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Dust of Snow


The way a crow

Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a Hemlock tree

Terbangnya seekor gagak

Mengguncang diriku
Jatuhnya debu salju
Dari dahan pohon hemlock

Has given my hearth

A change of mood
And save some part
Of a day I had rued

Dan telah memberikan hatiku

Suatu perubahan suasana
Dan telah menyelamatkan bagian
Dari hari yang aku sesali

This poem tell us to be grateful for all the little things that happened in our life. Because all the little
things that we doesn’t care can give a big change in our life, it can make our live better or it can make
our live suffer.

The structure: 2 Stanza

The tone : Sorrow to joy and relief
The mood : Sorrowful and depressing
The imagery in this poem includes:
Crow: The presence of the crow is a visual image that sets the scene. It's a dark, foreboding bird
often associated with mystery and sometimes with death.
Dust of snow: This phrase evokes a clear image of the snow falling gently from the tree. The snow is
described as "dust," which conveys a sense of lightness and delicacy.
Hemlock tree: This specific tree provides a visual anchor for the snowfall. Hemlock trees are often tall
and have feathery branches, which adds to the imagery.
Heart: While not a visual image, the heart is used metaphorically here. It represents the speaker's
emotions, which undergo a change due to the simple event of the crow shaking the snow.
Change of mood: This phrase is metaphorical, but it paints a clear picture of a shift in the speaker's
emotional state, from one of sadness or regret to something lighter and more positive.
Saved some part of a day I had rued: This line carries imagery of time. The day, initially regretted, is
partly redeemed by this small, transformative event. The word "saved" implies a rescue or
The language: simple, yet evocative
The Rhyme: AABB

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