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SYAR 7th National Negotiation Competition

Confidential Information for Requesting Party (Ranveer)

Alternative Dispute Resolution Society, NLU Nagpur

The global epidemic of MOVID-19 has significantly impacted consumer habits, with fledgling
box office numbers, and reduced productions. Mr. Ranveer, a young up-and-coming actor who
has entered the rank of A-listers, is no exception to this. A series of OTT platform deals he
entered into have fallen through and heightened anxiety of possibly being labelled as “spoilt for
choice” or “fallen from grace” by tabloids has rendered him sleepless.

Even though he is a major celebrity, the acting business necessitates that a star maintains some
connection to the public, thus he is actively seeking assignments that will allow him to develop a
multifaceted image. Concerned about the state of the market and the dearth of projects in hand
and being offered across the industry, he wishes to diversify his sources of income, including
entering the lucrative arena of brand ambassadorship. Being a Bollywood celebrity necessitates
being conscious of the competition, and to survive in this business, he must be on par with his
contemporaries, who have successfully become brand ambassadors across industries.

While he is worried that there exist alternatives, he wants to negotiate for 2 crores as endorsing a
relatively unknown brand like New Heights requires his star power. In addition to that, Ranveer,
after consultation with his financial team, believes that the market shall be sideways for a short
period of time, and thus, is inclined to continue his relations in the real estate business either
through endorsement as per his previous requirements or equity holding of 5%, which is

Furthermore, the other endorsement offers for deodorants and Chin Lungs’ Chinese held by
him are long-term, unlike the endorsement period offered by New Heights, but are starting at a
later stage. Ranveer needs the exclusive right to endorse the Real Estate category, as deemed
suitable for Ranveer’s image, for any construction by Ramesh Builders for at least 2 years in the
South Delhi region.

Drafted by Shloka Sharma and Ananya Srivastava

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