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Plant Soil


Natural nodulation and nitrogen fixation of Acacia

Auriculiformis grown in technosol eco-engineered from Fe
ore tailings
Zhen Li · Songlin Wu · Yunjia Liu · Fang You ·
Merinda Hall · Longbin Huang

Received: 28 July 2023 / Accepted: 9 October 2023

© The Author(s) 2023

Abstract tolerant native legume A. auriculiformis could form

Aims Nitrogen deficiency in eco-engineered techno- functional nodules to fix ­N2 when grown in early eco-
sol from iron (Fe) ore tailings limits the productivity engineered technosols.
of colonising soil microbes and pioneer plants, which Methods A. auriculiformis growth and root nodula-
are critical to further development of the technosol. tion in the early tailing technosols were investigated
Symbiotic biological N ­ 2 fixation may be a strategy using a glasshouse experiment, and plant ­N2 fixation
to supply N in the moderately alkaline early techno- was evaluated using the 15 N natural abundance iso-
sols since native legumes such as Acacia auriculi- tope method. Key factors influencing root nodulation
formis are tolerant of saline and alkaline soil condi- and ­N2 fixation have also been evaluated, including
tions as those in the technosol. It is hypothesized that water supply and phosphorous nutrition.
Results The results indicated that A. auriculiformis
grew well in the tailing technosols and naturally
formed nodules with rhizobia. The nodules were
Responsible Editor: Michael Komárek. functional in ­N2 fixation, leading to improved plant
N nutrition. The nodulation and ­ N2 fixation were
Supplementary Information The online version
contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​ severely limited by water deficiency stress. Improved
org/​10.​1007/​s11104-​023-​06342-7. phosphorous supply favoured nodulation and ­ N2
fixation by A. auriculiformis plants under water defi-
Z. Li · S. Wu (*) · Y. Liu · F. You · M. Hall · L. Huang ciency stress.
Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, Sustainable
Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Conclusions These findings suggested that A.
Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia auriculiformis could grow in early tailings technosols
e-mail: and fixed N­ 2, and proper water and phosphorous fer-
tilizer management could improve Acacia plant’s per-
Z. Li
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, formance and N ­ 2 fixation functions. It is possible to
Southern University of Science and Technology, introduce tolerant native legumes such as A. auricu-
Shenzhen 518055, China liformis to improve N supply in the early technosols.
S. Wu
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Keywords Acacia auriculiformis · Alkaline Fe ore
Research Center for Eco‑Environmental Sciences, Chinese tailings · Nodulation · N2 fixation · Water deficiency ·
Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China Phosphorous nutrition

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Plant Soil

Introduction in the early technosols and then form well symbiosis

with rhizobia strains in the technosol, as it is adap-
The extraction and processing of Fe ores have been tive to various adverse soil conditions (from acidic to
generating large volumes of Fe ore tailings, which alkaline) and capable of fast-growing and fixing ­N2
have been stored in many purposely engineered tail- (Boland et al. 1990; Reza et al. 2019).
ings storage facilities worldwide, destroying large Moreover, we found that field-sampled Fe ore tail-
areas of landscapes and posing environmental health ings contained tolerant ­ N2 fixing bacteria such as
risks (Franks et al. 2020). Eco-engineering Fe ore Frankia sp., Rhizobium sp., and Aureimonas altami-
tailings into soil-like technoosls through harnessing rensis (belongs to the order Rhizobiales) (Wu et al.
biological driving forces in pedogenesis, such as pio- 2021c). After early eco-engineered pedogenesis with
neer plants and microbes, has been demonstrated to exogenous organic matter (OM) amendment and pio-
be a promising and sustainable way for in-situ mine neer plant colonization, the microbial community was
tailings land rehabilitation (Huang et al. 2012; Wu boosted with the improved physical structure, neu-
et al. 2019, 2021a). Specific tolerant microbial com- tralized pH conditions, elevated nutrient level, and
munity and pioneer plant colonization are key steps active plant root activities (Wu et al. 2019, 2021b,
for early eco-engineered tailing technosols forma- 2023). These diverse microbial communities, espe-
tion (Wu et al. 2023). However, the productivity of cially ­N2-fixing bacteria, could form a symbiosis with
soil microbes and pioneer plants requires sustainable A. auriculiformis to form nodules and possess ­ N2
N supply, which is deficient in tailings and resultant fixation capacity. However, it is unclear if A. auriculi-
technosols. Mineral N fertiliser strategy is not feasi- formis could form nodules naturally through associa-
ble and cost-effective due to the high loss of N in the tion with N ­ 2-fixing bacteria in eco-engineered tailings
forms of ­NH3, NO, N ­ 2O and/or N
­ 2 under moderately technosols, and whether the symbiosis could fix N ­2
alkaline pH conditions (Bai et al. 2014; Huang et al. from the atmosphere to avoid exogenous N fertilizer
2002; Su et al. 2021). Besides, irrigation in highly application for sustainable ecosystem build-up in Fe
compacted tailings during eco-engineered pedo- ore tailings.
genesis could also cause N loss through enhancing Water deficiency is generally regarded as the main
denitrification (Bai et al. 2014). As a result, tolerant restriction for successful revegetation, as many mine
symbiotic biological ­N2 fixation in native leguminous sites are located in arid or semi-arid areas. Previous
species (e.g., Acacia spp.) would be a feasible option studies showed that Acacia spp. are drought-tolerant
to drive soil-like technosols formation from tailings and nitrogen-fixing trees, which are widely distrib-
and the development of a primary succession of soil- uted in arid or semi-arid tropics (Sheokand et al.
plant systems (Jach et al. 2022; Yu et al. 2021). How- 2012). The strong root penetration and supplied N
ever, it is still unknown whether native Acacia plants nutrition from the atmosphere facilitate their accli-
could survive in Fe ore tailings technosols and carry mation or avoidance of drought stress (Minucci et al.
out ­N2 fixation by forming functional nodules with 2017). Whereas a large number of studies reported
indigenous ­N2 fixing bacteria. that drought stress suppressed nodulation and further
Our previous study showed that the original phys- ­N2 fixation (Serraj et al. 1999). In addition, the eco-
icochemical conditions in the tailings and inade- engineered tailings and native soils around the remote
quately improved conditions in early technosols were mine sites are infertile, especially lacking available
unfavourable for forming functional nodules to fix N ­ 2 phosphorous (P) supply (Li et al. 2022a, b). The posi-
in roots of Acacia holosericea, that is a tolerant native tive influence of improved P supply on plant growth
Acacia species (Yu et al. 2022). It is recognised that and Acacia spp. ­ N2 fixing has been widely docu-
root affinity towards rhizobia and symbiosis forma- mented even under drought conditions (Crews 1993;
tion with specific rhizobia strains may vary among Zheng et al. 2016). Moreover, phosphorous is essen-
Acacia spp., depending on rhizobia and root interac- tial for plant metabolism, rhizobia bacteria growth,
tions (Assefa and Kleiner 1998; Craig et al. 1991). and nitrogenase activity (Alberty 2005). As a result,
Compared to A. holosericea, A. auriculiformis, a this study aims to investigate whether water defi-
commonly used rehabilitation species, may have ciency affects Acacia spp. growth and its N ­ 2 fixation
stronger tolerance to the physicochemical conditions in eco-engineered tailings technosols, and increasing

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Plant Soil

P addition improves their growth and N ­ 2 fixation of 0.38 g ­kg−1, ­NO3− of 48.8 mg ­kg−1, ­NH4+ of
function under water deficit conditions. 42.9 mg ­kg−1, and Olsen-P of 5.02 mg ­kg−1. Also,
The present study aimed to investigate whether A. the ‘ET’ had a better physical structure owing to
auriculiformis could grow and form functional nod- the water-stable aggregate formation during amend-
ules to fix N
­ 2 when growing in eco-engineered Fe ore ment compared with the original tailings (Wu et al.
tailings technosols in a glasshouse experiment. The 2023).
N natural abundance isotope method was employed The A. auriculiformis was selected as the test
to estimate N ­ 2 fixed in plant biomass. The responses plant as it easily forms a symbiosis with ­N2-fixing
of plant growth and N ­ 2 fixation were investigated in bacteria. The seeds were purchased from the native
plants subject to water deficit and P-deficiency treat- plant seeds supplier Austrahorte (https://​www.​austr​
ments. We hypothesized that (1) A. auriculiformis ahort.​com.​au). Firstly, the seeds were soaked with
would be tolerant of the physicochemical conditions hot water (80 oC) for half an hour, and then germi-
in the early technosols and form functional nodules nated in a moist filter paper in a growth chamber
on roots; (2) water deficiency adversely affects plant with 16/8 of day/night and at 28 oC. After germi-
growth and N ­ 2 fixation, but which could be amelio- nation, the seedings were transferred into clean
rated by increasing P addition. The expected findings and sterilized river sand, and cultured in a glass-
would provide an important methodology to improve house with 14/10 h (day/night) and 28/21℃ (day/
N supply in the infertile technosols for sustainable night). The Hoagland nutrition was applied once
growth of colonising plant communities, without a week, and then, the A. auriculiformis seedlings
resorting to mineral N fertilisers. were transplanted into the ‘ET’. During cultivation
in ‘ET’, no exogeneous nutrition was applied. There
were nearly no nodules identified upon transplanta-
Materials and methods tion. The composition of Hoagland nutrition was: 2
mM ­KNO3, 2 mM Ca(NO3)2, 0.5 mM ­KH2PO4, 1
Materials and experimental design mM ­MgSO4, 0.2 µM C ­ uSO4, 10 µM H­ 3BO4, 2 µM
­MnSO4, 1 µM ­ZnSO4, 0.05 µM ­Na2MoO4,100 µM
The eco-engineered Fe ore tailings technosol (‘ET’) NaFe(III)EDTA, and the pH was around 6.5.
was used in the present study as the original Fe ore Two experimental factors, including phospho-
tailings are difficult to support phytostabilization rus (P) level and water condition (D), were consid-
based on our preliminary test. Briefly, the origi- ered in the current experimental design. Two levels
nal tailings were firstly amended through incubat- of P addition (0 ppm and 40 ppm, in the form of
ing with Lucerne hay (2%, w/w) and native top- ­NaH2PO4), and two levels of water content (16%
soil (10%, w/w) under field water capacity for one and 8%, w/w, indicating well-watered and water-
month, and followed by 3.5 months pioneer plant deficit conditions, respectively) resulted in four
colonization (Wu et al. 2019). After that, the eco- treatments (Table 1), and each treatment had four
engineered tailing technosol, namely ‘ET’, was replicates, resulting in 16 pots in total. Three A.
employed for the current experiment. The basic auriculiformis in river sand with similar plant bio-
physiochemical properties of ‘ET’ were: pH of mass were transplanted into a pot with 500 g ‘ET’
8.15, electronic conductivity of 0.35 mS c­ m−1, total inside. After transplantation, all treatments were
organic carbon (OC) of 2.12 g ­kg−1, total nitrogen maintained under well-watered conditions for two

Table 1  The abbreviation of different treatments and corresponding representation

Abbreviation Representation

A + P-D The A. auriculiformis grown in tailings with P addition under well-watered conditions
A-P-D The A. auriculiformis grown in tailings without P addition under well-watered conditions
A+P+D The A. auriculiformis grown in tailings with P addition under water deficiency conditions
A-P + D The A. auriculiformis grown in tailings without P addition under water deficiency conditions

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weeks to support plant adaption, after which half Stable Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory, the Uni-
pots received water deficiency treatment with 8% versity of Queensland. The analysis precision was
watering every day through weighting. 0.2 per mil at one sigma for an internal standard
(USGS40, L-glutamic acid) at δ15N of -4.52‰.
Plant harvest The δ15N, i.e., 15 N abundance (the per mil 15 N
excess over atmospheric ­N2) was calculated using
After 14 weeks of cultivation, the number of leaves the standard ­N2 gas and following Eq. (1):
increased from 5 to 6 at transplantation to 12–14 in
[ ]
the ‘A-P + D’ treatment, and in the ‘A + P-D’ treat- 15
𝛿 N= − 1 × 1000‰ (1)
ment, the number of leaves reached above 30. Rstandard
According to our previous experience, there may be
Where, Rsample and Rstandard mean the 15 N/14 N
some plant growth constraints caused by the volume
ratio of samples and standard ­N2 gas, respectively.
of the pots, which should be considered. Besides, in
The proportion of nitrogen in plant shoot or root
this study, we mainly focused on the plant growth
derived from the atmosphere (Ndfa%) was calcu-
and ­N2 fixation in growth period rather than propa-
lated based on the Eq. (2):
gation stage. Therefore, we harvested the plants after
14 weeks. The shoots and roots were separately har- [ ]
𝛿 15 Nref − 𝛿 15 Nsample
vested after washing them with DI water. The nod- Ndfa% = × 100% (2)
ules on the root were removed using a tweezer, and 𝛿 15 Nref − B
the number of nodules was counted. In addition, the
activity of nodules was checked by colouration with Where, δ15Nref and δ15Nsample indicate the 15 N
pink indicating active nodule. Then, about 5 g fresh abundance (δ15N) in the shoot (or root) of the ref-
shoots were stored at -80℃ freezer for chlorophyll erence plant and samples being measured, respec-
analysis, and the remaining shoot and root tissues tively. The B value represents the 15 N abundance of
were oven-dried at 70℃ for 48 h. Then the dry shoot Acacia spp. growing in an N-free nutrient condition.
and root tissues were ground finely for TOC and TN The reference plant is important for Ndfa% cal-
analysis using an automatic C/N analyser (Elementar culation and normally required to reflect the 15 N
Vario MAX, Germany). The N content of the plant abundance of the plant growth matrix. In the pre-
shoot and root was calculated by multiplying the TOC sent study, we selected one Acacia plant grown in
or TN concentration and the corresponding plant tis- tailings without any nodulation from the ‘A-P + D’
sue weight. At last, around 20 g of fresh tailings tech- treatment as a reference plant, which probably could
nosol samples were stored in a cold room (4℃) for reflect the 15 N abundance of ‘ET’. As for the B
­NO3− and N ­ H4+ analysis. In addition, a little number value, on one hand, the B value should be less than
of nodules were left in the tailings during harvest, the δ15N of plant tissues with the highest nodula-
thus, around 20 g of tailings technosol was selected tion and ­N2 fixation (Tye and Drake 2011); on the
randomly after shaking thoroughly to infer the num- other hand, it is reasonable that the Ndfa% should
ber of nodules in the tailings. The total number of be less than 90% based on the B value (Nebiyu et al.
nodules in each pot was calculated by summing the 2013). Thus, in this study, the B value (-2.9) of Aca-
nodules of the root and tailings. The remaining tail- cia spp. from previous studies (Boddey et al. 2000;
ings after treatments were collected and air-dried for Raddad et al. 2005; Tye and Drake 2011; Vincent
basic physicochemical characterization. et al. 2018), were used to reflect the 15 N abundance
of Acacia spp. shoot growing in an N-free nutrient
Biological ­N2 fixation condition. In addition, the 15 N abundance of Acacia
spp. roots from ‘A + P-D’ treatment with abundant
Subsamples of homogenized dry plant shoot tis- nodules was selected as the B value to determine
sues were submitted for δ15N composition analysis the ­N2 fixation by roots from the atmosphere since
using an Elemental PrecisION Isotope ratio mass few studies have determined the %Ndfa of roots
spectrometry (IRMS) (Elementar, German) at the (Mercado et al. 2010; Unkovich et al. 2000).

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Plant Soil

Plant mineral nutrition than 0.05 was used to compare the mean difference
of indices among treatments. The Pearson correlation
The dry plant shoots and roots were first cut into short analysis with a two-tailed significance test (P < 0.05)
segments and then finely ground using a ball mill. was applied to detect the correlation of plant growth,
Aliquots of homogenized ground tissues were firstly such as the plant N uptake and biological N ­ 2 fixation,
soaked into concentrated ­HNO3 for 48 h at room tem- with plant nodules. The normal distribution of data
perature and then digested at 70 ℃ for 1 h and 125 was tested by Shapiro-Wilk analysis, and Levene’s
℃ for another 1 h using a hot block (Thermo Scienti- test was used to assess the equality of variances anal-
ficTM 88,870,004; USA). Then the concentration of ysis. For the data that cannot meet the requirement
the element, including Fe, K, Ca, Mg, and P, in the of normal distribution and variance equality, log-
digested solution was detected by inductively coupled transformed data were used for analysis but shown as
plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES, the original data. All statistical tests were conducted
Varian Vista Pro II). The Apple Leaves (NIST-SRM using SPSS software (Ver 20, IBM, Armonk, NY,
1515) were used as the standard reference material to USA).
control the digestion quality.

Available N in tailings Results

The mineral nitrogen, including N ­ O3− and N

­ H4+, of Plant growth, physiology and mineral nutrition
fresh tailings were firstly extracted by 2 M KCl solu-
tion and then determined colourimetrically using a The statistical analysis showed that there was no
segmented flow analyser (AQ2 + discrete analyser, interaction between P addition and water condition
SEAL Analytical Company, Germany). In brief, after on the plant’s dry weight and chlorophyll concentra-
thoroughly mixing the tailings in each pot, 1 g tail- tion (Table S1). Water deficiency decreased the plant
ings sample was collected and mixed with 10 ml 2 M shoot dry weight under P addition (P < 0.05, Fig. 1a).
KCl solution and shaken for one hour using an end- It also reduced the biomass of plant roots regardless
over-end shaker at room temperature. Then, the mix- of P addition (P < 0.05, Fig. 1b). In addition, drought
ture was centrifuged for 4 min (4000 g) and filtered stress under water-deficit conditions reduced the chlo-
through the Whatman #40 filter, and the supernatant rophyll concentration of fresh leaves regardless of P
was used for N ­ O3− and ­NH4+ concentration analysis. addition (P < 0.05, Fig. 1c). P addition did not signifi-

The ­NO3 and ­ NH4+ concentration was expressed cantly alter the plant biomass and chlorophyll concen-
based on the dry weight of tailings by calculating tration no matter of tailings’ water condition.
the water content of fresh tailings. The Olsen-P con- Water deficiency increased the Fe concentration
centration of air-dried tailings was determined col- but decreased the K concentration in plant shoots
ourimetrically based on the molybdate blue method under no P addition conditions (P < 0.05, Table 2).
using a spectrophotometer (Spectramax 250, USA) Moreover, it also decreased the Fe, K, Mg, and P
after being extracted by 0.5 M ­NaHCO3 solution (pH concentration in plant roots no matter of P addition
of 8.5). In addition, the pH and EC of tailings were (P < 0.05, Table 2). P addition had no effects on the
measured by using a pH meter (TPS 2100) and an EC shoot P concentration but increased the root P con-
(TPS 900-P) meter at a solution with a ratio of tailing centration regardless of tailings’ water conditions
to deionized water of 1:5, respectively. (P < 0.05, Table 2).

Statistical analysis Plant root nodulation and total N/C content

The Two-way ANOVA was employed to assess the The A. auriculiformis survived in most of the treat-
interactive effects of P addition and water condition ments and formed an association with ­N2 fixing bac-
on plant growth, biological ­ N2 fixation and other teria as revealed by the plentiful and pink nodules
physiochemical properties of tailings. Tukey’s multi- on the root tissues (Fig. 2). However, there are few
ple range test with the assumption of a P value less black nodules on the root in ‘A-P + D’ treatments,

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Plant Soil

Fig. 1  The plant shoot dry weight (a), root dry weight (b), and treatments explained in Table 1. The different letters above the
chlorophyll concentration in plant leaves (c) among treatments. columns represent significant differences among treatments by
Note, the ‘A + P-D’, ‘A-P-D’, ‘A + P + D’, and ‘A-P + D’ are Tukey’s test (N = 4, P < 0.05)

Table 2  Mineral
elemental concentration Treatment Nutritional elements in plant shoot (mg ­g−1)
in plant shoots and roots, Fe K Ca Mg P
as influenced by water A + P-D 0.13(0.01)b 12.67(0.52)b 11.6(0.65)a 1.69(0.05)a 0.72(0.08)a
conditions and phosphorous A-P-D 0.12(0.01) b
15.66(0.91) a
11.2(1.42)a 1.69(0.19)a 0.67(0.10)a
level ab b
A+P+D 0.12(0.01) 11.83(0.71) 12.1(1.65)a 1.43(0.33)a 0.51(0.15)a
a b
A-P + D 0.18(0.01) 13.51(0.59) 12.5(0.35)a 1.79(0.05)a 0.47(0.07)a
D ** *** ns ns ns
P ns *** ns ns ns
Note, the ‘A + P-D’, D×P ns ** ns ns ns
‘A-P-D’, ‘A + P + D’, and Treatment Nutritional elements in plant root (mg g­ −1)
‘A-P + D’ are treatments Fe K Ca Mg P
explained in Table 1. D:
experimental factor of A + P-D 21.12(1.82)a 23.42(0.80)a 9.18(0.46)a 3.35(0.15)a 1.18(0.03)a
b a
tailings’ water condition; A-P-D 15.69(2.41) 27.13(1.53) 10.2(0.31)a 3.39(0.18)a 0.91(0.03)b
P: experimental factor of A+P+D 10.99(1.11) bc
17.34(2.48) b
8.86(0.59)a 2.53(0.14)b 0.92(0.06)b
Phosphorous addition. A-P + D 8.46(1.18) c
9.39(1.30) c
7.79(1.47)a 1.91(0.32)b 0.53(0.06)c
Different letters show
significant differences significance
among treatments by D *** *** ns *** ***
Tukey’s test (N = 4, P * ns ns ns ***
P < 0.05). * P < 0.05; ** D×P ns ** ns ns ns
P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001

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Plant Soil

indicating that A. auriculiformis − rhizobia symbiosis 23–91%, respectively (Fig. 5c, d). Water deficiency
cannot develop under water and P deficit conditions. reduced the N in shoots or roots derived from bio-
It is essential to point out that the new and fresh nod- logical ­N2 fixation regardless of P addition (P < 0.05,
ules should be white and/or pink (based on our pre- Fig. 5c, d). P addition increased the Ndfa% in roots
experiment), and the black nodules collected from but did not influence the Ndfa% in shoots under both
roots upon harvest may be those senescent or dead, well-watered and water-deficit conditions (P < 0.05,
or probably covered by clay-sized minerals from Fig. 5c, d). Overall, the A. auriculiformis − rhizobia
tailings. Moreover, it is evident that the number of symbiosis exerted N ­ 2 fixation functions in the ‘ET’.
nodules declined in response to water-deficit treat- However, the Ndfa% by A. auriculiformis − rhizo-
ment (Fig. 3a). No interaction between P addition bia symbiosis was reduced by water deficiency, and
and water condition on the nodules’ conditions was P addition increased the Ndfa% of roots (P < 0.05,
revealed by the two-way ANOVA analysis (Table S1). Fig. 5d).
Water deficiency reduced the biomass of nodules
regardless of P addition (P < 0.05, Fig. 3b, c). It also
Physicochemical properties of tailings technosol
decreased the number of nodules under no P-addition
conditions (P < 0.05, Fig. 3a). P addition increased
The water condition and P addition treatment had
the fresh weight of nodules regardless of the water
­ O3− and ­NH4+ concentra-
interactive effects on the N
conditions of ‘ET’, and the number of nodules under
tion rather than pH and EC values, as well as Olsen-
water-deficit conditions (P < 0.05, Fig. 3a, b).
P concentration (P < 0.05, Table 3). Water deficiency
Water condition and P addition did not affect the C
led to lower pH but higher EC values of ‘ET’ com-
and N concentration in plant shoot or root but showed
pared with well-watered conditions regardless of P
interaction on the C: N ratio of plant root (P < 0.05,
additions. In addition, P addition resulted in lower
Table S2). Water deficiency reduced the N concen-
pH and higher EC values regardless of water condi-
tration of plant shoot and enhanced the C: N ratio
tions (P < 0.05, Table 3). The P addition and water
of plant shoot no matter of P additions (P < 0.05,
deficiency (‘A + P + D’ treatment) resulted in the
Fig. 4a, c). Whereas it increased the plant root N con-
lowest pH value and highest EC. Tailings had higher
centration and decreased its C: N ratio under P addi-
­NO3− concentration under water-deficit conditions
tions (P < 0.05, Fig. 4d, f). P addition had no effects
than that under well-watered conditions. P addition
on the C and N concentration and C: N ratio of plant
caused a lower ­NO3− concentration under water-def-
shoot but increased the C concentration in plant roots
icit conditions (P < 0.05, Table 3). Water deficiency
under well-watered conditions and N concentration in
decreased the ­NH4+ concentration, particularly under
plant roots under water-deficit conditions (P < 0.05,
P addition conditions (P < 0.05, Table 3). P addition
Fig. 4d, e).
led to a higher Olsen-P concentration which was not
Overall, the ‘A + P-D’ treatment produced the
affected by water conditions (P < 0.05, Table 3).
highest shoot N content of 67.8 (6.63) mg p­ ot−1, fol-
lowed by the ‘A-P-D’ treatment. The ‘A + P + D’ and
‘A-P + D’ treatments produced lower shoot N con-
tent (Fig. S1). Similarly, the ‘A + P-D’ treatment also Discussion
yielded the highest root N content of 74.90 (17.8) mg
­pot−1 among all treatments (Fig. S1). The present study has investigated the establishment,
nodulation and biological ­ N2 fixation functions of
Biological ­N2 fixation Acacia auriculiformis in eco-engineered Fe ore tailings
technosol through the 15 N natural abundance method.
The 15 N abundance in plant shoots or roots was The results indicated that A. auriculiformis could
much lower in treatments with well-watered condi- survive well in eco-engineered tailings technosol and
tions than in treatments with water-deficit conditions form nodules with N ­ 2 fixation functions. The study
regardless of P addition (P < 0.05, Fig. 5a, b). The N also indicated that water condition and phosphorous
content in plant shoots or roots derived from biologi- nutrient level influence plant nodulation and ­ N2
cal ­N2 fixation (Ndfa%) ranged from 18 to 54% and fixation in tailings technosol.

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Plant Soil

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◂Fig. 2  Pictures of plant roots and nodules among treatments. processes. Moreover, the study found that A. auricu-
Note: the ‘A + P-D’, ‘A-P-D’, ‘A + P + D’, and ‘A-P + D’ are liformis could survive and fix ­N2 in eco-engineered
treatments explained in Table 1
tailings technosol, which was not the case for Acacia
holosericea as shown in our previous study (Yu et al.
A. auriculiformis grew and formed nodules in 2022). This may be due to the stronger adaptability of
eco‑engineered Fe ore tailings technosol A. auriculiformis compared with A. holosericea. For
instance, Immanuel and Ganapathy (2007) reported
It is revealed in the present study that A. auricu- that A. auriculiformis is more tolerant to high salinity
liformis survived well in the tailings technosol. The compared with A. holosericea. Moreover, A. auriculi-
abundant pink nodules on plant roots demonstrated formis, rather than A. holosericea was recommended
that A. auriculiformis – rhizobia symbiosis success- to be one of the five priority species for intensive
fully developed in the eco-engineered Fe ore tailings development in the humid tropical lowlands by the
(Fig. 2). Moreover, more than 18% N in plant shoots International Union of Forest Research Organiza-
derived from biological N ­ 2 fixation (Fig. 5) indicat- tions (Boland et al. 1990). In addition, although both
ing that the rhizobia exerted an N ­ 2 fixation function of them were widely introduced to initiate new eco-
in eco-engineered tailings technosol. The neutralized systems in virgin land, A. auriculiformi, had a higher
pH, improved organic matter, nutrition, and physical risk score than A. holosericea as invasive species in
structure during eco-engineering processes (Rob- the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk, due to its wide
ertson et al. 2020; Wu et al. 2019) probably collec- adaptability (Reza et al. 2019).
tively contributed to the survival of A. auriculiformis,
since our preliminary test showed that A. auriculi- Water deficiency inhibits plant growth and biological
formis seedings could not survive in Fe ore tailings if ­N2 fixation
without eco-engineering processes. High alkalinity
in tailings usually hinders plant nutrient uptake, ion Water and mineral nutrients are necessary resources
balance, and further plant root physiological func- for plant growth. In the current study, either plant
tions (Javid et al. 2012), which may inhibit nodula- shoot dry weight or root dry weight declined more
tion (Zahran 1999). Yu et al. (2022) also showed that than 44% by water shortage stress (Fig. 1). These
soil alkalinity resulting from Fe ore tailings amend- findings agree with a recent investigation, which
ment reduced the nodule dry weight from 0.8 g ­pot−1 found that the leaf dry weights of mungbean (Vigna
to 0.02 g p­ ot−1 in legume plant Acacia holosericea. In radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) declined 43% under drought
addition, the eco-engineered tailings had high micro- stress (Meena et al. 2021). Similar results that
bial abundance compared with the original tailings. drought suppressed plant growth have been widely
For example, after OM amendment and pioneer plant reported (Mahieu et al. 2009; Ohashi et al. 1999;
colonization, the sequence depth for both bacteria and Qiao et al. 2022). The low mobility of mineral nutri-
fungi increased from less than 100 in original tailings ents under water-deficit conditions, such as N and P,
to more than 40,000 in eco-engineered tailings, and would restrict photosynthesis and reduce cell division
Proteobacteria (38–45%), Planctomycetes (7–10%), (Farooq et al. 2009; Goh and Bruce 2005), restricting
Chloroflexi (5–9%), Bacteroidetes (6–10%), Actino- plant production. The lowered foliar chlorophyll con-
bacteria (7–10%), and Acidobacteria (2–6%) were centration in treatment under water-deficit conditions
found to constitute the microbial community in ‘ET’ compared to treatments with well-watered conditions
(Wu et al. 2021b). This facilitates plant root infec- confirmed this assumption (Fig. 1). The suppressed
tion by rhizobia and nodulation. Moreover, ­N2 fixa- plant growth under water deficiency further impacted
tion in nodules is a high energy-demanding process, nodulation and corresponding ­N2 fixation.
which requires O ­ 2 supply to ensure a high respira- The restrained nodulation of plants under water-
tion rate and then provide sufficient ATP for rhizobia deficit conditions was confirmed by the significantly
(Minchin 1997). The eco-engineered tailings tech- declined fresh weight of nodules (Fig. 3), as well as
nosol with water-stable aggregates formed possibly the black nodules (unhealthy nodules) present in plant
provides porosity space and ­O2 for root and microbi- roots from ‘A-P + D’ treatment (Fig. 3). The negative
ome respiration (Li et al. 2023), favouring nodulation effects of water-deficient stress on nodulation have

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Fig. 3  The number (a), fresh weight (b), and dry weight (c) The different letters above the columns present significant dif-
of nodules among treatments. Note: the ‘A + P-D’, ‘A-P-D’, ferences among treatments by Tukey’s test (N = 4, P < 0.05)
‘A + P + D’, and ‘A-P + D’ are treatments explained in Table 1.

long been reported for all other legume plants (Hun- fixation from the atmosphere and the N accumulation
gria and Vargas 2000; Mahieu et al. 2009; Sheokand in plant tissues, as revealed by the declined %Ndfa
et al. 2012). The direct mechanism may lie in that in shoots or roots (Fig. 5). Various field surveys and
the lower moisture under drought could restrict the glasshouse experiments demonstrated the high sen-
mobility of bacteria and the infection process of root sitivity of biological ­N2 fixation to drought stress
hair (Graham 1992; Zahran et al. 1994). In addition, (Minucci et al. 2019; Serraj et al. 1999). For one
the indirect mechanisms may be that the reduced pho- thing, water shortage influenced plant photosynthe-
tosynthesis rate and plant N demand under water-def- sis, which further decreased C allocation to root and
icit conditions could reduce investment in biological nitrogenase activity (Serraj et al. 1999). For another
­N2 fixation, which normally costs more energy than thing, water deficiency may alter the nodule O ­ 2 per-
soil N uptake (Vitousek and Field 1999). The higher meability in the nodule (Minchin 1997) and restrict
­NO3− concentration of the growth matrix under water the export of products of ­N2 fixation from nodules,
deficiency conditions (Table 3) could also restrain which could also inhibit the nitrogenase activities
nodulation and ­N2 fixation due to that plant relies (Serraj et al. 1999). Moreover, some investigations
more on ­NO3− rather than biological N­ 2 fixation (But- showed that lowered leaf water potential under water-
tery and Dirks 1987). deficit conditions might suppress nodule physiology
The construction of nodules underpins biological as the transport of water and compounds to the nod-
­N2 fixation (Gutschick 1981), which was confirmed ules is mostly through the phloem (Walsh 1995). In
by the positive correlation between %Ndfa and nod- the current study, the negative or close to zero δ15N
ule number (or fresh weight of nodules) (P < 0.05, values in shoots (Fig. 5a) are consistent with previ-
Table S3). In the present study, the declined nodule ous studies reporting that legume tree had negative
number or fresh weight probably decelerated the N ­2 foliar δ15N value in tropic or subtropic climate zone

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Fig. 4  The concentration of C, N, and C: N ratio in plant ters above the columns represent significant differences among
shoots and roots. Note: the ‘A + P-D’, ‘A-P-D’, ‘A + P + D’, and treatments by Tukey’s test (N = 4, P < 0.05)
‘A-P + D’ are treatments explained in Table 1. The different let-

(Fang et al. 2012; Mordelet et al. 1996). The lower isotope fractionation by nitrifier and nitrogen-fixing
δ15N values in shoots should result from the isotopic bacteria, leading to the elevated δ15N value. Conse-
fractionation during N transport from roots to shoots. quently, the proportion of N derived from ­N2 fixation
Generally, the lower δ15N values indicate that more (%Ndfa) in shoots and roots grown in tailings tech-
N is obtained from atmosphere ­ N2 via biological nosol under water-deficit conditions was much lower
­N2 fixation (Fang et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2014). It than that under well-watered conditions.
was noted that the δ15N value of the shoots or roots
was higher under water-deficit conditions than under Phosphorus addition enhanced plant drought
well-watered conditions. This may result from the tolerance but did not influence ­N2 fixation
restricted ­N2 fixation in plant roots grown in water
deficit eco-engineered tailings technosols. Under Phosphorous is required for ATP formation, nitroge-
water-deficit conditions, the declined nodules, nitro- nase synthesis, and cell growth of N-fixer (Alberty
genase and microbial activities possibly reduced 2005), and thus, it is expected to favour the nodula-
biological ­N2 fixation from the atmosphere and/or tion process. In the present study, P addition did

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Fig. 5  The δ15N values of plant shoots (a) and roots (b) ments explained in Table 1. The different letters above the
among treatments (a), and the proportion of N in plant shoot columns represent significant differences among treatments by
(c) and root (d) tissues derived from ­ N2 fixation (%Ndfa). Tukey’s test (N = 4, P < 0.05)
Note: ‘A + P-D’, ‘A-P-D’, ‘A + P + D’, and ‘A-P + D’ are treat-

Table 3  The pH, EC, mineral nitrogen, and Olsen-P concentration in tailings technosol with various treatments
Treatment pH EC NO3− NH4+ Olsen-P
(mS ­cm−1) (mg ­kg−1) (mg ­kg−1) (mg ­kg−1)

A + P-D 8.74(0.03)b 0.23(0.01)b 1.23(0.16)c 41.1(0.56)a 7.84(0.96)a

A-P-D 8.86(0.04)a 0.17(0.00)c 1.44(0.12)c 41.7(0.83)a 2.67(0.07)b
A+P+D 8.50(0.04)c 0.28(0.01)a 3.59(0.25)b 39.1(0.46)b 9.19(0.37)a
A-P + D 8.73(0.02)b 0.25(0.01)b 5.62(0.64)a 40.2(0.30)ab 2.52(0.10)b
P *** *** ** ns ns
D *** *** *** ns ns
PхD ns ns * * ns
‘A + P-D’, ‘A-P-D’, ‘A + P + D’, and ‘A-P + D’ are treatments explained in Table 1; the different letters indicate significant differences
among treatments by Tukey’s test (N = 4, P < 0.05); P represents phosphorus addition; D represents tailings’ water condition factor; *
P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001

elevate the nodules’ number or weight even under could increase the diversity and abundance of rhizo-
water-deficit conditions (Fig. 3). This was consistent bia strains (Galiana et al. 1990; Reed et al. 2010).
with previous research that nitrogen-fixing bacteria Compared with plants, the rhizobia bacteria are more
biomass was controlled by soil P conditions (Binkley resistant to soil desiccation and can survive in water
et al. 2003; Crews 1993), and P addition generally ele- films around soil particles (Williams and Sicardi de
vated the nodules number or biomass, and N ­ 2 fixation Mallorca 1984), favouring root infection and nodu-
(Míguez-Montero et al. 2019). Generally, P addition lation. Moreover, P addition may increase plant

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photosynthesis rate and allocate more C to plant roots deficiency may reduce plant N demand (Minucci
(Crews 1993), which facilitates N mineral nutrients et al. 2017), resulting in the N supply being rela-
acquisition from tailings to maintain C: N stoichi- tively unlimited. This can be reflected by the higher
ometry (Elser et al. 2010). Then, the decreased avail- ­NO3− concentration compared with well-watered
able N to plants can trigger an increased investment conditions (Table 3). Likewise, the approximate
in nodulation (Wurzburger and Miniat 2014). Fur- plant shoot and root biomass, regardless of P addition
ther, the improved P nutrition status in legume plants under water-deficit conditions possibly also account
could facilitate plants to generate more energy for N for the unchanged shoot N derived from the atmos-
fixation, therefore favouring nodule formation. This is phere (Fig. 5c). Isaac et al. (2011b) also reported that
consistent with our findings that there was a higher the N acquisition strategies of A. Senegal changed
root N concentration in the ‘A + P + D’ treatment with P supply and reduced the reliance on N ­ 2-fixation
than that in the ‘A-P + D’ treatment (Fig. 4; Table 3). under non-limiting N conditions.
The elevated root C concentration and decreased C: However, it should be noted that the unchanged
N ratio by P addition under well-watered conditions %Ndfa of plant shoots by P addition could not
also supported the more C allocation into plant roots exclude that plant fixed more ­N2 under elevated P
(Fig. 4). In addition, some experiments demonstrated conditions. This is because that the fixed ­N2 may be
that phosphorous fertilizer application could improve used for various physiological activities other than
plant water use efficiency, which favours to plant storing in leaf tissues. The P addition increased the
growth and further nodules development and N ­ 2 fixa- nodule number and weight (Fig. 3), probably leading
tion (Alkhader and Rayyan 2013; Olatunji et al. 2018; to more N ­ 2 fixation from the atmosphere. The fixed
Tariq et al. 2017). Overall, coinciding with previous ­N2 driven by P addition was probably partially stored
conclusions, P addition stimulated nodulation possi- in plant roots as the Ndfa% of roots were elevated
bly through improving host plant growth and N nutri- by P addition regardless of tailings’ water condi-
tion demand. tions (Fig. 5d). The fixed ­N2 may firstly be used to
However, the increased nodule number or weight support root development for stronger nodulation
by P addition did not elevate the Ndfa% in plant and adaptation to the tailings’ environment. In addi-
shoots (Fig. 5), which did not corroborate previous tion, in response to water-deficit stress, there may
findings of a significant rise in Ndfa% with improved be an investment of fixed N driven by P addition in
soil P availability (Isaac et al. 2011a; Zheng et al. photosynthetic enzymes, which improves carboxyla-
2016). Probably, the A. auriculiformis − rhizobia tion rate and water use efficiency (Kitao et al. 2007;
symbiosis adopted a facultative fixation strategy, that Wright et al. 2001), strengthening plants’ drought tol-
the ­N2 fixation was controlled by a balance between erance (Freitas et al. 2022; Minucci et al. 2017; Sheo-
soil N supply and plant N demand (Batterman et al. kand et al. 2012).
2013; Minucci et al. 2017). When soil nitrogen is
insufficient, the symbiosis activates ­ N2 fixation to
meet the N demands of biomass growth, but excising
fixation once the nitrogen supply is sufficient (Bar- Conclusion
ron et al. 2011). Under well-watered conditions, the
soil available N is too low to meet plant N demand The present study found that Acacia auriculiformis
no matter of P addition, as revealed by the approxi- could grow in eco-engineered Fe ore tailings techno-
mate ­NO3− concentration of tailings from ‘A + P-D’ sol, form nodules, and exhibit biological ­N2-fixation
and ‘A-P-D’ treatments (Table 3). Therefore, no mat- functions. However, water-deficit stress restrained
ter of P addition, the N deficiency in tailings could nodulation and N ­ 2 fixation. Exogeneous phosphorous
trigger biological ­N2 fixation to meet plant N demand. application facilitated the nodulation process, and
Additionally, P addition did not induce significant increased ­N2 fixation by plant roots but did not affect
shoot biomass and shoot N concentration increment ­N2 fixation by plant shoots. This study gives impor-
in the current study (Figs. 1 and 4). As a result, the N tant implications for using Acacia spp. in ecological
in plant shoots derived from the atmosphere was not restoration of mine tailing sites, especially in arid and
impacted by exogenous P addition. In contrast, water semi-arid areas.

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Acknowledgements Kim Baublys, in the stable isotope geo- species of Ethiopia. Biol Fertil Soils 27:60–64. https://​doi.​
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editing. Yunjia Liu: Methodology. Fang You: Methodology. s00442-​010-​1838-3
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project administration, funding acquisition, writing-review & Nitrogen and phosphorus interact to control tropical sym-
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Binkley D, Senock R, Cromack K (2003) Phosphorus limita-
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tion on nitrogen fixation by Facaltaria seedlings. For
by CAUL and its Member Institutions This research was
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funded by the Australian Research Council Linkage Project
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Academy of Sciences.
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