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Resume Writing Tips You Should Know

1. Use the Action = Results Formula

Content is imperative! Specifics that demonstrate your abilities, accomplishments, and past experiences are crucial to
making your resumé stand out. A beautifully designed resumé that lacks substance will not get an interview. Carefully
analyze your background and highlight the necessary information required to successfully do the job. Stress the
action and then be sure to follow it up with the result of that action, such as "Managed the entire financial
restructuring of two subsidiaries, the results decreased staff & overhead, saving $550,000 annually."

2. Visually Appealing

The appearance of the resumé cannot be overemphasized! It should catch the eye. Watch for spacing and margins.
Allow for lots of WHITE SPACE and BORDERS. Make use of italicizing, Capitals, underlining, bolding, indentations, and
•bullets• to emphasize important points. Use a computer and get a laser printed copy of your resumé to give it a
sharp, professional look. White or cream, high quality linen or woven paper is recommended.

3. Be Brief, Concise and Use a One Page Format

Employers scan resumés and decide in less than 30 seconds if it's a yes, no, or maybe. No one will read a 4 page
resumé! By focusing on the activities and achievements of the last 5-7 years (presumably the most accomplished part
of your career) you can create a stronger impact with employers and not lose them on earlier jobs that won’t
influence their opinion on whether or not to grant an interview. Be a skillful editor, deleting the portions which are not
relevant or least helpful to your securing that particular position. Strategically, a one page resumé has proven to be
the best.

4. Be Targeted

Employers want specifics of how you can do the job for them. Vague, general resumés that cover many possible job
options often get lost in the competition. Target each resumé to the job title sought. Although you may qualify for
several different positions, it's actually better to create a different resumé for each different job and incorporate only
the information pertinent to doing that specific job title in the resumé. This will alleviate the tendency to crowd your
resumé with too much non-related information. Employers react favorably to related specifics.

5. Use a Summary of Qualifications

This is the most important part of your resumé. The "Summary of Qualifications" section powerfully illustrates the top
selling points that you’d bring to the job, summed up in five to six sentences. 90% of other job candidates don’t
include this, but employers felt this is an ideal way to get noticed - fast.

6. Show Accomplishments

Employers like proof that you can do the job. Be sure to demonstrate results of your work and how your former
employers benefited. Include evidence of your productivity by noting any cost or time savings. Mention any
innovations, changes or actions that show how you actively take on a job and produce desired results.

7. Be Accurate

State your skills, qualifications, and experience as positively as possible without exaggerating or misstating the truth.
Be sure your job responsibilities are adequately described by your job title. Indicate the true level of your abilities.
Also include dates of employment, along with companies you’ve worked for.

8. Use Action Verbs

Descriptive action verbs — such as established, analyzed, implemented, created, streamlined, organized — add power
to your sentences. Start each sentence using an action verb.

9. Proofread

Hands down, this was "numero uno" with every manager and HR person in our survey - they hate spelling mistakes
and typos. Many said: "I stop reading when I find spelling mistakes." Employers felt that typos scream, "don’t hire
me", reflecting the poor quality of work they can expect from you. And many noted that they had seen mistakes even
from the highest level executives. Proofread! Don’t trust computer spell checkers. Read every word to be sure it is
correct. Perfection is necessary to remain competitive.

10. Don't Include Personal Statistics or References Tagline

It is no longer considered professional or wise to include information about marital status, gender, height, weight, or
health on your resumé. This information violates discrimination laws and most organizations are pleased that you did
not include it.

Employers know you'll provide references if they request them, therefore it is not necessary to put "References upon
request" at the end of your resumé.

11. The Final Test

Be sure that your resumé answers these questions: Does it clearly and quickly communicate to employers that you
can do the job? Do your strengths come across? Does everything support the job you are targeting? Should anything
be removed? Does it really sell my skills? Keep working on it until the answers are all YES.

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