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Key Strategies


Successful digital experiences are often tailored to meet

the specific needs and preferences of individual users.
· Achieve this by offering personalized content, product rec-
ommendations, and deals based on users’ browsing history,
demographics, or on-site behavior. Simultaneously, remem-
ber to position your services in a way that directly addresses
the client’s unique challenges and needs. Use data-driven in-
sights to inform your personalization strategy, ensuring that
your tailored offerings genuinely resonate with the users.

Smart Storytelling

Simplify the offer

· “We help X do Y by or through Z” — there are all sorts
of variations of this core idea. You can test different tones,
diction, and vocabulary, but the main idea should always
be there.

Describe what working with you looks like

· Provide a clear overview of your process, services, timelines,
communication style, and value propositions.
· Ensure that the flow of the page document intentionally
provides this overview in step with the potential questions
and thoughts that your audience would be having as they
observe your website.

Use compelling narratives to engage users and commu-
nicate your brand’s unique value.
· Stories can be utilized to convey what your company does,
the values it stands for, and how it can solve the customer’s
problems. Use data and analytics to understand what types
of stories resonate most with your target audience. The aim
is to create an authentic connection with your potential cus-
tomers, showing them, not just telling them, how your ser-
vices can benefit them.

Captivating Scrolling

Enhance the user experience by creating engaging, visu-

ally appealing scrolling experiences. This can be accom-
plished with parallax scrolling effects, scroll-triggered
animations, or “infinite” scrolling layouts.
· The aim is to provide a captivating, immersive user expe-
rience that encourages visitors to stay on the site longer.
Use data to inform your design decisions, ensuring that your
scrolling effects contribute positively to the user experience
and are not merely decorative.

Personalized Videos

Personalized videos are an innovative way to engage

your audience. Tailor video content to your users in
terms of content and presentation, using the user’s name
or referencing their past interactions with your brand.
· Offer users choices about what topics they want to learn more
about. Use analytics to understand what types of video con-
tent drive engagement and conversions, ensuring that your
personalized videos are not just novel but also effective.


Interactivity in a website encourages users to actively
engage with your content rather than passively consum-
ing it.
· Incorporate interactive elements like graphics, quizzes, calcu-
lators, and games into your site. Use these tools to help your
potential clients visualize the value your services can deliver.
Make sure to use data to understand what types of interac-
tivity resonate with your audience, aligning your interactive
features with the needs and preferences of your target users.

Planning and Research Phase

What is the primary objective of the website?

Determine the core purpose the website will serve.

· While it should invariably add value, it most frequently
serves a sales and marketing role. Broadly speaking, its
function is to evoke interest and engagement from your
target audience in one way or another.
· What are your current business goals and how can your web-
site help achieve them?
· Is one of your primary goals to increase awareness of your
web design services? Could your website showcase your port-
folio, client testimonials, and case studies to demonstrate
your expertise and build credibility?
· Is your aim to increase brand awareness, generate leads, make
direct sales, provide customer support, or something else? Is
capturing potential client information for future marketing
efforts one of your goals? Could you employ strategies like
offering valuable resources (like eBooks or whitepapers) in
exchange for contact details?
· Is converting these leads into paying clients a crucial objec-
tive? How might providing clear service descriptions, pricing
information, and compelling calls-to-action encourage con-
· Is one of your aims to engage your customers more effec-
tively? How can you incorporate interactive elements, infor-
mative content, social media integration, and a user-friendly
interface to contribute to this goal?

· Are you looking to establish or enhance your online presence?
Do they need a website that effectively reflects their brand
and clearly informs visitors about their products, services, or
· If you offer products or services online, is a primary goal to in-
crease online sales? How might this involve optimizing prod-
uct pages, improving the checkout process, or implementing
SEO strategies to increase traffic?

Who should your website appeal to?

Clearly specify who your target audience is.

· Define the audience. What are their dreams, fears, wants,
and not wants?
· What are their demographics? Psychological demographics?
· Form a working theory. It will not be perfect the first time,
but it is important to do the research and create a basic idea
of who would look for the website.

What is the context by which they will discover the


Where will the audience find your website?

· Personalization, a key strategic initiative in digital lead gen-
eration, hinges strongly on the context. When crafting an
experience that resonates personally with your audience and
guides them through a meaningful journey, consider the ini-
tial point of interaction with your website. Understand the
probable touchpoints where your audience encounters your
brand, including existing marketing activities. The goal is
to ensure their landing on your webpage feels logical and
seamlessly integrated into their overall journey.

What level of knowledge will visitors have when they
first engage with your website?
· Will visitors have an extensive understanding of your brand
upon their initial website visit, or will they require some
education? If education is necessary, how much informa-
tion should you impart to ensure clarity without overload-
ing them? Conversely, if they’re already familiar with your
brand, ensure the presented information reinforces their pre-
existing knowledge, but avoid merely duplicating superfluous
details. Bear in mind, the user journey is forward-moving
and should feel like a progressive experience.

What personalization strategies will be used, if any?

· The key to the effective use of personalization is understand-
ing your audience and having data and analytics to inform
your personalization strategies. You should also regularly re-
view and update your strategies based on your results and
any changes in your audience’s behavior or preferences.
· Consider questions that your audience will ask themselves.
· Consider the sequence which the questions are answered.
· Determine how much content (space on a page) should be
used to answer the question. This correlates to the level
of perceived importance of the question and how much time
you expect users to spend on that particular question and/or
page overall. It also informs you as to how much you should
invest in the page or particular piece of content.
· You may employ [[Personalization Technologies]] that tailor
the user experience based on the specific link they used to
reach your website.

Final Thesis
∗ The research process is simple: figure out what you want the
website to do - who it will appeal to - what context they’re
coming from - what is the offering - how you are answering the
questions on the page and leading them to the next page. Once
the research process is complete, it is time to form the [[Website
Planning Thesis]]

Helpful Resources
∗ Digital Lead Generation: Unveiling Website Strategies for Busi-
nesses by Webtec, Edward Simberg

If you have answered the questions above, you

have the building blocks to start structuring
the website.

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