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Sheltering in Place

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Relationship: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Character: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, No mpreg, Omega Aziraphale (Good
Omens), Alpha Crowley (Good Omens), Established Relationship, Post-
Canon, Car Sex, Crowley's Bentley (Good Omens), Mating Cycles/In
Heat, Light Angst, Nesting, Idiots in Love, Knotting, Nipple Play,
Rimming, Anal Plug, Wet & Messy, Shameless Smut, Top Crowley
(Good Omens), Bottom Aziraphale (Good Omens), Possessive
Crowley, Humor, Blow Jobs, Oral Knotting, The bentley has witnessed
many things, Anxious Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Language: English
Collections: Anonymous
Stats: Published: 2020-07-19 Words: 5,924 Chapters: 1/1

Sheltering in Place
by Anonymous


Aziraphale had always been hesitant to set foot in Crowley's car. The Bentley was more
than just an ordinary vehicle to the demon, he knew that much, and he'd be on the receiving
end of hard stares if he so much as dropped a crumb on his seat.

That was why when he found himself essentially caged inside after being drawn to it for
comfort after an unexpected heat set in, he was already dreading the look of disappointment
Crowley would give him when he found him mucking up his treasured car, turning it into a
makeshift nest of all things.


See the end of the work for notes

The door closed with a loud thump, locking the angel inside to pant and slouch down into the
cushions. It was an instant relief, the smell of leather, ozone, Crowley. He pressed his face against
the driver seat, sniffing and rubbing, angling his face behind the shadow of his coat so no late-
night passerby would see him.
He had started feeling the beginnings of a heat prior to finding the Bentley, drawn to the scent even
from a few miles away while he was taking a walk. It was parked outside a seedy club, warm night
air permeating around the metallic shelter of the car. Crowley was on an assignment, though
evidently not paying much attention, seeing as the angel had been receiving texts from him
nonstop all evening.

As much as every instinct was urging him to give Crowley a call...well, they'd had a pretty nasty
argument the night before. He was arrogantly avoiding the phone, though he'd heard a few texts
pop up in the last few minutes- on the mobile he'd practically been forced to buy to transition to
the modern age as Crowley put it, he thought hotly.

Well, it wasn't as if Crowley was going to be any help. The angel looked and the phone again and
huffed, reading through a long line of half-hearted apologies he didn't believe whatsoever. The
demon was just as thick-headed as himself when he wanted to get his way, and he refused to

7:21PM: "Hey angel, you ready to talk yet?"

7:25PM: "I'm sorry, give me a call okay?"

7:36PM: "You better not be sulking. Not very angelic, now is it?

8:35PM: "You would not believe how boring it is in this place. Wish you were here"

8:40PM: "Idk I think you'd like it. There's a table full of desserts...just waiting to be eaten..."

10:03PM: "Hey"

10:20PM: "Look angel I might've been just a tad harsh"

11:37PM: "Just wanted to say I didn't mean it, okay? We both had one too many last night"

11:39PM: "It was just a little joke, didn't mean anything by it"

11:51PM: "Want to talk things out? We can meet back up and get drinks, my treat. We can go
anywhere you like"

11:58PM: "Hellllo????"

12:22AM: "Oh, so you're still in a huff, hm?"

So he thought he could win him over with some refreshments?! No, he'd stand his ground. He was
not going to tolerate being called a hoarder of all things. So he liked keeping a majority of his
books...well, to himself. He'd sold a few novels here and there to those who truly deserved them.
He wasn't 'hoarding them like a greedy bastard', as the slimy serpent had commented so
His grimace disappeared when he doubled over on the seat, mind reeling as he tried to catch his
breath. Alright, so maybe he wasn't as fine as he'd like to think. He felt the very first twinges of
warmth deep in his stomach, a traveling shiver that started at the base of his spine and crawled all
the way up through his body, inching towards his groin.

He already knew he was running out of time, feeling an unmistakable drip as he tried to sit up, the
smallest bead of slick rolling down his thigh. It took a few tries, but he managed to miracle up a
little plug to fill in the space and, well, keep away any unwanted messes. He hadn't tried this
method before, but it was better than nothing. There was a small satisfaction of having a nice deep
pressure, though he could do with something, no. If he needed that, he'd use his fingers.
At home. He was going to get out of the car and go home, he told himself again.


He glowered down at his phone, considering turning it on silent for the time being.

His nipples were swelling in preparation as well, sensitive to any shift under his shirt, and he
searched his pocket for a small pack of adhesive covers he'd noticed while shopping that were
intended to fit underneath bras, preventing chafing or visibility under thin fabric, knowing they'd
come in handy for a time like this. He pressed one of the sticky circles on, noticing how his chest
was flushing and somehow growing more...tender. He stuck on the other and tugged his shirt back
down, straightening himself up in his vest. The evidence of his heat would be hidden pretty nicely
for the time being, he thought. Long enough to ask Crowley to drive him back to his shop. He just
needed a few more minutes here, and he was sure the demon would be more than willing to assist.

"You can do this, old boy." he muttered to himself as he looked around the car, trying to find
anything that could help in the meantime. There was a small blanket in the back seat, as well as a
canister Tea? Maybe even wine, knowing his lover. By now he should've been in his
flat above his shop, the upstairs fitted with plenty of pillows, warm blankets and books to make a
heat comfortable enough, but he couldn't imagine leaving the familiar smells swirling around. Not
yet. Just a little longer.

He'd never had much luck in blocking one of these cycles out unless since he stepped foot on
Earth, lacking the power Heaven could provide to suppress them when they came. His ability to
use his own miracles was dwindling, and time was of the essence.

As much as he wanted to curl up right in the midst of these cushions, Crowley would never forgive
him if he mucked up his precious Bentley. He looked over at the phone, wondering if he should
cave and send a quick reply, but...he just couldn't bring himself to. What would he say?
He reached for the door handle but then faltered when he remembered there were so many people
outside, so many strangers. Right now he felt so isolated, knowing how he was whenever a heat
overtook him. He'd lose his powers till it was over, and he was right in the middle of town! His
store seemed so far away, and so did Crowley.

People could see him from where he was sitting, and there was no telling what would happen if he
was caught. The back seat looked a little cramped, but it would do. He crawled languidly over the
arm rest, tumbling to the back floor in a heap before wriggling into the seat. His scent was already
filling up the entire car, and if he tried to leave now...

"You're a fool, a complete and utter idiot." he muttered to himself, twitching all over as his body
started to quickly warm up. He fumbled at his buttons to loosen his collar, cursing how neatly put
together his outfit was in his trembling state. "You're going to make a mess of Crowley's precious
car. What then? Will he ever forgive you?" His reprimand actually struck a nerve as he thought
about it, thinking of all those times he was scolded for pulling out biscuits while on the road.

The demon was fiercely protective of his Bentley, especially after nearly losing it to fire. He was
constantly making sure it was spic and span, checking for scratches in the paint and keeping the
interior almost sparkling.




He begrudgingly swiped up his phone and stared down at it, blood going cold as he read the

1:05AM: "Is something wrong?? You never take this long."

1:08AM: "Please say something, okay?"

1:10AM: "I'm getting worried, gimme a call?"

1:14AM: "Seriously, say something, this isn't like you"

1:20AM: "Ok that's it, where the fuck are you? I'm gonna go on to your shop, better be there. I'm
going to the car now"

"I'm fine!" he texted back, fingers flying as fast as he could. "What's all this fuss about? I'm
perfectly fine, my dear boy. How are you?" He paused, quickly adding, "Just not sure I'm ready to
forgive you is all. I found your car and decided to pop in for a bit to escape the heat( he physically
slapped himself for unintentional pun) but you...aren't allowed to come in right now." He needed to
open the windows and get the car ventilated first, but his powers had dwindled so much in the past
few minutes he couldn't even get them to slide down a crack. Opening the doors was too much of a
risk, not feeling safe knowing someone might see him in such a vulnerable state.
Crowley evidently hadn't heard the message, the phone buzzing with a call.

"Angel? What the actual fuck is going on?! You never wait this long to answer."

"I just sent you a perfectly reasonable response! What's gotten into you? So I can't take a few
minutes to come up a message? Don't be so unreasonable."

"...Oh. Didn't see that. don't think so. Look, let's just talk, okay? I've been going over it in my head
all night and maybe- just maybe, I was a little bit harsh."

"Alright, that's fine, but I'm not in the mood to listen right now. Can we put this off for about, say,
a week?" Hearing the demon's voice was making his body react more intensely, and he pushed the
phone father from his skin. His body was eagerly sucking in the plug, gripping around it.
Demanding more of a stretch. "I was very upset with you."

"A week?! Come on now angel, why can't we just settle things and get on with our life? I'm not
gonna be able to focus on anything if I know you're seething like this."

"Seething?! Who's doing such a thing? An angel doesn't seethe, brute, they engage in holy
meditation till the issue has been properly managed in their subconscious."

"Yeah, so...seethi-" Aziraphale cut the call off, sighing with frustration.

"You haven't learned a thing, have you?" he grumbled, even as his body seemed to grow softer,
warmer, missing the voice against his ear. "We'll see about 'seething'."

"It reeks of you now, you horrible, horrible angel." he whispered to the quiet, teasing tone slipping
away to something colder. "What's the point of staying here if the very scents you wanted to grovel
yourself in are already being washed away by your own?" He rubbed against the seats as he layed
back over them, trying to chase the smells that were being quickly drowned out. "You selfish thing.
Is this really worth your brief moment of comfort? Are you ready to look his disappointed face,
explain why you ruined his perfect car like this?"

The pain of his own rebukes were heightened when he felt slick trickling down his thigh, the plug
apparently not enough to fill the space completely. He tugged off his trousers before it could soak
through and reach the leather. He balled the piece up and shoved it under himself, rocking back
and forth as stress grew. "He's going to be so angry, so very angry. Why couldn't you have just
stayed home?"

What to do now, that was the question tumbling around in his head. He couldn't stay here, but he
also couldn't leave. He looked over at his phone, playing out every scenario in his heat. In every
one Crowley would be furious, demand that he leave and never set foot in the Bentley again. He
certainly wouldn't blame him if that was the case, disgracing the car with a scent that was
becoming headier by the second.

The more he thought about it the more conflicted he felt, ashamed of going against Crowley's back
to do something so vile to his most loved possession. His finger hovered over his mobile, pressing
the call button before he could pause to talk himself out of it again.

"Oh, so you're ready to make up already, hm? Just admit it, angel. I won."

"I don't care about that right now." he groaned, pressing the phone closer against his ear to hear the
demon's voice more clearly. "I'm in a bit of trouble."

"What? What happened? You sound terrible, are you okay?"

"I'm in your car, and...oh, just please come get me." He quickly added, "Don't come inside though,
not at first. I promise I'll explain everything later.", but it was too late. Crowley appeared out of a
shadow, racing towards the driver's side. "Can you hear me? Don't open the door!" he called,
backing into the seat on the opposite side, preparing to be yelled at.

The demon wrenched open the door, looking back for him wildly as he ripped off his glasses to see
better. "Angel?! What happened? Were you locked in here by some kind of-some kind..." His face
went through many changes in the following seconds, from fear to confusion, and then blank.
Then, all the color in his eyes disappeared, and he started to hiss.

"I'm sorry, please don't be angry! I didn't know this was going to happen. I really try to keep these
cycles of mine under control, but I just..." He didn't have time to finish, Crowley hopping inside
and slamming the door closed. He scrambled over the seats, and Aziraphale pulled his bare legs up
to huddle closer into the corner. "Please don't be angry..."
"Angel." he ground out, crawling towards him with wide eyes.

"I can miracle the car completely spotless when this is all over. Right now, I can't do anything at
all, so-" He gasped as the barrier of trousers was pulled out from under him, slick starting to pool
down onto the seat. "Crowley! I was trying to keep the mess to a minimum." He tried to snatch
them back, but the demon had his teeth buried in them, sniffing very loudly as they dripped under
his chin. It was becoming harder to think by the second, his own thick scent having filled up the
car, now along with Crowley's, and though he was still scared of being reprimanded...he felt so
much safer.

He soon realized that the real danger to the car was Crowley, who was eyeing him up and down
with a very conspicuous bulge growing in his trousers under the dim car light. If he knew that look
as well as he thought, the seat was going to be a complete disaster by the end of the hour...or day.
Or longer. He wasn't sure exactly how long this would take, seeing as he'd only ever been safely
tucked in bed during his cycles. They were out in the open, humans passing by unaware.

He had to do something to distract the demon quickly, before this escalated any further.

"Darling...people are outside. They can they can see me like this." he mumbled, batting like a
damsel his lashes for added effect. "You wouldn't want complete strangers watching your angel so
vulnerable and needy, would you?" This earned a deep snarl as the demon quickly shot his gaze
around, scanning the surroundings and reaching for the door as a human passed a little close to the
car. "Ah!" Aziraphale reached out and caught his arm before he could open it, having utterly no
idea what kind of horrors might await anyone who came between them right now. "You wouldn't
leave me even for an instant...would you?"

Crowley shook his head quickly, snapping his fingers and the windows were instantly cast in a
dark covering. It blocked out the light from the outside, and the only thing illuminating the space
around were the small lights inside the car and the demon's glowing eyes. Eyes that were fixed
solely on him.

Aziraphale jumped as he was pushed backwards and nearly pulled into a kiss. The angel gave
Crowley a harsh shove, knowing how durable he was in this state. His body was capable of fending
off an army in this condition, powers or not. Unfortunately, the rough treatment only seemed to
excite the demon further, flicking his tongue out and catching a stronger whiff of his scent.

"Um-ah-" the angel sputtered, mind racing as he tried to both to simultaneously block his urges just
a little longer and keep the demon calm. The seats could be saved, if only he could hold out a little
longer, talk some sense into him. "That looks like an awfully tight fit. You must be aching
already." he said softly as he carefully grazed a hand over the demon's groin. "I know just how to
make it better."
Crowley stayed frozen in place as Aziraphale bent down to rub his face up against the demon's
inner thighs, inching closer towards his arousal. "I can use my mouth right here. There won't be
any need to make a mess, you see?"

Crowley was hardly listening, grabbing the back of his head and grinding against his cheek. Oh
dear. He was already starting to knot.

"Just let me take care of you, love." he purred, forcing the zipper down amid his shaky movements.
The filled effort nearly snapped against his nose as it sprang up in his hand. "I'll give you all the
release you need, and then you can take me back home. Mate as long as you wish." He wasn't sure
even he believed that, feeling more slick drip onto the seat, much to his dismay. "You're going to
feel so good..."

The demon wriggled around under his touch, much too excited to sit still. The car was filling with
his grunts of pleasure, gripping into the pads of his shoulders over and over till pink marks started
to grow. Aziraphale gave him a smile before opening his lips wide and setting the cock inside. This
time he was the one moaning, forgetting himself in the presence of such a heavy scent of lust. His
toes curled, pushing it farther down into his mouth and enjoying how rigid and utterly scorching it
was against his tongue.

He hummed as he slid it all the way to the back of his throat, lips stretching as much as they could,
unable to move further once he reached the start of the knot. He felt over thick veins, stretching his
jaw till it ached to get his mouth just a little deeper. He sat there while Crowley humped against
him, growling and gripping into his hair. There was a large part of him that would always love the
moments of being used like this, whether because of his nature as an Omega or an angel, servicing
the one who always seemed to service him.

He suckled for a few more minutes, enjoying himself more than he should've given the particular
urgency of the situation, but was both surprised and satisfied when he felt the knot begin to swell
and open, gushing down his throat in a hot surge. He closed his eyes and waited while Crowley
thrust into him, making low noises from his chest, giving the angel's hair a few sharp tugs in his
high of pleasure.

When he was finally finished, Aziraphale felt like he'd just gulped down a large saucer of cream,
licking over his lips that were wet and sensitive from the stretch. Crowley was staring down at him
pure adoration, unfortunately, and was already pushing the angel backwards and lifting his legs,
letting out an excited hiss as soon as he saw the plug that was doing a very bad job of holding
anything in. He prodded a finger over it, spreading the angel's plush thighs to give himself better
access. "You were right, that did feel good. It was fantastic, just like the resssst of you."
Aziraphale could hardly recognize his voice now, thick with hunger. "Let me return the favor?"
"Hold on now, there's no need for that- we should be-getting back-home-!" he choked as the
demon started to slip a finger around the handle of his plug, pulling at it gently. "Crowley, it's
helping to keep the mess at bay! If you take it out now, it's going to-" He gasped as it popped out
with hardly any effort, a heavy trail of slick leaking down onto the seat under himself. "-get
everywhere." The demon looked utterly proud of himself. "You better have a rag in here
somewhere. Something to clean this up..."

Crowley took ahold of one of the angel's knees, pulling it up and to the side so he had more room
to squeeze himself between. His eyes looked utterly gone, looking down with a pitch-black gaze
that was fixed on...well, everything. They darted up at Aziraphale's lips, then the stiffening buds
under his shirt, and finally settled on the small pool beneath him. He bent down and stuck his
mouth in the crease of the angel's arse before he could utter a retort.

"What-Corwley, I meant a towel! No, you're just going to get yourself more riled up!" he was
groaning and grabbing at the demon's hair, feeling the tongue rub around muscle that was
unfortunately welcoming in the intrusion readily. Every swipe of the appendage was hot and wet,
curling up and smoothing out again in long drags. Judging by Crowley's contented growls, he was
enjoying the taste quite a bit, and the angel gave up after a few moments of trying to slow him
down. "Oh, please don't blame me when this is all over. I didn't know you'd be so...fiendish." He
heard a chuckle, whether or not the demon actually understood his meaning in his ravenous state.

He leaned back in his seat and let himself moan, his cock twitching rigidly throughout the
ministrations. Crowley had long since licked up the slick coating the cushion, and was now starting
to slide his tongue inside him, squishing his hands into the angel's inner thighs all the while with
wicked satisfaction.

"So you've decided this is going to be our nest? I have no say in the matter?" This finally got the
demon to halt his movements, peering up even as his tongue was sticking out mid-air. He looked
slightly apologetic, but not nearly enough for the angel's liking. "Don't give me that look...and I
didn't tell you to stop..."

Crowley purred and plunged back in, a fresh stream of slick gushing out from another wave of
arousal. Aziraphale could see his own breath fogging up the window, grabbing onto a handle up
above him to help steady his trembling. He used his other hand to unsteadily work at the rest of his
buttons, letting the sides of his shirt draft down to the sides. Looking down over his chest, he saw
how swollen and tender his nipples had become, starting to rub a finger over one while he watched
the demon's tongue slip inside and back out again in a rhythm that was growing in speed.

This seemed to draw the demon's interest, slowing his work to watch. "What, finished already?"
Aziraphale teased, kneading his hands into the fat of his chest, knowing just how much Crowley
loved it. "Well, thank you then. I suppose you've done a fine job of cleaning me up, but what do
we do? Can you take us home now? I don't suppose you care at this point, do you..."

The demon raised his head up to look at him, pressing hard and very wet kiss on his mouth quite
unexpectedly. Aziraphale had hoped such a movement would be grounding for the both of them,
but it seemed to have the opposite effect, sending blood downwards and flushing up his cheeks
when Crowley began sucking at his lips. "'re such a brute."

His words couldn't have tarnished the demon's resolve if he meant them, only seeming to
encourage him further, the taste of his own slick strange as it slipped over his tongue. His lips
traveled around the angel's chin, licking the rim of it and slowly moving down his neck. He'd
sneaked a hand over the angel's chest at some point, inching toward a sensitive bud and soon
rubbing it around in his palm. It looked nearly red against his skin, soft and responsive to every

Aziraphale waited a few long minutes while the demon lashed his tongue out over his nipples,
sucking them down and biting with a surprising amount of care. They responded by growing even
more pink, swelling further under the heat. He knew he was about to be mated, and was going
through his mind searching for ways he would try to apologize when all this was over and done

The demon began lifting the Aziraphale's thighs up and apart, spreading them wide and shifting
himself between them in their snug corner.There was hardly enough room to move, but in
Crowley's current mood he could make any space work. He was already knotting again, the
hormones moving through them at a much faster pace due to how concentrated their scents were in
the confined area, and Aziraphale could tell he'd been holding himself back a great deal till now.
Even in this state, he'd always make sure his mate was ready.

"Very well then, do what you will." Aziraphale muttered, bracing himself into the cushions as a
cock pressed against him and started to push. "Just please...don't be too cross? Don't blame me
when you're through? I didn't mean to..."

Crowley peered down at his thoughtfully, most likely not processing a single word he spoke.
Regardless, he noticed the tension in his face and bent down to suck at his neck. "Don't worry
about a thing, dove. I'll take care of everything." There was a surprising amount of clarity in his
voice in that sentence, sobered momentarily by concern, which was soon replaced by more desire
when the angel began pressing himself down on the tip of his effort.

"Then take very good care of, won't you? Fill me up and make me forget about everything else."
his whispered, grinning as he felt Crowley respond with a deep snarl, pushing again. He was much
more forceful this time, pressing Aziraphale back into the cushions hard and keeping his mouth
locked in place till he slid inside. The stretch was terribly satisfying, and the angel curled his toes
and spread his legs wider, moaning freely. The seats creaked, the outside world hummed with
passing cars and thrumming music.

Half of Crowley's body was on the floor, just one knee on the seat, and he pulled the angel's legs
up and around his shoulders so he could climb closer. The car was filled with the sound of
growling, chests shoving together as the demon pushed till half his length was inside, then rested
there. He looked down and checked, then checked again, waiting and watching for Aziraphale's
affirmation to move.

"Really dear, you shouldn't get me all pent up just to keep me waiting." he grumbled weakly,
already pushed too close to the window to have enough space to move his arm, cheek squishing
against it. The demon was pulling his leg higher and higher. "Seeing as we've already come this
far, it would only be polite to-" Crowley pulled out almost all the way just to plunge back in
deeper. This forced a high, needy whine out of the angel, who grabbed for the demon's shoulder
and held on tightly.

"What'sss that, angel?" he whispered against Aziraphale's ear, raspy and coarse. "Who's keeping
you waiting?" He began rocking his hips forward, pinning the angel's head against the window
while staring at him in a feverish haze.

Aziraphale whimpered so loudly the demon faltered for a moment, the feeling of a continuously
swelling knot pressing against him every time Crowley thrust. He knew his body was going to
accept it soon enough, and had many times, but it seemed almost impossible right now. Things had
never progressed this quickly before, and he'd never been in a state where he could pay much
attention to the feeling of that pressure lining up against him till now, always too drunk with
pleasure at that stage to notice much.

He knew Crowley was already ready to burst, ready to force the knot inside and spill everything
he'd built up in just the past hour, but instead he bit his lip and continued to stretch his angel open
at a pace that was at least relatively gentle.

Aziraphale didn't know how they'd ended up like this, looking around in a daze at the seat which
was an utter disaster. Every time the demon snapped forward, another rush of slick trickled out and
dripped down to pristine leather, no doubt leaving the scent of his arousal for weeks to come. If
only he hadn't got so caught up in his huff, they could've been in a nest with plenty of towels, have
a shower within easy reach. All the same, he watched Crowley's tongue roll over the sharp points
of fangs, breathed in another thick whiff of his own sweet mating scent along with Crowley's, and
all his doubts disappeared again. He was safe here, he was warm and being opened for someone
who'd do anything for him, and right now the world outside just didn't seem important whatsoever.
He was so absorbed in watching his lover's expressions that he didn't notice he was on the verge of
an orgasm till he was crying out in pleasure, held down firmly as every shudder made him jolt and
shiver. Crowley watched him, kept him secure, lapped in and around his ears and whispered things
he couldn't understand.

The angel was so relaxed from the climax that the demon's knot slid in with ease, locking into
place as Crowley groaned above and spread Aziraphale's legs wider. He felt minuscule
contractions, muscles spasming as the strain of the demon's cock began to lessen and empty, thick
gushes deep inside filling him till he was completely warm, content- though exhausted.

When Crowley woke up, midway through the afternoon as there wasn't any light coming in
through the windows to indicate the time, he was laying in a very uncomfortable position with half
his body resting horizontally on the back seat of his car and half on the floor. He had absolutely no
idea how he'd managed to stay stable like this till now, especially when he saw the angel curled up
on top of him. What was left of Aziraphale's shirt was a mess, tangled up around one elbow, and
other than that he was completely bare. His skin was covered in pink marks, a few bruises here and
there, and there was a growing puddle of drool under his chin from an evidently peaceful sleep.

He felt bad waking him up, but was especially confused after spending last night failing at a
temptation to encourage a bartender to make off with a couple thousand dollars- damn it, the
bastard just had to have morals, didn't he? Either way, he rubbed over Aziraphale's back to gently
wake him, watching him blink in the dim light and try to make out Crowley's face.

"Huh...oh, oh no, I-I am so sorry, dear-" the angel quickly stammered, jumping upright so quickly
the demon finally toppled down to the floor, one leg hanging on over his face. "I didn't mean for
anything of this to happen! Please don't be angry, please!"

"Angel, can you slow down for ten seconds and explain to me how the shite we ended up in here?"

"Well...I sort of...found your car and well...I'd forgotten my next heat was due so soon...I honestly
tried everything in my power to stop this, I never wanted to leave any kind of mess in your car, I
know how much you love it-"

"Hey hey, breathe." he mumbled, pulling himself back up and stretching out his arms with what
little room he had. He didn't even notice the alleged mess till now, the smell of sex evident in the
air now that he stopped to concentrate. There was dried slick all over the seats, along with...well,
other fluids. A lot of it, if fact. Aziraphale raised his hand to snap his fingers, prepared to erase all
the remains in a flash, but the demon stopped him. "There's no need to clean up so soon. You
haven't even had breakfast, have you?"

"I hardly know what time or day it is. My scent was amplified since we were in such a tight space,
and can imagine how it effected us." he sheepishly looked to the side. "I understand if
you never want me to step foot in here again. Just please forgive me?" Crowley looked down and
noticed the angel's knees were pulled together, hiding behind his shirt as he slipped it back up. "It's
your most prized possession, I know, and I've gone and...oh, I'm so sorry."

"Nonsense. That's what you are. Besides, who gives a damn if you decided to do a little re-

"But I-"

"You're just saying all this because of that one time I got pissed that you spilled crumbs, aren't you?
Angel, I thought you knew already that I can't focus on the road if you're doing something so
indecent right next to me, licking your fingers like a proper hedonist. I nearly got into a crash
because of you, and that one wouldn't have gotten me a promotion."

"Hold on, you're saying I didn't do anything wrong after all? Crowley, do you know how much I
scolded myself for vexing you? I thought I'd broken some unspoken rule, and you- oh, you're just
horrible." he huffed, crossing his arms while the demon began to snicker. "I've held myself back
from so many sweets on our drives because of you. I hope you're proud of yourself."

"Oh believe me, s'worth it just to see your expression right now." he choked, slapping his knee with
a repressed laugh, which dwindled as he watched Aziraphale shift, his thighs opening just a little.
"...Say, you're all riled up about not making any messes, and yet here you are dripping out onto the
seats." The angel jumped and grabbed for the crumpled ball of trousers on the floor, trying to stuff
it under himself before the demon stopped him. "Not so fast. You come into my car, let me fuck
you senseless and now all of a sudden you worry about modesty? To think my own mate would
hide from me..."

"Crowley!" he squeaked, already getting pushed backwards. Crowley kissed at his jaw, biting his
lip, swallowing up another protest about the state of the car.

"Now now, Sssit still." he purred, bending down and pulling apart the angel's cheeks. He slipped a
finger inside his hole, which was soft and pink from the attention, sucking in the digit eagerly even
as Aziraphale grumbled. "Ah, just filled you to the brim, aren't you? From the looks of things, I've
done a fine job." Aziraphale gasped, utterly scandalized, whining as another finger pushed in with
ease and cum trickled down onto his palm. It seemed there was still a residual scent lingering in
the car, because Crowley's eyes were already filling with hunger again. He'd like to blame it on
that, anyway. "We'll have a nice big breakfast soon, but for now I've got to clean the mess I've
made of you."

End Notes


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