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Personal Project Management Experience

Project Title: The Coastal Crest Housing Project

1.0 Introduction

Managing the Coastal Crest group project, both as a site engineer and a project
manager, was an enormous task that stretched the skills of my team. This tasking
initiative was envisioned to construct seven (7) units of four (4) bedroom duplexes at
Tulip Haven Estate for clients who had previously paid a portion or all of the down
payment for their new houses.

1.1 Challenges Faced

Due to the urgency of the project, the first difficulties I faced as the project manager
were interpreting architectural diagrams and the efficient execution of work progress.
I stood in the capacity to quickly comprehend architectural designs and transform
them into practical on-site operations. In addition to this, controlling and tracking the
progress of the task turned out to be crucial and also made me require a strong eye for
detail and proficient project management abilities. It took a combination of technical
expertise, communication skills, and strategic planning to overcome these obstacles,
which finally led to the completion of the project.

Another critical part of the project was navigating the compliance of over 50 local
construction workers who spoke different languages and had diverse ethnic
backgrounds. The Coastal Crest group provided me with construction employees from
many countries, languages, and ethnicities. Due to the communication barrier,
collaborating directly with these locals was a huge problem for me. To overcome this
challenge, I adapted the use of simple communication tools such as simple language,
nonverbal vocabulary (gesture, facial expression, and sign language), visual aids, and
learning basic phrases from various languages.

Another key hurdle encountered during the construction project was the problem of
inventory shrinkage caused by unauthorized material theft. This became a major point
of concern as the theft affected both the project timeline and progress, and also
resulted in financial losses that surpassed the approved budget. Furthermore, it
fostered a distrust environment among my staff and strained ties between project
teams and subcontractors. I was able to overcome this by implementing adequate
inventory control systems, setting security regulations, and diligent supervision.

1.3 Summary Analysis of Lessons

As a manager and site supervisor on the building project, I learned vital skills that
have become the foundation of my professional success. I learned that teamwork is a
basic requirement to promotes collaboration and synergy among team members.
Another key I learned was effective communication, which ensured that objectives
were understood and implemented flawlessly. Another important lesson I learnt was
the need for effective leadership in any worthwhile project. Through each level of the
project, effective leadership assisted me in coordinating it with purpose and vision. I
confronted challenges head on, providing a steady hand in the face of adversity
because I was confident. In addition to these I also had the opportunity to build a solid
network with the various teams I worked with during the project. Because of the
strong bond we had during the project, it was easy for me to contact them whenever I
needed them for additional personal building tasks.


These experiences not only shaped how I approached construction management, but
they also significantly boosted my sense of competence and adaptability on the job.

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