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Verbal & Physical Bullying in Junior High

Bea Athena

Students have been experiencing verbal and physical forms of bullying inside the school campus
which is affecting their minds in a negative way. Their passion for learning, and their motivation
have been affected and has made their school time depressing and scared for what may come at
them. Here in the Philippines, a survey conducted revealed that bullying is experienced by one in
two Filipino school children. An Australian newspaper stating that 50 percent of Filipino
students are being bullied in school. They have experienced being made fun of for being
different or the bullies just lack sympathy which needs to be corrected. They are forced to do
stuffs even though they clearly are uncomfortable and don’t want to. In United States, bullying
has become a pervasive problem. According to the National Center for Education Statistics,
nearly a third of all students aged 12 - 18 reported having been bullied at school in 2007. Fifty-
six percent of students have personally witnessed some type of bullying at school. In Davao City
bullying in school is a major concern since it exists in almost every school there is in Davao City
reported by City Health Office. This act has not been only in private schools but also in public
schools which is terrible for the students.

Most children have either been bullied or have known someone who has been bullied. Bullying
and teasing are seen as serious issues that can cause psychological damage in those on the
receiving end. Bullying can influence learning, stress and anxiety can make it more difficult for
teens to cope up with academic activities. It may cause difficulty in concentration and decrease
one’s ability to focus which makes it difficult for one to remember learned terms or lessons.
Other forms of bullying may include name-calling, demanding money or personal belongings,
and more serious physical assault. Students in a position to easily exert power over another, such
as greater physical size or higher social status, tend to commit these acts. Boys tend to be more
physical, whereas girls tend to engage in social and psychological bullying. Bullying is
extremely hard on to the students. Their grades can suffer, as can their physical and mental
health, which is bad for their health. Many students who are bullied on a regular basis become
afraid to go to school, finding any excuse they can to stay home. Some children have committed
or attempted to commit suicide when bullying became too overwhelming. Some people may
think that they are just overreacting, but they are like that because they are not the ones who are
experiencing being bullied on a certain level. Bullying is also detrimental to the bullies, whose
low self-esteem benefits in some way from the harm they cause others. Bullies generally do not
see the consequences or comprehend the effects of their actions.

For bullying to end parents need to get involved and make sure that their school has anti-bullying
programs and policies in place. Parents need to talk with their kids about bullying and cyber
One way schools use to decrease bullying is civility training, which instructs students in
compassion, kindness, empathy, and community building. This is often done through historical
examples of positive behaviors, spending time with individuals who have disabilities, and
teaching how it feels to try to walk in “another’s shoes,” by spending a day in a wheelchair, for
example. Let us be aware of signs or situations that reflect these problems among the students. In
the classroom seek to assist the students as best as you can and continue to educate them. We
should open up and listen to their cries and not just ignore them as bullying is a serious matter.
Encourage the students to speak up and not just be quiet about their situations. Most people who
get bullied carry a unique characteristic that is not carried out by most individuals. Reminding
victims that being different and having a unique characteristic or trait does not make one less of a
human than the other. Constantly reminding victims that they are special will boost one’s self
esteem and lessen the effects of bullying.
It should also be a law that is strongly implemented in schools in the Philippines. Implementing
this as a law and giving punishments or sanctions to the violators who continue to perform this
act will eventually lead other bullies to stop and learn from the ones that are facing sanctions for
inappropriate actions. Bullying has been happening for quite some time now in society,
eliminating it may be very difficult but is still possible. By implementing these solutions, it can
lessen the cases of bullying and pave the way for eradication.

If bullying is stopped for good, there would be no more fear of going to school. The students
wouldn't be staying home being” sick.” Students would have better self-esteem and a positive
outlook on their own life. Students would have better lives and more successful and have more
confidence in their future lives with no bullying stopping them down. The world would be better
without all the rumors and harassments. The students would be able to attend school and not fear
being bullied. Their grades would improve with no disturbance from bullying. They would be
able to focus on a goal. Their physical and mental health would also greatly improve with no
negative influence on them. Students would no longer be emotionally crippled by being victims
for life, mental health cases would decrease significantly.
Seeking the support of class-mates, family members, and teachers along with their specialty
coping skills. This strategy allowed them to express their anxiety, concerns, and fears to the
people they trusted. It also helped them see that they did not have to suffer through the
victimization alone and that they had support. With this strategy they were able to express their
selves and get away with feeling alone and scared for life. Also helped them minimize feelings
of sadness and depression. The students have started improving their grades. They can attend
class without doubt and hesitation of being bullied again. With the help and support of their
family and friends, they were able to reconnect and experience peace.

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- Salmivalli, C., Karhunen, J., & Lagerspetz, K.M.J. .How do the victims respond to bullying?
- Van der Wal, M. F., de Wit, C. A., & Hirasing, R. A. Psychosocial health among young victims
andoffenders of direct and indirect bullying. Pediatrics,111, 1312–1318.
- Olweus, D. Bullying at school: What we know and whatwe can do. Malden, MA: Blackwell
- Orpinas, P., Horne, A. M., & Staniszewski, D. School bullying: Changing the problem by
changingthe school. School Psychology Review,32, 431–445.
- Bond, L., Carlin, J. B., Thomas, L., Rubin, K., & Patton,G. Does bullying cause emotional
problems?A prospective study of young teenagers. British MedicalJournal,323, 480–485.

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