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Week 11 - Task: Assignment - Future arrangements

October - 2023

Teacher: Rafael Martin Contreras Poño


- Basurto León, Niurka Camila

- Portuguez Flores, Ariana Camila
- Coscco Mata Jose Victor

1.At the end of the lesson, you and your team talk about the plans and arrangements
you have for the weekend by using "be going to", the present continuous, and the
vocabulary learned during the week.

Ariana: Hi everyone! How are you doing today?

Jose: Hey, Ariana! I'm doing well, thanks for asking. How about you?

Niurka: I'm doing great! I'm excited for the weekend. What are you guys going to do?

Ariana: I'm thinking of going to the movies with my friends. I'm really excited about the new
science fiction movie that's coming out, it's called "The Last Starfighter." What about you,

Jose: I'm not sure yet. I might go shopping with my girlfriend, but I might also just stay home
and relax. I've been working really hard lately, so I could use a break.

Niurka: I'm thinking of staying home and relaxing too. I'm going to read a book, watch a
movie, and maybe take a nap. I'm also going to do some baking. I've been wanting to try
making a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies.

Ariana: That sounds delicious, Niurka! Can I come over and try some?

Niurka: ¡Of course! I'll even make you a batch to take home.

Jose: I'm jealous! I can't wait to try your cookies, Niurka.

Niurka: I'll make sure to send you some leftovers, Jose.

Ariana: So, what are your plans for the rest of the week, Jose?

Jose: I have a meeting with a client tomorrow, and then I have to finish up a project for work.
But I'm free on Friday, so I'm thinking of going to the park with my dog.
Niurka: That sounds fun, Jose! I have a few meetings this week too, but I'm also going to the
gym tonight. I'm trying to get in shape for my vacation next month.

Ariana: I'm trying to get in shape too, Niurka. Maybe we can start working out together

Niurka: That's a great idea, Ariana! We can motivate each other.

Jose: I'm in too!

Ariana: Awesome! I'm looking forward to it.

Jose: Well, I should probably get going. I have a lot of work to do today.

Niurka: Me too. It was great talking to you guys. See you later!

Ariana: Bye!


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