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1. Humanus, Sanitas and Regius plans are worldwide coverage and have a variety of deductibles according to
the needs of the insured. Novus plan is only latinamerican coverage and it was a 90-10% copay (No deductible)

2. Most common deductibles are $250, $500 or a $1000.

3. The deductible is the amount selected by the insured at the time of taking the policy and must overcome first
so that the insurance starts to cover.

4. The company requests that exceed a maximum of 2 per year per family deductible.

5. Examples of how the deductible work.

Case 1:

The insured selects the $250 deductible per year and has a hospital stay of several days and the hospital bill is
$ 8,000. The insured must pay the deductible at the hospital. ASSA will pay directly the remaining amount of
the invoice. In this case the insured covered the deductible, so if he needs any kind of medical treatment in the
rest of the year we will cover 100% of the expenses.

Case 2:

The insured for the first time will use the insurance but he knows that the bill won’t reach the deductable. For
example: A dermatological appointment $ 100. The insured will take the bill also with the BCBS claim form
filled by the doctor to our office and it will go toward the deductable. After submitted the claim in 22 days in
our systems will be reflected that the deductable is no longer $250, it’s going to be $150.

Case 3:

A family of 3 takes the health insurance deductible of $ 250 per year. Dad has a $ 400 event where he only pays
at the hospital his deductable. The rest of the family must cover the second deductible in order to overcome the
annual family deductible (2-deductible). It may be the mom who collaborate with $ 150 and the daughter with
another $ 100. After deductibles are covered, the policy holders have no longer to pay directly to doctors.
Through our call center (4052-3030) or we will pre authorize medical
appointments, x-rays, labs and even medicines.

For additional information:

Freddy Pacheco
Best Insurance Costa Rica

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