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O1ganic chemistyy: Ihe branch ob chemisbry which

deol with the study ob those
compound which ntain carbon and hydrogen called
hydvocovbon and their derivotives except ovide ot
ambon. cavbonates. bicavbonates, cynide ete is called
oganie chemistry
Ovganic ompound:Thase compounds which mostly
tontain ambon and hydrogen and
in ew cnses contain other elements 3uch as gen
ntrogen. 8ulphur, pho3phorous and halogens.

THpes o oYganie compounds

There are two types o o1ganic compounds on
basis o Thei
coal, soi
) Naturolly oeeuring organic compounds. eg.
petxol, Natural
gas ete
ciy Synthebic organie compourds, eg plastic, detergents
medicine ete

compounds which contain

Inovaanic 0ompounds:Tho9e
all etements except hydrocarbon
and thev derivatives is alled inovganic compound

Exampleg HC1. H2904, Nacl. co, cacogs. NaHc03, ee

There ave 3ome ompound which contain
covbon but they are ihorganic. e. co. coa. taco3
C1ganie ompound vepresentes by the tollowing wa3
n Molecular bovmula i structumal tovhula
ti) Condenged tormula y Dot and cro39 tormula
Moleculoy Formula: The tomula which sho the actual
humber ot atoms o dittrent element
present in one molecule o organie compound is
oalled molecular bormula,
Examples:Molecular bomula o benzene is Cehe. A
that benzene hag 3ix carbon atom3 and 3x

hydrogen &toma.
o atomg os diterent
9tructural Formula: The amangment.
element amound the cavbon atom
is alled
pYesent in a molecule o o1gania compound
structural tormula.

Chayacbeyistics: At shous he number and bypes o

in a molecule. and ala
atoms present
aTangment ob atom3.
ghow the bonding
The bondg are ghown
An structural tormula all

with their exact number.

Singte bord is represented by sing line (-

Double hond is epresented by double line (=)ond triple

line (betuecn bonded
bond is represented by triple
soYmula ob propane and
Example: The gtructurar
butone ave given below.

Propane butane
Condenged Fovmula:1The tormula where the group o
atoms ave shown in order a3
They appem wth the structual tormula uwitk no bond
O dashes is alled ondensed tomula.
Exomples:Hexane conboin Six cmbons and tourbeen
hudrogen, its coidensed tormula is CHCH.)CH
Dot and cYa89 bormula, The structuval tormula in
which electxons are
as dots and cros8 between various atom3 in one
moteeule ot
o1gania compound is nlledots and
CYo9s bormula.
Exomples: he dots and tomula toT melhane
and propane are
given below. in which
the electrons o caY'bon are
vepvesented by dot ()
and the electrons obs
eYO99 (x)
veptesented by

HxC xH HxC.C. .C.

Dot-C1o39 sormula ot melhant

Dot ero3s tormula o

Organic compoundsaYe mainly claasitied into two types|

on the basis o heir avbon 3keleton.
ah Open chain or acyelic ovganic ompounda

ay closed chain or
cyelic ovganic ompoud8
Open chain orgoniC ompound:
Ihe oYganic compound
which covbon atoms are

alled choin oY
in open chain 3tructure are open
acyelic oYganic compounds. hey are urfher
intp 8traight chain and branched chain vganic aompotund
Stra1ght chain organic ompound: The orgonic compounds
which conbain straight
chain o abon atoms in theiv molecule is called

sbraight choin organic compound. fhere common name

have prekix wi aorespon ding alkanes

Example: n- butane n-pentane
Bran ched choin organic ompound: Ihe OYganic compounds
in which all anrbon
|atoms are ot arranged in a lineay 3eqjuence but
alkul group is attached to it and bom branch
structuve are caled branched chain organie compounds
Their name bare pretix 130 with covresponding alkanes.
Examplea Iso- butane 190-pentane
Closed chain o Cyclic organic compounds:

The organic Compounds in which Corbon atoms

|are linked togeather t orm closed chain or

ving 3tructure is called closea chain or cyclic

OYganic compound. they aveuvther divided into wo
gYoups. Homocyelic ovganic compounds and Hetrocyclic
019a nic compoundis

Homacyclic ovgania compounds: The oYganic compounad

which are in closd
chain or 8tucture, and the ving consist o only
cnvhon atoms is anlled homocyclic organic
compound. at is turther divided into two upes
o li- Cyelic organic compo unds
ci) Aromatic oganic compounds
Ali-Cyclic oYganic ompounds: he ovqanic compound
d d
which ave in clased
chain structure soYming a ving are called
ali- cyclic oYganic compounds.
organic ompounds vesembles propetties ot the
apen chain organiC compound but ditter in
their structure and bormuloe,
having alternate ingle and
double bonds in thein structure or carbon Ying are knoun
las aromatic ovganic ompounds
Examples:The. Important member ot this alas3 is benzen
and ofther onganic compounds thot ave detived
SYom benzeFe like naphthalene. anthracene ete

Benzene Naph/halene Anhracene

Heteroeyclic otganic ompounds: The organic compounds
which contain one or

move atom3 other than aaYbon atom3 3uch a3 sulphe|

oXygen. Nitrogen in The ving aYe alled heteroeyclic
O1ganic ompounds
Examples Furane, Thiophene. Pyridine, etc

Thiophene Pyridine
Clas9itication oorganic compounds on the basis ob

OYganic ompouda ave clasitie into twoy pes an

in them
the bas's ot chemicaol bonda present
0 Saturatad organic compounds
kis unsaturated organic compounds
Saturated organic compounds: Those organic compourds
in which all the nYbon
atoms bondesd to ench ather through Singie

covalent bond is called seturated

ongania ompounds,
these compounds are also Knoun as alkanes.

Examples Methone. ethane. propane, butane. pentane, ete

CaHe, CaHs
CH4. Cyhto CsHa
Unsaturated organie compounds: Those oxganic compound
which contain at teast
one double triple covalent bond between
corbon catbon aom3 ave aaled unsaturated organic
compounds. Alkenes and RIMynes are un3aturated
organic co.mpounds
AIkenes: The hydrocarban which contain at least one
double ovalent bond between
covbon cavbon
abom i9 called alkenes.
AIlkynes: Te hydrocavbon which contain at least ane triple |
bond between cavbon- carbon atom is called
The diversity and magnituale ot ovganic ompounds
is due to the uniqJuenes8 ob carbon bonding and
structure, Corbon can torm millions ot ovganic compounds
due to the boltowing Yen8ons,
Tetra-valent: cnbon is tetm-valent atom because ombon
atom con borm a total o bour covalent bondl
Msde a Bonding: The aor bon atom con totm a single.
double, or bviple covalent bond in ther

H-C-H -C
Four Single Tuo Single and Tuwo double one triple bond|
bonds one double bond bonds and one singte

Catenation:The ses o covbon atom ia

linkage ability
anlled atenation. cavbon atom hare the
ability to ovalently bonded with oher cmbon atoms to
borm 3traight chain. branched chain and ving

stsaight chain Branched chain Cyclie

cAYbon bonding to other elements. Begide catenation.
caybon atoms con

also sovm bonds with olhey elements like. Os .Na. 3.

Exa mple: lhe moleculay bormula o ethanol and
efher ave (CaH<0) but due to dibterent

aYYangment ot carbon atoma torm diterent

CH3-0-cH3 CHs-CHh-OH
Ether Alcohol
|Strength ob covalent bonds ob catbon
atorm3: Ihe Size
o car bon
atom is
very small. due to which caybon atoma
SoTm strong aovalent bond with ench oher and with
other elements, such os hydrogen. oxygen, nitrogen,
and halogen to som large number ot organic compound

Some ob The Important aharacteri9tic o oroanic

compouds ave given belbw,
Composition- 0rganic ompounds mainly composed ot
cavbon, hydrogen atoma8.
they also contain
Oxgen, 3utphur, Nitrogen and ha logen along with
ard hurogen atoms. cabon|
Covalent Nature. Organic compounds are
borded compounds in naturre,
mainly non-polar with ew fhey ave
9olubilityMost onganic compouds ave non- polar and
olubile in non- polay 3olvent like gcetonP Pihr

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