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Title: My Journey as an Immigrant in Japan

Moving to a foreign country can be both exciting and challenging. As a junior high school grade
two immigrant in Japan, my journey has been filled with new experiences, cultural differences,
and personal growth. In this talk, I will share some of the highlights and difficulties I faced while
adapting to life in Japan.
When I first arrived in Japan, everything seemed so different from my home country. The
language, the food, and the customs were all new to me, and it was a little overwhelming. One of
the biggest challenges was the language barrier. I couldn't understand Japanese, and it was hard
to communicate with the local people and make friends.
To overcome the language barrier, I decided to learn Japanese. It wasn't easy, but I attended
language classes and practiced with my classmates. Slowly, I started to understand and speak
basic Japanese. Learning the language helped me make friends and connect with the local
community. I also shared my own culture with my new friends, and they were curious to learn
about where I came from. It was a beautiful exchange of ideas and traditions.
Living in a new country came with its fair share of challenges. Sometimes, I felt homesick and
missed my relatives and friends back home. There were moments when I faced prejudice or felt
like an outsider because I was different. However, with the support of my family and newfound
friends, I learned to cope with these challenges and stay positive.
As time went on, I began to feel more at home in Japan. I made strong friendships with local
students who accepted me for who I am. The school activities, festivals, and cultural events
allowed me to feel like a part of the community. I also learned a lot about Japanese traditions,
like the tea ceremony and the significance of cherry blossoms.
Being an immigrant in Japan has been a transformative experience for me. I have grown as a
person, learned a new language, and gained a deeper appreciation for different cultures. Despite
the challenges, I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had in Japan. I look
forward to continuing my journey here and building more meaningful connections with the
people around me. As a junior high school grade two student, I know that there is still so much
more to explore and learn, and I am excited about the adventures that lie ahead.

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