll have here. ness, but it’ll do for now.

Steps to Implementation

“Getting a Client (or two) Overnight” is an excerpt from the textbook for the Online Trainer Academy and is copyright
J. Goodman Consulting Inc. and the PTDC. Learn more about how you can become a certified online trainer (OTC)
through the Academy at

1 Identify your ideal client.

Write down on a piece of paper the following details about your ideal client:

Age range


Goal (be specific)

Any specific limitations (if applicable)

2 Create a Google Form

Your form will have 4 to 6 entries:

(Optional. Asking for a name may decrease number of submissions, but it’s up to you.)




Commitment Scale

Phone number

“Getting a Client (or two) Overnight” is an excerpt from the textbook for the Online Trainer Academy and is copyright
J. Goodman Consulting Inc. and the PTDC. Learn more about how you can become a certified online trainer (OTC)
through the Academy at

Here is the script to use in your survey:

Google Survey Script

* Note:
areas in {squiggle brackets} are to
be changed by you.

Your business name (if you don’t

have a business name just use
your last name with “training”
afterwards. So mine would be
“Goodman Training”)

“Getting a Client (or two) Overnight” is an excerpt from the textbook for the Online Trainer Academy and is copyright
J. Goodman Consulting Inc. and the PTDC. Learn more about how you can become a certified online trainer (OTC)
through the Academy at

3 Enable notifications within Google Drive.

This way, you will get emailed any time a

new user submits to your form so that
you can call them immediately.

4 Promote your form.

You can promote your form anywhere, but

the best places to start are your personal
Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Uploading the script and linking to the
form on free listing sites like Craigslist and
Kijiji will work as well, but the quality of the
leads will be poor. Below is a rundown of
how to do each.

“Getting a Client (or two) Overnight” is an excerpt from the textbook for the Online Trainer Academy and is copyright
J. Goodman Consulting Inc. and the PTDC. Learn more about how you can become a certified online trainer (OTC)
through the Academy at

To promote your form on Facebook, here’s what to do:

Share a status update with the following script filled out. (Again, this script is available
for download in the digital portal.)

* Note:
areas in {squiggle brackets} are to
be changed by you.

Your business name (if you don’t

have a business name just use
your last name with “training”
afterwards. So mine would be
“Goodman Training”)

“Getting a Client (or two) Overnight” is an excerpt from the textbook for the Online Trainer Academy and is copyright
J. Goodman Consulting Inc. and the PTDC. Learn more about how you can become a certified online trainer (OTC)
through the Academy at

To promote your form on Instagram, here’s what to do:

The process of promoting on Instagram is the same as Facebook in that you use the same
script. Where it differs is that you’ll have to change your profile link to a link to your Google form
and direct people there. I suggest you write out the script in a note document on your phone
and copy it into Instagram. This way the spacing will look right.

Below is a revised script.

***I’m looking for 5 {gender} age {age

range} looking to {goal} that live in
{location} and are willing to invest in
their fitness.***

I am looking for {gender} who want to:

{benefit 1} {benefit 2} {benefit 3}
Spots are extremely limited and I’m only
looking for 5 who are ready to make a
change today. To apply, click the link in
my profile’s description and I’ll be in
touch if you meet the requirements.

Images that work on Instagram

Include a text image using an app like wordswag that says “I’m looking for 5 {gender} age {age
range} looking to {goal} that live in {location}” works great.
If you have one, previous client transformation photos are great.
An image of you training or a client of yours always works well. Just ensure that it’s a bright and
clear picture ideally showing a face.

“Getting a Client (or two) Overnight” is an excerpt from the textbook for the Online Trainer Academy and is copyright
J. Goodman Consulting Inc. and the PTDC. Learn more about how you can become a certified online trainer (OTC)
through the Academy at

5 Call them right away.

Ideally you’ll call them within 20 minutes

of filling out the form. This is why you set
the notifications.
Now it’s time to perform a sales call.

One of 3 things will happen when you call someone who filled out your form:

They answer. It’s a great call. You sell / book them in. They show up. You dance a
happy dance.

They answer and book in or don’t book in and don’t show up for a session.

They don’t answer. You leave a message.

Here are your follow-up rules:

* Note:
Note: You may be performing long
If you leave a message and they don’t call back, call
distance calls. I recommend using them again in two days. If they still don’t call back, follow
Skype to perform the calls and up in a week’s time. Once a week for a month after that,
loading some money into your
account. This way you can
then once a month until the end of time.
perform a call to a person’s phone
cheaply and without your personal After you call a client and they don’t respond, enter a
number appearing reminder into your calendar to call them back at the
allotted time and include any information that you
might want to know. For example, what goal they listed
when they filled out the form.

“Getting a Client (or two) Overnight” is an excerpt from the textbook for the Online Trainer Academy and is copyright
J. Goodman Consulting Inc. and the PTDC. Learn more about how you can become a certified online trainer (OTC)
through the Academy at

6 Follow up with them.

While this system works well when you

first do it to get a few clients, the cheddar
is in the follow-up. Most people won’t
follow-up, but believe me, it is the differ-
entiating factor between fitness business-
es that thrive and those that flounder.
Use your calendars and reminders.
If a potential client doesn’t answer, set a
reminder to call them back in a week’s
time (once a week for the first month and
then once a month). Ideally your market-
ing will consist of simply opening your
calendar for that day and seeing the list
of clients to call.

“Getting a Client (or two) Overnight” is an excerpt from the textbook for the Online Trainer Academy and is copyright
J. Goodman Consulting Inc. and the PTDC. Learn more about how you can become a certified online trainer (OTC)
through the Academy at

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