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Unit 2 Study Guide: Middle East History & Government

Directions: Use the Unit 2: History of the Middle East Resources and Interactive Resources page to answer the
following questions.

1. What TWO countries received the MOST land after partitioning the Ottoman Empire after WWI?

2. Label each description as either Sunni Muslims or Shia Muslims:

 Majority of the population of Saudi Arabia ____________________________
 Islamic leader is selected by Muslims ___________________________
 Majority of the population of Iran ___________________________
 Islamic leader is descendent of Muhammad __________________

3. The mistreatment, prejudice, discrimination, and persecution of Jewish people is known as

4. Define the following terms:

 Balfour Declaration
 Osama biin Laden
 Zionism
 Partition

5. Which leader invaded the country of Kuwait in 1990 in order to control their oil supply and gave greater access
to the Persian Guld?

6. What was the movement by Jewish people and supporters to create a Jewish state (country) in Palestine/
Israel in order to protect Jewish people and culture?

7. What was Great Britain’s intention issuing The Balfour Declaration during WWI?
 The Kurds continue to fight for independence in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran
 Jews and Arabs fight over control of their Holy lands in Palestine (modern day Israel)
 Rival Sunni and Shia Muslims were merged together in Iraq
 Arabs and Unnis from Saudi Arabia continue to wage proxy wars against Persians and Shias in
Circle the BEST title for the outline notes above?
 "Conflicts in the Middle East caused by global terrorism"
 "Conflicts in the Middle East caused by Europeans partitioning the Ottoman Empire"
 "Conflicts in the Middle East caused by American interest for oil"
 "Conflicts in the Middle East caused by the German Holocaust"

8. “Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that
time the Canaanites were in the land. The LORD appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your offspring I
will give this land.’ So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him.” - Genesis
12:6 -7
How does this source relate to the establishment of modern Israel by the Jews?
9. Place the following events in chronological order, Most recent event is (1) and so on.
 Ottoman Empire is partitioned into French and British controlled territories or mandates.
 The United States invades Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban and capture Osama bin Laden.
 Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait for oil.
 Osama bin Laden carries out 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks.
 The United Nations Partition Plan divides Israel and Palestine for Jews and Arabs.
 The United States invades Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein over suspicion of weapons of mass

10. How did Arabs respond to the creation of a Jewish state (Israel) in Palestine?

11. Who was the leader of the terrorist group al- Qaeda, part of the Taliban?

12. Who was responsible for September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon?

13. Who was captured and killed by US Navy SEALS on May 2nd, 2011?

14. Who was captured by US Soldiers, and executed after his trial in Iraq?

15. Who invaded Kuwait for their oil reserves which caused the Persian Gulf War?

16. Who was the Dictator of Iraq suspected of hiding weapons of mass destruction?

17. What country did the US invade in 2003 to search for weapons of mass destruction and capture
Saddam Hussein?

18. Why did the United States Invade Iraq in 2003 despite opposition from the United Nations
Security Council?

19. What was the result (outcome) of Operation Iraqi Freedom?

20. What is the major difference between Al Qaeda and the Taliban?

21. List 3 reasons the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001?

22. Who (what group) controls the majority of the West Bank?

23. Who in the person who was the leader of the al- Qaeda terrorist network and responsible for the
9/11 attacks on the US?

24. Why did Saddam Hussein send Iraq's military to invade Kuwait in 1990?

25. How did Zionism play a role in the creation of Israel as a Jewish state?

26. Which year saw the largest numbers of Jewish immigrants move to Palestine?

27. List 3 conflicts that were created by the partitioning of the Middle East after the breakup of the
Ottoman Empire.

28. Summarize the conflict between the Arabs and Jews over land and religion.
29. Explain Kurdish Nationalism?

30. What are some unique facts about the Kurdish people?

31. Which 4 countries have the highest population of Kurdish people?

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