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Q1 10 Marks

Answer the following questions for the ToysRUS dataset shared below:

1. Define Column Names for values in the 3 column Ranges; Find the total of quarter 2 for years 2000 and above
2. Highlight all Sales in Green for higher than the previous quarter and all sales in red for lower than previous quarte
3. How many quarters are higher than average sales?
4. Create directional iconsets for higher than average sales within each year
5. Groupby quarters and identify the quarter that has highest sales

Toys "R" US

Date Quarter Sales Q1) 6219

1997 1 1646
1997 2 1738 Q3) average of sales=
1997 3 1883
1997 4 4868
1998 1 1924
1998 2 1989 count= 5
1998 3 2142
1998 4 4383
1999 1 2043
1999 2 2020
1999 3 2171
1999 4 4338
2000 1 2186
2000 2 2204
2000 3 2465
2000 4 5027
2001 1 2319
2001 2 1994
2001 3 2220
2001 4 4799
2002 1 2061
2002 2 2021
2 for years 2000 and above
for lower than previous quarter

average of sales= 2656.409

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