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Максименко О.

Слово: Транскрипція: Переклад:
1. convergence [kənˈvɜːdʒ] конвергенція
2. breakthroughs [ˈbreɪk.θruː] прориви
3. simultaneously [ˌsɪmlˈteɪniəsli] одночасно

4. leasing [liːsing] лізинг

5. briefcase [ˈbriːf.keɪs] портфель

6. tailored [ˈteɪ.ləd] з урахуванням

7. bandwidth [ˈbænd.wɪtθ] пропускна здатність

8.facilities [fəˈsɪl.ɪ.ties] споруди

9. cramped [kræmpt] тісно

10. interrelated [ˌɪn.tə.rɪˈleɪted] взаємопов'язані

11. pitfall [ˈpɪt.fɔːl] підводний камінь

12. kernel [ˈkɜː.nəl] ядро

13. implement [ˈɪm.plɪ.ment] здійснити

14. manage [ˈmænɪdʒ] керувати

15. appropriate [əˈprəʊpriət] відповідний

1.Technology convergence and underpinning technologies have been key drivers of

innovation, especially in the past 20 years.
2. Real breakthroughs are usually the result of a lengthy process.
3. These two bodies cannot address the same question simultaneously.
4. This includes the leasing of two buildings for office space and accommodation for
both military and civilian staff.
5. This briefcase is bugged and rigged to my command.
6. It further allows for a tailored approach to the planning of future actions and
facilitates the reporting on the Convention's implementation.
7. The bandwidth of the kernel is a free parameter which exhibits a strong influence
on the resulting estimate.
8. Indeed, nuclear facilities continue to exist in the region, facilities not subject to the
full-scope safeguards system.
9. It'll be cramped, but safer than going on the walkways.
10. The interrelated approach set out below is aimed at ensuring an effective
integration of capacity-building into each of the work programme deliverables.
11. The final pitfall is excessively rapid depletion of oil or mineral deposits, in
violation of optimal rates of saving, let alone environmental preservation.
12. The bandwidth of the kernel is a free parameter which exhibits a strong influence
on the resulting estimate.
13. Recommendations comprising large areas of expertise or many actors usually took
a longer time to implement.
14. To manage migration appropriately at the global level required consistent and
complete policies.
15. The synergetic use of both tools again requires appropriate Government
structures and internal coordination.

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