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Present Simple vs.

Present Continuous Tense

A significant difference between these two tenses is we use the simple present tense for
things that are permanent or are in general and the present continuous tense for things
that may change or are temporary.

Permanent Temporary

Simon lives in Simon is living with his friends for

Birmingham. now.

James works at a bank. James is working at home today.

We walk to work. We're walking in the park.

I speak English. I am speaking English right now.

Verbs that we don't use in the Present Continuous Tense

Another difference is that there are some verbs in English that we don't use in the present
continuos tense. We do not use the present continuous tense with state or stative. These
1. Verbs of opinion and thought:
Believe, think, know, think, consider, agree, disagree, suppose, doubt, guess,
imagine, recognize, remember, suspect, understand.
2. Verbs of emotions
Feel, hate, like, dislike, prefer, love…
3. Verbs the senses and perception
See, smell, feel, seem, appear...
4. Verbs of possession
Own, belong, have, possess...
5. Verbs that describe intrinsic states or qualities
Weigh, measure, cost, exist...
Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form
of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.

1. She _________________(run) because she's late for her lesson.

2. Our teacher always _________________(give) us lots of homework.

3. We __________________ (not want) to go to the concert.

4. What time ______________________(you / meet) Pete tomorrow?

5. I ____________________(not work) today. I'm on holiday.

6. People ____________________(speak) English in Jamaica.

7. Archie ____________________(not use) his computer at the moment.

8. ____________________ (Tony / live) near the park?

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