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Tata Bahasa (Grammar):

1. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

a) She don't like ice cream.
b) She doesn't likes ice cream.
c) She doesn't like ice cream.
d) She isn't like ice cream.

2. What is the past participle form of the verb "swim"?

a) swam
b) swum
c) swimmed
d) swimming

3. Choose the correct sentence with proper subject-verb agreement:

a) The dog is barking loudly.
b) The dogs is barking loudly.
c) The dog are barking loudly.
d) The dog am barking loudly.

4. Which sentence uses the correct punctuation?

a) I have to go to the store and buy eggs milk and bread.
b) I have to go to the store, and buy eggs, milk, and bread.
c) I have to go to the store and buy eggs, milk, and bread.
d) I have to go to the store and buy eggs, milk, and, bread.

Kosakata (Vocabulary):

5. What is the synonym for "happy"?

a) sad
b) delighted
c) angry
d) worried

6. What is the opposite (antonym) of the word "begin"?

a) start
b) commence
c) end
d) initiate

7. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "She speaks English and _____ fluently."
a) fast
b) quickly
c) good
d) well

8. What does the word "ambitious" mean?

a) lazy
b) hardworking
c) lacking energy
d) having a strong desire to succeed

Pemahaman Bacaan (Reading Comprehension):

9. In the passage, what is the main idea?

(Passage not provided, please specify a topic or provide a passage for me to create questions
based on it.)

Pemahaman Mendengar (Listening Comprehension):

10. After listening to the audio clip, what is the speaker's primary concern?
(Please provide an audio clip or a brief description of the topic for me to create a question.)

Idiom dan Ungkapan (Idioms and Expressions):

11. What does the idiom "the ball is in your court" mean?
a) It's your turn to play a sport.
b) You are responsible for making the next move.
c) The ball is lost and can't be found.
d) It's time to have a ball game.

12. If someone "spills the beans," what have they done?

a) Literally spilled beans on the floor.
b) Shared a secret or revealed information.
c) Cleaned up a mess.
d) Cooked a delicious meal.

Menulis (Writing):

13. Which sentence contains a spelling error?

a) I am going to the resturant for dinner.
b) She wrote a letter to her freind.
c) The weather is nice today.
d) I have an appoitnment with the doctor.

14. Choose the sentence with the correct use of the apostrophe:
a) The cats tail is fluffy.
b) The cat's tail is fluffy.
c) The cats' tail is fluffy.
d) The cat tail's is fluffy.

15. Which sentence is written in the passive voice?

a) The chef prepared a delicious meal.
b) A delicious meal was prepared by the chef.
c) The delicious meal was prepared by the chef.
d) The delicious meal is preparing the chef.

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