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In your own opinion, which of the statement below is true in connection with the increased cases

of drug addiction in the country? Explain why.

There are many drug users because there are many pushers.
There are many drug pushers because there are many users.

For me, both statements are true since both are correlated to each other. Both
statements have a connection with the increased of cases of drug addiction in the country.
There are many drug users because there are many pushers. To drug pushers, drug users are
their income. The more users there are, the more money they got. Because of this, many are
persuaded to become pushers so that they can acquire money from drug users. They take
advantage of the number of drug users so that they can sell more illegal drugs and gain more
money. Then, since there is an increase in drug pushers, there will be also an increase in drug
users. Drug pushers will be eager to sell their products and they will do everything in order to
acquire money. Those people will try to persuade someone on buying their stuff and influence
more people to use drugs. The victims who will turn into drug users are mostly teenagers and
those people below 35 years old. Drug pushers’ target is mostly those people who has having a
hard time in their life. They will persuade those people to use illegal drugs so that they can get
out of their reality and forget those problems they have.

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