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Title: "The Haunted Lighthouse"

On a desolate island off the coast, where waves crashed against the rocky shores and a solitary lighthouse stood sentinel, an unsolved mystery
lingered in the salty sea air. The locals knew to stay away from the lighthouse, for it was said to be haunted by the ghost of its former keeper,
Captain O'Reilly.

Legend had it that Captain O'Reilly had vanished without a trace during a fierce storm, and his lantern had never been extinguished. The light in
the lighthouse continued to shine, guided by an otherworldly hand, drawing curious souls like moths to a flame.

One stormy night, a young sailor named Jack arrived on the island, seeking refuge from the tempest. He had heard the tales of the haunted
lighthouse but dismissed them as mere superstition. Seeking shelter from the relentless rain, Jack entered the old lighthouse, and there he met
an ethereal figure—an aging, spectral sailor with a long, flowing beard and a weathered face.

The ghostly figure introduced himself as Captain O'Reilly and explained that he had been trapped within the lighthouse for centuries, awaiting a
successor who could take his place. The supernatural storms that raged around the island were a testament to his restless spirit.

Touched by the captain's plight, Jack offered to take over as the lighthouse keeper. With a grateful nod, Captain O'Reilly handed Jack the
lantern, and the room filled with a blinding, otherworldly light. The storm outside subsided, and the lighthouse's cursed reputation finally lifted.

The years passed, and Jack faithfully tended the lighthouse, watching over the island and guiding ships to safety. The captain's ghost faded into
the past, and the lighthouse was no longer haunted. It stood as a beacon of hope and safety, its light serving as a reminder that sometimes, the
most unexpected friendships are formed in the darkest of places.

The island's residents, once fearful of the haunted lighthouse, came to appreciate it as a symbol of protection and guidance, honoring the
memory of Captain O'Reilly and the sailor who had brought peace to the haunted shores.

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