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Name : Rizky Apriyana

Class : 4B English Literature

Nim : 12221097

Final Exam Critical Discourse Analysis

In the Multimodal Couse course, I analyzed posters using the theory of Roland Barthes. one of
them I analyzed posters from the movie "House of Gucci"

"House of Gucci" Movie Poster Analysis Using Sara Mills Theory in Critical Discourse


A poster is a form of visual discourse that has great power in conveying a message and
influencing our perception of a topic. The film "House of Gucci" released in 2021 is a crime

drama film directed by Ridley Scott. The film is based on the true story of the Gucci family's life,
specifically the events of Maurizio Gucci's murder committed by his ex-wife, Patrizia Reggiani.
In critical discourse analysis, we will examine this film from the perspective of Sara Mills who is
an expert in the field of discourse and gender analysis. The "House of Gucci" movie poster is an
interesting example of a poster to analyze using Sara Mills' Theory in Critical Discourse Analysis
(CDA). This theory allows us to understand how language and images on posters reflect and
shape the construction of gender identity, power, and social norms related to gender.

Description of the poster "House of Gucci"

In critical discourse analysis, it is important to pay attention to how the characters in the film
"House of Gucci" are presented and how their gender is constructed. Sara Mills stresses the
importance of analyzing how gender representation in the media can influence society's view of a
particular gender.

In this film, we see the character of Patrizia Reggiani (played by Lady Gaga) as the main
character of the complex. Sara Mills might highlight how Patrizia's figure is presented in the film
as a strong and intelligent woman, but also an assassin. This representation can raise questions
about the complex construction of gender, where a woman must be harsh and manipulative to
achieve her desires.

Meanwhile, Maurizio Gucci's character (played by Adam Driver) is portrayed as an ambitious

man, but also has a weak and vulnerable side. Critical discourse analysis can highlight how men
and women in the film may be trapped in traditional gender stereotypes.

"House of Gucci" Movie Poster Analysis Using Sara Mills Theory in CDA

1. Gender Identity Representation

The gender representation in this poster is important to analyze. Lady Gaga's

performance as Patrizia Reggiani, who was sentenced for murdering her ex-husband,
Maurizio Gucci, stands out because she is featured in positions of power and agency. Her
facial expressions and dominant demeanor defy traditional gender norms, challenging
perceptions of women as passive and submissive. However, it is important to research

whether this empowerment is limited to his role as a criminal rather than celebrating his
achievements or merits in other aspects of his life.

2. Women's Power and Authority

In this poster, the female character is holding a gun and showing a stern facial expression
and is in the middle. This shows that women also have the physical strength and courage
to face challenges. This activity reflects liberation from gender stereotypes that women
are weak and men need to protect them.

It is important to note that the female characters in this poster are not depicted as mere
sex objects or decorations. Instead, he is positioned as a strong character who has
authority and dares to take on the role of the main character.

3. Criticism of violence against women

Visual elements in posters play an important role in influencing audience perception and
establishing power dynamics. In the foreground, prominent actors and actresses, such as
Lady Gaga and Adam Driver, are strategically placed, dominating most of the poster. This
emphasizes their importance and star power, suggesting that they play a central role in the
narrative. On the other hand, secondary characters are placed in smaller and less
dominant positions. This visual hierarchy not only reflects the film's casting, but also
reflects the broader structure of society where certain individuals or groups have more
power and influence than others.

4. Other Representations

Fashion and Luxury as Social Status Given the film's title, "House of Gucci", the
extravagant display of luxury fashion and accessories in this poster is naturally expected.
These extravagant clothing and accessories depict luxury and social status, suggesting
that wealth and material possessions determine the identity of characters and their place
in society. This kind of representation can reinforce the view that material wealth equals
success and happiness, which drives the ideology of consumerism that is widely
developed in contemporary society.

5. Limitations in Representation

Thispost er may not convey the full picture of the film's deeper murder theme . Further
analysis of the film itself may be needed to investigate how themes of gender and power
factors become the overall narrative.

6. Discourse on Evil and Morality

The presence of handcuffs in the poster serves as a powerful symbol, directly referring to
the criminal element in the narrative. These visual elements, combined with dramatic
taglines or captions, can reinforce some of the discourse around crime and morality. This
can affect viewers' perceptions of a character's guilt or innocence before watching a
movie, contributing to the way we judge individuals based on appearances and

7. Portrayal of Family and Power

Another interesting aspect to analyze in the film is how power construction and family
dynamics are displayed. The Gucci family is one of Italy's most wealthy and influential
families, and critical discourse analysis can help explore how the power structures within
this family are reflected in the film.

Sara Mills might highlight how the film portrays the dark and cruel side of power and
rivalry within the Gucci family. The characters in the film struggle for control of the
company and family assets, thus illustrating how power can become destructive and

8. The Use of Color in Creating a Glamour Atmosphere

The "House of Gucci" poster features luxurious and classy visuals, reflecting Gucci's
famous brand image. This poster design is very elegant with a classic combination of
gold and black. Gold gives the impression of luxury and wealth, while black creates a
sense of mystery and drama.

In this poster, the lead actors and actresses are dressed luxuriously in beautiful Gucci
costumes. Lady Gaga, who plays the character of Patrizia Reggiani, stood out with a
striking red dress and magnificent accessories. This grabs the viewer's attention and adds
an element of glamour to the poster. The "House of Gucci" poster also features the names

of famous Hollywood stars such as Lady Gaga, Adam Driver, Jared Leto, and Al Pacino.
The presence of these stars gives its own attraction to the audience and promises
outstanding acting performances in films. The stars are also famous for their glamorous
image, so the audience is interested to see how they bring out the characters in this film.

9. Attractive Graphic Design

The graphic design on the "House of Gucci" poster shows creativity and attention to
detail. The aesthetically pleasing layout and proper placement of elements create an
attractive visual impression. The images used in this poster also depict various important
aspects in the film, such as love, wealth, and power, all of which attract the attention of
the audience.

10. Gucci Image and Branding

Gucci as an iconic luxury brand is the focus in this poster. The famous Gucci logo is
prominently emblazoned at the bottom of the poster, as well as the appearance of the
character with Gucci brand clothing and accessories add appeal to fans of this brand. The
presence of the Gucci brand in this poster can also increase the interest of the audience,
as they are interested to see how this brand becomes an integral part in the storyline of
the film.

11. Two-sided representation of personality

As I understand it, House of Gucci is a film directed by Ridley Scott that tells the story of
the history of the Gucci family and the events that took place in it. If we want to analyze
the movie poster by involving a representation of two sides of personality, we may be
able to consider two opposing main characters in the story.

For example, two characters that can be represented by two different sides of personality
in the analysis of House of Gucci posters are:

Maurizio Gucci (played by Adam Driver):

Maurizio Gucci is the main male character in this story. He is a member of the Gucci
family and occupies an important role in the family business. In the poster, we can see
Maurizio's ambitious, intelligent, and courageous side of personality. His position as the

successor of the Gucci family business is shown by the firm expression and
determination in his eyes. However, on the other hand, we can also see a gentle and
human side of Maurizio that might be shown with a light smile or a slightly friendlier
expression. The poster can highlight the internal conflicts faced by this character as he
attempts to navigate a world of wealth and ambition within his family.

Patrizia Reggiani (played by Lady Gaga):

Patrizia Reggiani is the main female character who is also Maurizio Gucci's ex-wife.
Inside the poster, we can see the strong, fiery, and passionate side of Patrizia's personality.
His face may show a feeling of firmness and a strong will to achieve certain goals or
revenge. However, on the other hand, there may be visible signs of concern or
vulnerability in the expression of his eyes, reflecting the complexity and emotional layers
of his character in the story.

12. Audience Interpretation

In the analysis of House of Gucci posters, audience representation is the film's way of
trying to attract attention and target specific audience groups. Movie posters are often an
important marketing tool to grab the attention of potential audiences and create
expectations for the film. Audience representation in a House of Gucci poster may
include the following aspects:

Celebrity Appearances: The poster may feature images of famous stars who acted in the
film, such as Lady Gaga and Adam Driver. These representations aim to attract their fans
and invite interest from people who are interested in their previous works.

Brand Aesthetics: House of Gucci is a film about the Gucci family, a famous luxury
brand. Posters may feature Gucci brand aesthetics, such as product design, fashion style,
or brand logos. This representation aims to attract the attention of fashion lovers and
luxury brands.

Genre and Tonality: The poster may reflect the genre and feel of the film. If the House of
Gucci is a crime drama or thriller, the poster might feature elements such as opening

keys, symbols of wealth, or puzzles. This representation will attract an audience that
loves such genres.

Increased Attraction: Posters can try to arouse the audience's interest by showcasing
interesting or teasing moments from the movie. This can be an important scene, tension
between characters, or a dramatic conflict that will attract the attention of a potential

Target Demographic: A poster may feature elements aimed at appealing to a specific

demographic group, for example, if the film contains romantic elements, then the poster
may feature romantic moments between the main characters to appeal to audiences from
a particular demographic group.

Message and Theme: Posters can also represent the main message or theme of the movie
by using imagery, words, or symbols. This representation aims to attract an audience
interested in the themes carried in the film.


In the critical discourse analysis of the film "House of Gucci" based on the perspective of Sara
Mills, we can explore various aspects such as gender representation, family power dynamics, and
reproduction of capitalist values in society. The film offers a deep understanding of the Gucci
family's life and the complexity of its characters, while providing reflection on how media can
influence the way we view gender and values in capitalist societies. Using Critical Discourse
Analysis, we can unravel power dynamics, gender representations, social values, and historical
context contained in poster composition. As a media audience and consumer, it is important to
engage in critical analysis to understand how films and their marketing materials shape our
perceptions, beliefs, and cultural understandings. Only by doing so can we develop an informed
and nuanced approach to media consumption and interpretation.

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