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Form 4 Paper 2



(i) The use of 'us' in line 1 refers to God, (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). 3 marks

(ii) God established a relationship of dominion or rule between human beings and the rest of creation. 1

(iii) God created the fish of the sea, birds of the air, livestock, and every creeping thing that creeps upon
the Earth. 4 Marks

(iv) To be a helpmate because God said it is not good for Man to be alone. 2 marks


(i) Being "created in the image and likeness of God" means that humans possess qualities reflecting
God's nature, including moral, intellectual, and relational capacities. 4 marks

(ii) This concept should influence our relationship with God, Self, and others by fostering reverence, self-
worth, and respect, and promoting love, justice, and recognizing the inherent value of every individual. s

 God: This concept should influence our relationship with God by fostering reverence and awe,
recognizing that we are created in God's image. It should inspire us to worship, seek a deeper
understanding of God's character, and align our lives with God's values and purposes. [2 marks]
 Self: This concept should influence our relationship with ourselves by recognizing our inherent
worth and dignity as beings created in God's image. It should promote self-acceptance, self-
respect, and self-care, as well as the pursuit of personal growth and development. [2 marks]
 Others: This concept should influence our relationship with others by recognizing and respecting
the image of God in every individual. It should lead us to treat others with love, compassion, and
fairness, valuing their inherent worth and seeking to promote their well-being. It should inspire
us to build inclusive communities, practice forgiveness, and work for justice and equality. [2

(iii) Providing physical support: Assisting the sick with their physical needs such as ensuring they have
access to medical care, medication, proper nutrition, and a clean and safe environment. [2 marks]

Providing emotional support: Being empathetic, actively listening, and offering comfort and
encouragement to the sick. Showing compassion, understanding, and patience in their emotional
struggles. [2 marks]

Providing spiritual support: Recognizing the spiritual aspect of a person's well-being and offering prayer,
encouragement, and support for their spiritual journey. Respecting and addressing their religious or
spiritual beliefs and needs. [2 marks]
Advocating for their well-being: Speaking up on behalf of the sick, ensuring they receive proper medical
attention, fair treatment, and access to necessary resources. Working to remove barriers that prevent
them from receiving the care and support they need. [2 marks]


From a Christian perspective, Simone should consider:

God's design for human sexuality, emphasizing intimacy and respect within committed marital
relationships. [3 marks]

 Recognizing that God created sexuality as a sacred and intimate expression within the context of
a committed marital relationship.
 Understanding that sexual acts outside of marriage are considered inconsistent with God's
design and can lead to emotional, spiritual, and relational harm.

Treating others with love, dignity, and respect, recognizing value beyond physical appearance. [2 marks]

 Understanding that every person is created in the image of God, deserving of love and respect
regardless of physical appearance.
 Valuing others based on their character, personality, and inherent worth rather than solely on
external beauty or attractiveness.

Standing against objectification and exploitation, advocating for rights, and seeking support. [2 marks]

 Recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of individuals and opposing actions that objectify or
exploit them.
 Encouraging Simone to assert her rights, seek support from trusted individuals or authorities,
and find assistance from organizations promoting justice and human rights.

Finding healing and restoration through God, leaving harmful relationships, and seeking a supportive
Christian community. [3 marks]

 Encouraging Simone to seek healing and restoration through her faith in God, who offers
forgiveness, grace, and the opportunity for personal growth.
 Advising Simone to distance herself from harmful relationships that do not align with Christian
values and to find a supportive Christian community that can provide guidance, accountability,
and a safe environment for growth.
2. (a)

(i) A person's sinful action resulted in his or her death. [5 marks]

 The story of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5): Ananias and Sapphira sold a piece of property but
lied about the amount they received, claiming to give the full proceeds to the early Christian
community. As a result of their deceit, both Ananias and Sapphira fell dead when confronted by
the apostle Peter.
 The story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis, where their disobedience to God's command
not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil resulted in their expulsion from the
Garden of Eden and eventual mortality.


 The story of Moses and the plagues (Exodus 7-12): Pharaoh's refusal to release the Israelites
from slavery in Egypt led to a series of ten plagues, including water turning into blood, swarms
of frogs, and the devastation of crops by locusts and hail. These plagues not only affected the
people but also had severe environmental consequences, bringing destruction and disruption to
the land.
 The story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis, their disobedience led to the earth being


(i) Faith in Jesus as the Son of God: Jesus stated in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that
he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Salvation begins with faith in Jesus as the Son of God, recognizing Him as the Saviour and placing trust in
Him for forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

Embracing God's love and grace: John 3:16 emphasizes God's love for the world and His
sacrificial gift of Jesus. Salvation is experienced by accepting and embracing God's love and grace
extended through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. It involves acknowledging one's need for a Saviour and
receiving the forgiveness and salvation that God freely offers.

Surrendering to Jesus as Lord: Salvation goes beyond intellectual belief; it involves surrendering
one's life to Jesus as Lord. This means submitting to His authority, seeking to follow His teachings, and
allowing His transformative work in one's life through the power of the Holy Spirit. It includes a
willingness to turn away from a life of sin and to walk in obedience to God's commands.


o The story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32): In this parable, a young man squandered
his inheritance through reckless living and found himself in a state of deep shame and
guilt. However, when he returned to his father in repentance, seeking forgiveness, his
father embraced him with love and joy, symbolizing the release from guilt and shame.
The father's unconditional acceptance and forgiveness brought restoration and freedom
from the burden of guilt.


o The story of Peter's denial and restoration (Matthew 26:69-75; John 21:15-19): After
Jesus' arrest, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, succumbing to fear and shame.
However, after Jesus' resurrection, He sought out Peter and restored him. Through their
conversation, Jesus affirmed Peter's love and commission, washing away his guilt and
shame. Peter went on to become a significant leader in the early Christian community,
experiencing forgiveness and freedom from guilt.


o The story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11): The religious leaders brought a
woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus, seeking to trap Him. Instead, Jesus
responded with mercy and forgiveness, challenging the accusers to examine their own
sinfulness. Jesus declared, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no
more," granting her release from guilt and shame. This encounter demonstrated Jesus'
willingness to forgive and restore, offering liberation from the weight of sin.

(c) Dear friend,

I understand that being a teenager can be confusing when you receive conflicting advice from your
parents and friends. It can feel like everyone wants you to do something different, making it difficult to
know what to do. However, I want to offer you some guidance based on the biblical teachings about
salvation, which can help you navigate this situation.

Recognize God's Love and Guidance:

In the Bible, it is emphasized that God loves you and wants what is best for you. He works through Jesus
Christ to bring deliverance and freedom from the bondage of sin. This shows that God's guidance is
rooted in love and a desire for your well-being. (John 3:16-18)

Seek Salvation through Faith in Christ:

The Bible teaches that salvation is available to all through faith in Jesus Christ. This means that by
believing in Him and following His teachings, you can experience true freedom and find guidance in
making the right choices. (Acts 4:1-12; John 3:6)
Repentance and Forgiveness:

When you make mistakes or face conflicting advice, it is important to acknowledge them and seek
forgiveness. The Bible teaches that through repentance, we can receive forgiveness and reconciliation
with God. This process allows us to grow and move forward. (Luke 7:35-50; Acts 2:37-39)

Live in Accordance with Christ's Teachings:

To navigate conflicting advice, focus on living according to the teachings of Christ. This involves loving
others, treating them with kindness and respect, and making choices that align with godly values. By
doing so, you can find clarity and make decisions that honor both your parents and your friends. (John

Remember, it's natural to receive different perspectives from those around you. Seek wisdom from
God's Word through prayer and study, and ask for guidance from trusted mentors or spiritual leaders
who can provide biblical insights. Ultimately, God's love and grace will guide you through the confusion
and help you make choices that align with His will.

May you find peace and wisdom as you navigate these conflicting expectations.


[Your Name]

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