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Box Summary:
1. Some animals were used to move objects around because of
their sheer strength.
2. Clothing improved by invention of needles from silvers of animal
3. People hunted and domesticated animals for food.
4. Animals played a role in warfare in ancient times.
5. Sacrificing animals to gods was an integral part of religion.
6. They were offered as tribute to please deities.
7. In early civilization they were used in sports.

1. Entertainment is provided by going to see animals.

2. They have heightened sense and will indicate it has noted
something unusual.
3. Animals can be trained to sniff out drugs and explosives.
4. Animals are used in scientific testing of cosmetics and medicines
5. Selling animal products allows people to pay for education for
their children
6. People derive emotional benefits from keeping animals.
7. Animal therapy can improve a patient’s cognitive functioning.

Own Word Summary

Since the earliest times, people have made us of animals as

A form of conveyance, some carried influential personalities while others
were used to transport freight due to their extreme robustness. Following
that, use of animal skin for garments came into vogue and their bones
were sharpened to make needles which eventually developed textiles. In
earlier times animals were captured to satisfy one’s hunger, soon they
were house trained to help people collect food. Their helpful trait made
animals useful creatures in winning battles. Hence, they were brought to
intimidate the rival army and gradually became a prestigious offering to the
Gods in various beliefs in order to win their liking.They served in different
sports till date. However, recently they have been credited for providing
academic understanding to students. Not only that but they have a knack
for observing changes in their surroundings with respect to their sharp
senses. Thus, they have been used for military purposes and were put
under a scientific study by pharmaceutical companies to test their
products. People depend on them for livelihood by selling livestock
products, some think they provide emotional stability through their
compassion and are hence used in therapy sessions.

Word count: 187

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