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David Dick: Hi dear .

How are you doing i am so glad that you add me thanks for you
add i write you and e-mail did you got my latter i send to your e-mail
Nicky: Yes but I did read it yet
Nicky: you are welcome
David Dick: Thank you
David Dick: I am so glad that i can talk to you
David Dick: Its really nice meeting you
Nicky: The same for me too
David Dick: I am David
David Dick: what is your name ?
Nicky: I am Rhenee
David Dick: Awwwwww wow you have a nice beautiful name smile
Nicky: thank you
David Dick: Am from Virginia.I live in Va Beach
David Dick: So tell me where are you from ?
Nicky: I am from of North of Canada but i live in Gatineau Quebec
David Dick: Ok cool
David Dick: Nice
David Dick: I am okay with the Distance
David Dick: So tell me do you mind the Distance ??
Nicky: No i dont mind
David Dick: Ok that is so nice
David Dick: Well Distance is not the problem to me what matters is the heart of a
woman because no matter the distance or miles away love has no where to hide as i
am willing to relocate for love i am willing to relocate for that special one i
have faith in the lord God in heaven
Nicky: That is very nice of you
David Dick: Thank you
Nicky: and I belive in god too
David Dick: Yes me too i believe in god ..he is my number one he come first in
anything i do
Nicky: Me too and He guide me every day
David Dick: Yes
David Dick: I am Peter am 50 years old am 5.9 i have two sons
David Dick: I am a Widowed
David Dick: And you ?
Nicky: I am Rhenee am 47 yrs old i have a daughter she is 25 yrs old and a son he
is 24 yrs old
Nicky: Iam single
David Dick: Oh that is so nice
David Dick: i am so proud of you
David Dick: Come on you are so lucky
David Dick: God gave me one but i do not mind having 100 kids more LOL
Nicky: ok lol
David Dick: One thing you really need to know about me i am a man that love
chilldren in this world i love and respect them i am willing to love and accept my
soul mate kids
Nicky: that is the same for me here
David Dick: Ok
Nicky: I love kids too they are the future
David Dick: Yes
Nicky: in this world
David Dick: Can i ask you a Question ??
Nicky: yes
Nicky: plz sak
Nicky: sak
Nicky: ask
David Dick: So tell me why do you join the dating site ??
Nicky: I was looking for someone special that why i join the dating site
David Dick: Yes me too
David Dick: Same here
David Dick: I am looking for the same thing
David Dick: I am new on the dating site i join the dating site because i thought
its the best way to meet someone since i do not go to bars and clubs
David Dick: I am on there trying to locate my soul mate
David Dick: finding true love
David Dick: Just that i have never been so lucky to find that special one but i do
pray to the lord God for the search of a real soul mate
Nicky: Me too i am not a person who like bars or cluds
David Dick: I see that in you i see the innocent woman in you
Nicky: I am trying to fund my soul mate and fund my true love too
David Dick: Ok
David Dick: So tell me what are you looking for in a man ???
Nicky: I am looking in a man trust ,honestly,understanding ,a good lisener
Nicky: someone who I will be happy with
Nicky: and enjoy life
David Dick: Yes me too i am looking for same thing in a man
David Dick: All i am looking for is an honest and sincere woman that love the lord
and a woman that love children in this world
David Dick: All i am looking for is true love a love that will last long forever
Nicky: Me too the same here
David Dick: All i am looking for and pray to God about is a woman is a woman that
will love me for me a woman that know what she really want in a man a woman that
will love me till the end of time a woman that i will love and respect much as a
love and respect the lord a woman that i will grow old with a woman that we will
share all the good times and bad times a woman that i will be happy together with
Nicky: I am looking for the same thing too love and respect the man I am with
David Dick: Yes
David Dick: Trust & honesty are very important to me. I like being told the whole
truth, even if it hurts. No exaggerations, stretching or own versions. It�s a
gift that I give it freely and I expect the same in return. Without it there is no
relationship or friendship
Nicky: Trust ,honesty,understanding this is the key to a good relationship
Nicky: Me too Ilike to being told the truth no matter if it hurt
David Dick: What am I looking for...someone that will respect me and my daughter,
want to hold my hand at the end of a long day, someone to be there for me as I am
for her, sharing our lives, to talk with, to laugh with and to love
Nicky: I am looking for someone who will respect me and dont try to change me love
me like i am and to be there when I need him
Nicky: and dont play head games
David Dick: Someone that wants to be a part of the things I do & vise-versa,
however, also need to respect, trust and be supportive of each others individuality
as well.i want to feel safe, trusted, loved even with all my faults. Loving someone
so much that I ache inside from missing her when she isn�t beside me i hate to play
Nicky: and share everthing in life with
David Dick: Yes me too
Nicky: yes the same here
David Dick: I want to be able to share openly about anything with that person and
know that she won�t judge or criticize me. Someone who will be there to listen to
me, no matter the time, and share/talk about his life with me.someone that I know
that I can turn to when I�m alone, lonely, hurting, confused or sad
Nicky: It the same for me someone who will be there for me if I want to talk
because I am hurt ,sad,or happy too
David Dick: Yes that is what i want
Nicky: someone who will understand me
David Dick: And i always pray to God for a real woman
David Dick: A woman with a good heart
Nicky: I pray God too He know my needs and I know He will ptu someone on my way in
David Dick: Someone who can put a smile on my face when I feel like crying or hold
me and comfort me or just be there when I need them the most; even if it means
putting what you want to do aside to be there then.Someone that I can sit in
silence with and be content
David Dick: Yes
Nicky: Someone who I can turn too anytime I am in need
Nicky: sad or happy
David Dick: Yes me too
David Dick: My God you sounds so nice and so good to be true so tell me why are you
still single i guess the men out there eyes are all blind
Nicky: Because I never find the someone special yet for me
David Dick: Because sometimes i do not know why the men keep breaking the women
heart when they rightfully know woman are Gift from the lord and they need to be
loved and be taking good care off
David Dick: Yes me too i wait because i am still waiting for God in heaven to give
me the right woman from heaven
Nicky: Me too
Nicky: I am been hurt before and now I am careful now that why I am single now
David Dick: I see ..You just have to leave everything to God and put your search
for a real man in his arms
David Dick: like i said the lord God come first in anything i do
Nicky: Me too it so important for me
Nicky: He is my guide in life
Nicky: for me
David Dick: Yes ...I love the lord
David Dick: So tell me more about you ??
Nicky: For living I am a nurse aid
David Dick: Nice
Nicky: I am someone who like to take a work in the park or in the wood
Nicky: Ilike nuture very much
Nicky: nature
David Dick: Uhmm that is so nice me too you sounds sweet
Nicky: I like little thing in life
David Dick: I am a Pilot .Commercial .I fly for the Company
I fly for the Construction company in Virginia
Nicky: I like fising
David Dick: Me too
David Dick: I like my Job as a Pilot
David Dick: Because it give me time and attention for my family
Nicky: I like my job too because I help people every day to be fine and happy
David Dick: Ok
David Dick: So tell me have you met or date any man online on the internet ??
Nicky: no not yet
David Dick: Ok
Nicky: and you
David Dick: Well i have meet a woman on here since i join this site she is not
really serious about what she is looking for in a relationship all she want is sex
and fun online and i am not into that because i am a man that love and respect the
lord God
Nicky: Oh ok
David Dick: Yes
David Dick: One thing you really need to know about me I am a God fearing hearted
man with trust love and care i am an honest man with a sincere heart i am here
trying to locate my soul mate seeking and searching for a serious relationship that
will ever leads to marriage i am not here for games playing or drama
Nicky: That is the same for me too I want someone serious in my life now
David Dick: Yes me too ..I want true love i am tire of being alone
David Dick: i have a Good Heart, Generous, Lively, Friendly, Romantic, Honest, Easy
going, Faithful, Sophisticated, Patient,i have blue blonde hair, Talkative,
Intelligent, Social, Sexy, Sincere, Funny, Good Mixer, Open Minded and Sense of
Nicky: That is very good
David Dick: Thank you
Nicky: you are welcome
David Dick: Please !!! ..Lets get to know more about our self because i believe in
team work as a couples
David Dick: Lets pray to God about us ....Because we need the lord to see us true
David Dick: He knows our needs that is why he make us met
Nicky: that is true
David Dick: If there is anything you would like to know about me do not fail to ask
me okay ???
Nicky: Okay
Nicky: how long are you alone
David Dick: I have been single since 3 years now since my wife died she died of
cancer .Cancer in the brain ever since she died i have been single
Nicky: Oh sorry to hear that
David Dick: Thank you ..
David Dick: And you too ??
David Dick: What happen
Nicky: I am single since my daughter was 2 yrs old
David Dick: My God ..That has really been a long time now
Nicky: because the father of my kids had cheat on me and he told me to keep the
kids because he do want they
David Dick: My God ...So heartless of his own kids
Nicky: and I was so hurt
Nicky: yes
David Dick: Like i said dont know why the men keep breaking the women heart maybe
because they are not God fearing men
David Dick: And women
Nicky: And i rise my kids alone since then
David Dick: You are ..Great ..Thank You
Nicky: Thank you to saying that
David Dick: So tell me what do you do for fun ??
Nicky: I like to go fishing and to go the cinema like camping and like to do
something outdoors
David Dick: Nice
David Dick: i love skidooing, trailriding, ice fishing, spending time at the cabin,
love to hang out with my friends,i like dancing and
partying.......reading..watching tv......and i love going to the beach and to the
movie i love going for a long walk i love to cuddle i love the candle light i love
Motorcycling i would love to have someone to snuggle with
Nicky: Me too I would like that
David Dick: Ok
Nicky: I am romantic too
Nicky: love to cook for that special someone and take a walk after dinner to hold
Nicky: and to talk of each other
Nicky: to laugh a
David Dick: You are so sweet
David Dick: I dream of all that
Nicky: thank you
Nicky: Really
David Dick: You really make me happy thank for the nice and beautiful conversaction
I LIKE YOU Please i do not wanna ever missed chatting with you because i will hate
missing you please if there is anything you want to know about me you can ask okay
because we are still getting to know more about our self lets get serious and
commited to each other lets pray to God about us please
Nicky: okay
Nicky: I will ask you if I need to know somethig
David Dick: Yes thank you
David Dick: So can you send me a picture of you so i can have in my e-mail and save
in my company ?
David Dick: And i will reply back with mine okay
Nicky: Yes I will sent you my picture
David Dick: Now ?
Nicky: ok
Nicky: wait
David Dick:
Nicky: brb
David Dick: Ok
David Dick: Ok i got it ..I will check now and reply back with mine
Nicky: I sent it to you do you get it
Nicky: ok
David Dick: Awwwwwww wow you never told me i have been talking to an angel because
you look so beautiful you look so much like a Queen
David Dick: You are really an Angel
David Dick: Where have you been ??
Nicky: I was here all the time
Nicky: lol
David Dick: Yes its true
Nicky: you like it
Nicky: really
David Dick: Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Nicky: thank you
David Dick: Ok i sent you mine already
David Dick: I sent you a picture of me and my little daughter cherryl
Nicky: ok late me check okay
David Dick: okBookmark

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