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The poem dust of snow is written by
Robert Frost. This poem has a kind of deceptive
simplicity. Through a small incident the poet reveals that
the nature can change our mood for the better.
Robert frost presents a change of mood in the
poem dust of snow. Sometimes an insignificant
happiness can change our mood for the better or worse.
As the poet was passing by an hemlock tree a crow shook
off down some dust of snow on him. This small incident
was enough to lighten his soul. The rest of his day was
saved from his depression of his soul. Therefore a trivial
incident has brought upon a happy change in the poet`s
state of mind
A small incident can prove to be momentous. The
pot wants to convey a message that in life we should
never lose hope , joy , sorrow , smiles and tears go hand
in hand in our life.

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