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WebAsha Technologies:

RPM Management:
There are three tool to manage the package.
1- RPM
2- YUM
3- DNF

RPM : It is a collection of code that run the program.

Resource to use the RPM:

2- Internet

RPM fields:
There are five fields
1- package name
2- version
3- release
4- Architecture
5- extension

RPM tools:
It is used to install, remove, upgrade, update
verify and query about the package.

==> It support only offline mode

==> you can not intall over the network
==> It can install a single rpm package but not any rpm
with automatic dependency resolution.
Syntax: # rpm -<option> <package name>


i= Install
e= unintall
U= update/upgrade
v= verbose
h= hash format (hierachical view)
q= for query about package
a= all about the package
i= information about the package
d= documentation about the package
c= configuation file of package ( only service)
l= all package information including i,d,c
R= dependencies requisite of package
pR= prerequisite dependencies of package
f= which package created this file.

How to install, unintall the package without

Syntax: # rpm -ivh <package> --nodeps

# rpm -evh <package> --nodeps
# rpm -Uvh <package> --nodeps

How to install, unintall the package without
Syntax: # rpm -ivh <package> --nodeps --force
# rpm -evh <package> --nodeps --force
# rpm -Uvh <package> --nodeps --force

How to check last installation date of package:

Syntax: # rpm -qa <package> --last


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