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0 +l + wl +0 "A Prachce FRa™ . One site FeAtKe Common to urban hearth regions in AFrcd and ASIA 1S AMOt they are near ated bodies of Warer. THe ur lal hearth VQions in Arica ANA ASIA 4+e—tret have Access to wader, AWE ALS! WHA KEVOLUAON 4 occurred APProKimately 11900 1 6260 MEAVS AGO. AdAIHOMANIY, CHES experienced sme alterations with PAVING, AAHOUMUIAL surplus and MAI ntaIniNg sevioeconomte Strom ROOM. HENCE, AMES were ab\e to develop im urban hearhe ACKOSS Ane Blone THE SCCONdD roan VeVolutton 1S wheMW GonNolars atrriloused me modern wry. THiS IS When Me INAUSTHAl nnovaKONS m mining and Wah VEACUTING WAS He YeASON UKBAY Aro wth oceury ed SPOOF CAIIY , \k WELPEA TefohM CHES socially ,uibrally and ROWOMACOILY, dustrial Revolution One Charavrevigne of hese urlaan aFeas dUMNA Ke Fisk Urloan WOWHON Lg That CHES have exponenced the FARIA changes such AS MAIRALMIng , Producing, and Janing agrioulmral surplus, They fr aisd Have ween Mrough Ane change (Nn sorroeconomic Stratifcaror 0€ Ame WNARE'S -topr PORAIAHION . ghey were, vellamt on tne marker of 08 great eres 7 AIST Ulan Revolution UKs COUlA Not cuUPRoOTt large POPMlations during tne first urea FWOLMMON because oF NMIted access tw Pood & rock nology 1é CARES POPULATION (S foo Wig, hen MeY will We Uhabie % support and Provide Gr all OF AH POOL. pre 1760 THe coMMECKON leet ween Agroulture aNd UrAnLZAKon IS Mat AgHUUMre 4¢ Plants and harvests domesscated plants and AMV MAIS. OM ME oANEK Wand, Urbanization 1S When People move From an +h FMral \cation t a move Urvan [6 catron. 0g production inoreaces + rransportation must MProve > prodlucts go Fram farm to city fp maak MATKLES Ty househards +\ a. One Aeferencd® wetween me EVE’ uroan revolurton And the second Uran KENOIMTION Ib MAY Me Arst urban reve (uTens AS AWG ADriow MAL ANA SoclogconoMIG IMnovaroNn, Wis led fo M2 WSE oF CAVIN UES. However. me second Urban TNOIVKON ig a TeSUIt, THE SACOMA Uroan PeVo\UtoN Led fo MAUEHAZAKON ANA InnoVanONs FE miming and mamntach manus a craving E14 Ula FeVO HON: Small Scale! POPMIALTON ( 80,000 +) sewn d urban revolunen: 1ar8er HUMWwers (%0,000 7) + “] 4 +0) tb) 41e> | 10d) One. characteristic: of these whan areas Auving phe First = Practice FRR? The Origin + lethevce: of Uvbavizetion A Unit-6, Moclule 44. Jad One site feotuve Compo fo vvbau hearth re egions in Afvica and Asia is access +0 water as post of ten ave flocetect on river or Seacoasss. The first wrbar revelection Occurred apprxionately 4,000 ¢, 000 years age! Orties experiencect changes eee — pairing, Proctiacing, anol anita or jor of the population Gin Milagesd. The seconol Ybor revolution jnvolvect jnelustrial.iunovations in Geatoing and manufoct Arig bihicl (eck -fo increaseal avban grout , reshaped cites C. Spatially, Secially, co rarely, Poletically, omnel economically, Urbor fone becoming @ Source of Income, ein Seqregertion of Uvbon neighborhoods + workplace / home |ife. apres Wwban reveluttion is evielence/proot of- early leorlert ue a Giuileation. For exounple, in We (Mesopotavnia), Some of of eorgy the cartiest pieces of- evidence of writing were Uncovered Bie Furtheamore, Covel (Pers) provided evidence oF the erties! ss priest Ciilizot ions jin Sout America. 1A Agriculture ark Urbonizetion hove a strong acgnointoncestip. Whovie-otion promoted large-scale Forwing and environmental Protection ue -fo-the release of rural labo and land resonrces, + rang jor on proolacds Practice PRB.~ Cowtinuedt ne onipa trate cRectively neproving agriculture. culture fed +o Yrbonization as more reliable foo Supply meant humans oulel stay im one place anol (give vise 40 settie fodastrialiention. Communities are cities. Batn agricalture and Orpen t Tracey Urboniration atfect the natural environment, creating /-!™ economic: grout and opportunities that otvaw people to the ony life. ce. the stiord urbon revolution [5 Feebvological advancement: | phhile the First merchowt cities oleveteped olaring the First whan revolution, industrial Cities Aominafed ana? the. Secouel urbe revolution Techvofeaical ackvaucements Sich a Sewage systems, Woter systems , Hre: all foverrtion of the Aelegraph ancl later -Hre tele plover, per eleciteal power, ond the automobile had ar profound impack othe way Society looked uel Auvctionedd. main. te) Cities coulel not Support large popalations aeviag the First urban revolution due +0 choltenges bith a poor economy, weak. infrastructure, on mojo difticaties Witt efficient travel within the oy ‘Sinall cities < Fre-l790- Zé > Firs+ uvban rev. Unit 6 aa (64) [7p te Urbans penrths, reveldrons * Practice FRO:Modile 44 +l a. The vrban hearth regions in Arca B Asin both bare rivers. “Raton |b. The frst urban revoletion inches the agrilral 2 socioeconomic. innovatrsns Pant led KZ +15 of AG cites. —stratticsicen Tayyrs F-UGZOO yours age +l CThe second wart revliben inclides the inlosrial Inneratous ik vuilnitg & manifnctering that led ¢o increased vba GT wm rclestrialrentrr 0d. Dering the first urban vuoletion, we characdertstre [Eire f these erbon arene ts the eriddence of early 9) OT 1, Girileaton. For Mstarnce, Caral (Fern) bat BD fiaditrime etree eae se! artilacts/itums Prat were uncerered fo prom “Wt that early civibeaprens mere present tn Seth Awenica. 4 Agrievltree & erbanizdtrar hare a sfeong relabronslipy both having a - mopnef on the batral eartrencnd while bhring ermeraie owt. & oppertonitier tat attrnct purple po the city lite. Urbanizaprorr promoted [arge-scate Farming are environmental profectren betavse of toe refense of rural laberr't loreel reswrees. Govier was a urajor Cretor tent bel fo rise iS vrbanjentr sihee A bore relrable fod sv wean? fe cove ih i. CO seted — Cmmuntimes & ettres. 18 eMtres grew 7a: horton 8 pemmsperbaprert paws Vow $e prdely com Gi boom Pare te cite te marta COLL Pe all soul One dbfererce beprree the frst urban 1 ect B the sermd urban revhiren Is (al CT teekiologrea! aalran coment, Ce Prose Sy rbun nerakition the bist merchant cites dercipeh white Hedestricab—tadestrral citpes were Aowinent in the seemed vrban revellipeer, een putotng Sere egeamples of Heetnalegice/ ateamecmarts — b17 Pf Mhelede sewage systems, wrti- Systems, Inrunter ot wget Gnd Cote behepllere), electricity, aad avhomrobie whit sppitrantly rms bermed comma itcatren transperttrort, ned ety Onetrons, 3p = ities couldnt 5. re lattes dorig He Ast erban verelitrer becarse of ppe- (750 the dithevlties that cave with a por ceoneng. Weak tnbrastreetre, wd nangor Small cites! ag prdvatren cold wot get suppert a] Re. —

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