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Tel : 92031113 ANGLAIS CLASSE : 5EME

Title : My Family

Hello! My name is Mariussia , and I want to tell you about my family. I have a
small family with four members.
First, there's my mom. Her name is Tina , and she is very kind and loving. She
takes care of me and always helps me with my homework.
Next, there's my dad. He is very tall and strong. He works hard to provide for
our family and always makes me laugh with his jokes.
I also have a younger brother named Ivan. He is very cute and fun to be around.
We play games together and share secrets.
Lastly, we have a pet dog named Max. He is a friendly and playful dog. We take
him on walks and play fetch with him in the park.
We love spending time together as a family. We often have family dinners
where we talk and laugh together. On weekends, we sometimes go on outings to
the beach or the park.
I am very lucky to have such a wonderful family. They are always there for me,
and I love them very much.

Title: My School

Hi! My name is Mariussia, and today I want to tell you about my school. I go to
Cours Lumière.
My school is a big and beautiful place. It has a playground where we can play
during recess. There are swings, a slide, and a basketball court. It's so much fun!
Inside the school, there are many classrooms. Each classroom has desks, chairs,
and a blackboard. We learn different subjects like math, English, science, and
art. My favorite subject is art because I love to draw and paint.
We also have a library in our school. It's filled with many books, and we can
borrow them to read at home. I enjoy reading adventure and fantasy books.
My school has a cafeteria too. We have lunch there with our friends. I like to eat
the delicious meals they serve, especially pizza day!
We have some wonderful teachers who are very kind and helpful. They teach us
new things every day and help us when we have difficulties. I'm grateful for
their support.
I have many friends at school. We play together during recess and help each
other with our homework. School is a place where I can have fun and learn with
my friends.
I enjoy going to school and learning new things. It's a great place to be!

« La réussite est au bout de l’effort. »

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