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B2 Listening: A Businessman

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

Put a circle round the letter of the correct answer.
You will hear the conversation twice.

1. Fiona believes that the typical rich business person…

a) is an expert internet user.
b) really only cares about himself.
c) has had lots of good business ideas.
2. Andy thinks that Tobias Gardener’s ideas could…
a) affect life on Earth.
b) predict the future.
c) increase wages.
3. Andy mentions a money service as an example of how Gardener…
a) tends to improve existing services.
b) comes up with exciting new ideas.
c) only buys profitable businesses.
4. According to Andy, Gardener decided to build his own rockets because he…
a) he wants to start exploring planet Mars.
b) was influenced by a science-fiction writer.
c) couldn’t find cheap rockets on the market.
5. Fiona mentions Steve Jobs to try to convince Andy that…
a) Tobias Gardener is not unique.
b) Jobs’ inventions were recyclable.
c) few businessmen are important.
6. Andy finally claims that Gardener will be influentioal because he…
a) will improve transport on Earth.
b) is currently working on the problem of pollution.
c) has ideas for living on other planets.
B2 Listening: A Businessman

- Did you read that online article I sent you, Fiona?
- Which one, Andy? The one about the new library or the other one about the use of
classical music at schools?
- No, the one about that guy who's got a company that builds electric cars and stuff. Did
you take a look? He's awesome!
- No. Andy, you know I'm really not into business people.
- Yeah, I know. You've told me a million times. But this guy here is different. Totally
different, as a matter of fact.
- Oh, how so? What's so special about him? I thought all super rich businessmen were
arrogant. They have just one good idea. They create a startup. These days, it's cheap and
easy with the Internet. They make a fortune, sell their company for loads and retire to a
life of luxury far away from any of the world's problems. Have I left anything out?
- Well, Fiona, this time you've got it all wrong. This man, Tobias Gardener, is the real thing.
He's got these amazing ideas which can actually change the future of mankind and the
planet and he's turning them into reality.
- Hmm… like what ideas, for example?
- Well, for starters, you've heard about electric cars, haven't you? He's the man who
started producing them. I mean, I know they haven't made him any profit, but well,
before that, you know, Click & Pay, the money service, right? I mean, who hasn't used
that? Well, that was one of his first projects. Another fascinating one. He became
extremely rich selling that one, by the way. Sold it for millions.
- I guess he must have. But I still don't see why this businessman is worth paying attention
to. I mean, all he's done is make some money. So there are hundreds of others who've
done the same thing.
- No, that was only the beginning. As a kid, he was inspired by science-fiction films and
believes that space exploration is the only way for humankind to move forward. So he
decided to build a base on Mars. But then he started another company, TravelX, which
has now launched the first reusable rockets. Just because he couldn't find inexpensive
spaceships to carry equipment to Mars. Can you believe that? The future is happening.
- Okay, I'll admit that's impressive. I've read about this company and their reusable
rockets. It is promising. But I still don't see why you get so excited about him, Andy. I
mean, there have been others like him. Don't you remember Steve Jobs? Without him,
we wouldn't have smartphones and tablets. He practically invented them.
- Sure, he was one of the greats, Fiona, but I think that Tobias Gardener is going to have a
lot more influence on our world and the environment. I mean, he's even considering
doing something about pollution in the future.
B2 Listening: A Businessman

- You've got a point there, Andy. I'll have to admit that. But then, Jobs belonged to a
different generation. And people weren't so worried about the planet back then, I guess.
- Yeah, perhaps that's why. But the fact remains that this guy is set to change the Earth
and how we travel outside it. And if he can pull it off, he'll have us living on Mars and
even other planets, too. Imagine that! He's not limiting himself to just the Earth, Fiona.
Far from it!
- Oh, okay. It seems he is quite an interesting person after all, Andy. I'll look him up, I

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