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If you’re trying to survive in dire circumstances and

the only nearby source of water is a stream or lake, a
DIY water filtration system could help you stay
hydrated without also consuming dirt.
Many people in developing countries learn to build
water filtration systems so they can avoid illnesses,
although they use a more detailed method than the
one covered below. It removes contaminants as well
as filtering out debris.
You may also want to create a water filtration system
at home as a project to educate your curious kids
and go into depth about how important it is to drink
clean water and how even if a water source appears
clean, looks can be deceiving.
The kind of water filtration system explained below
doesn’t require a substantial investment. It uses
easily well-known materials, like sand and gravel, to
filter out things like mud. Charcoal is perhaps the
most crucial ingredient for removing any stuff you
don’t want to drink, and most traditional water filters
contain it.

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