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*Unit 3, Case Studies* Name:_________________________ Date:____________ Period #:____

Culture Case Study #2: Popular Culture

Essential Question: What is popular culture? How does popular culture impact modern society?

Part #1: What is Popular Culture?

Please visit this website. Then, complete the following questions:
1. What is ‘popular culture’? Please define the term and name a few examples.

2. What are the positive effects of popular culture on a society?

3. What are the negative effects of pop culture on society?

4. How does pop culture (generally) affect society? There are 3 general reasons.

5. Why does pop culture matter?

Part #2: Pop Culture & How Jeans Took Over the World!
Please watch this short YouTube Video. Then, answer the following questions.
6. Where did jeans (denim) come from?

7. What brand of jeans “comes to mind” a lot or the most?

8. What is the birth date of the ‘jean’?

9. How are jeans an example of popular culture (movies, celebrities, global companies, etc.)?
*Unit 3, Case Studies* Name:_________________________ Date:____________ Period #:____

Please visit this website!

10. How much is the global denim/jeans market worth in 2022? What will it be worth in 2030?

11. What countries export denim fabric? Please list them.

12. What brands are the most well-known?

Part #3: Reflect!

Please respond to the following, using complete sentences:

13. Opinion! Consider the fact that the modern ‘jean’ is just 150 years old. Over that time it grew
from being a work pant worn by cowboys into one of the most widely worn pieces of
clothing in our modern world. Are jeans (and other clothes and/or elements of popular
culture) threatening to eradicate local or folk cultures? Why or why not?

14. What aspects of popular culture do you see in your daily life? Please explain!

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