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Supply the needed information of your Religious Involvement (see the given
a. Type of Religious activity: Sunday Service
b. Date and time: February 06, 2022 10:00-12:00 PM
c. Means of Participation: Actual
d. Where or which platform? KEYS OF KINGDOM MINISTRIES-LIFE IN THE
2. Answer the reflection questions/guides.

God meets his people where they are.  Sinfulness isn’t a stumbling block
to following God’s call.  We simply go deeper, beyond our sinfulness and
selfishness to hear God call each of us to discipleship.  In spite of our objections,
God gently and persistently says to each of us, “You’re still the one I want.”
1.  Complete the following statements:

I hear God’s calling me to discipleship.

Three excuses for not accepting God’s call are being terrified, the prospect of
being pushed back, and the fact that humans are the issue with the following
justification/s (for each)
Fear isn't necessarily a bad thing. Fear is built into our system for a variety of
reasons, including keeping us safe in harmful situations. When we talk of fear in a
spiritual context, we usually mean that we will choose the route of least resistance
and avoid circumstances that make us feel uneasy.
It might be difficult to persuade people to change. We are all prone to get set in
our ways, and anyone who forces us to step outside of our comfort zone may be
regarded with hatred. Moses was aware that he would be speaking to a group of
individuals who were dissatisfied and disillusioned, and he was not looking
forward to dealing with their possible lack of excitement upon his arrival.
God invites us to make a difference in the lives of others, yet the word "others"
often throw us off. Whether it's an unpleasant coworker, an obstinate friend, or a
bothersome family, it's always simpler to focus on a person's flaws, no matter how
obvious they are, than it is to see past them and find a solution.

In the first reading (Isa 6:1-2a, 3-8), Isaiah has a very intense vision in which
an angel burns his lips with an ember from holy fire to purify them (as he
claims that he is doomed).  This visceral experience is physical and shocking. 
Can you imagine how overwhelming it would be not only to see a vision of God
in heaven with the angels, but to have one of them burn your lips with fire?  This
certainly gives new meaning to the phrase “word on fire.”
2.  If an angel handed you an ember and told you to purge one sinful tendency
from your life, what would you choose? How important it is that you need to purge
that sinful tendency from your life?  (Explain  in not less than 5 sentences).
If I had to eliminate a sin from my life, I would eliminate the instances when I
disrespected my parents. It is critical for me to eliminate that evil propensity from
my life since it is my obligation to honor my parents. My parents are the only
people who will always adore me. My parents have always given me all I have
asked for when I was a youngster. Every parent in the world will always support
his or her child, no matter what. Aside from bringing me into the world, my parents
put in time, energy, and effort to ensure that my needs and desires are addressed.
Showing them that I appreciate their work indicates my regard for them.

How do we respond to God’s generosity? In both the first reading (Isa 6:1-2a, 3-

8), and the gospel (Luke 5:1-11) Isaiah and Peter respond in fear and trepidation
when they see God’s marvelous works.  Isaiah shouts “Woe to me, I am doomed!”
and Peter exclaims, “Depart from me, Lord for I am a sinful man.”  After some
time, however, their attitudes shift.  Isaiah and Peter change from hesitancy to
doing the work of God because of their own shortcomings to acknowledging the
power of God and their willingness to participate in it.  Isaiah says, “Here I am,
send me.”  And Luke writes that Peter “left everything and followed him.”

3.  In what circumstances in your life do you respond to God’s call to discipleship

with the way Isaiah did, “Here I am, send me.”?  (Elaborate in not less than
five  sentences).  What are you willing, like Peter to leave to follow
him (Jesus)? (Explain in not less than five sentences).
I reacted to God's call to discipleship in the same way that Isaiah did by
volunteering at donation programs in our neighborhood. Volunteering provides me
with a feeling of purpose. The sense of fulfillment that comes from giving back and
contributing to society is unsurpassed. Giving back is also a fantastic method for
me to get to know our town and its people. I have the opportunity to meet a lot of
new individuals when I volunteer. Working with others who care about improving
their environment will help me to expand my social circle.
I am willing to give up everything in order to follow Jesus. It means forsaking
my sins and following Jesus. It implies that I deny myself, repent of my sins, and
submit my entire life to Jesus Christ. I renounce my own self-control, and I put
aside all my sins, and I come to Jesus humbly, asking Him to mercifully save and
pardon me. This implies that I set aside my own will in order to accomplish God's
will; I am prepared to refuse my ideas, plans, wants, likes, dislikes, activities, and
so on as He directs in order to follow Him.

At the dawn of the third millennium, John Paul II reminded of this section in Luke’s
gospel:  “Duc in altum!” A Latin phrase translated to English as, “Cast out into
the deep!” These words ring out for us today, and they invite us to remember the
past with gratitude, to live the present with enthusiasm, and to look out to the
future with confidence: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever”
(Heb 13:8).

1.  Compose/create/write an acrostic poem about your commitment to discipleship

(being sent like Isaiah and following like Peter) using the phrase “Duc in
altum!” Set it in an  appropriate background. Be creative.
2.  Compose/create  a contemporary “haiku” with the theme on conversion or
change in attitude (like those of Isaiah and Peter).  Set it in an appropriate
background. Be  creative.

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