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14 Sonoma - What Works

macOS 14 Sonoma - What Works

Christopher Grossi - 2023-10-11 - Comments (0) - Apple Macintosh Computers

On Tuesday, September 26 Apple released its newest version of macOS: macOS 14


Please see the community-sourced chart for complete information on app compatibility:

Please see a list of software and its level of compatibility with macOS 14 Sonoma below.

Software/Service Description Sonoma


Adobe CC *Possible issues with Illustrator Yes*

and Lightroom Classic

Antidote 11 or greater Antidote before 11 is not Yes


AirMedia Untested

Banner Untested

Brown VPN Tested successfully with version Yes


Camtasia Untested

Canvas Untested

Cisco Jabber Untested

DFS Untested

Dropbox Untested

Endnote Untested

FastX Untested

FileMaker Pro Untested

Firefox Yes
G Suite All Google apps are functioning Yes

Google Chrome Yes

Graphpad Prism Requires update to v10.0.3 Yes

Keyaccess Untested

LabVIEW Untested

Lyx Untested

Maple Untested

Mathematica Untested

MATLAB Untested

Microsoft Office Supported on version 16.78 or Yes*


Microsoft OneDrive Supported on version 16.78 or Yes*


MyAccount Yes

MyPrint Untested

NVivo Untested

Panopto Untested

Printer Drivers Untested

Microsoft Remote Desktop Untested


Sibelius Yes

SPSS IBM reports: Adding macOS 14.0 Yes*

(Sonoma) as one of our supported
platforms is a high priority item
and an IF is estimated to be
delivered on Friday, October 13th,


Tableau Untested

Tecplot Untested
WiFi ( Yes

Workday Yes

Zoom Yes*

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