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Design of Outlet Control Structures for Ecological Detention Ponds

Article in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management · February 2014

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000266

11 423

2 authors:

John Thomas Mobley Teresa B Culver

Paul Duke STEM High School, Norcross, GA University of Virginia


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Design of Outlet Control Structures
for Ecological Detention Ponds
John T. Mobley 1 and Teresa B. Culver, A.M.ASCE 2

Abstract: Through a simulation modeling approach, this paper seeks to modify the design of detention ponds to preserve the natural
ecological flows while satisfying the requisite regulatory flow requirements. This paper will utilize an innovative ecological flow paradigm:
the ecoflow statistics. The ecoflow statistics consist of nine hydrological flow statistics that have been shown to be particularly relevant
to ecological quality. The statistics include annual and seasonal ecodeficits and ecosurplus, calculated using median annual and seasonal
flow duration curves, and the total seasonal ecochange. A new metric called the ecodifference is defined as the weighted sum of the nine
ecoflow statistics and represents the hydrologic alteration in the stream. The ecodifference in a receiving stream can be calculated using
the outflow hydrograph from a detention pond hydrologic simulator. A design approach using a hydrologic model, detention pond model,
and the ecodifference metric will be used to design a series of flow controls in a detention pond outlet control structure that reduces the
ecological impact to the stream caused by development while meeting current design regulations. For a case study site, trial designs have
demonstrated that improvements in ecological flows can be achieved while meeting design regulations. By introducing this approach
for ecological detention ponds and then demonstrating its performance, this paper has potential to impact stormwater management design
practice. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000266. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Storm water; Ecological flows; Flow duration curves; Design.

Introduction Current regulations, promulgated at the local and state levels,

have focused on impacts of development, thereby limiting land-
Development in the United States inevitably changes the hydro- scape alterations. For instance, Maryland (Center for Watershed
logic landscape of the country. In most cases, increased urban- Protection and Maryland Department of the Environment 2009)
ization converts pervious areas, such as forest and pasture, into and Virginia [Virginia Department of Environment Quality (VA-
impervious areas, such as roofs, roads, and parking areas. One of DEQ) 2013] are establishing a unified sizing criteria for best man-
the major effects of increased urbanization is the degradation of agement practices (BMPs), geared to satisfy a continuum of
water resources and water quality (U.S. EPA 2001). Increased im- management expectations. Each development site must meet vari-
perviousness from urbanization in a watershed alters the natural ous storm water criteria, such as providing a water quality storage
hydrologic condition within a watershed, resulting in increased volume, a recharge volume, channel protection storage volumes,
volume and rate of surface runoff, decreased groundwater recharge and flood protection. These storage volumes are typically defined
and base flow, and frequent and severe incidents of local flooding with respect to addressing the flows from a limited number of
(Carter 1961; Hall 1984; U.S. EPA 1993; Tang et al. 2005). In ad- storm events of various return periods, T R (such as the 2-, 10-, and
dition, increased imperviousness often leads to decreased water 100-year storm events). Ecological protection is not an explicit
quality in receiving streams (Schueler 1995; Gove et al. 2001), criterion, and the hope is, at best, that the unified approach for
which detrimentally affects the receiving aquatic systems. Beyond BMP design will indirectly also preserve the downstream aquatic
the amount of impervious area on the site, other factors can ecosystems.
have significant implications on the water quality of the receiving Broadly defined, BMPs are techniques, measures, structural
stream. These factors may include the nature of the impervious controls, or policies that are used to prevent or reduce the deg-
areas: connected versus disconnected (Roy and Shuster 2009); radation of runoff water quantity and quality (Urbonas and Stahre
runoff characteristics such as duration, magnitude, and frequency 1993; U.S. EPA 2004) and are often used to mimic natural
(McMahon et al. 2003); soil quality and health (Doran and Zeiss hydrological processes of a stream network (Villarreal et al.
2000); slope and vegetation cover (Carroll et al. 2000); and site 2004). BMPs are commonly incorporated into engineering design
topography (D’Arcy and Carignan 1997). to lessen the impact of development in a watershed. Dry detention
ponds (subsequently simply referred to as detention ponds) are one
of the most commonly used BMPs (U.S. EPA 2006). A detention
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental pond is normally designed for two primary purposes: to attenuate
Engineering, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904. specific return period discharges at a level below predevelopment
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, conditions, and for suspended solids removal, especially due to the
Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904 (corresponding author). first flush phenomena (Sansalone and Cristina 2004).
Municipalities typically fashion peak flow release and water
Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 13, 2012; approved on
July 26, 2012; published online on August 17, 2012. Discussion period quality capture volume (WQCV) criteria to guide detention pond
open until July 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- design. However, these criteria are oriented toward the volume and
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Water Resources Plan- quality of discharged water and do not explicitly account for the
ning and Management, Vol. 140, No. 2, February 1, 2014. © ASCE, ISSN health of in-stream ecosystems (Roesner et al. 2001). For example,
0733-9496/2014/2-250-257/$25.00. detention ponds are effectively used to attenuate peak flows of large

storms, but the slow release of stored water from multiple detention variety of fields, including reservoir operations (Matthews and
ponds distributed throughout a watershed may induce sustained Bao 1991; Suen and Eheart 2006; Vogel et al. 2007; Shiau and
high streamflow conditions that cause ecological damage (Reichold Wu 2010), BMP placement (Edgerly 2006), optimized watershed
et al. 2010). Typical detention pond design criteria do not present development (Reichold et al. 2010), altered flow ecological assess-
an inclusive guide for accommodating the complete set of water ments (Matthews and Bao 1991; Shiau and Wu 2004; Palau and
quantity and quality needs of an ecosystem. Alcázar 2012), and ecological flow policy recommendations
Alternatively, ecological functions can be more intimately inte- (Mathews and Richter 2007).
grated into the storm-water management by incorporating methods,
such as flow frequency curves, that can be used to relate hydrolog-
ical flows to ecological impact. Previous work has evaluated the Flow Duration Curves, Ecoflow Statistics, and
performance, ecological impact (Nehrke and Roesner 2002, 2004), Ecodifference Metric
and erosion potential (Rohrer and Roesner 2006; Pomeroy et al.
2008) resulting from urban storm-water systems by comparing On the basis of more than 100 literature references, five features of
the postdevelopment flow frequency curve to the predevelopment the natural flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, timing,
curve; however, these studies were used for performance evaluation and rate of change or flashiness) are considered essential for ecol-
rather than design strategies. Flow frequency curves have also ogy (Poff et al. 1997; Bragg et al. 2005). The IHA methodology—a
been suggested as a basis for the design of bioretention facilities set of metrics used for quantifying the impact of regulation and
(Palhegyi 2010a, b), a low-impact development BMP used to man- development on flow regimes—calculates 33 parameters within
age storm-water runoff. However, the authors have found no spe- these five groups that are particularly relevant to ecological quality
cific strategy for designing ecologically sustainable detention pond (Poff et al. 1997). Using the 33 parameters, a statistical signature
outlet control structures using similar concepts. of the health of the ecosystem is determined. IHA has been used
This paper proposes an alternative, ecological-flow-based extensively in a variety of ecological and engineering applications
design construct for storm-water management by introducing a (Shiau and Wu 2004; Richter et al. 2006; Shiau and Wu 2006; Suen
detention pond outlet control structure design approach that and Eheart 2006; Mathews and Richter 2007; Shiau and Wu 2010;
attempts to minimize ecological impairment as defined by an in- Reichold et al. 2010). However, many IHA parameters have been
novative ecological flow paradigm based on flow frequency curves: found to be intercorrelated (Olden and Poff 2003; Gao et al. 2009).
the ecoflow statistics. The approach is then demonstrated for a case This creates numerical redundancy that potentially complicates
study to illustrate how detention ponds can be redesigned not only environmental flow assessments (Arthington et al. 2006).
for the control of peak flows and water quality control volume In response, Gao et al. (2009) proposed a set of nine hydro-
release times (T WQ ), but also to reduce downstream ecological logical indexes that have a strong relationship with the IHA param-
impairment. eters yet limits the numerical redundancy in employing all 33 IHA
parameters. The nine hydrological indexes are termed the eco-
flow statistics. The nine ecoflow statistics are the annual ecodeficit,
Ecological Stream Flows annual ecosurplus, winter ecodeficit, winter ecosurplus, spring eco-
deficit, spring ecosurplus, summer ecodeficit, summer ecosurplus,
Most river modeling texts still present minimum instream flows and total seasonal ecochange.
(Cavendish and Duncan 1986; Milhous et al. 1989) as the only eco- The ecodeficit and ecosurplus are computed from median an-
logical control (Vogel et al. 2007). However, recent studies have nual and median seasonal flow duration curves (FDCs). FDCs
shown that a number of other flow parameters are also related to are flow frequency curves created by ranking average daily stream
ecological attributes (Poff 1996; Puckridge et al. 1998; Bragg et al. flows from highest to lowest for each year (or season) in a multiple-
2005). These attributes are extremely diverse, such as temperature, year flow series, then taking the median of the flows at each
water quality, and channel morphology, and are often difficult rank, and then by plotting the ranked median flow against each
and expensive to measure. For these reasons, only limited histori- flow’s exceedance probability [for further details, see Vogel and
cal data are available for most ecologically significant attributes. Fennessey (1994)]. FDCs calculated using hydrographs from be-
In contrast, a considerable amount of historical streamflow data fore and after a hydrologic alteration, such as the construction of
have been gathered at the local, state, and national levels. For in- a dam and reservoir, give insight into the impact of a hydrologic
stance, the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS alteration on downstream or receiving stream flow regimes. Sim-
2010) supplies daily stream flow values from more than 25,000 ilarly, comparison of predevelopment and postdevelopment FDCs
sites across the nation. can give insight into the impact of a landscape alteration, such as a
Given the limited available ecological data yet extensive amount new land development, on the flow regimes.
of streamflow data, research has aimed at identifying streamflow An example set of FDCs is shown in Fig. 1. The black line in
statistics or hydrologic indexes that can be used as surrogates for Fig. 1 is the median annual FDC for a receiving stream before
identifying the impact of development and flow regulation on an development occurs and the dashed line is the median annual FDC
ecosystem. Some methodologies that employ hydrological indexes for the same stream after development occurs. The area below the
for understanding ecological health include the Texas method predevelopment FDC and above the postdevelopment FDC repre-
(Matthews and Bao 1991), a planning method for estimating in- sents the amount of water now unavailable to the receiving stream
stream flow needs for protection of aquatic resources below poten- due to flow alteration caused by the development. The ecodeficit
tial reservoir sites; the Basic Flow Methodology (Palau and Alcázar of the period is the ratio of this area over the total area under the
2012), a management methodology that establishes the timing of predevelopment median annual FDC. Similarly, ecosurplus is the
instream flow requirements based on the biological functioning of a area above the predevelopment FDC and below the postdevelop-
river; the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) methodology ment FDC divided by the total area under the predevelopment
(Richter et al. 1996, 1997; Poff et al. 1997); and the ecodeficit and median FDC. The ecosurplus represents the amount of water added
ecosurplus metrics (Vogel and Fennessey 1994; Vogel et al. 2007). to the receiving stream due to development. Thus, the ecodeficit
These methodologies have been used in scientific studies across a and ecosurplus can be defined as dimensionless measures that

Table 1. Weighting Coefficients and Their Values for the Four Combi-
nations A, B, C, and D
Ecoflow statistic coefficient A B C D
Annual ecodeficit W1 1 0 1 0
Annual ecosurplus W2 1 0 1 0
Winter ecodeficit W3 1 0 1 0
Winter ecosurplus W4 1 1 2 0
Spring ecodeficit W5 1 0 1 0
Spring ecosurplus W6 1 0 1 0
Summer ecodeficit W7 1 0 1 0
Summer ecosurplus W8 1 1 2 0
Total seasonal ecochange W9 1 1 2 1

Fig. 1. Areas of ecodeficit and ecosurplus between predevelopment

Various combinations of weighting coefficients can be used to
and postdevelopment median flow duration curves of a receiving
calculate the ecodifference according to the needs and preferences
of the designers or water managers. For this paper, four combina-
tions of weighting coefficients are presented (Table 1). Combina-
tion A provides equal weights for all nine ecoflow statistics. Three
represent the overall loss or gain, respectively, in streamflow due to of the nine ecoflow statistics, the total seasonal ecochange, summer
flow regulation during a time period of interest (Vogel et al. 2007). ecosurplus, and winter ecosurplus, have been found to explain the
In addition to the annual ecodeficit and ecosurplus derived from most variability in the IHA statistics (Gao et al. 2009). A reduced
median annual FDCs, ecodeficit and ecosurplus can be calculated statistical set containing only these three statistics further decreases
for any time period of interest, such as months or seasons as well as the likelihood of intercorrelation among the statistics. Thus, Com-
years. Because FDCs do not explicitly incorporate the timing of bination B represents the reduced statistical set by assigning a unit
streamflows, the use of seasonal ecodeficit and ecosurplus can be value to the total seasonal ecochange, summer ecosurplus, and
employed to capture some timing impacts (Vogel et al. 2007). As winter ecosurplus, and weights of zero to the other six statistics.
proposed by Gao et al. (2009), the year can be divided into three Alternatively, Combination C gives some weight to all nine flow
seasons [winter (November–February), spring (March–June), and statistics, yet gives greater weight to the three-member set. Finally,
summer (July–October)] and seasonal ecodeficits and ecosurplus the timing impacts of flows can be the most important design
can be calculated for each of these three seasons. The ninth ecoflow variable in some cases. Therefore, Combination D emphasizes the
statistic, the total seasonal ecochange, is the sum of all the seasonal effect of timing by highlighting the ecoflow statistic that incorpo-
ecodeficits and ecosurplus within a year (Gao et al. 2009). rates the seasonal variability into the FDCs: namely, the total sea-
Although more efficient than the use of 33 separate IHA statis- sonal ecochange.
tics, the employment of nine different metrics for making eco-
logically sustainable BMP design decisions could be confusing,
potentially redundant, and still difficult to implement. The use of Ecological Detention Pond Design Approach
a single metric of hydrologic alteration would reduce the difficulty
in making design decisions. The simple sum of the nine ecoflow In many ways, detention ponds act as small reservoirs with simpli-
statistics is a good candidate for a single metric. However, depend- fied flow release controls. For example, detention ponds reduce
ing on the characteristics of a region—specifically climate—as well alterations in runoff volumes and are typically designed based on
as management and policy imperatives in that region, certain eco- a peak-flow value. This is analogous to flood control management
flow statistics might necessitate greater influence on the BMP in a reservoir system. Also, both impoundment types act as sedi-
design than others. An assignment of specific weights to each of ment stilling basins for improving water quality in released water.
the ecoflow statistics provides the flexibility to incorporate case- Although the reservoir-detention pond analogy works in many
specific preferences into the BMP design approach; the weighted ways, there are also apparent differences between the two types of
statistics can then be summed to calculate a single value. In this impoundments. Of particular interest in this paper is the difference
paper, the resulting weighted sum of the nine ecoflow statistics, in the flow control options between a reservoir and a detention
termed the ecodifference, will be used to specify ecological impact pond. A reservoir might have an extensive array of adjustable weirs,
resulting from hydrologic alteration as follows: gates, and pipes for condition-sensitive releases, yet a standard
detention pond outlet control structure (OCS)—also referred to as
9 a riser structure—typically employs only a few types of control
ecodifference ¼ W i Si ð1Þ devices, such as weirs or spillways and openings cut into the wall
i¼1 of the structure. The placement of outlet controls (openings through
which water can exit the pond) on the face of the OCS is the
where Si = value of one of the nine ecoflow statistics; and W i = primary flow and storage regulation mechanism. The two most
weighting coefficient for that statistic; S1 and S2 are the annual eco- common kinds of outlet controls are a weir notch and an orifice.
deficit and ecosurplus, S3 through S8 are the seasonal (winter, A weir is an overflow structure built perpendicular to the surface of
spring, summer) ecodeficits and ecosurpluses, S9 is the total sea- the water, which can be used to measure and regulate the rate of
sonal ecochange, and W 1 through W 9 are weighting coefficients flow, and a weir notch is an overflow section cut into the weir; an
assigned to each of the nine ecoflow statistics. The values of the orifice is a well-defined, sharp-edged opening in a wall or bulkhead
ecoflow statistics and the weighting coefficients are dimensionless, through which flow occurs (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 2001).
and thus the value of ecodifference is also dimensionless. Both weir notches and orifices are permanent flow release openings

simulate event and continuous storm-water runoff hydrographs
for the uncontrolled postdevelopment scenario. The continuous
storm-water runoff for the uncontrolled postdevelopment case is
routed through a detention pond model (with a specific combi-
nation of sizes and placements of outlet controls on the OCS)
and a controlled postdevelopment outflow hydrograph is created.
The controlled postdevelopment outflow values are then used
to calculate the controlled postdevelopment median annual and
seasonal FDCs.
From the predevelopment and controlled postdevelopment
FDCs, the nine ecoflow statistics and the ecodifference are com-
puted for the specific combination of outlet controls. Once a design
that reduces ecodifference is determined, the controlled postde-
velopment peak-flow values and T WQ are compared with the
corresponding predevelopment values. If any of the values are
Fig. 2. Outlet control structure with overflow weir and various orifices unacceptable, the design is deemed unacceptable. A best trial de-
protected by trash racks sign is the trial design that has the lowest value of ecodifference
while meeting each of the municipality design criteria.
The ecological benefits from the best trial design will be re-
ported as a percentage difference in the value of ecodifference.
on the face of the structure and these outlet controls cannot be al- The percentage reduction in ecodifference, termed the ecodiffer-
tered for condition-sensitive releases. A picture showing a concrete ence percent reduction (EPR), is shown in Eq. (2)
OCS with an overflow weir and multiple orifices protected by trash  
ecodifferenceeco − ecodifferenceconv
racks is displayed in Fig. 2. EPR ¼ 100 ð2Þ
Because the outlet controls are stationary in time, release con- ecodifferenceconv
trols cannot be modified over time, such as has been done previ-
where ecodifferenceeco = ecodifference for the ecological detention
ously to create ecologically oriented reservoir outflows (Shiau
pond design; and ecodifferenceconv = ecodifference for a design cre-
and Wu 2010; Suen 2011). However, the reservoir-detention pond
ated using a conventional detention pond design approach.
analogy can be used to motivate detention pond release operation
policies for multiple downstream objectives using past and current
research of ecologically oriented reservoir operations as an exam-
Case Study
ple. It seems plausible to extend the design of outlet control struc-
tures not only for the control of peak flows and sediment stilling, A 12-hectare (29-acre) residential site development near Fort Col-
but also to reduce downstream ecological impairment through con- lins, Colorado, was used as a case study site for demonstrating the
trol of the detention pond discharge. To guide the best stationary use of the ecological detention pond design approach. The site was
OCS design for a range of storage and inflow conditions, an eco- chosen because predevelopment and postdevelopment study site
logically grounded approach must be used. One such approach is a details and hydrologic input files for the study site are provided
design strategy that employs the ecodifference metric. in the storm-water management model (SWMM) applications
The proposed ecological detention pond design approach seeks manual (Gironas et al. 2010). This reduces the possibility of
to reduce ecological impairment in the receiving stream by decreas- mistakes related to the hydrologic modeling portions of the
ing the value of ecodifference. A reduction in ecodifference is methodology.
accomplished by altering postdevelopment outflows through the The case study site is being converted from pasture and forest
strategic sizing and placement of outlet controls (weirs and orifices) into a residential development. The existing site is completely
on the OCS wall. Furthermore, the traditional design criteria, such undeveloped with silt loam soil underlying mixed vegetation. The
as controlling T WQ and peak flows for various T R , must also be postdevelopment scenario will consist of residential lots graded to-
satisfied under the proposed design. A detention pond with this spe- ward the streets with 2% slopes, and the streets and lots will follow
cially designed OCS can be termed an ecological detention pond. the contours of the existing landscape. Runoff from the site will
The integration of three components is necessary to design an enter the storm-water system through culverts located at various
ecological detention pond: a hydrologic model, a detention pond locations throughout the site and the water will be collected in a
model, and the ecodifference computations. The hydrologic model detention pond located at the outlet of the watershed. No areas
is used to simulate storm-water runoff hydrographs for a number outside of the 29-acre site will contribute water to the site or the
of short events, as well as for longer continuous simulations. The detention pond. Further details regarding the case study site can
detention pond model is employed to route the storm-water runoff be found in Chapter 1 of the storm-water management model
through the detention pond and OCS, resulting in outflow hydro- applications manual (Gironas et al. 2010).
graphs. The outflow hydrographs from the detention pond model The detention pond was designed with a length to width ratio
are used to calculate the median annual and seasonal FDCs, which of 2:1, a WQCV depth of 0.46 m, a total depth of 1.83 m, and a
are needed to compute the ecoflow statistics and the ecodifference. side slope of 4∶1 (H∶V). The geometry of the detention pond was
First, the hydrologic model is used to simulate event and con- calculated using the methodology described in the storm-water
tinuous storm-water runoff hydrographs for the predevelopment management model applications manual (Gironas et al. 2010),
scenario. The predevelopment event storm-water runoff hydro- and thus the geometry of the detention pond is the same as used in
graphs are used to determine the design criteria based on munici- the application manual example. The OCS has a height of 1.83 m,
pality regulations, and the predevelopment continuous storm-water corresponding to the total depth of the detention pond. The outlet
runoff hydrograph is used to create the predevelopment median controls on the OCS are one weir notch and three orifices. The
annual and seasonal FDCs. Next, the hydrologic model is used to orifices are assigned discharge coefficients of 0.65 and the weir is

assigned a discharge coefficient of 3.3. Both the weir and the controls to find a design that results in the lowest value of ecodif-
orifices are assumed to be rectangular in shape. ference while meeting the peak flow and WQCV design criteria.
The detention pond design criteria are taken from the Storm This design can be termed the best trial ecological design. The per-
Water Management Model User’s Manual (Rossman 2009) and formance of the traditional and ecological detention ponds were
design guidelines published by the Denver Urban Drainage and then compared.
Flood Control District (UDFCD 2001). The detention pond must
reduce the postdevelopment peak release rates to their predevelop-
ment levels, as well as detain a water quality capture volume. Results
Following most storm-water drainage manuals, the designers must
demonstrate that the peak flows from the catchment are managed The geometric details of the outlet controls on the OCS for the
with respect to a series of synthetic design storms of different return conventional detention pond and the best trial ecological detention
periods (Gironas et al. 2010). The storms (2-h events with T R ¼ 2, pond are given in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Table 4 summarizes
10, and 100 years) were selected by the City of Fort Collins, the results of the event simulations for the predevelopment and
Colorado, to be used with SWMM (City of Fort Collins 1999). postdevelopment scenarios. The first row of Table 4 shows the T WQ
In addition to the peak flow criteria, the WQCV criterion re- and peak discharges for the predevelopment scenario. The prede-
quires release within 40 h (T WQ less than but close to 40 h), during velopment peak discharge values were used as the postdevelopment
which a significant portion of particulate pollutants found in urban maximum peak flow criteria. The second and third rows show the
storm water is removed (Akan and Houghtalen 2003; Gironas event simulation results for the uncontrolled postdevelopment case
et al. 2010). and the postdevelopment case with a conventional dry pond, re-
spectively. The last row shows the postdevelopment event results
for the best trial ecological design. Both the conventional and best
Method trial ecological design meet the three peak flow criteria as well as
maintain T WQ less than but close to 40 h.
In this paper, SWMM Version 5.0 (Rossman 2009) was used as the Fig. 3 exhibits the median annual and median seasonal flow
hydrologic simulation model to generate outflow hydrographs from duration curves constructed from the average daily predevelopment
the contributing catchment that were then used as input into the and postdevelopment outflows. In each frame of Fig. 3, the black
detention pond model. SWMM is the most widely used storm- line is the FDC for the receiving stream before development occurs,
water model (Obropta and Kardos 2007). SWMM can simulate the gray line is the FDC for the same stream after development
overland flows, infiltration, groundwater interactions, and flow- occurs using a conventional OCS design, and the dotted line is the
through BMPs for individual storm events or continuous (long- FDC for the receiving stream after development using the best trial
term) simulations. To facilitate multiple simulations, MATLAB was ecological design.
used to construct the detention pond model as well as to calculate
the FDCs, ecoflow statistics, and the ecodifference.
In addition to simulations of the three synthetic storms (events) Table 2. Characteristics of the Conventional Detention Pond’s Outlet
used to calculate the peak flow and the T WQ for each design storm, Control Structure
a continuous simulation is required to calculate the FDCs for use Type of outlet Height Width Invert
in the ecological detention pond design approach. For the continu- control Shape (m) (m) offset (m)
ous simulation, continuous rainfall records from the City of Fort
Orifice Rectangle 0.07 0.08 0
Collins, Colorado, were downloaded from the National Climatic
Orifice Rectangle 0.15 0.45 0.46
Data Center (NCDC 2010) for a 10-year period (1968–1978). Orifice Rectangle 0.08 0.55 0.68
The reporting time step of the continuous rainfall record was Weir notch Rectangle 0.86 0.64 0.97
15 min (NCDC 2010). In order to reduce instabilities in the numeri-
cal simulations, the time step for the continuous simulation was set
to 1 min. Therefore, the precipitation value for each 15-min interval
was repeated 15 times, thus allowing the precipitation to be distrib- Table 3. Characteristics of the Ecological Detention Pond’s Outlet Control
uted over the smaller 1-min time steps. The simulation time step Structure
for the three synthetic storms was set to 15 s, corresponding to the Type of outlet Height Width Invert
time step length of the municipal design storm data (City of Fort control Shape (m) (m) offset (m)
Collins 1999).
Orifice Rectangle 0.02 0.21 0
Trial-and-error design was then used to determine the geom-
Orifice Rectangle 0.02 0.76 0.20
etries of the outlet controls (one weir notch and three rectangular Orifice Rectangle 0.19 0.26 0.30
orifices) on the OCS. The sizing and placement of the outlet con- Weir notch Rectangle 0.46 0.61 1.37
trols on the OCS are the only independent variables in this case
study. The maximum width of all outlet controls is assumed to be
0.76 m (2.5 ft) due to structural constraints. A conventional
approach and an ecological approach were used to design the Table 4. Event Simulation Results, Including Water Quality Release
detention pond OCS. First, using the methodology described in Times, T WQ , and Peak Flows for Each Design Storm
the SWMM applications manual (Gironas et al. 2010), the conven- Peak flows (m3 =s)
tional detention pond OCS was designed using only the peak flow T WQ
Simulation (h) 2-year 10-year 100-year
and T WQ design criteria. In the conventional design methodology,
each outlet control is designed to control one specific event cri- Predevelopment 4.9 0.12 0.21 0.89
terion [for further details on the conventional design process, Developed, no control 5.5 0.99 1.84 5.24
see Gironas et al. (2010)]. Next, a trial-and-error process was used Developed, conventional pond 38.78 0.12 0.21 0.88
Developed, ecological pond 39.97 0.12 0.15 0.54
to modify the heights, widths, and elevations of the four outlet

Fig. 3. Annual and seasonal flow duration curves based on daily average flows for predevelopment and postdevelopment scenarios: (a) annual;
(b) winter; (c) spring; (d) summer

All three flow scenarios have zero values for exceedance proba- ecosurplus values, with the winter ecosurplus exhibiting the highest
bilities greater than 0.35, indicating that the site contributes no dis- EPR of the nine statistics at 7.4%.
charge to the receiving stream for more than 65% of the days. Finally, Table 6 shows the resulting ecodifference and EPR
It can be seen that after development there is an abundance of results for the four combinations of weighting coefficients given
ecosurplus, yet no ecodeficit, for both the conventional and ecologi- in Table 1. Using the trial-and-error method, the value of the eco-
cal designs. This is to be expected because increased imperviousness difference decreased from a score of 55.07 using the conventional
resulting from development decreases infiltration, reducing base- design to a score of 52.43 using the best trial ecological design
flow and increasing surface runoff, and thereby creating an eco- for weighting combination A, a decrease from 40.21 to 38.07
surplus. However, as compared with the conventional design, the for weighting combination B, a decrease from 95.28 to 90.49 for
ecological design creates postdevelopment FDC curves that are weighting combination C, and a decrease from 23.94 to 22.60 for
more similar to the predevelopment FDC curves. Thus, for all weighting combination D. This translates to EPR scores of 4.8, 5.3,
four annual and seasonal results, the ecological design reduces the 5.0, and 5.6% for the four weighting combinations, respectively.
ecosurplus, thereby reducing the value of the ecodifference. The im- Therefore, for all four weighting combinations, the ecological
provement is most prominent for the lower stream flow values. detention pond design decreases the ecological impairment in the
Table 5 shows the values of nine ecoflow statistics for the receiving stream, most prominently exhibited in seasonal ecosur-
conventional design and ecological design when a unit value is plus and ecodeficit values as given by the total seasonal ecochange
assigned for all nine weighting coefficients. Confirming the (Combination D). Combinations A, B, and C produce similar eco-
curves shown in Fig. 3, there is no ecodeficit in either the annual difference percentage reduction values. This result supports the as-
or seasonal results. The greatest improvements are in the seasonal sertion by Gao et al. (2009) that the subset of three ecoflow
statistics (total seasonal ecochange, summer ecosurplus, winter
ecosurplus) explained the most variability in the IHA statistics
Table 5. Values of Nine Ecoflow Statistics Using Continuous Simulation and could possibly be used independently of the other six param-
Results eters to identify ecological impairment, and in this case, relative
reductions in ecological impairment.
Design type
Ecoflow statistic Conventional Ecological (%)
Annual ecodeficit 0 0 — Table 6. Values of Ecodifference for Each Design Approach and Each of
Annual ecosurplus 7.18 7.21 −0.4 Four Weighting Coefficient Combinations, as Specified in Table 1
Winter ecodeficit 0 0 — Ecodifference
Weighting EPR
Winter ecosurplus 9.15 8.47 7.4
combination Conventional Ecological (%)
Spring ecodeficit 0 0 —
Spring ecosurplus 7.68 7.14 7.0 A 55.07 52.43 4.8
Summer ecodeficit 0 0 — B 40.21 38.07 5.3
Summer ecosurplus 7.11 7.00 1.6 C 95.28 90.49 5.0
Total seasonal ecochange 23.94 22.61 5.6 D 23.94 22.60 5.6

Conclusions Acknowledgments

For this case study, trial-and-error design identified simple modi- This work was supported in part by the Virginia Water Resources
fications to the detention pond’s outlet control structure that Research Center (VWRRC) and the University of Virginia. We also
resulted in reductions in the ecosurplus while satisfying commonly recognize the advice and assistance provided by E. Hall (University
utilized constraints on peak flows and T WQ . No additional outlet of Virginia Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering).
controls were required; the constraint on the number of outlet con-
trols in the ecological design was used to emphasize that reductions
in ecologic impairment could be achieved by nothing more than References
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