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Penelope Banta

3rd Hour
Journal 7

Halloween season was among the many people in the small town of Lakewood. Mothers

excitedly put up their spooky decorations, and children shopped for costumes for the chilly

Halloween night. Ryan went shopping with his mom at the Lakewood Mall, and all he could

think about was how cool he was going to look on Halloween night.

The shelves were lined with costumes galore. Ryan was taken away from all the

costumes, but it didn’t last long. His mom gave him a budget, and he wasn’t too happy about

that. He searched all of the costumes, but the only one that was under the budget was an ugly

wolf costume for kids. Now that Ryan was 13, he needed to look cool for his first Halloween as

a teenager. He was thinking of being Deadpool or Spiderman, but the cool costumes cost over


His mom came back and saw that he was staring blankly at the costumes. Ryan frowned

and looked at his mom holding up the ugly costume.

“This is the only one under $50.” His mom looked at it in concern and looked back at the

costumes. The prices looked higher from last halloween, but Ryan’s mom smiled, looked at

Ryan, and said,

“Buy with one you like the most, and we can go get candy too.” Ryan smiled and picked

out the Deadpool costume and led him and his mom to the candy aisle.

The candy aisle was filled with rainbow colors and the sweet smell of sugar and citrice.

Ryan smiled and ran down the aisle with joy. He looked at the rows and found a big bag of

candy filled with taffy and sweet tarts.

He smiled and grabbed three bags of candy. His mom looked at him with concern and


“Do you really need all that candy?” Ryan looked at her like she came from another

planet. He looked down and shook his head.

“Do you really need to ask?” His mom shook her head and laughed.

“You're right, why would I EVER ask a question like that,” she laughed and looked at

the full cart with a smile on her face.

“Ryan, let's go, that's enough candy to last us a couple years.” Ryan laughed and walked

out of the store with his mom, feeling like a kid again.

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