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TIME GATE 2011a:

The Midway of the Triple Omega Door: 333

(21-12-012 = 3-3-3 — 21-12-2010 = 333)
By Ananda Bosman, January 7th 2011 (POLished on 1-11-011)
Copyright ©2011 by Ananda M.J.A. Bosman

Congratulations, dear Grailers, Somanauts/Psychonauts, Meditators, and Time Gaters.

We DID IT!!!!

The 14 Year Time Gate coherent “LOVE TIME” Loop on Behalf of Mankind was completely

Thanks to each and every one of you, who took turns over time, in holding the
compassionate divine love in open-ended NOW Time, for us all.

Now we are in the totally NEW Time Gate 2011a: December 21st 2010 to January 17th, 2011.
With the maximum novelty peak and gate to August 23rd to 1-9-011, and even into early May
2012, being at January 16th, and the early hours of January 17th!!!
Later this year there is another MAJOR NEW TIME GATE:

11-11-011 Time Gate, that goes deeper into 2012

Over the last 14 years, you have each taken turns at this dedication to humanity and
mankind, on behalf of the Utmost for our species. THIS REALLY COUNTS, in the larger
scheme of things.
For this was done outside of any secret society and outside of any military classified
operation, but done by the people, of the people, for the Grand people of Mankind, in
compassionate Divine Love.

Personally, December the 21st also felt like a huge weight off the shoulders, carried with 14
years of responsibility.
14 years ago 2011 and 2012 seemed very far away. But now the significance of the Time
Wave is becoming everyday more prevalent, and the Time Gate can be appreciated.
We together held this divide, with the Wings of the Heart, as wings that Marry the Future &
Past into a Wider Living NOW.


In this report you will see the evidence of the outcome of the Time Gate. Scientists have
discovered, announced in 2010, that the elements that compose our bodies, the fabric of our
reality, and the very nature of the universe are being completely changed by a new force that
is not only time travelling, but appears to be intelligently communicating with all mater as it
is reprogramming it, and acting as a Unified Field force of Intelligent Coherence
(compassionate love in action)... No Less.
This new observed Unified Field Force and particles, as reported by Stanford University
scientists, are being observed to be changing the laws of the elements of our bodies, and to
be ACCELERATING the very time of our universe, fulfilling what our ultraterrestrial
Emmanuels stated that way during the 1980s.
Empirical evidence, that made the previous Emmanuel modern mythos and sci-fi sounding
1980s descriptions, as well as the “Andromedian” ExtraTemporal Intelligences (ETI), become
a standard part of our everyday world, into our present, as undeniable reality....
(Details in report)

We are living in the utmost extraordinary times. In this report you will see evidence from
science that our planet is in a major magnetic pole shift, that INCREASED during this Time
Gate, in fact only now going into a full polar oscillation! And that our Sun has now been
found by bewildered scientists, to be releasing new time travelling particles that are changing
all of the elements that compose our reality and life itself in a major way. As a New Universe
of tuning is upon us.

Extraordinary things that demonstrate the unique NU Time we are in, and can celebrate with
the Joy of the heart, amidst the stirring vortex of the mass “Awakening Dream”.

Furthermore, we will cite the first publication on the December 21st Time Gate, of evidence
of “consciousness time travel”, called chronesthesia. No less. And what a time to publish,
one day after the very day we completed the biggest human experiment, of mass
chronesthesia, conducted by several thousand people, over 14 years, in history!!!!

In this Time Gate 2011a, we are now entering the middle Time Gate Omega portal that lies
between the 3-3-3 (21+12+2010 = 3-3-3); and the 3-3-3 (21-12-012 = 3-3-3) Omega Trinity

As we have stated for years, the Omega Time Gate is a Triple doorway, 2010 to 2011 to 2012.
We are now entering the middle of that portal.
The crux point of this middle Omega gate is the 11-11-011 = 33, Time Gate....

In 1989, our ultraterrestrial tutors, the Emmanuel’s related the following about 2011
(remember this is BEFORE the 2012 hype began):

“Because 2011, in the levels of consciousness, not necessary how you count time, is a!point
where you will collectively, or certainly a majority of you, choose to!experience a unification
with your True Reality. In the time of 2011!will begin the Awakening Dream, also some of the
dreamers on Earth will begin to!open their eyes to the reality of Oneness. That gradual
movement of the eyes to opening !could take about 2000 years, but 2011 is the beginning of
the movement of the eyelids.”!
—EMMANUEL, "We Love You", October 1989, Amsterdam!

In confirmation to this, unexpectedly, after 500 years of silence, the Mayan Elders made an
announcement of the December 21st 2010, Time Gate date, being the beginning of the End
Time, relating to the total lunar eclipse. Just as we had predicted, by proper nudges from our
Relatives Beyond the Stars, back in 1995/96.

On October 8th, 2010, four of the Mayan Elders spoke at the United Nations in New York.
They spoke about the awakening of mass humanity, just as the Emmanuel’s had stated in
1989 for 2011, and that mass UFO contact would begin with benign ET civilizations,
following 2012, paralleling trendline information of our own contacts with the
ExtraTemporals that gave themselves such archetypal nomenclature as Votan, Quetzlecoatl,
and Manka.
The Mayan Elders spoke about the fulfillment of signs. One was the blue spiral of the
Norwegian Spiral, and the other was the Eclipse of 21-12-2010 — our Time Gate, which was
launched from NORWAY (both in 1996 AND in 2010).
They spoke about a countdown, precisely as we have related over the years, not from our
high foreheads, but thanks to the compassionate nudges of the ExtraTemporals and
Ultraterrestrials… And this is now long and well on the public record, and film recorded, in
the hands of many.

With Our Time Gate Work, we are fulfilling the unification of the “Bible Code” with the
“Mayan calendric Code”, hyper-indexed to the most archaic root source of both of these: the
proto Rg Veda and Manuantarakala Divine Time Gate cycles, from the ultraterrestrial Manu
and ETI at the genesis of our history.

As in the Bible code computer program, when one types in the Biblical citations of “end
time” and “end days”, all entries comes to the result of “1996”. Thereby, 1996, the year of
the Time Gate Alpha, is the beginning of the “End Time”, by this measure of code.

Remember the meaning of “apocalypse” literally translated is “THIS IS CODE” ;-)

With the Mayan Elders October 2010 statement, that the lunar eclipse of December 21st,
2010, herald the beginning of their “End time”, the date of our Time Gate Omega, thereby,
the Mayan and the Bible Code “End Times” period was sandwiched as the 14 year Time Gate
WE together, made the End Time, by hyper-time indexing, through our compassionate love
efforts for all mankind!

As the present transformation is happening by a triple wedding of the physical, astral/subtle,

and causal planes — then, even if one is no longer in a physical body, but has made a
coherent compassionate love body convergence in the astral with the causal through the
physical in this 14 year Time Gate period, via ecstatic love sessions... then the astral planes as
one with the causal planes has the 14 years “End Time” of the Alpha (1996) to Omega (2010;
& linked to 2011, 2012), to holistically reflect through — as an open-ended parabolic
compassionate love loop.

It is amidst this 14 year period that the totally new Unified Field time travelling particles now
changing all of our reality, at an elemental level, were discovered, in fact at the tail end of
the Time Gate era!

One day after the TIME GATE of December 21ST 2010, SCIENTISTS ANNOUNCED THE

Thereby, our 14 year Time Gating, time travelling “time perception”, is the first mass public
experiment in chronesthesia over a period of 14 years by thousands of people, all-in-all, in
Bravo fellow time gaters, here we have a clear signature of our 14 years of effort having
looped into our reality, and announced as a new science. We did it!!!
Chronesthia will be used for new software in virtual reality interfaces, where consciousness
time travelling will be essential in neuro-feedback operating systems and internet interactive
softwares of the future. This is clearly a reflection of the success of hyper-time realisation.

What a date to publish… All of these phenomenon and publications are CLEAR
INDICATIONS that our Time Gate work has produced a level of MASS coherence and
organizing synchronicity that is ontologically building and synchronizing to a NU reality.


“Scientists find evidence for 'chronesthesia,' or mental time travel

December 22, 2010 by Lisa Zyga

Image credit: Lars Nyberg, et al. ©2010 PNAS.

“Researchers have found evidence for “chronesthesia,” which is the brain’s ability to be
aware of the past and future, and to mentally travel in subjective time. They found that
activity in different brain regions is related to chronesthetic states when a person thinks
about the same content during the past, present, or future. ( -- The ability to
remember the past and imagine the future can significantly affect a person's decisions in
life. “Scientists refer to the brain’s ability to think about the past, present, and future as
"chronesthesia," or mental time travel, although little is known about which parts of the
brain are responsible for these conscious experiences. In a new study, researchers have
used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural correlates of
mental time travel and better understand the nature of the mental time in which the
metaphorical "travel" occurs.
“The researchers, Lars Nyberg from Umea University in Umea, Sweden; Reza Habib from
Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois; and Alice S. N. Kim, Brian Levine, and
Endel Tulving from the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario, have published their
results in a recent issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
“Because mental time is a product of the human brain and differs from the external time
that is measured by clocks and calendars, scientists also call this time “subjective time.”
“Chronesthesia, by definition, is a form of consciousness that allows people to think about
this subjective time and to mentally travel in it.
“The new results suggest that the brain’s ability to conceive of a subjective time is in fact
necessary to explain how we think about the past and future.
“Until now, the processes that determine contents and the processes that determine time
have not been separated in functional neuroimaging studies of chronesthesia; especially,
there have been no studies in which brain regions involved in time alone, rather than time
together with action, have been identified,” Tulving said. “The concept of ‘chronesthesia’
is essentially brand new. (You find a few entries on it in Google [–Ananda, Time Gates :-)],
but not on Web of Science.) Therefore, I would say, the most important result of our study
is the novel finding that there seem to exist brain regions that are more active in the
(imagined) past and the (imagined) future than they are in the (imagined) present. That
is, we found some evidence for chronesthesia. Before we undertook this study it was
entirely possible to imagine that we find nothing!”
“He added that, at this stage of the game, it is too early to talk about potential implications
or applications of understanding how the brain thinks about the past, present, and future.
““Our study, we hope, is the first swallow of the spring, and others will follow,” he said.
“Our findings, as I alluded to above, are promising, but they have to be replicated,
checked for validity and reliability, and, above all, extended to other conditions and
situations, before we can start thinking about their implications and applications (of which
it is easy to think of many).”
More information: Lars Nyberg, et al. “Consciousness of subjective time in the brain.”
PNAS Early Edition. DOI:10/1073/pnas.1016823108.

There can be no doubt, that the publication one day after the Omega Time Gate of the 14
year Time Gate experiment in “time perception” — shows a larger synchronicity is now
coherently guiding our species...

Time Gating is official....

We were the very first Chronesthesia pilots of history!

This is phenomenonal alone.
AUMbravo dear Time Gaters.

Before we go into the major new evidence for the Time Gate pole shift triggering process
now in effect, we must report upon another phenomenon that appears to be precisely
verifying our Time Gate exercises.

For scientists are presently in a complete uproar as they have detected time travelling
particles being emitted from the sun, that is changing the fundamental elements composing
Earth, our bodies, and our reality, defying the previous laws of physics, no less...
Hold onto your seats!!!

Now in the beginning (Summer 2010) of the this Time Gate curve into maximum novelty
(January 17th 2011), scientists have announced that the sun is releasing a “mystery particle”
that is changing our reality.
The Time Gate Omega 2010 novelty curve began this summer, and descends into the Time
Gate 2011a January 17th Time Gate maximum novelty, where Omega-2010 makes loves with

Mainstream scientists discovered this time travelling particle emission, when they discovered
that radioactive elements are changing in their radioactive decay. Normally, the carbon
dating of elements has a stability in decay rate of 5,700 years — now SUDDENLY, the
radioactive decay rate of elements in laboratories are changing, just 1-4 days BEFORE the sun
releases a solar flare (in true time Gate “time travelling” style and grace :-)).

These new particles are called “time dilating”, that is they are TIME TRAVELLING particles.
The Time Gate Sun is NOW on. And our friends of the larger Homo Universalis family of
Universal Man have been busy retuning the sun, just as we have been tuning our hearts into
compassionate love, and hyper-time, through Time Gate efforts on behalf of mankind, and in
the golden Via Media synthesis of our personal daily lives.

Here, we excerpt from various papers, the highlights for your convenience. Visit the site links,
if it interests you for more detail.
We excerpt and vastly shorten, so that you can integrate the implications of the vastly
extraordinary multidimensional sun transition NOW upon us. The IMPLICATIONS ARE

The implications are that ALL LIFE is being reprogramed. Welcome to the New Universe.

Discovery News Space News

Analysis by Ian O'Neill
Wed Aug 25, 2010
“What if a well-known -- and apparently constant -- characteristic of matter starts
behaving mysteriously?
“This is exactly what has been noticed; the decay rates of radioactive elements are
changing. This is especially mysterious as we are talking about elements with "constant"
decay rates -- these values aren't supposed to change. School textbooks teach us this from
an early age.

“This is the conclusion that researchers from Stanford and Purdue University have arrived
at, but the only explanation they have is even weirder than the phenomenon itself: The
sun might be emitting a previously unknown particle that is meddling with the decay
rates of matter. Or, at the very least, we are seeing some new physics.

“Many fields of science depend on measuring constant decay rates. For example, to
accurately date ancient artifacts, archaeologists measure the quantity of carbon-14 found
inside organic samples at dig sites… Carbon-14 has a very defined half-life of 5730 years.

“Interestingly, researchers at Purdue first noticed something awry when they were using
radioactive samples for random number generation. Each decay event occurs randomly.
“However, when they compared their measurements with other scientists' work, the
values of the published decay rates were not the same.
“Experimental error and environmental conditions have all been ruled out -- the decay
rates are changing throughout the year in a predictable pattern.
“In another moment of weirdness, Purdue nuclear engineer Jere Jenkins noticed an
inexplicable drop in the decay rate of manganese-54 when he was testing it one night in
2006. It so happened that this drop occurred just over a day before a large flare erupted
on the sun.
“Did the sun somehow communicate with the manganese-54 sample? If it did, something
from the sun would have had to travel through the Earth unhindered.
“Sure enough, the researchers noticed the decay rates vary repeatedly every 33 days -- a
period of time that matches the rotational period of the core of the sun.
“If neutrinos aren't to blame, is the sun generating an as-yet-to-be- discovered particle?
If either case is true, we'll have to go back and re-write those textbooks.”

The physical constants of our reality are now changing. Just as at the dawn of the Time Gate
Alpha (1996), scientists discovered that the gravitational constant was no longer constant (as
we have cited since that time. See it on our youtube “The Great Time Gate 2012” film series).
That is: the gravitational constant in which our 3D reality and universe was previously
“grounded”, was measured to not only be constantly different, but it was also different when
measured from diverse laboratories at the SAME TIME.

Welcome to hyperspace and hyper-time!!!

We called this the new hyper-constant, or the plural dimensional foundation of the New
Universe, over the years... Fulfilling what the Emmanuel ultraterrestrials and the Extra-
Temporal Intelligences (ETI) under the Emmanuel Umbrella, reported would characterize the
New Reality.

Now, towards the rear end of the 14 year Time Gate, scientists have discovered that the very
elements that compose our reality, body, and planet, are no longer constant!!! That the
constants of the elements are now being reprogrammed into a new constant, what we have
termed a “hyper-constant”....
Undeniably, a New Universe and hyper-dimensional reality shift is in our very midst, what
the Emmanuels related in the 1980s, as to the computer program of our universe being
absorbed, or patched, and reprogrammed into another Universal computer program.

This totally new mutation of mater effecting ALL life, is also accelerating rapidly, the head
scratching scientists reveal...
Another clear indicator of things Time Gate wise.

Here, is the evidence for this no longer sci-fi ultraterrestrial/ETI description from the 1980s, of
what we are emerging into. Further juicy details are gained from the Stanford University
report, upon which the above is based:
“Stanford Report, August 23, 2010

“It's a mystery that presented itself unexpectedly: The radioactive decay of some elements
sitting quietly in laboratories on Earth seemed to be influenced by activities inside the sun,
93 million miles away.
“Is this possible?
“Researchers from Stanford and Purdue University believe it is. But their explanation of
how it happens opens the door to yet another mystery.
“That this unexpected effect is brought about by a previously unknown particle emitted by
the sun. "That would be truly remarkable," said Peter Sturrock, Stanford professor emeritus
of applied physics and an expert on the inner workings of the sun.

“As the researchers pored through published data on specific isotopes, they found
disagreement in the measured decay rates – odd for supposed physical constants.
“Checking data collected at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island and the
Federal Physical and Technical Institute in Germany, they came across something even
more surprising: long-term observation of the decay rate of silicon-32 and radium-226
seemed to show a small seasonal variation. The decay rate was ever so slightly faster in
winter than in summer.
"”Everyone thought it must be due to experimental mistakes, because we're all brought up
to believe that decay rates are constant," Sturrock said.

“The sun speaks “On Dec 13, 2006, the sun itself provided a crucial clue, when a solar
flare sent a stream of particles and radiation toward Earth. Purdue nuclear engineer Jere
Jenkins, while measuring the decay rate of manganese-54, a short-lived isotope used in
medical diagnostics, noticed that the rate dropped slightly during the flare, a decrease that
started about a day and a half before the flare.
“The decay-rate aberrations that Jenkins noticed occurred during the middle of the night in
Indiana – meaning that something produced by the sun had traveled all the way through
the Earth to reach Jenkins' detectors. What could the flare send forth that could have such
an effect?

“A surprise!Going back to take another look at the decay data from the Brookhaven lab,
the researchers found a recurring pattern of 33 days. It was a bit of a surprise, given that
most solar observations show a pattern of about 28 days – the rotation rate of the surface
of the sun.
“The explanation? The core of the sun apparently spins more slowly than the surface we
see. “All of the evidence points toward a conclusion that the sun is "communicating" with
radioactive isotopes on Earth, said Fischbach.

“"It doesn't make sense according to conventional ideas," Fischbach said. Jenkins
whimsically added, "What we're suggesting is that something that doesn't really interact
with anything is changing something that can't be changed."
“"It's an effect that no one yet understands," agreed Sturrock. "Theorists are starting to say,
'What's going on?' But that's what the evidence points to. It's a challenge for the physicists
and a challenge for the solar people too."
“"It would have to be something we don't know about, an unknown particle that is also
emitted by the sun and has this effect, and that would be even more remarkable," Sturrock

“Strange and unknown Alarmed physicists first became aware of this threat over the past
several years. Initially dismissed as an anomaly, now frantic scientists are shooting e-mails
back and forth to colleagues across the world attempting to grasp exactly what is
happening to the sun.
“Something impossible has happened. Yet the “impossible” has been proven to be true.
“Laboratories around the globe have confirmed that the rate of radioactive decay —o nce
thought to be a constant and a bedrock of science—is no longer a constant. Something
being emitted from the sun is interacting with matter in strange and unknown ways with
the startling potential to dramatically change the nature of the very Earth itself.
“Exactly what has scientists so on edge is the fact that the natural rate of decay of atomic
particles has always been predictable. Indeed, using the decay rate of Carbon-14 has
been a method to date archeological artifacts.
“The values don’t change—or at least they never have in the past. With certain evidence
that radioactive decay can be significantly affected by an unknown effect from the sun,
much of science is turned on its head.

“Rate of decay speeding up Worst of all, if the decay rates of matter are being mutated
then all matter on Earth is being affected including the matter that makes up life.
“The mutation may go so far as to change the underlying reality of the quantum universe
—and by extrapolation-the nature of life, the principles of physics, perhaps even the
uniform flow of time.
“In fact, some evidence of time dilation has been gleaned from close observation of the
decay rate. If particles interacting with the matter are not the cause—and matter is being
affected by a new force of nature-then time itself may be speeding up and there’s no way
to stop it.”

Thus, the Emmanuel’s incredible sci-fi sounding portrayal that “time is speeding up” and that
“mans collective perception of time is accelerating”, something they drummed again and
again in their communications of the 1980s, now, finally is an emerging new science fact.

The above paper states that the very fabric of our universe may be undergoing a complete
revision from this New Energy, and that this New Energy form is coming from the Heart of
the Sun (due to the 33 day rotation, rather than the 28 day rotation of the outer solar body)....
Thereby, the Emmanuel’s description, since early 1987, that the planets of our solar system
are gradually being turned into the heart of the Sun, something that seemed like the furthest
science fiction when I got that transmission from these ultraterrestrials, in my early 17th year,
now appears to be exactly what is happening....

The All-One Hadron Materia Sun, or All-One Heart Sun. For the heart of the Sun is hadronic,
and this core appears to be changing the elements.
And the time travelling nature of reality, going from linear time to hyper-time, both explained
by the ultraterrestrial Emmanuels and the civilisations within the Emmanuel Umbrella
(Galactic Council, the Andromedians etc.), is now actually occurring.

Time Gate Sun has become an empirical reality, dear fellow Time Gaters, Somanauts,
psychonauts, and meditators, on behalf of the utmost of mankind!!!

“Time dilation”, or time travel, is occurring in this new force that is intelligently
communicating with the elements that build our reality, our bodies, and changing them!!!

The New Universe and hyper-reality shift is NOW, truly upon us. By empirical observations.
Emmanuel’s “Awakening Dream”, as the beginning of the “opening of the eyelids” of the
collective dreamer of man, appears to now be a Standard Reality, in 2010 and 2011, as was
indicated by this Primordial branch of Universal Man, the Emmanuels...

Clearly the Sun Stations weaving the solar body, and retuning the surrounding space time
fabric, that one of our time-reverse Andromedian contacts related were “reality synthesizers”,
are working with this New Unified Field force, that is re-writing our reality fabric.

This is an extraordinary time to be alive, utterly unique. Please remember this, as we deal
with the present evidence for the Time Gate pole shift increase cycle.
No wonder there are sooo many political conspiracy theory distractions abounding today, to
distract us in neuro-cognitive sleep, in the polarity of duality.
What the Veda’s called VISA, or cognitive ignorance (sleep, by duality perception, the
seduction of the binary APPEARING outside dream) — this new evidence undeniably
demonstrates that we are in the utmost astounding time of our species and planet’s history.

By distracting conspiracies we are not referring to denying taking responsibility to things like
codex alimentarius, and the like. Just not to be seduced into the sleep mode that they are the
only reality, and the stronger reality... We are co-creators, and contribute uniquely to this
reality. Here, has been presented evidence that SOMETHING much larger is going on, and it
involves the Unified Field consciousness in each of us, which we harness through the golden
Via Media of Compassionate Love, in heart-will. As we reclaim our co-creatorship, based on
each and every one’s unique Plural Truth of coherence, of All-Onenesship, love in
compassionate action.

The reality shift is now upon us. The choice of being our own unique compassionate love in
action, as co-creators, as the coherence that unifies us with this New Unified Force changing
our reality, is of Prime Essence.
This is the True Conspiracy: to “breath together” in universal and personal compassion love
in the coherence of Pure Beingness and Consciousness Light. A challenging time for the
ultimate conspiracy of the mass “Awakening Dream.”

(Sources: Is the Sun Emitting a Mystery Particle, Ian O’Neill, Discovery News
The Sun Influences the Decay of Radioactive Elements,Tudor Vieru, Softpedia
Mysteriously, Solar Activity Found to Influence Behavior of Radioactive Materials On Earth,
Rebecca Boyle, POSCI
STOP THE PRESS: “Scientists at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and
Purdue University have ruled out neutrino flux as a cause of previously observed
fluctuations in nuclear decay rates.)

Here, the Emmanuel’s related in 1990 to Time Gates and the beginning awakening dream
process of 2011:

“...As the Earth moves fully into a 4th dimensional frequency [hadronic horizon
configuration] in consciousness, in the consciousness time zone of 2000 years (which is not
as you count time, but is a level of consciousness) — it begins to merge with the other
planetary systems and the consciousnesses [ETI, UTI, HTI etc.] that are exploring the other
planetary systems. They begin to collapse into a harmonic resonance, where they indeed
meet the future, and meet the past: the past and the future converge into the present…”
—EMMANUEL (ultraterrestrial), April 6th 1990, Contact by Lake Geneva.


On the December 21ST TIME GATE, scientists published in EOS magazine, new evidence that
a major magnetic pole shift is now underway in Earth.
That is they published the results ON THE TIME GATE date!!!

Some 3 days later as we stepped into the new novelty Time Gate, the noted Scientific
American publishes an article entitled, “WHY IS THE NORTH MAGNETIC POLE RACING
Full Scientific American article here:

The article reveals that since the 1990s — that is the “Time Gate era”, including Time Gate
Alpha — the magnetic pole’s yearly oscillation went from 15 KILOMETERS per year, to a
massive increase of 55 KM per year!

Some of you who were with us in Norway in the April 29th 1996 Time Gate Alpha, will
remember that Sir Geoffry Pevril Pinder (Redpin), the bard of Queen Julianna, specifically
mentioned that the numbers 155 and 555, or their combination, refers to pole shift. 15-55km
together has both.

The Scientific American article admits the scientists do not know what is causing the Earth
core to produce holographic magnetic anomalies, that are the “earth’s version of sunspots”.
Speculating about liquid materials in the Earths core, and of course not giving any indication
of hadronic hypermagnecular materials, that are very high temperature superconductors (star
gates), that must be at the heart of planet Earth, and as one with the heart of the Sun, as a
kind of All-Oneness Material, also in the heart of our atoms, like our heart chakra is in the
heart of our 7 chakras, as a Sun.
The Columbia Space Shuttle observed new magnetic anomalies emerging from the Atlantic,
Pacific and the poles, 90° off from the normal magnetic field! Thereby, having the
characteristics of a hadronic unified magnetic field operating with the 5th nuclear force (like
8hz may be in 90° orthorotation to standard magnetic fields).
The 5th force, being the orgasmic, or AUMNigasmic force that unifies the other 4 forces into
the Akasa Aethers of All-Oneness Via Mediation.
These include the “south Atlantic field anomaly”, reported by the geomagnetic scientists, to
be one of the anomalous sources triggering the present pole shift!

These observations by the Space Shuttle astronauts, and recorded by their equipment,
confirmed the Emmanuel ultraterrestrial and ETI descriptions in June 1988, of a new Aether
Magnetic Cross emerging from the heart core of Earth, and coming out of the Pacific and
Atlantic, as well as the North and South pole (Emmanuel quote, see below).
The Aether and Aetheric is the hadronic plane of All-Oneness Materia of modern hadronic
(See our AOHM: All-One Hadron Materia, online book, for details)


It appears that during this Time Gate, the pole shift has increased. That in the period of the
total Lunar eclipse Time Gate of December 21st 2010, and the total solar eclipse of January
4th, in this new Time Gate 2011, the oscillation of the magnetic poles has increased towards
a full planetary geo-magnetic shift, and not only the previous internal processes of
holographic core pulsations. As the classic website stated, on December
29th-30th, 2010:

“SUBSIDING STORM: The geomagnetic storm of Dec. 28th is subsiding. The G1-class
disturbance began when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) tipped south, opening a
crack in Earth's magnetosphere and allowing solar wind to enter. Cameras onboard US
Dept. of Defense meteorological satellites recorded bright bands of aurora borealis
circling the polar regions north of Scandinavia:
“Paul McCrone processed the data at the US Navy's Fleet Numerical Meteorology and
Oceanography Center in Monterey, CA. DMSP satellites are outfitted with low-light
cameras capable of recording clouds, lightning, city lights and auroras after nightfall. Note
in the image, above, how the brightest bands of aurora borealis rival the urban lights of
some northern European cities. "It was a dramatic display," observes McCrone.”

So a new level to the pole shift occurred, and opened a rift in the field of Earth, increasing
the “light of the north”, as our ETI/UTI contacts had foretold in 1992, for the Light of the
Scientists had noted previous magnetic pole shift “jerks” in 2003 and 2007. And the very first
“super flare” from the sun.
(“Core field acceleration pulse as a common cause of the 2003 and 2007 geomagnetic
jerks,” Dr. A. Chulliat [Equipe de Géomagnétisme, Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris,
Université Paris Diderot, INSU, CNRS, Paris, France], GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS,
VOL. 37, L07301, 5 PP., 2010doi:10.1029/2009GL042019)

This data shows that we are living in a truly UNIQUE time. And that the 14 year Time Gate
mini-Era, has been a gradual magnetic pole shift era, which is now reaching a new height —
triggered by Time Gate Omega 2010 and the New Time Gate following it, into the present
moment, Now.
It is now reported that the magnetic pole shift, this January is shutting down airports, because
they need to readjust their pole navigation systems:

“Shift of Earth's magnetic north pole affects Tampa airport

“Runway changes are needed to account for the moving magnetic pole, which is nearing Russia at 40 miles
per year.

“The Tampa Tribune

“Published: January 5, 2011
“TAMPA - Scientists say the magnetic north pole is moving toward Russia and the
fallout has reached -- of all places -- Tampa International Airport.
“The airport has closed its primary runway until Jan. 13 to repaint the numeric
designators at each end and change taxiway signage to account for the shift in
location of the Earth's magnetic north pole.
“The Federal Aviation Administration required the runway designation change to
account for what a National Geographic News report described as a gradual shift
of the Earth's magnetic pole at nearly 40 miles a year toward Russia because of
magnetic changes in the core of the planet.”
Tampa International Airport is changing its busiest runway's aviation chart marking of 18R/36L to
19R/1L that represents north and south compass approaches. In 2007, geophysicists confirmed that
the Earth's north magnetic pole is moving toward Siberia in Russia at the rate of 64 kilometers per
year. Occasionally north and south magnetic poles reverse. That last magnetic pole reversal was
780,000 years ago.

This article referring to the numerous National Geographic articles on the present pole shift,
also gives a greater figure than the previous 55 km per year oscillation, as 40 miles is 64
kilometers... Thus showing a large rise in the oscillation of the pole from the previous 55
kilometers (and that from the previous 15 km in 1989), and this just recently.
Actually the 64 kilometers oscillation is from 2007, and it appears that this new Time Gate
pole oscillation has increased, during the Time Gate 2010 period into December, and in the
new Time Gate, on December 30th, 2010.

No wonder the “Sun Stations” are so active by the sun, as seen in the NASA films (a few film
excerpts are on the very last part of our 58 youtube series on the Time Gate, shown during
the final credits).
These films of fleets of UFOs bigger than Earth rotating within the solar body violate the
natural laws of gravity, for if they were planets, they would be sucked into the Sun by its
gravitational attractor. So these NASA films have very large implications.
Sun Stations in keeping the solar body together, whilst retuning it in accordance with the new
gamma and cosmic ray array, setup by the hyper-temporal intelligences (Galactic Council of
24, and Intergalactic Council of 36), and to help our beloved planet make as gentle a
transition into her new magnetic pole tuning, as possible...
Just like all planets have been retuned, now in astrophysical evidence, precisely as the
Emmanuels had related it in the 1980s (and on the public record for 20-21 years).


The news flash on yahoo about a crack in the northern geomagnetic field, and tracked by, surprisingly showed that the Sun was calm during the Time Gate (just as
during the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, with the first time 5 million people in global
meditation— sunspot activity stopped during those 3 days in August).

Continuing to check the solar activity on this site daily, there were only slight elevations in
the Sun's activity during the following days.
Others researching potential other local anomalies that could be responsible for the strange
behavior in birds (migration patterns undergoing reversal, and birds brain magnets follow the
polar magnetic lines of force. To the high charge beams hitting birds in over 30 countries,
including Sweden and Italy) — that different regions have higher levels of magnet fields and
that Little Rock and Beebe (USA) areas fall in one area that has a positive charge
NANOTESLA FIELD at 1,000 feet elevation colored in red which would attach the negative
charged solar winds electrons and ions.
Other State Maps:

Likewise, researchers have just published evidence of fish, like trout having similar magnetics
by which they orient to the magnetic field of Earth. Oddly the mass global fish and bird
deaths are reported on the old mass dream media (TV, newspapers), but the magnetic pole
shift is mainly being reported by the mainstream media on their web pages (interim media,
giving more scope of free-will choice to discern reality).

The CRACK IS ROTATING as seen in Auroral Activity Extrapolated from NOAA

observations on the Sun side of the earth where high energy particles enter the atmosphere
and spread around to the dark side of Earth. They are then distributed across the hemisphere
and then out to space where they create a snapping of magnetic field lines which can induce
brief high currents and lightning.

In fact the December 30-31st weather radars clearly showed something unusual at the
precise time of the mass bird deaths, appearing on the radar maps at some 1,400 feet above
ground level, with ionized radiation being considered a source for this radar anomaly from a
crack in the Northern hemisphere’s geo-magnetic field, which is now actually rotating and
moving GLOBALLY...
Something completely new. The new Time Gate establishing the new pole shift progression in
global rotation, with brief high currents surging through the air.

Such high currents and hadronic lightening MAY increase in the “days” to come, and if
coupled with gamma and cosmic rays, can massively increase. This is something the
Emmanuel’s in 1990 described in detail, as a possibility beginning from 2011 and far
beyond, within a 2000 year cycle.
Here, there is an opportunity for a shift in the physical body (further hadronic atomic fusion),
but there may be many challenges to life as well, but mankind is not bird or fish.

We have shared much with you this way over the years. With coherent whole body phase-
conjugational techniques (8hz: Vortexijah), assisting in further hadronic conversion of the
body, and inner shamanic technologies like Dark Room Retreats, Somahuasca, and Soma
alchemical medicinal Elixir’s... Harmonic music tunings. And even some simple, legal,
preventative solutions are online, if reading carefully and researching our old webpages, and
The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel. Should this scenario become stronger, we will have to pass on
this information directly, however taboo it may be.

Then we had a solar coronal hole and coronal ejection of particles that were aimed towards
Earth bound on the December 30-31, 2010.
This sense of timing with the New Year’s fire works may have masked this new lightning and
thunder phenomenon, it is very likely that this event and other similar die offs have been
caused by the "Crack in the Geo Magnetic Shield" and LOCALIZED in areas of high
absorption on Earth.

New evidence also suggests that the rotating geo-magnetic field crack is allowing the space
clouds behind noctoluminessence (night glow), to pass through into the atmosphere.
Noctoluminessent cloud’s blue colour is said to be due to being composed of hydrogen
cyanide, the poison — possibly indicated in the blue spots found on the dead turtle doves of
Interestingly, studies on the Pineal gland’s “pinoline” neurotransmitter, contained in the Soma
plant, and relatives in the shamanic drink Ayahuasca, have been found to be antidotes to
cyanide poisoning (should very unlikely exposure to hydrogen cyanide ever remotely
become of pressing affairs to Earth surface exposure... you know the Elixirs).


The “Sun Stations” (which we first made the public aware of in 1998, and which started in
the 1996 Time Gate, at least on the NASA soho photographs, as published in our “Sun Gate
Conspiracy” 3 parts series from 1999, now again up on the index page of our website) — are keeping the more violent solar flares away from Earth,
as they instead move to places like Saturn. Where they caused the NASA Cassini probe to
recently malfunction (in early December Time Gate 2010), and amateur astronomers then
detected a super storm on Saturn, bigger than planet Earth, during the Time Gate of
December 21st, and before, and still continuing into the new Time Gate (see below sections
of Time Gate transformations of Saturn and Jupiter).

The present magnetic pole shifting, partially organised by the holographic emissions from the
Earth core, that are holographically distributed, is part of a planetary retuning process
according to the Emmanuel’s, in accordance with a new molecular structuring of our entire
solar system, engaged by the New force coming from the heart of the Sun.

In January 1989, the Emmanuel’s and Galactic Council communicated that there is a delicate
retuning of each of the solar system planets, and a reorganization of the molecular structure
of each planet presently taking place. Our planet, then in 1989, having been slightly out of
phase, and the magnetic pole shift having rapidly increased from that time onwards, we

“The planets in this solar system offer unique functions, and we may manifest and merge
with the beings there. Many of us are representatives from these planets, who have chosen
to resurrect the bodies into the state of Cosmic Man, which we are. And are actually
involved in resurrecting the vibration and the molecular structure [into hadron
magnecules and hypermagnecules] of each planet, individually, at the same time, keeping
in a balance and in harmony with the other planets.
“For each one offers a different note. And each note must be in perfect harmony with the
other note, or the other planet. So, as one is lifted in sound complex and molecular
structure, it alters the overall sound of the solar system, which must remain in balance, at
the same time.
“Earth needs to be developed rapidly now, as it is doing, so that the solar system may be in
balance. For it is slightly out of balance because of the Earth note at this time.
“For each planet is constantly being changed in vibrational structure and molecular
structure. “Those that are there to program, to balance, and to create and to maintain the
magnetic energies and sound complexes, are, at most times, in physical vehicles that are
being completely permeated with the Light of Christ consciousness, so that each molecule
is in fact Light. They are like crystalline beings through which Light flows.
“Each planet is a different manifestation and is a different note. And then lifting that with
the time, as the sound of the solar system is constantly increasing to a more harmonious
tune, that will eventually merge with the galactic tune. And the galaxy, as a whole, is
merging into a higher tune with the universe. And the universe into a higher tune within
the cosmos, or omniverse.
“For we are speaking on many different layers that are being merged together as one —
many different dimensions, as you would call them, or densities, many different colour
dimensions, or colour spectrum dimensions. For many different orchestras or octaves are
being brought together, are being merged. So that there are no boundaries between them,
but there is only One flow of Music, of Light, of Love, which is Life, with God.”
—Unit-Emmanuel & The Galactic Council, January 1989,“THE MUSIC OF THE PLANETS:
KEEPING THE SOLAR SYSTEM IN TUNE”. Page 88-89 “The Light Of Emmanuel: Explorations
Into Oneness”, By Ananda, first published in 1990, and mass published in 1992, Aton Publishing,
Nykobing, Mors, Denmark

The New Tune that the Emmanuel’s referred to in the 1980s, and adjusting each of the planets
of our solar system into new harmonic tunings within the new galactic tuning, as part of the
New Universe, appears to be now fully on.
There is extraordinary hard scientific evidence showing just this, as we have shown from
astrophysical observations since the mid 1990s, every planet in the solar system has
undergone massive energetic transfigurations.

Amidst these retunings are planets like Neptune and Uranus that underwent major
magnetic pole shifts, as well as actual geopolar shifts in Neptune´s polar axis flip:
A few examples:

"Global Warming on Pluto Puzzles Scientists”, on Mars, and Neptune's moon, Triton:
JUPITER "..a sign that the planet is about to undergo a major climate shift"

This new energy retuning is part of bringing about a hadronic All-One Sun, or Heart Sun
Unified Field Tuning, now observed by astonished scientists in the mystery particles
reprograming reality, just as Manu-Emmanuel relayed in 1988:

“We are one, doing the same thing: evolving this solar system to become potentiated and a
harmonious individual octave tune... singing the Sound of God [Unified Field].
“The overall unification of this system is a reality... Already exists in the perceptions and
Beingness of All-Oneness. It must just be potentiated within this reality, these realities, as
there are multiple layers and levels of them within this planet alone, as well as in this system.
It is just re-recognizing, re-realizing that all creation is the Creator; that all creation is Love
and Light and Life; is All-Oneness; is in harmony; is fully interchanged with Itself: being only
Oneness, being only One. So Now is your time.”
—Manu-Emmanuel, November 1988, “OVERSOUL SUN”, “The Light Of Emmanuel:
Explorations Into Oneness”, By Ananda, first published in 1990, and mass published in 1992, Aton
Publishing, Nykobing, Mors, Denmark

Thanks to these Sun Stations, or “Manu-Ships”, such solar impacts on a delicate moving
magnetic field of Earth ensures a gentle transition.
A transition which could be very strong, and another super flare aimed at Earth (like the first
super flare that was seen in 2007, switching on auroras to the far southern countries, and
fulfilling predictions made in “The Solar Trumpet” chapter of The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel),
when the wrong side of Earth is facing the Sun, could cause the oscillation of the pole to
increase rapidly!!!
Someone cares!!! And so does some of humanity, as the Time Gate effort now has
demonstrated, along with other similar compassionate efforts of Unity Consciousness
coherence [UC: Unified Field Consciousness], on behalf of mankind.

Here is a graph showing the pole oscillation upto just before the beginning of the Time Gate
novelty descent wave of 2010:
Here are some geographic maps of the oscillating poles:
The above show oscillation increases during Time Gate 2001 and Time Gate 2004. The polar
magnetic field jerks included the period of Time Gate 2003.

The National Geographic papers on the pole shift state that the lava magnetic pole signatures
reveal some much more drastic pole shifts in history, with upto 80° of magnetic shift in just
13 days!
Presently, because compass magnets are 10° off from the north pole, airports have to
compensate their runways. The present position of the magnetic pole shift flux is thus 10
degrees off from the north pole.
So we are in a much more gentle gradual retuning process. What a time to be alive!

“North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux”

As we reported earlier in 2010, Earthquake meters around the world had detected “virtual”
waves, or “time waves”, that some see as “P-waves”, that were holographically distributed all
around the planet at the same time, preceding a major solar flare.
This has now become a major new phenomenon. As Dr. E. Thébault reports:

“Using observatory data, we report the detection of a geomagnetic jerk in 2007, which we
relate to a jump in the second derivative of the geomagnetic field previously noted in
satellite data. Although not of worldwide extent, this jerk is very intense in the South
Atlantic region. Using the CHAOS-2 model, we show that both this jerk and the previous
2003 jerk are caused by a single core field acceleration pulse reaching its maximum
power near 2006. This pulse seems to be simultaneously occurring in several regions of
the core surface... “Geometrical attenuation explains why the 2003 and 2007 jerks are
local and not fully synchronized at the Earth's surface. Our results suggest that this core
field acceleration pulse is the relevant phenomenon to be investigated from the point of
view of core dynamics, rather than the jerks themselves.”
(“Core field acceleration pulse as a common cause of the 2003 and 2007 geomagnetic
jerks,” Dr. A. Chulliat [Equipe de Géomagnétisme, Institute de Physique du Globe de
Paris, Université Paris Diderot, INSU, CNRS, Paris, France], GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH
LETTERS, VOL. 37, L07301, 5 PP., 2010doi:10.1029/2009GL042019)

At the time of these satellite observations, the north magnetic pole shift was synchronised
mainly to these internal pulses from the heart core of planet Earth, especially those coming
from the South Atlantic region, of what the Emmanuels called the new Magnetic Cross.

The vital change now being reported with the new present magnetic pole shift increase, is
that the entire magnetic pole of Earth is moving towards shifting, synchronised not only to the
core pulse, but also to the outer magnetic field of the planetary surface as one whole!!! This
is the Time Gate Omega pole shift trigger, that appears to be brand new, with the global
rotation of the magnetic field rip.

So with Time Gate 2010, we have entered a new level, where the entire magnetic field of
Earth is moving towards a shifting, hence, the Omega in Time Gate Omega


Here, in Norway, we were wondering why December seemed brighter this winter, and in
January why the sun rays come into the dark shadow areas 2-3 weeks earlier than in previous
years, apart from the unusual lack of snow, which hit Europe instead — after Christmass,
there was much more snow in Munich and Nuremberg than in Oslo, and the majority of the
way upto Valdres. Oslo had 5 degree plus in temperatures at New Year, and here in Valdres at
present, in the valley some plus 1 degrees... rather unusual.
Apparently the same phenomenon of light visibility in the high arctic has been noted,
however, now with the new pole shift data, another cause then the one cited may be in

‘Light shines in High Arctic darkness

Monday, December 27, 2010 | 1:39 PM CST
CBC News

‘An Inuit hunter looks out on the Arctic horizon at sunrise in Frobisher Bay near Tonglait, Nunavut,
in February 2003. Inuit and other High Arctic residents say their winters are getting lighter as the
climate warms. (Kevin Frayer/Canadian Press)
‘People in the High Arctic say their 24-hour darkness isn't as dark as it used to be, and a
weather researcher says it's because of the warming climate.
‘"We still have a daylight and there's still blue, green, red down there — there's sun sign
still," said Zipporah Ootooq Aronsen, who lives in Resolute Bay, Nunavut. "It's not usually
like that."
‘People in Resolute Bay now sometimes see a distant island that in the past was only
visible during daylight hours.
‘"It never happened like that before," Aronsen said. "Now we can see it once in a while,
when it's a clear day."
‘Wayne Davidson, a weather researcher in Resolute Bay, said warmer thermal layers over
cold dense polar air cause light to bend and travel farther.
‘"It should be usually, around average, –31 degrees," he said. "It was, couple of days ago, –
5 or something like that, so it's pretty wild."
‘Jaypetee Akeeagok, who lives in Grise Fiord, Nunavut, said the weather has also been
unusually warm there.
‘"You can actually drive Skidoo around town without gloves on," he said.
‘And people in Grise Fiord have also noticed there's more light in winter.
‘"Twenty years ago, we wouldn't even be able to see the whole village, in high noon,
which is only nine kilometers, but now we get to see some daylight," Akeeagok said.’”

Some of you will remember in our “Grailzine NU Universe 2005”, January 2005
posting our reporting of this very “light of the North” phenomenon:

“Without a doubt, our reality is in a major transformation phase… As our recent

New Universe animated slides shows have been demonstrating, there is a
congruence and ingathering of 7 types of ETI/OTI population type systems in
appearance with the phenomenon’s sweeping our solar system and transfiguring
every planetary sphere.


“"New record extreme events occur every year somewhere in the globe but in
recent years, the number of such extremes has been increasing," the World
Meteorological Organization said in a statement Wednesday.”

““It all began with The Light Of The North… The Mystery Pulses lite up the northern
dark winter night skies with anomalous light.” Here are some excerpts from an
articles titled “Mysterious Light Brightens Arctic,” published on December 19th,
2004, in the The Independent:

““A mysterious light is beginning to brighten the dark polar winter. Eskimos and
scientists report a strange "lightness at noon" that is turning the usual all-day
darkness of the high Canadian Arctic into twilight, apparently in defiance of natural
““Inuit hunters are telling the government's weather station at Resolute Bay -
Canada's second most northerly village, 1,000 miles from the North Pole - of a new
light in the sky. And Wayne Davidson, the Canadian government official who runs
the station, says he believes it caused by climate change.
““For the past five years, Mr. Davidson says, there has been a growing light along
the horizon in the middle of the day in winter. "The entire horizon is raised like
magic, like the hand of God is bringing it up," he says.””
—The Independent UK, Mysterious Light Brightens Arctic, By Geoffrey Lean,
Environment Editor, December 19, 2004”

NASA had predicted that the combination of the Sun’s magnetic field reversal
synchronised with the Earths magnetic field reversal in 2012, could herald a full
magnetic pole shift for Earth:

“NASA Claims Polar Shift Due In 2012”

However, the Sun’s magnetic field reversal actually began early, on December 12th
2007, revealing the new sun spots to have their new polar orientation, so this makes
NASA’s announcement for 2012 now far less likely.

During the Tsunami of 2004, Earth time was changed by 3 microseconds, and the
north pole shifted by a few centimeters, and with the Chile quake, the Earth’s actual
poles also shifted some degrees, when these two events are summed together, several
inches of polar shift occurred. That is the geophysical poles, not the magnetic poles!

The latest solar changing magnetic field updates from the Ulysses spacecraft may be
found at! Another 2001 article entitled “Wandering Poles”

“Some scientists suggest it is time for the poles to reverse. True north. Jeremy
Bloxham of Harvard University told scientists at last year's meeting of the American
Geophysical Union that the Earth's magnetic field decreased by 10 percent during
the past 150 years.”

Another 2001 article in Popular Mechanics called, “TIME TO SHIFT” states:

“‘It is generally accepted that during a reversal, the geomagnetic field decreases to
about 10 percent of its full polarity value,’ says Brad Clement, a researcher at
Florida International University. After the field has weakened, the directions
undergo a nearly 180° change, and then the field strengthens in the opposite
direction. However, scientists remain uncertain about how long this process takes.
Researchers have reported periods ranging from 1000 to 28,000 years.”

So with these two articles combined, we do have recordings that the Earth’s magnetic
field has decreased by 10%, which is the generally accepted decreased level for polar
The Emmanuels repeated statements that the present opening of the eyelids of the
collective sleeper of man, in 2011, taking some 2000 years — in this light, MAY refer
to complete polar reversal period, stated to be in a range starting from a 1000 year
period, for reversal completion.
The British New Scientist magazine revealed new satellite date indicating the pole

“Anomalies hint at magnetic pole flip

“10 April 2002

“The Earth's magnetic poles might be starting to flip say researchers who have seen strange
anomalies in our planet's magnetic field.
“The way minerals are aligned in ancient rock shows that the planet's magnetic dipole
occasionally disappears altogether, leaving a much more complicated field with many
poles all over the planet. When the dipole comes back into force, the north and south
poles can swap places.
“Now Gauthier Hulot from the Institute of Earth Sciences in Paris and his colleagues think
they have spotted early signs of another reversal.
“South African anomaly They used data from the Ørsted satellite to study strange
variations in the Earth's magnetic field. In particular, one large patch under South Africa is
pointing in the opposite direction from the rest of the Earth's field and has been growing.
“The anomalies have already reduced the overall strength of the planet's magnetic field by
about 10 per cent. If they continue to grow at the same rate, the Earth's dipole will
disappear within just two millennia.
“Ørsted is the first satellite to take a snapshot of the Earth's magnetic field for 20 years.
"We can't really tell what will happen," says Hulot. "But we speculate that we're in an
unusual situation that might be related to a reversal."
Here, the scientists indicate in 2002, that should the present decrease of the magnetic field
continue, then in 2,000 years a pole shift would begin, giving more room for thought in
terms of the next 2,000 years.
However, with the recent increase in pole oscillation, this becomes a very fresh question to
interact with.

Whilst 2,000 years is also within the range of time that a complete magnetic polar reversal
may take place, this must be supplemented with the data from the Scientific American and
National Geographic, that lava evidence showed an 80 degree shift in just 13 days. We are
presently in a 10 degree shift. So there are dramatic phases (80 degrees in 13 days), to this
gradual (1000-28,000) pole shift.
As to the Galactic Council being directly involved in the planets and solar system retuning,
the evidence that was to emerge for this came in the form of a new gamma ray phenomenon
switching on over the galaxy, that some astrophysicists likened to a “galactic internet”, and
beamed directly at Earth and our solar system.
The Galactic Council of 8-8-8 = 24 are described in our “The Great Time Gate 2012-2,222
AD” youtube video series. Their integral nature is also described in our 1992 book: “The
Light Of Emmanuel: Explorations Into Oneness.”
Some of you will recall our January 22, 2005 “Grailzine NU Universe 2005”, covering this
new magnetic cross of the Emmanuels, that was setup as a result of the Galactic Council
from which we extract:

“Before we go on to cover the interdimensional nature of these intelligent Earth and

galactic transforming rays, appearing out of nowhere amidst the foundation sea in which
our planet and her delicate cycles are grounded and tuned — we note that Manu-
Emmanuel predicted this very phenomenology some 8 years before its realisation by the
astrophysical community.
“Being the summer of 1988, and merely 18 years of age, I was utterly oblivious to
the profound physical verifiability of the statements translating through my
neurocybernetics, or what they implied on a social, scientific level. And,
furthermore, that they would contain names that would link this phenomenon to
the most archaic treasure trove of knowledge of some of the most advanced “Omni-
Science” that “appears” at the genesis of our civilisations history.
“The intelligence of this contact nominated itself Unit-Emmanuel and renderred the
names of SaNavandar and Altar/Atar. Only now discovering these to be actual
Vedic names ascribed to the Numinous ETI/UTI of the Rg Veda called the Manu:
the very name they nominated themselves to, at the elegant period when their
“contactee” was blatantly illiterate to any notion of the central historical
importance of the Manu, that would be my naivety for some years still to come.
Dawning with overwhelming objective proportions some 14 years later in 2002,
through mainstream historical sources.
“Their communication stating that the Earth was undergoing an activation of an arc
cross, engaged by a series of Aetheric (Aether scalar, phase-conjugate, and
superconducting) beams being activated in the galaxy, and using our sun as the
transducing source — this was 6 years BEFORE the 24 tetrahedral gamma ray
network appeared over the galaxy, as the Manu’s unit-Emmanuel hereby relay:

““There is a vast flow going into Earth through the poles at either end, and
through the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, forming a cross that is creating a
circle around it, a circle of Christ magnetic energy.
““This magnetic energy around the planet — Christ energy — is flowing in
through one pole and the other; through the Atlantic coming out through the
Pacific, where Atlantis was and where Lemuria was: two direct opposites. And
this flow is speeding up and is beginning to affect all of Earth.
““…in the centre of Mother Earth where the cross meets — that is Her heart…
where the cosmic Sun in Christ is intensifying, is growing, level by level, is more
in purity, is more Christ, is able to flow into that central being.
““We are from the galactic realms. We have beamed this information through
an Etheric beam that is being anchored down into you, and you are anchoring it
into Earth. This information has blended and has been incarnated through the
energy of the Sun, using it as a body to flow through. But this energy comes
from the galactic centre. There are many different levels and ways that
information will be flowing through you. This communication has been given by
Altar, San Navandar, and I am Sylvia, with the solar energy of this system.””
GALACTIC COMMUNICATORS, June 1988, published in “The Light Of
Emmanuel: Explorations Into Oneness,” by Ananda, 1990-92.

“We have highlighted this June 1988 communication (first published in our
1990-92 book The Light Of Emmanuel: Explorations Into Oneness), for the
historical record —since what follows will detail the science that has emerged, and
each of the 11 components relayed by unit-Emmanuel.
“The galactic Aetheric beams using our Sun to transduce and that is altering our
planetary field and center, beams that transmit information, that are also from the
galactic center — all these components have verified elements in the Gamma Ray
“The “spiritual Sun” we know from other Emmanuel contacts, usually defines a
fourth dimensional Invariant Virtual Neuron, as a Sun Self summation of all 3D
nuclear magnetic resonance moments, using quazi-hadron physics jargon…

“This is but one of many such communications. Most interesting were those
dealing with the emergence of a “New Universe” that is acting as an attractor for
our universe, in the process of which it is editing the laws of our universe —
something we found almost too much evidence for, in the mid 1990’s (our New
Universe seminars, then showed a selection of hundreds of slides, shown over
numerous seminars, drawn from the main stream scientific literature that supported
this, and has been echoed now emerging from the mouth’s of science researchers).
“In the apparent process of the New Universe’s editing of our universal script, in
pseudo Emmanuel jargon, and synchronizing of its dimensional octaves, this is
changing our solar systems atomic density via hyper-indexing of all dimensional
octaves and densities life bands that comprise the universes’s myriad of worlds.”

The Galactic Council of 24 (8-8-8) appeared in the signature of these new gamma ray
lasers being geometrically arranged over the galaxy, in the form of 24 tetrahedrons, as
we continue to extract in shortened excerpts from our “Grailzine NU Universe 2005”:
“For on August 12, 1994, suddenly a cosmic order of intelligence switched on over
the galaxy to astrophysicists. It appeared to be so organised and synchronised that
some astronomers thought they were observing the emergence of some kind of an
CETI (Communicating Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) “internet”, using a tetrahedral
geometrical array — professor Dr. Cline, Dr. Matthey, and Dr. Otwinowski,
‘detailed analysis’ of:

“"The morphology of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with time duration less than 100
ms… show that these bursts are very different from the rest of the GRB events.
The short bursts appear to be nearly identical, suggesting a separate class of
GRBs… the short bursts have a Euclidean space-time distribution ... that
implies that these sources are likely... local or Galactic ... "”.4

“The distribution of these Gamma Ray Bursts as the highly ordered and intelligent
design of being an Einsteinian 4D (space-time, a singularity of the 3 spatial
dimensions as one simultaneous unity) Euclidean geometry, appears to display the
morphological grid of some 24 tetrahedrons that span the entire galaxy, and
exhibiting features that precisely characterize those of an 8 dimensional
“Dr. Frank Dod Smith Jr, of Los Alamos National Laboratories, in analyzing these
suggested their nature to be of an extraterrestrial intelligence:

““If some of the Gamma Ray Bursts are at cosmological distances, they may be
CETI messages from Life in our Universe.
““If GRBs are local CETI phenomena for communication with other stars in our
Galaxy, then it would be expected that, as Link and Epstein found, low
luminosity GRBs for communication with nearby stars would be distributed
isotropically, while high luminosity GRBs for communication with distant stars
would have the slight excess near the plane of our Galaxy and toward its center.
““Link and Epstein say that high luminosity GRBs have a slight excess near the
plane of our Galaxy and toward its center.
““GRBs could be Communication by Extra-Terrestrial Intelligences using gamma-
ray laser signals… Such Life could be of any of the Three Types of Life, or a
combination of them.””4

“These Gamma Ray Bursts have remained a mystery, with no natural source to
account for them:

““No radio, optical, or X-ray counterpart was observed for the bright gamma-
ray burster… Radio monitoring program of the bright gamma-ray burster
GRB970111 — observations were made at a frequency of 1.44 GHz and span a
range of post-burst timescales between 28 hours and one month. Despite… no
radio source was detected.””
“—Los Alamos National Labs Science Abstract, GRB 970111, reporting on astro-ph/
9704180, Frail, Kulkarni, Costa, Frontera, Heise, Feroci, Piro, Dal Fiume, Nicastro,
Palazzi, and Jager

“Dr. Frank Smith further describing these rays appear to “be a galactic Gamma-Ray
Laser CETI Internet,” not far removed and isolated from our day-to-day sunshine,
but as “Extra-Terrestrial Intelligences using gamma-ray laser signals focussed by The
Sun As A Gravitational Lense” by “beaming the gamma rays in the direction of the

“This “galactic internet” beam having a direct bearing on our daily lives. Dr. Smith
details the calculation of the ETI’s geometrical fine tuning and “confining the
beam,” cited in his paper, yet despite its precision “the earth would still be in the
beam.” And this should open ones eyes.
“This is not an insignificant exposure of energy — the gamma radiation spectrum
consists of the second highest energy range in the universe. And in focussing such a
“gamma-ray laser” network, Dr. Frank Smith documents “the required energy
would be… roughly the energy of fission.” In other words that is no less than “the
annihilation of 1 gm of matter by antimatter.” So by Jove this concerns all of
mankind. Any pre-knowledge from any source to such an event must absolutely be
examined at highest priority.”

Now, on January 10th, 2011, NASA just announced the very first observation of
antimater in Earth, seen with their Fermi Gamma Ray observer, that Terrestrial Gamma
ray Flashes made by our planet and sent into space, above lightening storms, have just
been recorded to release anti-materia, for the first time in history. The 2005 Grailzine

“Unit-Emmanuel’s identifications of the Aetheric galactic beams transforming the

Earth-heart through the lense of the Sun has some bearing, which I would not be
able to appreciate for at least 10 years following the contact.
“The center of the Earth, referred to, has also started to accumulate evidence of
having components of a form of superconductor, thus not behaving to what we
usually would think of as a ”solid core” but something “most bizarre” as Dr. David
Pines called the phenomenon of superconductivity.
“This, so called, “core” has also been slowing down, and as Dr. K. G. Ivanov
documents in The Earth magnetosphere/Electromagnetic and plasma processes
from Sun to Earth core, is exhibiting “a variety of anomalous properties.””
“(K.G. Ivanov The Earth magnetosphere/Electromagnetic and plasma processes from Sun to
Earth core . Moscow, Nauka publishers,1989. Pp 62-75.)

“We have highlighted this June 1988 communication, since what follows will detail the
science that has emerged in each of the 11 components relayed by unit-Emmanuel. These
11 can clearly be defined:

1. “That from “the galactic realms” they are behind “a vast flow going into
Earth through the poles,”
2. “The “vast flow” having been “beamed” from the “galactic realms”
described to be “through an Etheric beam,”
3. “That, furthermore, “this energy forms from the galactic center,”
4. “That has been “blended” and transduced or “incarnated through the
energy of the Sun,” which has been used “as a body to flow through,”
5. “These beams are “energy” but are also “information”,
6. “That it is effecting our planet by “forming” a special kind of coherent
(Christ) “magnetic-energy,”
7. “Effecting the appearance as “a cross creating” a circumscribed “circle
around it,” within our atmosphere, as a new sphere “around the
8. “Being a novel gyroscopy that is effecting “the center” of the “Earth
where the cross meets”,
9. “The “heart” of the planet “intensifying” and “growing, level by level”
10. “That as “this flow is speeded up,” it has an “affect on all of Earth,”
11. “That this “center” is “where the cosmic Sun” is “able to flow into that
central being” and is “growing.”

“We have already seen from Dr. Frank Smith, that there appears to be:

1. ““Beaming” by possible “Extra-Terrestrial Intelligences” of a “galactic

Gamma-Ray Laser Internet,”
2. “That these “may be CETI messages from Life in our Universe” or
“communication with other stars in our galaxy” both “nearby stars” as
well as with “distant stars,” having an information function,
3. “That is “beaming the gamma rays in the direction of the sun.”
4. “Is “using gamma-ray laser signals focussed by the sun as a gravitational
5. “Fine-tuned by geometrical “confining the beam,” its trajectory has “the
earth” to “still be in the beam.”
6. “That “the required energy would be… roughly the energy of fission,”
or “the annihilation of 1 gm of matter by antimatter.”
7. “Those with “high luminosity” used “for communication with distant
stars”, having a “slight excess near the plane of our galaxy,” and the
galactic “center”.
8. “Exhibit a higher dimensional ordering and synchronizing, i.e.
information, that is “distributed isotropically” for those use in
“communication with nearby stars.”
9. “Have short bursts of a “time duration less then 100 ms.” These burst,
despite vast diverse distances “appear nearly identical,” and exhibit a
4th dimensional geometry, since they “have a Euclidean space-time

“Thereby, most of the Emmanuel points 1-5 and 11 have received some
verification with these observations.
“It turns out that this galactic [hadronic Aetheric] “Light Body” appeared some 4 years
before perfect conjunction with the galactic center in 1998, when these “Light Body”
signals would begin to transform into global DNA effecting frequencies:

““Perfect galactic conjunction occurred December 21st 1998, based on precise

astronomical concepts, the galactic equator and solstice colure.””
—Dr. Jean Meeus, U.S. Navel Observatory Astronomer “Mathematical Astronomy
Morsels” (Richmond, Vancover, Willmann-Bell 1997)
“Also the calculations of astronomer Dr. Patrick Wallace of the Rutherford Appleton

“"The winter-solstice Sun is closest to the Galactic equator in A.D. 1998. This
presumably corresponds to the Meeus/USNO calculation. The distance from
the Sun to the Galactic center at that time is 6.4396 degrees (measured in
apparent place). The winter-solstice Sun has cleared the Galactic equator by
A.D. 2021."”
—Dr. Patrick Wallace of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.”

Thereby, we can see that the 14 Year TIME GATE period was of tremendous significance,
because it encompassed TRUE galactic center conjunction in 1998. Something we did not
know when we begun in 1996, but those that were nudging us, appeared to understand and
known the significance of, as well as interact directly with this (example the Time Gate 1998
UFO photographed over the Time Gate 1996 Alpha portal near Asgardsdane, Valdres

This Time Gate 1998 perfect conjunction with the galactic center was celebrated by many
Somanauts and Time Gaters linked together in Europe, Thailand, and the USA, as well as
Bali. And linked with other global unity consciousness events on December 21st, 1998.
In Thailand we worked in this Time Gate, at numerous historical Meru Pyramid sites of that
At that time something utterly remarkable came from the galactic gamma ray internet (which
itself had complexified from its 24 tetrahedral hologram arrangement and ordering, into more
complex intelligent ordering), and one gamma laser beam from Cygnus the Swan
constellation, guarding the galactic center, released a gamma ray burst proportioned in the
golden symmetry of love and the DNA golden weave ratio of Ø/PHI!

This golden gamma laser changing the Sun, that scientists including those of the Millennium
Group, recorded releasing a new sound as a result, and imbibing the SAME golden mean
compassionate coherent geometry in the Magnetic Field of Earth. And creating a massive
impact on the Earth’s magnetic field, passing through the Earth, and then producing a global
set of 1.618hz signals (the numbers of the golden mean/PHI, the DNA, and loves coherent
cardiorhythm), as well as PI.
The Extremely Low Frequency Radar Group (ELFRAD) of scientists who registered these new
signals of ordered intelligence, were forced to state that these appeared to be of an
extraterrestrial intelligence!
In other words, by the Emmanuel 1988 definition, the Galactic Council transmitted an Aether
beam that caused a global frequency that activates the DNA in coherent resonance!!!
Observed by scientists like and the Millennium group to be coming from an
intelligent unknown extraterrestrial source. We summarize some of these findings in our
January 2005 “Grailzine”:
“As incredible as this sounds, and as vacant such a earth-changing new piece has been,
we recap some of the evidence from mainstream researchers, for the apparent appearance
of the 144,000 Grid of the Cosmic Christ Light Body, as Emmanuel had related it, in
directly effecting the Earth magnetic field, and in the biologically genetically active
frequency range:

“”For the past few weeks we have been recording some interesting signals which we
have intercepted traveling through the earth. This may be of high importance as the
frequencies concerned are in the ELF range from 1hz to 20hz. These transmissions
consist of quick bursts which only last from 2 to 4 seconds and appear to be spread
spectrum or swept quickly through the range mentioned.
“”We just recorded a tremendous impact to the earth's magnetic field. Time of peak is
18:13:51.9 UTC or 1:13 PM EST.””
— Charlie Plyler, ELFRAD GROUP, 11/30/98

““The abrupt shift in the magnetic field started late 12/10/98 and is continuing through
the 11th. Totally unexpected. Peak energy appears to be .003 according to spectrum
—Charlie Plyler, Elfrad Group, Date: 98-12-11 07:22:25 EST,

““Is anybody out there? After analysis of the time period of the unknown signal
detected early Christmas morning, we discovered an very interesting implication. There
were two signals embedded in the frequency spectrum during this event. Phi (1.618)
and PI (3.14159). It is our opinion that it would be highly unlikely for this to occur
naturally. I guess the question is, from where and from whom?””
—Charlie Plyler, ELFRAD, 98-12-26 17:05:18 EST:

““The ULF signals monitored by the Elfrad Group during the past 24 hours continue to
show an unusual anomaly. Starting on December 30 at 00:01 UTC there were 14 bursts
of a signal whose frequency is very close to 1.618. These periods of transmission had
an average duration of 14 minutes. As of this time the source is not known.””
—Charlie Plyler ELFRAD, Date: 98-12-30 16:19:03 EST:

“”Here is a quick view of the data from 11:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC today, January 02,
1999 The FFT shows the frequency content of the 5 hour recording. The 2nd photo
indicates the frequency of .03 hertz which has a wavelength of 6, 208,393 miles and
the third photo consists of the frequency burst of 1.618 hz which is equal to the
wavelength of 115,112 miles.””
—Charlie Plyler Elfrad, 99-01-02 11:10:55 EST

“It appears that the galactic and universal “Light Body” signals that have been
picked up imbibing the Earth, are having a precise relationship with the Earth core,
exactly as the Emmanuel’s had suggested.
“The Aetheric beams that Emmanuel use, are now the well documented Tesla
longitudinal waves, whose properties are utterly extraordinary (our Vortexijah Light
Body Star Ship work is partly modelled up these, and has lately been verified from
a series of pioneering science sources, like the Santilli Hadron physics, which has
created “vortexijah” Iso-Symmetry materia, some of whom we have cooperated

“What Emmanuel appears to have been speaking about back in the late 1980s,
appears to be somewhat divinatory of a series of intelligently ordered signals that
appeared in space, with magnetic field strengths much greater than the Earth, and
at a frequency range that is not only psychoactive, but genetically active.”


According to the Emmanuels, the new Magnetic Cross coming out from the hadronic
heart of planet Earth, also encodes our planet with a new blueprint and protects our
world from the ravages of space radiation, by anchoring a new stability of hadronic
Aether unified field intelligence, akin to the new Sun particle force now recently
observed by amazed astrophysicists.
In this regard, the present magnetic pole shift, is anchored and guided by this Galactic
Council Aether beam established new Magnetic Cross of independent magnetic field
coherence and ordering intelligence.

In regards to the Emmanuels and Galactic Council description of the New Magnetic
Cross, our January 2005 Grailzine, presents direct observations of this fact by major
scientists, overwhelmingly so:

“The solar systems transformation observed in our solar systems energizing, include
flashes and new materials appearing in the interplanetary regions of space.
(SCR Flashes and large-scale structures in interplanetary environment. A forecast of proton
Solar events. Dr’s I.P Shestopalov, V. V. Bengin, G. Kolesov, et al. Space Research. v. 30. -
Moscow: Nauka publishers., publ#6, 1992. p.816-825.).

“These events having a profound effect on planet Earth.

(Space Flight. v. 34, N 3, 1992, p. 75),

“With some of the most pioneering early models for the new “Space Rays physics”
emerging amidst the Russian Academy of Sciences.
(Space Rays physics: the research continues in SNG. Russian Academy of Science, Vestnik,
v. 63, N 7, 1993. - p. 650-654).

“Transforming our planet’s resonance and magnetic intensity.

(Nesmenovich E.I. Resonance's in Solar System, Space physics problems. Kiev, 1984, N 19.
Pp. 84-93)

“Including through the planet’s interactive relationship continuum with the Sun.
(The Earth magnetosphere/Electromagnetic and plasma processes from Sun to Earth core,
Dr. K. G. Ivanov, Moscow: Nauka publishers,1989. - p. 62-75).

“Amidst these pioneering lucid thinkers is Dr. A. N. Dmitriev, professor of geology

and mineralogy at the Russian Academy of Sciences. His independent presentations
on the New Universe to the public in the mid to late 1990s, in parallel to our
European efforts — a rendered overview:

““Many spacecraft and satellites have registered the growth of heliospheric

magnetic saturation [saturation of Sun’s magnetic sphere growth] in recent years.
“”The natural response of the Earth to this increased saturation level reveals itself
in its dipole intensity, its magnet "c" poles localization, and in its
electromagnetic field resonance processes. Earth is number one among all of
the planets in the Solar System with respect to its specific ability regarding the
magnetization of matter.

““The significant growth of the recognized world magnetic anomalies

(Canadian, East-Siberian, Brazilian, and Antarctic) in the Earth's magnetic
reorganization [the new magnetic cross].
“”Radiation material (plasma) inflows and discharges through the polar regions
[+], and through the world's magnetic anomaly locations [X].
“”Their significance is due to the fact that these world anomalies constitute a
magnetic source that is almost independent from Earth's main magnetic field
[NU Cross].
““Most of the time, the intensity of these world magnetic anomalies substantially
exceeds all of the residual non-dipole component... It is the inversion of the
magnetic fields process which is causing the various transformations of Earth's
geophysical processes and the present state of the polar magnetosphere.””

“The magnetic anomalies as a magnetic source independent of the planets own

magnetic field, are somewhat indicative of Unit-Emmanuels Aetheric “Magnetic
Star Cross,” apart from the fact of the emerging cross of planes between 1998 and
2001, where the galactic plane (celestial equator), our solar system plane (ecliptic),
and the Synodic Vernal Precession of our planets (23.5° tilt through the zodiac), all
align up into a crossing of planes:
““We also have to take into account the factual growth of the polar cusp's angle
(i.e. The polar slots in the magnetosphere; North and South [the Magnetic Cross
north and south pole nodes])… The increasing and immense amounts of matter
and energy radiating from the Sun's Solar Wind, and Interplanetary Space, has
began to rush into these widened slots in the polar regions causing the Earth's
crust, the oceans, and the polar ice caps to warm…
““Planetary processes, as a rule, occur in complex and dynamic ways which
require the combining and joining of all forces and fields [Aetheric unified field]
in order to adequately understand the entire system. In addition to the
consideration of hydrospheric redistribution, there are developing events which
also indicate a sudden and sharp breaking of the Earth's meteorological

““On many weather satellite photographs, there is clear infrared data to show
that a massive sub-surface heating of the Earth’s oceans is now occurring
[Emmanuels Aetheric Star Cross from Earth’s core]…
“Solar radiation is by no means strong enough to cause this heating, as these
temperature anomalies emerge deep beneath the surface of the oceans.
“”This suggests that the oceans are being heated from within the earth itself.””

“Dr. Dmitriev has shown that the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field rises up
and down in direct synchronization with these temperature changes in the

Thereby, this Russian award winning scientist has identified precisely the
characteristics of the Galactic Council’s and the Emmanuel’s New Magnetic Cross. A
cross emerging from the heart core of planet Earth, with solar radiation lacking the
strength to account for the anomalous heating of deep oceans, something that is being
instigated by the Aether beam “immense amounts of energy and matter” from
“interplanetary space”, that is affecting this hydrospherical redistribution...
Aether beams whose unified field is “combining and joining of all forces and fields”,
causing Earth’s magnetic field to rise or fall according to these Earth Heart Sun
temperature anomalies, of the Star Cross.

These magnetic field increases and decreases, thereby, effecting the precise magnetic
pole shift retuning!!!

Whilst this may be a little technical, here we now have established that we do not
need to panic regarding the present Time Gate catalyzed pole shift entrée, because it
is being coordinated by a perfect Aether beam organisation of the Galactic Council
intelligence, no less, that interacts with each of our own coherence interactions with
the Unified Field. Accompanied by the new time travelling particles changing the
elemental fabric of our reality that have just recently appeared to astro-scientists, as
the Unified Field intelligence Itself!

Since the Emmanuel and Galactic Council transmission and description preceded this
scientific observation, and was received by a then 18 year old who was illiterate to
such science — this can be considered validating criteria of a description of a
hypothesis that emerged as recorded fact, years before, and impossible for the
individual who recorded this information to fathom the technical implications thereof.
Also validating the “source” behind that information (weather one chooses to see this
as merely “Einstein Imaging Technique” imagined ETI, or as an actual intelligence
behind the UFOs, that more than 84 witnesses have observed with Ananda); and
giving more room for scope of their descriptions of what is to come, and the
significance of our own interaction with this...
Much as the Time Gates have been a personal and universal effort in coherence. Dr.
Dmitriev continues:

““Furthermore, there is a 0.22 degrees C change in worldwide temperatures

over the course of 30 days that correlates precisely with changes in the middle
frequency of Earth’s magnetic field.
““The Earth’s core of luminous, magnetized plasma [the Christ Light magnetism]
is directly responsible for these changes. As the pressure of the plasma suddenly
increases, there is a surge in the strength of its magnetic field and a rise in its
thermal level, rising the ocean temperatures [8hz electrolysis for 72 hours goes
through the Sierpinski cascade of C-tone frequency tuning, and at its cube, of
512 hz, produces bioluminescence, or self induced infrared biosphere photons/
phonons, i.e. thermal heat of life. From AUM comes TAPAS primordial heat from
which all creation was raised from the Ineffable Primordial Unity].
““Similarly, the Novosibirsk Klyuchi Observatory in Russia has reported that the
height of the magnetic field is growing by up to 30 nanoteslas per year, again
showing changes in the core.””



“This increasing heat energy of the Earth’s core can also be seen in the rapid
melting of our polar ice caps. The Ross Ice Shelf of Antarctica, which is as large as
the state of Rhode Island, fully broke off and dropped into the ocean in the year
2000, as have several others in the last decade.
“This process has greatly accelerated in speed throughout 2002, with three gigantic
chunks breaking away from the continent in only a few months of time, the two
most recent being named C-18 and C-19. This news is becoming so prevalent that
even the Bush Administration finally had to come forward and admit that
“something is happening.”

“Furthermore, in Coming Earth Changes: The Evidence, Dr. William Hutton reveals
that Earth’s inner core not only rotates faster than the outer core, but it actually
rotates at a different angle than the outside of the Earth.
“This certainly suggests that a shift in orientation has already occurred on the
inside of the Earth and will soon complete itself on the outside as well... the
patterns, which were determined by analyzing the orientation of magnetized iron
molecules released in the lava from the undersea ridges. As each new layer of lava
cools along these ridges, the iron molecules orient themselves to the position of the
Earth’s magnetic poles at that particular time.”

The NU Earth, through the New Universe emanating through the Sun, and coordinated
through the NU Magnetic Earth Cross’s unified field Aethers, as one with the Galactic
Council, apart from being observed to grow by 30 nanoteslas per year, due to the changes in
Earth’s heart core, but also has been involved in producing a new series of mystery Light
Flashes, in its interaction with the NU solar system grid tuning geometry:

““Astronaut Ed Lu returned from a six-month tour as science officer on the

international space station and one nagging puzzle: what caused the mysterious
flashes of light he saw while studying the Earth's aurora from orbit?
““Lu, who was a research astrophysicist before becoming an astronaut, spent 100
hours watching the northern and southern lights during half a year in space. The
auroral light show, which takes place well below the station's 380km altitude,
shimmers and pulses depending on natural variations in incoming solar particles
trapped by the Earth's magnetic field.
““On three occasions - July 11, September 24 and October 12 [2003]- Lu saw
something markedly different: flashes as bright as the brightest stars, which lasted
only a second then blinked off again. Some previously unreported phenomenon
associated with the aurora.””
—Orbiting astronaut sees mystery lights The Guardian Thursday October 30, 2003 http://,12978,1073327,00.html

The NU mysterious ultra high order cosmic rays from the New Universe are linked to
this phenomenon (some of these ordered cosmic rays are hadronic Aether beams of
organisation), mentioned in the British New Scientist magazine article entitled:
“Flashes seen by astronauts remain mysterious” (16 April, 2003):

““The strange streaks of light seen by astronauts on space missions, linked to

cosmic rays, still defy a full explanation. The latest work confirms that the flashes
can be correlated with the high-energy particles known as cosmic rays.
“”Scientists originally suspected that heavy cosmic particles were more likely to
produce the flashes, rather than the lighter protons. A 2002 study in which
cosmonauts on the space station Mir recorded flashes while wearing head-mounted
particle detectors showed that visible flashes were indeed more likely when heavy
cosmic particles hit the detector. But the research by Casolino and his colleagues
now reveals that the phenomenon is more complex than thought.
““Of particular interest to the team was the frequency of flashes recorded as
astronauts passed through a region known as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA).
“In this region, the influence of the Earth's magnetic field is reduced, resulting in
unusually large number of proton [hadron] particles. But the number of flashes
seen by astronauts did not increase in proportion, indicating that protons cannot be
the only cause of flashes.
““However, there was increase in the number of flashes in the SAA region.
Casolino notes, the phenomenon provides "the only way to really see an
elementary particle".” Journal reference: Nature (vol 422, p

Thus, these anomalous flashes increased at the magnetic anomaly zone of the
Magnetic Cross, by the Atlantic, where hadron protons and other hadron Aether
elementary particles of the Aether beams of the Cross are present, an anomaly whose
latitude and longitude movement comprises one arm of the New Cross. Linking into
the hyperspace horizon of the hadronic Aether world.


These are remarkable confirmations, especially NOW, with the new time travelling
particles released from the Sun, completely rewriting the elements of our reality, and
reprogramming the very universe we live in, into a time acceleration, of hyper-time
and hyper-space, as Earth man is undergoing a hadronic biological metamorphosis
into Aetheric Man.
Elements of this New mysterious Magnetic Cross were also reported in one of the
numerous National Geographic articles dealing with the present magnetic pole shift:

““North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux

““Earth's north magnetic pole is racing at 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic
changes in the planet's core, new research says.
““Now, newly analyzed data suggest that there's a region of rapidly changing magnetism
on the core's surface, possibly being created by a mysterious "plume" of magnetism
arising from deeper in the core.
““And it's this region that could be pulling the magnetic pole away from its long-time
location in northern Canada, said Arnaud Chulliat, a geophysicist at the Institute de
Physique du Globe de Paris in France.””

Thereby, the “mysterious ‘plume’ of magnetism arising from deeper in the core”,
describes the attributes of the Emmanuels and the Galactic Council’s Magnetic Cross
arms emerging from the heart of Earth. And that this very “plum” data now shows is
creating the magnetic pole shift itself, or at least triggering and regulating it with its
mystery holographic pulses influences...
Hence, within this paradigm, the present magnetic pole shift is directly being directed
by the Aetheric beam unified field network of the Galactic Council, in the New Tune
of planet Earth within the New Solar System tuning. And in our interactive coherent
compassionate love with the Unified Field Intelligence behind this.

These may be very important observations, which dispel fear, paranoia, apocalypse-
mania, with implications that instill greater trust in the present process, where each
and every one of us begins to dare to step into greater cognitive whole-unity
consciousness, into our Unique manifestations as co-creators, using the
compassionate divine love heART tools, within this NU reality emerging.

The pole shift is being coordinated by synchronized intelligence, through the new
magnetic Star Cross from the Earth core, and by the new unified field time travelling
particles from the Sun, communicating with the Earth.


As we have been sharing on public stages since the mid 1990s, based on the Emmanuel
paradigm — the new energy density clouds surrounding our solar system infusion into our
system is increasing the plasma-toroidal field and energetic density of our interplanetary back
garden and the planets themselves.
New density clouds that the Vedas called Dvipas, as a Hadronic NU Density, that is changing
the fabric and energy dynamics of our reality.

Clearly the planetary weather systems are undergoing major revisions in this process, by an
energy source pumping New Energy into the planets.
In the first 7 days of 2011 alone, there were 895 Earthquakes globally. There may be many
birth pains amidst our neuro-revolutionary emergence into the Awakening Dream.
None-the-less here scientists relay their concern over this newly observed New Density
cloud, which in 2010 gained new levels of analysis:

“Award winning astrophysicist Alexei Dmitriev says our solar system is entering an
interstellar energy cloud that will soon bring global catastrophe
“On July 14, 2010 we learned that our sun is passing through an interstellar energy cloud
which excites/energizes the sun.!NASA, along with The National Academy of Science and
other world renowned scientist are concerned about this up and coming solar maximum
in late 2012, and warns of a pending solar storm, telling the population to get ready for a
once in a lifetime solar storm.
“Astrophysicist Alexey Dmitriev says that both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 satellites reveal
that our sun, as well as our entire solar system, is now moving into an interstellar energy
“Dmitriev explains that this cloud of energy is exciting the atmospheres of our planets and
especially our sun. As this interstellar energy cloud continues to excite/charge the sun, it
causes the sun to become more active, resulting in greater output from the sun. IE: Bigger
and more frequent solar storms and CME's.!
“This interstellar cloud of electrical energy is also absorbed by the Earth, and scientist
have found that it results in more earth quakes, all while dramatically effecting our
weather here on earth.
“When asked how long will it take our sun to pass through this interstellar energy cloud,
Dr. Dmitriev replied, "I don't know. If I had to guess, I would say somewhere between two
thousand to three thousand years." This interstellar cloud is a wispy band of charged
particles through which our solar system is slowly moving through.
“When Dr. Dmitriev was asked what are the implications of all this for earth he replied,
"Global catastrophe! Not in tens of years from now, but in ones of years" ... talking about
the Carrington Effect which can knock out electrical power and all modern forms of
communications world wide for months on end, even years.”
—Hafington Post

With the NU time travelling Unified Field particles from the Sun changing our entire
reality, and with analysis of the precise materials and properties of this new band of
charged particles, that are part of the new density — something exciting may rapidly
be becoming apparent.
This is echoed in the findings of new class of time tunneling particles as discrete
energy bundles, appearing in biology, with hyper-geometrical organisation, and
appearing as a form of symbiosis between mater and subtle mater (see part 4 of our
The Great Time Gate youtube series, summarizing these). As well as the increase of
global UFO demonstrations over 90 cities worldwide (some of which are summarized
in part 3-4 of our The Great Time Gate youtube series).

The NU density bands permeating our solar system, are effecting a hadronic
reconfiguration at the foundation of our materia... Where, an increase in hadronic
magnecular and hypermagnecular structure is becoming apparent!
Emmanuel and the Andromedians referred to these densities as a different category to
“colour spectrum dimensions”, where their description of a 4th atomic density, with a
greater nuclear fusion of the electrons from their orbital plane, goes towards the
hadronic atomic heart, as the iso-electronium of magnecular structure. And the 5th
atomic density is a configuration of hypermagnecular structure, which has been
implied to be the dynamics operating within the heart of our LIVING genetics DNA.
As we published in “Grailzine Nu Universe 2005”, the Emmanuel paradigm describe the
increase plasma-toroidal electromagnetic pulses that MAY occur by the present process we
are in. Again these descriptions are on the public domain, before the science data was
analyzed. Here are excerpts from the Grailzine and from Emmanuel in 1990:


“Q; What happens to man and life on earth after the year 2000?

“”Emmanuel: There are still a number of choices. There is a definite cycle that has
been occurring throughout the creation of this solar system, that does have an effect
upon this system, after the year 2000, as you perceive it, depending on your choice,
which thus synchronizes you to the possibility mode which manifests into reality,
when it manifests as the now.
“The third density is no longer totally third density [electron orbitals are now more
inclined to the hadronic horizon in the heart of the atom] and has become
appropriately fourth density to some degree [hadronic magnecular and
hypermagnecular materia].
““It is when the total synchronization of energy is poured into this solar system, that
activates the choice, within the physical manifestation, neurological and
electromagnetic fields of each individual. Therefore, each individual within their mind
and their own inner choices, even if they have not fully chosen, within their own
inclination, will be intensified in that choice… Within that there may be possibilities
that have been geared up.
“”Those on the surface who choose into positive, have the potential, if in resonance
with the Unified Field, the Universal Christhood, through love, to awaken their
physical cellular mass, defrosted timeframes, to alter it, like into a fourth density.
“”There will be some individuals, through the intensification of the energy that is
bombarded, who will go straight to the Unified Field... as their physical body and their
electric magnetic field is uplifted, is transformed, as a greater electrical surge is
flowing through the entire nervous system and the neurological system activates the
consciousness to be in the entire body, so that the entire body becomes a brain.

“”The year 2011 has been perceived as one of those gateways, but it depends upon
the choices which we have spoken about, which are brought into manifestation,
collectively, by humanity. A gateway of transformation, a synchronization to an
electromagnetic phenomena of cycles that your solar system spins and works
towards, so that it is moving and has been moving into an electromagnetic
synchronicity and field that intensifies the energy or electrical flow of this planet.
“”Therefore, there will be many changes after the year 2000, depending upon the
choices of the possible futures, which are brought about by the balance of the
choice of humanity.
“”You choose different future perspectives. 2011, 2013 is the state of
consciousness, not necessarily the year, the state of consciousness when the total
dimensional gateway is opened to the possibility of resonating self to Universal
Christ… That which is life changes…
“”Within one or two of the possibilities of the future, there are great changes that
may occur to this planet. Changes that may appear very sad unto the human races,
but is part of the cycle.
“Those who feel they are not able to yet fully resonate towards a fourth density
structure, but yet operate within their choice of polarity, may experience an
evacuation. So that their electromagnetic frequency may be aligned unto the
resonance of a higher dimensional craft that helps them to accelerate to a fourth or
fifth density frequency…
“Many of the Interdimensional crafts will help those of the outer polarities. Many
will be genetically altered to a higher frequency, through their contact with its
energy. Many will go crazy by touching the energy.
“It is for this reason that you have been asked to resonate to the Unified Field, or
God, so that when you do come in contact with the energy field of both physical
third/fourth density crafts, as well as Interdimensional crafts, you are physically and
electromagnetically able to hold that frequency without blowing out, or going
crazy, that you are adequately aligned to your Sun Self, so that you are transformed
in the way of continuing that vibration…
““This is already occurring now within your plane. There are individuals who are
coming in contact with these Council crafts, where their physical vibration is being
transformed into a frequency of Light, of energy. You will feel it within your own
frequency when the time comes.
“Within the craft you’ll feel it as you are aligning your heart to the Creator, or
Unified Field. You will feel an intensification of life-force, intensification of the
electromagnetic field, you’’ll feel more alive, more luminous, as you enter, and
come in contact with those crafts. Know them by their fruits. ..

““We have suggested that this solar system is moving into a transition that no
longer will see a third density [old electrical orbital plane] as you know it upon this
planet. In that sense that which is taking place with third dimensional pollution is
for the last time bringing Earth into a fourth density — the original place intended
for this planet, for Universal Mankind to explore.
“”Therefore, in many millions of years there may be, if there is still that possibility
of choice, certain colonies of extraterrestrials that may come upon this planet. For
that of the Man Race as it is now will perceive to transform this planet into a new
““Within the third dimensional ‘time-mass’ of this planet, of this solar system,
galaxy and universe, it perhaps will appear to take many millions of years for this
solar system to synchronize into the timelessness by unifying and aligning its
resonance to the Unified Field of All.
“”However, if you go in to fourth density [iso-electron hadron horizon orbital
arrangement of bio-materia = magnecules], or above [hypermagnecules], time
changes, and it may be perceived to be within a number of years, a number of
hours. The understanding of years, hours, or seconds is not really appropriate
within the higher densities of the fourth density [magnecules] and certainly within
the fifth density [hypermagnecules, which operate in hypertime]. So that, indeed,
you will experience the unification of the solar system in a very short period, even
if it takes millions, or billions of years, within the time as you know it now.
“”For that time is changing. The time of planet earth is being accelerated,
transformed, through the Consciousness Inflow and the individuals who are
resonating through love to the Unified Field [as now observed in astrophysics, with
the communicating consciousness particles with Unified Field behavior].
“”See, the Unified Field is Love, and Love is timeless — for it is unified in all
“It is for this reason that you are experiencing such intensification of energy, into
different polarities. That which is time is dissolving. You will see, as one chooses
perhaps to move into a fourth density, this solar system turning into Light,
transforming into the form of your own consciousness. So that the form of your own
consciousness becomes the solar system, is aligned to the frequency of the Sun, so
that all planets become the Sun, they become One, they become defrosted, for the
time-frames are defrosted.
“”The future of life on Earth will greatly be changed, it will never be as it is now,
that is for somewhere else, and that already exists, and much of the Earth’s third
dimensional patterns, elements and life-forms have already been transported to
these other worlds. They already exist in different densities, in different parallel
universes, in which you get the equivalents of third density [classical electron shell
configured materia, that is only part magnecule and part hypermagnecular in its
“”This goes on for infinitum in this universe. But ultimately a vast place is being
prepared within a totally New Universe, we have termed it the 13th Universe [the
octave universe upon a multiverse upon a 12 tone music cone, upon which our
universe is equal tempered and hyper-musically arranged with another 11
universes], which we have explored.
“”The third density aspects on Earth are changing and will cease to exist as you
know them within the next two thousand years. There will be a great hunger within
the humanity of the world for understanding of the awakening dream….“
—Unit Emmanuel, Aton-Ra 5: The Universal Harvest, November 1990,
Copenhagen, Denmark”

The above excepts are part of a much larger complexity of ideograms within the
Emmanuel Image Foundry. Never-the-less relating to the increase of the energy
configuration of our body, into greater percentages of hadronic aligned materia like
magnecules and hypermagnecules comprising our body experience.
Having this ultraterrestrial perspective on the NU dynamics that may be unfolding
upon us in the years to come, let us explore the science on the New Density that


In our January 22, 2005 “Grailzine NU Universe 2005”, we cite from a body of
astrophysical observations of these NU density bands, some 500 times more dense
than hitherto conceived, surrounding our solar system like holographic rings, or
islands (from which we now excerpt):


“Our sun is passing through an ovoid cloudlet that has been approximated to
measure 20 by 25 light years in size, situated within a larger cloud ovoid, some 40
by 65 light years in size.
(“The Size and Extent of the Interstellar Gas Cloud Surrounding The Sun, J. Linsky, N.
Piskunov, and B. Wood, June 10, 1996 Press release.)

“Dr’s Auman, Hauser, and Low, have published evidence (including from NASA’s
IRAS sky maps), that reveals our solar system to be surrounded by bands of “infra-
red cirrus”, which is generally thought to be infra-red emitting dust.”
(Dr. H. H. Auman, “Spectral Class Distribution Of Circumstellar Material In Main-sequence
Stars.” Astronomical Journal 96, 1988, pp 1415-L18; Dr. M. G. Hauser, “IRAS Observations
Of The Diffuse Infrared Background,” Astrophysical Journal 278 (1984), pp L15-L18; Dr. F.
J. Low, “Infrared Cirrus: New Observations Of The Extended Infrared Mission”
Astrophysical Journal 278, 1984, pp L19-L22.)
“Numerous infrared observations that were made using ground based telescopes,
revealed that our solar system, as well as other surrounding sun systems, are
enveloped by what appears to be a thick dust-like sheath, with a density that is 500
times greater to what had previously been modelled or supposed.”
(“Cold Cloud May Contain Unseen Solar Dust,” Science News 134, 1988 pp 246
“The Size and Extent of the Interstellar Gas Cloud Surrounding The Sun, J. Linsky, N.
Piskunov, and B. Wood, June 10, 1996 Press release.)

“Several clouds of “gas” have been detected near to our solar system, one of which
has its densest portion with the size of some 80 by 50 by 20 light years, some 25
light years from us. Its central locus is located on the side of the solar system that
faces the North Polar Spur and galactic center.
“Other observations of late have demonstrated that the solar system itself is
emersed in a cloud-like density band of interstellar “gas” some 0.1 light years from
the solar system edge.

“The Ulysses spacecraft’s observations of interstellar dust particles entering the solar
system, may in part be associated to this density band that is surrounding our
system, and itself is surrounded by a larger cloud or band. Some of these bandlets
may well have been moved by enormous cosmic ray pressure waves, as
radioastronomy detect elements that also have been found in periodic ice readings
on Earth, of an extraterrestrial nature, amidst evidence of high voltage exposure
from galactic cosmic ray wave bombardment.
(Dr. Paul La Violet, Earth Under Fire, 1998, pp 138).

“Scientists found the Earth is impacted, at sporadic intervals, with cosmic rays
emitted from the X-ray pulsar Hercules X-1 (about 12,000 light years distant).
NASA spacecraft are monitoring an interstellar wind coming from the constellation

“There is data indicating that we have gone into the second to last density bandlets
of this larger veiling sheath, which we may have been saturated within for the last
800,000 years, possibly complying to the similar span of ice-age cycles according
to ice readings.”
(“Cold Cloud May Contain Unseen Solar Dust,” Science News 134, 1988 pp 246
“The Size and Extent of the Interstellar Gas Cloud Surrounding The Sun, J. Linsky, N.
Piskunov, and B. Wood, June 10, 1996 Press release).

However, with the new observations of 2009 and 2010, there is now mounting
evidence that we have already entered this new wispy bandlet of energized particles,
which Dr. Dmitriev suggests we shall remain emersed within for some 2,000 or so
years, which may share some similitude to the Emmanuel descriptions of the new
density and the 2,000 year period of awakening.

Amidst this new density are the new ultra high order cosmic rays that first appeared in
1991, and became regular in the mid 1990s dawn of the Alpha Time Gate.
These cosmic rays are so energetic, that no known process in this universe could
account for their power, coming from a greater universe, or multiverse. Being ultra
organised, these cosmic rays organize (together with the new gamma rays) the macro
end of our universal computer program retuning technology. And some of these
cosmic rays appear to be emerging from within the very new density bandlet itself,
and involved in the process of the transfiguration of mater!


The award winning Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Dmitriev, had compiled enough
date in 1997, to show that this new density thickening of our heliosphere, or solar
system, was transforming each of the planets, with this New Energy speeding up
Earth’s present pole shift:

“Current PlanetoPhysical alterations of the Earth are becoming irreversible. Strong

evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly charged
material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space which have
broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System.
“This "donation" of energy is producing excited energy states in all planets, as well
as the Sun. Effects here on Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the magnetic
pole shift.

“In its travel through interstellar space, the Heliosphere travels in the direction of
the Solar Apex in the Hercules Constellation. On its way it has met (1960's) non-
homogeneities of matter and energy containing ions.
“This kind of interstellar space dispersed plasma is presented by magnetized strip
structures and striations. The Heliosphere transition through this structure has led to
an increase of the shock wave in front of the Solar System from 3 to 4 AU, to 40
AU, or more.
“This shock wave thickening has caused the formation of a collusive plasma in a
parietal layer, which has led to a plasma overdraft around the Solar System, and
then to its breakthrough into interplanetary domains.
“This breakthrough constitutes a kind of matter and energy donation made by
interplanetary space to our Solar System.”

In other words, the density of the outer periphery of our solar system has undergone a
thickening from 4 Astronomical Units (AU), to a density increase of over 40
Astronomical Units!!! When the previous density of our Sun system of 4 AU is 100%,
this increase to 40 AU would be a 1000% increase in density — a ten-fold increase in
the density thickness of our reality!!!

This 10-fold increase is from data spanning from 1963-1993 only, with 1000% density
thickening of the outer solar system over just 30 years. This density increase has
significantly risen in the 18 years since 1993.

Furthermore, the plasma field overcharge surrounding the solar system that resulted
from this, opened up the veil into the interplanetary energy streams, whereby totally
new energy dynamics from the new Dvipa bandlets could interact with the plasma
toroidal field of our solar system — hence seriously transfiguring our reality, as Dr.
Dmitriev notes:

“A change in the quality of interplanetary space in the direction of an increase in its

interplanetary, and solar-planetary transmitting properties... The following processes
are taking place on the distant planets of our Solar System. But they are, essentially
speaking, operationally driving the whole System:
“Auroras on Saturn. Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts, and the abrupt large-
scale growth of Uranus' magnetosphere intensity. Change in light intensity and light spot
dynamics on Neptune. The doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupiter, an
appearance of radiation belt brightening in decimeter band, and the appearance of large
auroral anomalies.
“A series of Martian atmosphere transformations increasing its biosphere quality, a cloudy
growth in the equator area and an unusual growth of ozone concentration. In September
1997 the Mars Surveyor Satellite encountered an atmospheric density double.
“A Change in the Quality of Interplanetary Space Towards an Increase in Its Interplanetary
and Solar-Planetary Transmitting Properties.”

Thereby, this New Density increase in the solar system, is observed to have pumped so much
new energy into the planets, so as to double the intensity of Jupiter’s magnetic field, and
doubling Mar’s atmospheric density, the magnetosphere of Uranus suddenly undergoing
large proportional growth, global warming of Pluto, aurora activations of Saturn and Jupiter
and their moons, which also has a new brightening radiation belt, as Neptune undergoes a
large increase in its light spots and light intensity.
The aurora light activation lighting up the solar system instruments (phenomenon most of you
are familiar with from our 1999 book The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel, and our New Universe
presentations since the mid 1990s, covering these energy and light changes of the planets
and their moons in great detail).

The award winning scientist relates this density increase to the appearance of UFOs
and light formations in Earths atmosphere, as well as within the solar system:

“The increase in the frequency, and scope, of natural self-luminous formations in

the atmosphere and geospace forces us to wake up, and take notice. The processes
of generation, and the existence of such formations, spreading all over the Earth,
represents a remarkable physical phenomenon. What is most unusual about these
natural self-luminous formations is that while they have distinct features of well-
known physical processes, they are in entirely unusual combinations, and are
accompanied by process features which cannot be explained on the basis of
existing physical knowledge. Thus, features of intense electromagnetic processes
are being found in the space inside and near these natural self-luminous objects.

“The present excited state of our Heliosphere exists within the whole, or entire,
organism that makes up the Solar System; the Sun, Planets, Moons, Comets, and
Asteroids, as well as the plasmas, and/or electromagnetic mediums, and structures,
of Interplanetary Space. The response to these Interstellar energy and matter
injections into our Heliosphere has been, and continues to be, a series of newly
observed energetic processes and formations on all of the Planets; between the
Planets and their Moons, and the Planets and the Sun.
“It is reasonable to point out that our Planet will soon be experiencing these new
conditions of growing energy signifying the transition into a new state and quality
of Space-Earth relationship. The living organisms of those regions of Earth having
the major "inlets", or attractions, for cosmic influences will be taking the lead in
evolving life's appropriate reactions, or processes, to these new conditions.”

Thus, the Earth’s living life forms that are positioned within the major attractions and
portals of these cosmic influences, will directly be leading the evolution of life’s
organisms into these new energy conditions of life — the New Density way of life.
In fact the new anomalous particles observed by microbiologists like Dr. Dan Burisch,
and Dr. Dmitriev reporting that these new energies at the poles have increased the life
forms from 700 species to over 1,700 species in just a few years, are clear indications
of the NU Life that is now emerging!

Dr. Dmitriev describes the “self luminous” UFO objects to be creating an interaction
between the Aether in transforming ALL life one this planet.
Continuing to excerpt from our “Grailzine NU Universe 2005”, Dr. Dmitriev
summarizes the massive total transformation of life on Earth, now in full swing:


“”The most significant of these areas are the helio-sensitive zones which have
intense responses to geoeffective solar activities; responses that include the very
dramatic and unusual manifestation of non-homogeneous vacuum, or classical
non-mechanical ether, domain structures. These structures, or objects, then
interact with the heliosensitive zones producing deep and powerful effects upon
the environment such as the alteration of seismic activities, and chemical
compositions. Because these non-homogeneous vacuum domain objects display
not-of-this-physical-world characteristics such as "liquid light" and "non-
Newtonian movement" [hyper-D] it is difficult not to describe their manifestations
as being "interworld processes". It is important to note that those heliosensitive
zones that exhibit middle and large scale processes are also those that are closely
associated with these "interworld processes" produced by physical vacuum
homogeneity disturbances.
“Such disturbances cause, and create, energy and matter transfer processes
between the ether media and our three-dimensional world. The multitude of such
phenomena, which is rich in it's quality and variety, is already growing quickly.
Hundreds of thousands of these natural self-luminous formations are exerting a
increasing influence upon Earth's geophysic fields and biosphere. We suggest that
the presence of these formations is the mainstream precedent to the transformation
of Earth; an Earth which becomes more and more subject to the transitional
physical processes which exist within the borderland between the physical
vacuum and our material world.
“All of this places humanity, and each one of us, squarely in front of a very difficult
and topical problem; the creation of a revolutionary advancement in knowledge
which will require a transformation of our thinking and being equal to this never-
before-seen phenomena now presencing itself in our world. There is no other path
to the future than a profound internal experiential perception and knowledge of
the events now underway in the natural environment that surrounds us. It is only
through this understanding that humanity will achieve balance with the renewing
flow of the PlanetoPhysical States and Processes.”
Published in Russian, IICA Transactions, Volume 4, 1997 (*Professor of Geology and
Mineralogy, and Chief Scientific Member, United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and
Mineralogy, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences. Expert on Global
Ecology, and Fast -Processing Earth Events. Russian to English Translation: by A. N.
Dmitriev, Andrew Tetenov, and Earl L. Crockett
Profound statements indeed, coming from such an august science source. Naturally,
Dr. Dmitriev writing in the context of 1997, had to relay these UFO “self luminous”
objects as “natural”, and many indeed appear to be so.

However, many of these, like the Hessdalen Light Phenomenon, also interact to the
light flashes sent them from the lasers of scientists, responding with the same number
of flashes — and thereby appear to intelligently interact with consciousness (see the
film “Portalen” by Newparadigm group in Norway). As well as being able to be
summoned by Close Encounters Of the 5th Kind contact protocols (a few examples of
our CE5 summoning of the Hessdalen Lights are on part 1 of our The Great Time Gate,
youtube series).

Also in our Norwegian Valdres Lights phenomenon, they respond with their pulse
flashes to our coherent consciousness lasers, responding in synchrony to our efforts,
on many numerous occasion, just as they have to Sky Watcher groups like
and, around the world.
These objects metamorph, shape-shifting their holographic appearance to a variety of
apparent holographic UFO shape technologies, that land on the ground (we have
several witnesses to this with us, including Ph.d’s), they transmit information (our
Emmanuel and ETI contacts were instigated by precisely such interactions with these
UFOs in the mid 1980 in England — the coherent consistency of the information,
reveals a true logistical intelligence behind it).
These UFOs produce humanoids that are interactive, but also effect the fundamental
sense of space and time when one interacts with them, being on a threshold that is on
the physical horizon, beyond what Dr. Dmitriev calls “the borderland between the
physical vacuum and our material world” as a “matter transfer processes between the
ether media and our three-dimensional world”, but actually as a transfer of a Unified
Field Aether Intelligence into the physical world (this is the undeniable nature of our
interactions, and in the summation of the 84 witnesses that have been directly
involved in these interactions with the UFO, with us).


Now some completely extraordinary is taking place in its fully penetrating presence
amidst us. This from 2003:

““Some mysterious source from beyond the galaxy periodically zaps Earth with
high-energy cosmic rays from all directions.
“AGASA has begun to see a hint of clusters of particles coming from the same
region. AGASA also sees cosmic rays at unexpectedly high energies.
““That is really exciting, because if AGASA is really finding particles above the
energy where we thought they wouldn't be, then there's a whole new class of
cosmic particle accelerators that nobody has predicted,” Olinto said.

“Now this January several new discoveries are emerging in light of the New
Universe pulses, the laser cosmic ray beams are being found to being beamed from
the constellation of the 7 Rsi (Ursor Major, the Big Bear), the constellation the Rg
Veda marks for our time and the Twilight of Ages. Whose Suastika cycle appeared
over Valdres in the early 1990s to harbour the emergence of the Age of the
Medicine Buddha!
The constellation of the 7 Sapta-Rsi, now aligning to complete the 4th arm of their
Swastika in one precession (this 45° shift occurs every 6,480 years):

““A celestial "spring" of mysterious particles that slam into Earth from all
directions may have been discovered by a US physicist.
“The underlying source of the ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) remains
one of the greatest puzzles in physics. They appear to be mostly protons and
atomic nuclei. Magnetic fields - with an unknown source - accelerate the
particles to almost the speed of light.
““This makes UHECRs so energetic that some astronomers doubt that even the
most extreme cosmic events, such as the explosive birth of a black hole, could
account for their power.
“”Glennys Farrar, a physicist at New York University, has used a new analysis
technique to identify five UHECRs appearing to originate from the same patch of
sky. That quintet has just a one in 10,000 chance of being a fluke, Farrar says.
“”The five cosmic rays came from a patch of sky about as large as a full Moon
seen from Earth and from the direction of Ursa Major - also known as the Big
Dipper or the Great Bear. It also suggests the five UHECRs remained relatively
close to each other in space.”
—Celestial 'spring' pours out cosmic rays, Maggie McKee, January 2005

“Consider the data in support for the gamma ray bursts and cosmic rays as a kind of
ETI and hyperdimensional OTI.

“"Some cosmic rays also experience spectacular time warps. These particles
move so close to the speed of light that, from their point of view, they cross the
galaxy in minutes, even though in Earth´s frame of reference they seem to take
tens of thousands of years. If time dilation did not occur, those particles would
never make it here."

Thus these totally new ultra high order cosmic rays from the New Universe, are
operating as Time Machines, or Time Travelling lasers. As it takes 100,000 years at the
speed of light to get across the galaxy, these cosmic rays, that are intelligently
distributed in hyper-diamond geometries, are a time travelling cosmic ray holographic
internet, fine tuning reality.
There is also some data amounting, that the New Density materials around our solar
system, coupled with the time travelling gamma ray internet and time dilating cosmic
ray holographic net, are acting as a form of Aetheric Hadronic PlasmArc flow — the
technology that converts almost any element, from a 3rd density material, into at least
a 4th density iso-electron magnecular material, like magnegas (see
That is, from the NU Density front at the front edge of our solar system, hadronic
PlasmArc flow-like reactions have now been indicated in the measurements of
scientific instruments, with implications that the materia of our solar system, is not
only undergoing a increase in density, it is also undergoing a hadronic re-
configuration towards the magnecule 4th density...
As hadronic reactions have been discovered coming from these, again we quote from
January 22, 2005:


“Some government scientists are beginning to speak ever more in unison about the
possibility of an ETI being behind these “mystery signals.”
“How these “surges” may be affecting measuring instruments is indicated within
this research paper, providing a marginal overview of some of the problems,
surprisingly in the public domain:

“"EAS array is continuously registering events of energies above 1015 eV

(electron volts). Studies of signals detected 500-800 microseconds after the main
EAS front are now concentrated on the hypothesis that such delayed signals
come from the great number of neutrons produced in the lead block in collisions
with EAS hadrons."”

“The mention of hadronic subatomic particles is interesting in light of the hadron

physics of Santilli, and the possibility of a form of galactic Plasma Arc Flow, being

Together with the New Unified Field communicating particles recently discovered to
be completely retuning and re-writing our reality, the overall implications now clearly


As many of you are familiar with, Saturn the planet of time, has undergone
remarkable changes during Time Gates. From the new magnetic field coupled with the
old magnetic field of Saturn having the signature of the Time Wave Dharmata, in Time
Gate 2004, to Saturn loosing 7 minutes of radio rotation, that is 7 minutes of time lost
for the planet Chronos, the time master. To new microwave releases from the
tetrahedron latitudes of Saturn, of solar intensity, also in Time Gate 2004, as measured
by NASA’s Cassini probe.
On December 14, 2010, as we were surfing the Time Gate Omega 2010 Novelty
Wave, an amateur astronomer detected a superstorm on Saturn. As NASA’s Cassini
space probe cameras had malfunctioned due to a solar storm blasting the Saturnian
region, there were no NASA photographs:
A white storm in Saturn's northern hemisphere, as seen on Dec. 14, 2010. Credit: Anthony
“About a week ago, a bright white storm emerged on Saturn‘s northern hemisphere, and
amateur astronomer/planet astrophotographer extraordinaire Anthony Wesley from
Australia has captured a few images of it. “This is the brightest Saturn storm in decades,”
Anthony said on his website, Ice In Space. “If you get a chance to see it visually then take
it, as it may be one of the rare “Great White Spot” (GWS) outbreaks on Saturn.””

However, following the Time Gate December 21st, 2010, the Cassini probe once again
functioned and captured this “once-in-a-lifetime” superstorm on Saturn:
“This image, taken with a blue filter, shows the storm clearly. The main spot is huge, about
6,000 km (3,600 miles) across — half the size of Earth! Including the tail streaming off to
the right, the whole system is over 60,000 km (36,000 miles) long.”

That the measurement of 3,600 miles across and 36,000 miles long is given, is NO
coincidence, when one knows the place of the number 36, 360, 3,600, and its decimals in
the computer program code of reality. Our music is also based on such programming, as is
the living life code of the DNA itself!
In fact Jupiter and Saturn return to their same position in the solar system in accord to one-
another, once every 3,600 years, the Vedic Nabhi-Ru cycle, which is also 72 rotations of
Sirius B around Sirius A (one of the Nabhi-Ru/AkSAARa Star-Time Gates of X-Crossing —
Manu Gates, see our youtube videos).
“Using the two filters of methane (both infrared) in the red and green, and blue in the blue
channel, I made this composition in representative colors. The bright eye of the storm is
surrounded by a thin ring. Impressive and beautiful. In the second image of methane
methane filters I used the red channel and CB2 to highlight the two "eyes" of the storm.
“The previous day, December 23, Cassini imaged Saturn and see the trail. the storm itself
could be the "barrier" around which the winds flow from the upper layers of the
atmosphere. Note on the images. These images are based on polychromatic raw
monochrome images distributed by JPL (NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute, uncalibrated
or process).
“The CB2 filter is listed as "ongoing in the red" in the FAQ at JPL, but its wavelength is
given as 751 nm in the paper by Porco et al, Cassini Imaging Science at Jupiter. Does
anyone know what this is?”

The question is about the UFO shaped object near to the ring (middle left of the picture).
Over the last years we have shown numerous NASA films of planet sized objects by Saturn,
some at least 2 times bigger than Earth, involved with the planet of time, appearing to be
involved in the PHIne tuning process.
A planet that is precisely two pentagon/pentagram to pentagon/pentagram cascades away
from the orbit of Earth, each pentagram head respectively being 36° from the other, or Ø^2,
like the DNA helix to each nucleotide.
How Jupiter is Getting Its Belt Back

This image Nov. 18, 2010, by the Gemini North telescope in Hawaii, shows a belt that had
previously vanished in Jupiter's atmosphere is now reappearing.
Image credit: NASA/JPL/UH/NIRI/Gemin

Earlier this year, one of Jupiter’s stripes went missing. The Southern Equatorial Band started
to get lighter and paler, and eventually disappeared. Now, follow-up images from both
professional and amateur astronomers are showing some activity in the area of the SEB,
and scientists now believe the vanished dark stripe is making a comeback.
This image Nov. 16, 2010, by NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility. The particles lofted by the
initial outbreak are easily identified in green as high altitude particles at the upper right,
with a second outbreak to the lower left. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/IRTF

“Every few decades or so, the South Equatorial Belt turns completely white for perhaps
one to three years, an event that has puzzled scientists for decades. This extreme change
in appearance has only been seen with the South Equatorial Belt, making it unique to
Jupiter and the entire solar system.
“The white band wasn’t the only change on the big, gaseous planet. At the same time,
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot became a darker red color. Orton said the color of the spot – a
giant storm on Jupiter that is three times the size of Earth and a century or more old – will
likely brighten a bit again as the South Equatorial Belt makes its comeback.
A false-color composite image of Jupiter and its South Equatorial Belt shows an unusually
bright spot, or outbreak, where winds are lofting particles to high altitudes in this image
made from data obtained by the W.M. Keck telescope on Nov. 11, 2010. Image credit:
NASA/JPL-Caltech/W. M. Keck Observatory

“The South Equatorial Belt underwent a slight brightening, known as a “fade,” just as
NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft was flying by on its way to Pluto in 2007. Then there
was a rapid “revival” of its usual dark color three to four months later.

“Go imaged an outburst that piqued the interest of other astronomers. “I was fortunate to
catch the outburst,” said Christopher Go, referring to the first signs that the band was
coming back. “I had a meeting that evening and it went late. I caught the outburst just in
time as it was rising. Had I imaged earlier, I would not have caught it,” he said.”
Source: JPL

Jupiter has a magnetic field that is synchronized to the Earth’s magnetic field, and has an
important relation to Earth, as well as to Saturn, in this period of the New Reality emerging.


Now, without the weight of 14 years of responsibility, with great joy we can continue to link
the Time Gate 2011a (January 16-17th, now, this moment), to the other Time Gates in 2011,
and even linking to April 2012, especially on the maximum novelty of this wave on January

When seen in time reverse logic, then 2012 is the doorway of the Great Time Gate from
2,222 AD, as the doorway of Omega. The 2011 Time Gates are the medial Omega Time
Gates. And the 2010 Time Gate is the Open Door Omega into the Alpha Time Gate of 1996.

So for those whose Spirit moves them, the linking of the Time Gate Omega doors to the 14
year Time Gate that we have already done in compassionate love, can continue its hearty
weave of the compassionate golden thread of Divine Love Via Media, in Y-Our Hands.
Dear Ones, we are NOW in it!!! The transformation has begun. We are in a unique
generation. The magnetic pole shift generation. The NU hyper-time generation. With
multidimensional time travelling particles now objectively measured coming from our Sun,
ALL that has been shown to us before, and all that we have shared in the last 22-25 years of
public service is now coming into fruition.
Remember all that we have passed on, you may need it, but especially remember that all of
this is about Being our own Unique Love NOW, together, and uniquely individual in the
symphony of the All-One Heart.
This is the time of the emergence of the collective celebration, the collective p’arty of
heArtists, in the symphony of divine love. Heralding the Age of the Medicine Buddha. Let us
dance in the All-One Unity of our Uniqueness with the All-One Mater of the Unified Field
Operator, NOW.
—Ananda, January 11th, 2011

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