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Evia Tanner

Sep 26, 2022

Mrs. Marks

Period 7

The Girl in the Lake.

Isabelle White was looking out the window of her family’s red Toyota suv. It was

raining and the sky was a dark and gloomy shade of gray. Today she had left it all behind, her

friends,school, and house. It felt like she had left herself in her old town, in Utah. The moving

truck was two cars in front of them. It still didn’t seem real,that they were moving away from

everything, everything safe and secure and normal.

“How are you doing back there Izzy?” her dad asked. I’m fine, she replied numbly.

Isabelle was tired of driving already even though they had only gotten to Salt Lake. “1 hour

down with only 30 to go!” her mom replied cheerfully. During the last few weeks of summer

Izzy’s family decided to move to Georgia because her dad’s job offered him a promotion ,and

her dad said that “they could use the extra money.” It was a thirty one hour drive, and to her

parents the “perfect” family bonding activity. Isabelle was an only child and was going to be a

junior in high school.

They continued to drive late into the night and into the next day. Then they stopped at a

hotel for the night and continued on. Isabelle slept most of the drive but woke up when they were

three hours away from their new house. “Good morning!”,her mom said, even though it was one

o’clock in the afternoon. “Morning.”, Izzy yawned. She felt better now that the weather wasn’t

as gloomy and rainy. She looked out the window and admired the sky which was a light baby
blue color, and wispy feather-like clouds were painted across the sky. She rolled down the

window and felt a warm humid breeze on her cheek. The humidity was definitely different than

Utah, where it was so dry. Soon they arrived at their house. It was a quaint little place the same

light baby blue as the sky. The house also had white door frame and mailbox. Wow Isabelle

thought,” this was not what I was expecting.”

They started unloading their bags from the car, while waiting for the moving truck to

arrive.”Why don’t you go take a peek at your room Isabelle?” Her dad said. Isabelle opened the

white door with the key her dad handed her. She went upstairs and found her bedroom. It was a

medium-sized room with a window that looked out over their backyard. In the distance she could

see lake Lainier. She had never learned how to swim even though she had wanted to, she never

could get the hang of it. She heard her mom calling her from downstairs, and came down to help

unload the moving truck.

They finished unpacking over the course of several days, and before she knew it

Isabelle’s summer was almost all the way over. On the last day of summer break she decided to

go look around town. “I’m going to go look around.” she said. OK just bring your phone and be

back by three.” “Okay mom bye.” Isabelle said. She walked outside and started down the street.

It was the same kind of bright sunny day as the day she had arrived in this town. After a while

she came across an old vintage style ice cream shop, and she went inside.

It had white walls, and a checkered tile floor. There were some red bar stools at a silver

counter. The place had only a few people in it. There was a mom with her two young children,

Two kids with skateboards, and a girl sitting at the counter all by herself. The girl had red hair in

braids and looked only a year younger than her. She also wore lots of layered tank tops and shirts
that looked like something out of a 2000’s Disney channel movie. Isabelle went and sat down at

the counter.

“Do you mind if I sit here?” said Izzy. “No, feel free.” the girl responded. So she sat

down. She ordered a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles and fluffy white whipped cream.

Isabelle decided to introduce herself to the girl.”The more friends I can make in this town, the

better!”she thought. “Hi I’m Isabelle and I just moved here a little over a week ago.” Oh hello,

I'm Rebecca and I’m not new here. I actually saw your family moving in, I live across the street

in the little brown house. “Cool,” responded Isabelle.

“So how old are you?”Rebecca asked. “I just barely turned sixteen,”Izzy replied. “I’m

turning sixteen in a week.”Stated Rebecca. The two began to get acquainted with each other, and

exchanged phone numbers. “See you around”, said Rebecca.

Rebecca was so excited to finally have a friend because she was very lonely. But before

Isabelle could call a goodbye it was like she had disappeared. Isabelle decided to walk home

early.” I’m home!” She called her parents. “Hi, did you meet any new people?” her mom said.

“Actually I did, I kinda became friends with a girl named Rebecca I saw at the ice cream

place.”Izzy responded.

Over the course of the next few weeks they became good friends, but Izzy was noticing

some weird things about her new friend. She would randomly disappear, and anytime they would

go past the lake she would always seem to be lost in thought. And Izzy had never seen her

parents before and the house always seemed to be deserterted. And the strangest thing of all is

that one of the football players had made fun of her outfit choices, and a few days later he had

drowned in the lake. Rebecca became more and more toxic and possessive over the weeks.
And strangely more and more people kept drowning. And after the police would come to

investigate each one they would see a figure in the distance that then disappeared. At school they

had water safety lessons, but still people kept drowning or were now disappearing. Isabelle was

an only child and had nobody to worry about except herself and her parents. On Tuesday before

school started Rebecca invited Izzy to go to the lake with her. “Sure but do you think we will be

safe?”said Isabelle.

We will be fine. she insisted. That afternoon after school she told her mom that she was

going to hang out with Rebecca. “Be safe, I love you!” her mom said. “Love you too mom, bye

see you later!” Said Izzy. She walked to Rebecca’s house and waved. “Hi”, she said, “Hi”, Izzy

replied.They walked down to the beach and, Rebecca laid out a towel.

I have some stuff to tell you she said.”Ok what is it?” Isabelle responded. “Did you

know that in 2002 this month there was a boating accident. That killed an entire family of

five?”No, I didn't know how old were the people in the family?” Asked Izzy. Well there was a

mom, dad, two twin boys around the age of ten and a girl who had just turned sixteen a few

weeks previous. Stated Rebeeca in a voice that told Izzy that had shared this information quite a

few times.

“Let’s go sit on the dock,” said Rebecca. Isabelle agreed and they sat on the dock.

Rebecca said.`And Ever since that awful day in 2002 I have been so lonely but now that you’re

here…”Izzy stood up and said, Wait did you die in that boating accident? “Yes' ' responded

Rebecca. “Wait so you must be the one who drowned all those people!” Rebacca stood up and

put a finger over her mouth to shush her and as she pushed her she said, “I can’t be alone forever

you know.” The phone was ringing at the white residence. Mrs.White picked up the phone, “I’m

so sorry” said the operator.

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