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John 14:27-28 Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift –
peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the
world cannot give. So, don’t be troubled or afraid.




John 14:27-28 Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift –
peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift
the world cannot give. So, don‟t be troubled or afraid.
Remember what I told you: I am going away, but I will
come back to you again. If you really loved Me, you
would be happy that I am going to the Father, who is
greater than I am.” John 16:33 Jesus said, “I have told
you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on
earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take
heart, because I have overcome the world.”




Welcome to the Novena of Hope. The next nine days will be exciting as we pray together in the
name of Jesus Christ. This Novena is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Remember to
pray daily at the hour you choose. I will be giving reflections via YouTube and Facebook daily at
21:00 Hrs.

The next nine days we will focus on the last week of Jesus Christ‟s earthly life. There is no person
who has ever lived on earth who faced so much pressure like Jesus Christ! He faced pressure from
the following sources:

1. Government of his day: He was a political threat

2. Religious Leaders who hated him

3. The world: Due to the weight of sin

4. The people

5. The Devil
Despite all the pressure from the above sources he remained in peace. They are so many things in
life that will threaten your peace so that you lose hope. No matter what you face in life remember
to remain faithful to the design that God has for your life. Our lives often get out of control when
we deviate from the plan of God for our lives.

Please do the following Daily

Read Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and
all these things will be added to you.”
1. Submit yourself to God and grant Him access to your heart, and to use you as his
2. Pray for the grace to humble yourself and submit to the will and calling of God over
your life.
3. Pray for a deeper revelation of the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
4. Pray for a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit.
5. Pray for a greater understanding of the mind of God and the operations of the Holy
6. Pray that God breaks you down, and strip you of every relationship, or seed in your
life which is hindering Him from fully using you.

7. Pray for ears that will hear the voice of the Lord, renounce every voice contrary to the
voice of God.
8. Pray for a greater LOVE, COMPASSION, AND BOLDNESS in order to be an
effective witness for Christ unto all men.
9. Pray for the purification of your heart and your motives. That you not do things for
the physical pleasures and benefits but for the Kingdom of God.


Romans 8:14 – “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”
1. Pray that God gives you prophetic eyes. That you begin to see into the realm of the
2. Pray that you begin to speak to and fellowship with angels.
3. Pray that God gives you the gift of discernment, that you‟ll be able to spot demons, evil,
and know the hearts which plan to pull you down or entrap you.
4. Pray for supernatural and spiritual encounters, that God begins to reveal mysteries about
Himself, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, heaven, and the operations of kingdom of God to you.
5. Pray that God give you prophetic dreams. And use your dreams to talk to, warn, and
lead you



FAITH DECLARATION: “I possess the wonderful gift of peace in Christ. This

is peace the world can never understand. My mind is at ease. My heart is still.
My spirit sings, and my soul rejoices. I am not troubled, and I am not afraid!”

PRAYER OF FAITH: “Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me the gift of
peace. Thank You that the peace You give is enough for me to face every
pressure in life. You alone are the source of my peace. Amen.”


Scripture Readings:
John 14:27 “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a
gift the world cannot give. So, don‟t be troubled or afraid.”

Isaiah 54:10 “„Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing
love for you will not be shaken nor My covenant of peace be removed,‟ says the Lord, who has
compassion on you.”

Peace is in CHRIST JESUS, the Prince of Peace. John 16:33 Jesus said, “I have told you all
this so that you may have peace in Me.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16 “Now may the Lord of peace
Himself give you His peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all.”
Ephesians 6:12 – “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in
high places.”
PRAYER OF DELIVERANCE (Daily Before you sleep)
1. Renounce any contract, oath, vow, or covenant which the powers of darkness are using
to keep you in bondage.
2. Pray against any demon of Lust, Perversion, and immorality inside you
3. Come against any demon of rejection, fear of rejection, hate, anger, murder etc.
4. Pray against any spirit of Leviathan (Pride) inside you
5. Come against the spirit of Ahab that‟ll cause you to walk in the ways of the ungodly
and turn the heart toward idolatry
6. Pray against the beguiling spirit, that‟ll cause you to mislead by deception; to deprive
or cheat; to misrepresent on purpose.
7. Come against the spirit of Confusion that causes bewilderment and cloudiness
8. Break every ungodly soultie which will keep you emotionally and spiritually bound to
a person, place or thing.



Read the Following Scriptures:

Matthew 6:25,27-28,30-31,34 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life – whether
you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn‟t life more than food, and your
body more than clothing? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And why worry
about your clothing? God will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? So, don‟t
worry about these things, saying, „What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?‟
Don‟t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.”

Lesson: Worry doesn’t stop tomorrow's sorrow; it only robs today of strength.
Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on

Romans 8:6 “Letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit
control your mind leads to life and peace.”


1. Pray against every principality and power operating in the second heavens, which is
controlling any aspect of your life or sending messengers to be a thorn in your flesh.
2. Pray against every blocking spirit, placed in the direct path of the purpose of God in
your life.
3. Blind every third eye of witchcraft, and destroy every eavesdropper, scanner, or watcher
spirit. (Spirits which obtain and relay information to and from the kingdom of darkness)
4. Pray against every attack from demons (high ranking demons which do things which
the others cannot)
5. Come against (Ruler Spirits) which is in operation in your life, family, or community.
6. Bind any vain imagination which leads to sin and exalts itself against the knowledge of
7. Pull down and destroy every Celestial High place (Where demonic activity operates in
the second heavens) where demons are operating and scheming against your life.
8. Come against any spirit of bewitchment
9. Pray against every cancer spirit, sent by the enemy waiting to grow and cause havoc
in your life
10. Pray against every devouring spirit assigned against any form of increase and storage


Opening Prayers (Repeat the same Prayer for Day 4 and 5)

FAITH DECLARATION: “I will not be shaken because God is my rock and firm foundation.
His love for me never fails. His covenant of peace with me will never be removed. I take hold
of all my possession.”

PRAYER OF FAITH: “Thank you, dear Lord, for Your faithfulness in all the things I go
through. I am confident that even though times may be hard, and things change, You will
keep Your promises to me. Help me take hold and continually possess the gift of peace
You‟ve given to me. In Jesus‟ name I pray. Amen.”

THEME: Trust in the Process

Read the following Scriptures

John 14:28 “Remember what I told you: I am going away, but I will come back to you again.
If you really loved Me, you would be happy that I am going to the Father, who is greater than
I am.”

John 16:33 “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I
have overcome the world.”

Hebrews 12:2-3 “Let us keep looking to Jesus. He did not give up when He had to suffer
shame and die on a cross. He knew of the joy that would be His later. Now He is sitting at the
right side of God. Sinful men spoke words of hate against Christ. He was willing to take such
shame from sinners. Think of this so you will not get tired and give up.”
3rd John 1:2 – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth”

1. Ask God to bless the works of your hands. Everything your hand touches will become
blessed. Every venture and business which you join shall receive divine blessings.
2. Pray for the grace to acquire knowledge. And even as you acquire knowledge, that
God give you knowledge to implement it for success.
3. Pray that God open your palms so you‟ll be able to give and sow into people‟s lives.
4. Pray that God bless you so you‟ll be able to bless ministries and his servants.
5. Pray for the grace to pay tithes, and sow into Gods kingdom
6. Pray that God increase your mental capacity and give you ideas, innovations, and
inventions which will shock the world and make a way for you.
7. Ask God for the grace to build mansions, build schools, build businesses, and live a
life of lack of poverty as you labor in his vineyard.



Read the Following Scriptures:
2 Timothy 2:11-12 “If we die with Him, we will also live with Him. If we endure hardship, we will
reign with Him.”
James 5:7-8 “Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord‟s return. Consider the
farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the
valuable harvest to ripen. You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is
1 Peter 1:6-7 “So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many
trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests
and purifies gold - though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So, when your faith remains
strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus
Christ is revealed to the whole world.”

Prayer Points for Divine Health

1. Renounce and come against every cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes that is
caused by the influence of the devil, or poor choices in the past
2. Receive the healing which Jesus gave to you when He was beaten and bruised
3. Pray for increased faith to walk in divine health and never struggle with sickness or
4. Pray that even as you grow old, you‟ll retain strength and die elderly and strong.


Theme: Triumph in the Lord Jesus Christ

Read the Following Scriptures:

John 16:33 Jesus said, “…But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Isaiah 9:6 Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

Judges 6:24 God is Jehovah-Shalom, the Lord our peace.

Hebrews 13:20 God is the God of peace.

Ephesians 2:14 Jesus is our peace.


1. Psalm 51:10 Ask God to create in a clean heart in you, to dwell in you and renew
your spirit. Ask God to create in a clean heart in you, to dwell in you and renew
your spirit. Pray for open flood gates of heaven in every area of our life to bring
2. Isaiah 54: 2- 3 Ask God to reveal to us the areas of our life where He wants us to
partner with Him.

3. Mark 11:1-3 Ask God for grace to release yourself to Him fully, making yourself
available for His use.

4. Matthew 6:33 Ask God to use us for His glory as you seek His Kingdom and make
His business your business, that God will make your business His own.
5. Isaiah 40:31 Ask God to renew your strength continuously as you wait on Him and
the grace to partner with him, that you will do nothing in your own strength. Pray
that God will send a helper of destiny, as we make His business our business.
6. 1 Samuel 1:23 Ask God to establish His word in your life.
7. 1 Kings 2:24 1:23 Ask God to establish you in life and on your own throne to reign.
8. 1 Corinthians 7:37 Ask God to establish you in Holiness and righteousness.


Opening Prayer to be Repeated on Day 7 and 8

FAITH DECLARATION: “My faith is growing stronger. My salvation is sure. My reward is secure.
God is working in my life and I am an overcomer through the power of Jesus Christ!”

PRAYER OF FAITH: “Dear Lord Jesus, help me dwell in You all the days of my life so that I will reach
that perfect end You have for my life. Help me to always trust You no matter where I am or what I pass
through. Amen.

THEME: Troubles in the World

Read the Following Scriptures:
Philippians 4:7 “Then you will experience God‟s peace, which exceeds anything we can
understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Deuteronomy 33:27 “The eternal God is your refuge, and His everlasting arms are under you.”

Memory Verse: John 16:33 “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take
heart, because I have overcome the world.

Prayer Points Against Forces of Evil

1. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray this prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of
Jesus Christ.
2. I bind and bring to no effect all division, discord, disunity, strife, anger, wrath, criticism,
condemnation, pride, envy, jealousy, gossip, slander, complaining, lying, false teaching,
false gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, poverty, fear of lack, fear,
murmuring spirits, deceiving spirits and spirits of Antichrist.
3. I bind all curses that have been spoken against us. I bind the power of negative words and
curses, and I bind and render useless all the schemes of the enemy against my life.
4. I bless those who curse me and pray blessings on those who despitefully use me. I confess
that I am a child of God, that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am God‟s
5. I confess the Holy Spirit guides and leads me. I do hear God‟s voice as Jesus said in John
10:27. I can discern between what is righteous and wicked.
6. I have authority over Satan and demons through Christ. I declare Satan is under my feet. I
bind Satan from my family, my mind, my body, my home, my church and my finances.
7. I confess I am healed and whole, I flourish, I am stable, fruitful, full of peace, patience and
love. Whatever I set my hands to shall prosper, for God supplies my every need.
8. I call forth divine appointments, open doors of opportunity, God ordained encounters. I will
use my life and God given abilities for Your glory and honor, O Lord.
9. I claim a fence of protection around me and family, day and night, I ask You, God, in the
name of Jesus, to dispatch angels to surround me. I ask that angels protect my home from
any intrusion and to protect me and my family from any harmful demonic, physical or
mental attacks.

10. And lastly, I declare by faith that revival is sweeping through me and my family. I will
allow it to bring about the necessary changes in me. I am open to correction, repentance,
obedience and brokenness and a deeper walk with God. I deeply desire a more powerful
prayer life and a greater intimacy with the Lord and a burden for the lost.
11. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Opening Prayer (Repeat the same prayer for Day 8 and 9)

FAITH DECLARATION: “My atmosphere is saturated with divine peace. Christ in me calms the storms
and trials around me. His peace guards my heart and mind, preserves my relationships, and strengthens my
faith. I am victorious!”

PRAYER OF FAITH: “Heavenly Father, I trust You. Thank You for giving me Your truth through the
Bible. Thank You for giving me Your Holy Spirit to rely on. Thank You for Jesus who sets me free from
worry and anything that gets me stuck in life. Teach me to seek You daily so that I will possess Your
peace. In Jesus‟ name I pray. Amen!


Scriptures to be Read:
See in the Prayer Points Below


I reject mental poverty that opens the door to mental oppression, depression or torment of
any kind in my life.
2. I will not partner with the spirit of doubt, fear or unbelief (Romans 8:5-6). I will not
criticize, judge or complain (Matthew 7:1-2).
3. I refuse to give the enemy access to my mind. I receive mental prosperity that gives a
believer a peaceful, wholesome thought life and a mind free from warfare and torment.
4. I will receive a renewed mind in Christ by fixing my thoughts on what is true, good and
right. Thinking about things that are pure and lovely, and dwelling on the fine, good things
in others (Philippians 2:5, 4:8). I reject mental poverty and I receive mental prosperity for
my life.
5. Dear God of creation, who made the universe from nothing, scattered billions of stars at a
mere word, engineered every favorable condition necessary to support life on planet earth,
populated the oceans and the lands with creatures of unimaginable variety and complexity
and made man their master, please do a miracle for me today in the name of Jesus Christ!
6. God of Moses, who turned the mighty Nile into a river of blood, sent hordes of frogs,
swarms of lice and flies, a plague of disease and boils, devastating hail, locusts that covered
the sky, and the death of Egypt's firstborn in order to answer the prayers of his people for
freedom, please do a miracle for me today in the name of Jesus Christ!
7. God of the disciples, who on Pentecost received Your power, spoke in other languages so
3,000 were baptized on one day, and then turned the world upside down for Christ, please
do a miracle for me today in the name of Jesus Christ!
8. Father of Jesus, who made the blind see, the lame walk, lepers whole and the dead to rise,
and gave His life to rescue those who were hopelessly dead in sin and made them alive to
righteousness and eternal life, please do a miracle for me today in the name of Jesus Christ!
9. God of creation, God of history, God of the Bible, God Almighty, I bind the mind of Christ
to myself and call forth His thoughts to become my thoughts that I might live faithfully for
Him and bring glory to His name in all my thoughts and actions. Amen.


Prayer Points of Surrender to the Lord:
1. Lord, I commit myself to You and the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. I submit to You all
that I am, all my gifts and talents, and even the calling that You have placed upon my life.
2. I give it to You; I die to it all so that You might resurrect it again in me. I commit to You
the work of my hands and all that You have given me to do in my life.
3. I desire always that what I do in my life bring glory to your name, not mine. Lord, I want
to see only what You would have me see.
4. I desire to hear only what You would have me hear and to sense only what You know it is
time to reveal.
5. I want to speak what You would have me speak under Your direction and guidance in my
family and community.
6. Give me ears to hear and fully discern Your voice, especially regarding this difficult matter
which I now bring before you (Here mention the difficult/challenge).
7. Make me worthy of my family, friends, and community‟s trust. May my words and
attitudes be as gentle or as firm as Yours towards all people so that I may inspire others
come to you.
8. Teach me about Yourself so that I might correctly represent You to my family and friends.
9. Keep me in Your love, and don't let me wander from You.
10. Love my friends and family through me, O Lord and work Your freedom into our lives for
Your glory.


1. I bind satanic harassment and rebuke satanic concentrations. I bring to a halt and prohibit
all satanic plans, plots and any surveillance (Mark 11:18, Matthew 26:4, Luke 6:11, Acts
16:16-19, 1 Samuel 18:1-30).
2. I lift false burdens, and reject feelings of heaviness, oppression, and depression. I cast them
upon the Lord, who sustains me, as I shall not be moved (Isaiah 10:27, 61:3, Psalm 12:5,
55:22, John 14:1, Matthew 11:28-30).
3. I decree and declare that by the power of God, all covenants, contracts, chains, yokes,
shackles, bondages, proclivities, and captivities that are contrary to, oppose, or hinder the
fulfillment of God‟s original plan and purpose for my life be broken now.
4. I am liberated from generational, satanic, demonic alliances, allegiances, soul-ties, spirits
of inheritance and curses.
5. I sever them by the sword of the Lord, the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
I speak to my DNA and declare that I am free from any and all evil influences passed down
from one generation to another biologically, socially, emotionally, physiologically,
psychologically, spiritually or by any other channel that may be unknown to me but is
known to God.
6. I resist every spirit that acts as a gatekeeper or a doorkeeper to my soul, and renounce any
further conscious or unconscious alliance, association, allegiance, or covenant.
7. I open myself to all divine deliverance. Father, have Your way and fulfill the destiny You
chose me for before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4, 2:10, Deuteronomy 5:9,
7:8-9, Ecclesiastes 7:26, Isaiah 61:1, Galatians 5:1, 2 Timothy 2:25, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-
8. I decree and declare that a shield of faith, fire walls, smoke screens, and a bloodline form
hedges of protection around me and hide me from the scourge of the enemy, any and all
demonic personalities, making it difficult, if not impossible for them to effectively track or
trace me in the realm of the spirit. I declare that there shall be no trespassing or penetrations
to these hedges of protection in Jesus‟ name (Job 1:7-10, Psalm 91:1-16, Exodus 12:13,
Zechariah 2:5).




See in the prayer points below


1. I disapprove, nullify, dismantle, cancel, and forcefully oppose any satanic operations,
maneuvers, manipulations, subversions, strategies, tactics, plots, plans, and ploys, which
are designed to hinder, prevent, frustrate, foil, deny, or delay God‟s original plans and
purposes from their quick, swift and speedy manifestation, particularly in the right time and
season (Daniel 7:25).
2. I decree and declare that my times and seasons are in the hands of the Lord and they shall
not be altered or adjusted by anyone or anything. I function under the anointing of the Sons
of Isaachar, and God gives me the divine ability to accurately discern my times and seasons
(1 Chronicles 12:32, Psalm 31:15, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Daniel 2:21-22).
3. I decree and declare that the eyes of my spirit function with 20/20 vision for correct
understanding and interpretation of divine movements. My ears are in tune with the correct
frequency of the Spirit, and I have clear transmission (2 Corinthians 4:4, Psalm 119:18,
Jeremiah 1:11-16, Ephesians 4:18, 2 Kings 6:17, Job 42:5, Isaiah 29:18, Revelation 4:1).
4. I decree that this day I operate according to God‟s divine timetable. I decree that God‟s
agenda is my agenda. I am not my own, I have been bought with a price. I therefore submit
myself to Him alone (Psalm 139:16, 1 Corinthians 7:23).

5. Father, overthrow the plans of troublemakers, cynics, scoffers, mockers, liars, deceivers,
persecutors and character assassins. Expose satanic representatives and grant me divine
strategies and tactics to identify, resist, and overcome plots and plans established for my

demise (Psalm 5:30, 7:14-16, 34:21, 35:1-8, 52:5, 83:13-17, 141:10, Esther 9:25, Proverbs
26:27, 28:10, Daniel 3, 6, Matthew 7:15-23, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
6. I employ the hosts of heaven to war against the hosts of darkness (1 Samuel 17:1-58). I take
command over, bring to a halt, and place a moratorium on all further demonic movements
and satanic activities emanating from the Underworld and its regions (Isaiah 14:5,15, 38:18,
Daniel 7, Revelation 20:13-14) – Death (1 Corinthians 15:55, Job 34:22); Hell/Sheol/Hades
(Isaiah 14:19); The grave (Ezekiel 31:15, Isaiah 38:10); The pit (Ezekiel 32:23); The abyss,
which is the lower region of the pit (Isaiah 38:17, Psalm 30:3); Regions of the sea (Ezekiel
26:16, Job 41:1-31); The heavenlies (Ephesians 2:6, 6:12, Revelation 12:7); Terrestrial,
subterrestrial, and celestial domains (Jeremiah 1:10, Isaiah 14:12-14, Luke 11:17-26,
Romans 8:14,23, Philippians 2:10).
7. I overrule and overthrow according to Isaiah 54:17 all ill-spoken words, ill wishes,
enchantments, divinations, spells, hexes, curses, witchcraft prayers, every idle word spoken
contrary to God‟s original plans and purposes. I reverse the curse associated with these
utterances and decree and declare that they shall not stand – they shall not come to pass nor
take root.
8. I declare that every lying tongue is wrong and that truth prevails (Job 5:21, Psalm 5:6-10).
I come against falsehoods, slander, accusation, misrepresentation, and character
assassination. Father, cause the heavens to bring forth divine judgment. I will lose no
ground or territory gained through their undermining efforts or initiatives (Psalm 144:5-7,
1 Kings 21:17-19).
9. I prohibit the accuser of the brethren from operating or influencing the soul or mind of
anyone who comes into contact with me (Revelation 12:10).


1. I reverse the effect of any stigmas and declare that divine favor, grace, honor, and well-
wishes now replace any and all negative feelings, perceptions, and thoughts concerning
myself, my family, and the work/ministry which I am called to accomplish.
2. Father, frustrate the works of witches and warlocks who stand against Your anointing as
You did with Jannes and Jambres in the days of Moses. Confound the omens of the liars,
astrologers, psychics, prognosticators, sorcerers. Make fools of diviners and make their
dark knowledge foolishness (Isaiah 44:25, 2 Timothy 3:8).
3. Rebuke and dismantle satanic alliances and arrest them by Your Spirit. Let every covert or
clandestine effort and endeavor fail (Nehemiah 4:7-9, Esther 9:32, Job 5:12-14, 2
Chronicles 20:35, Psalm 35:4, 55:9, 70:2, 83:17).
4. Lord, release plague to invade satanic databases and command that they be consumed and
destroyed. Let all future diabolical communications and networking fail. Any attempts shall
only yield incoherency and misunderstandings. Send a spirit of confusion among them.
Overrule and overthrow sabotage, subversions, and setbacks. Foil every retaliatory attack.

5. Arrest those that operate in the spirit of Jezebel or Belial. Let them not resist the anointing,
usurp authority, or gain any ground in the natural or in the realm of the spirit (1 Samuel
10:27, 1 Kings 19:1-5, 21:1-16).


1. Now Heavenly Father, You have given me a great destiny to accomplish for You. I war for
the releasing of finances and all necessary resources.
2. Everything prepared for me before the foundation of the world that pertains to my life, and
calling, come to me now. I shall not accept substitutes.
3. I call in resources from the north, south, east, and west. I decree and declare that every
resource necessary for me to fulfill God‟s original plans and purposes comes to me without
delay, now (2 Peter 1:3).
4. I decree and declare that the wealth be released now, and any curses upon that wealth be
removed. (Psalm 66:12, Ecclesiastes 2:26, Job 20:15-18, 27:16-17, Isaiah 60:16-17).
5. Grant to me, according to Your riches in glory, the treasures of hidden riches of secret
places (Isaiah 45:1-3).
6. I declare that the Cyrus anointing flow unhindered and uncontaminated in my life (Isaiah
60:10-17, Philippians 4:19).
7. I decree that I will increase and prosper in the land. As His son/daughter I will have all the
privileges, respect and honors extended to me and His name and grace, truth, goodness, and
mercy are my bodyguards.
8. I decree and declare that the kingdom of heaven rules and reigns (Revelation 11:15).

9. I decree and declare that this prayer and all future prayers take on the characteristics of
divine projectiles in the realm of the spirit and that they hit the bull‟s-eye (Job 36:32). Iseal
this prayer in Jesus‟ name, Amen.

God is able! Continue to Pray…….

1. Goodness and mercy follow will follow me always as the angels of the Lord God protect
and encourage me and my family at every turn.
2. I hear the voice of the Lord saying to me: Divine appointments, friendships, business
opportunities, mentors and higher levels of wisdom, revelation and understanding is yours
today. Finances and resources will flow to you without interruption. They flow like the
river of God.
3. I remove any ungodly blockages from receiving what the Lord is wanting to deliver to us.
My family and I are positioned for the purposes of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in the
right places at the right times.
4. I say this with Faith: No weapon formed against us prospers and every tongue that rises
against us shall be condemned. Word curses of others shall bear no fruit in our lives. They
are returned immediately to the demonic source from where they came, and we bless those
who curse us. We are free from all curses for Jesus Christ became a curse for us at Calvary.
5. Therefore, we are abundantly supplied, divinely healthy, and fully restored. We are whole
and thriving as a tree planted by the divine waters of life.
6. From this place where I work from, I say this: Jesus is the way the truth and the life. We
abide in the Lord Jesus Christ and are fruitful.
7. We have a Joshua/Caleb spirit and see that all things are possible for us because we believe.
We go forward and possess the Promised Land by the power of Your might.
8. It is not by our might or by our power but it is by Your Spirit. We see the heavenly gates
opening to us as we use the keys to the house of David and enter into the mansion of Your
holy presence and the throne room of Your glory.

WARFARE - 2020


Rev. Fr. Ignazio Muyunda L. Chanakila, was born in 1979 in Mongu. He entered the
seminary for priestly training under the Diocese of Mongu in August 1999. He did his spiritual
year at Emmaus Spirituality Centre in Lusaka. Upon graduation he went to study at St.
Augustine Major Seminary in August 2000 and graduated with a Diploma in Philosophy
and Religious Studies in 2002. He did his theological studies at
St. Dominic’s Major Seminary which is affiliated to Urbaniana
University in Rome, Italy from August 2002 to August 2007. He
graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Sacred Theology. He
pursued two Masters degrees in Sacred Liturgy and Seminary
Formation in Rome at Holy Cross Pontifical University from
August 2014 to June, 2016 and proceeded for his doctorate at
Angelicum University2016 to 2019. He holds a Masters in
Seminary Formation and also a Licence in Sacred Liturgy. He is
a specialist in Liturgy and Dogmatic theology. He holds a
Masters in Global Development and Social Justice obtained
from St. Johns University – Rome and other certificates from
Harvard University plus plus … around the world.

Fr. Ignatius has been involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement since 2001.
He is the Chaplain for the Charismatic Renewal in Phelim O’Shea Deanery in the Diocese of
Mongu. His experience in the ministry of preaching, healing and deliverance is profound. He
participates in an annual special Church conference called “New Dawn in the Church”. A
conference whose structure facilitates the Kingdom of God and is made visible in the lives of
the people, an embodiment of the vision of Zachariah 8:4-7.

He is a strong believer in the goals and objectives of CHARIS as laid down in the statutes as
approved by His Holiness Pope Francis. In the words of his mentor Myles Dempsey, He
desires to see the beauty of the Church to be seen in all her splendour. The Church with its
lights on and all its aspects celebrated – the Charismatic, the liturgical, the Marian, the
Eucharistic, the Sacramental and the Mystical – and for the whole family of God to be there.

Contact Details

You can also send a letter to Fr. Ignatius Muyunda L. Chanakila, Catholic Diocese of Mongu,
P. O. Box 910449, Mongu. Email: Cell Phone: +260977465876. Feel
free to support this work, I aim to publish prayers for different occasions.

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Fr. Ignatius 's Healing, Preaching and Deliverance Ministry (Facebook)
Fr. Ignacio Healing & DELIVERANCE Ministry (YouTube)

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