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India is one of the earliest known literature that makes a big contribution in the world.

This civilization
affected the language and culture of many countries in both Europe and Asia. The Indians have a
civilization older than of the Greeks and Romans.

These contain hymns addressed to the Indian gods, who are very numerous. They also contain stories
about these gods.

The first quality of Indian literature is that it is based on piety, a deeply religious spirit. The Indians
believed that a knowledge of God and a strong belief in Hinduism is necessary to save humankind. The
second quality of Indian literature is that the Indian literary masterpieces, written in the form of epics,
correspond to great epochs in the history of India. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are the most
important epics of India.

In India, they believe that a person can be reborn, and it is called Reincarnation.

One of the great works of India are the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata . When the last avatar
takes place, Vishnu will descend form heaven to destroy the present world and restore peace and

The two great writers of India are Bhasa and Kalidasa.

Kalidasa is such a great writer, he even wrote the greatest plays. He also wrote the Shakuntala.

It is a story of a king who goes hunting in the woods and meets a beautiful prose and poetry. It is the
story of a king who goes hunsting in the woods and meets a beautiful maiden named Shakuntala with
whom he falls in love. He marries her but has to leave her soon because of pressing official business.
However, he leaves a ring with her as a sign of their marriage.

The Panchatantra contains some of the most important collections of short stories in the world, and
these have reached us in translation from language to language down the centuries .

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