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Name: Armhay P. Villaralbo.

Year& Section: BTLED HE 3


My daily art reflection focuses on what we do every day that demonstrates art through
photos. Every image we take represents significant events or situations in our lives as
students, children, and individuals. We’ve been doing our daily art for two months and five
days, and it’s reminded us how essential the activities we do every day are.

This daily art project was a great help to me and taught me a valuable lesson as a firstborn,
student, and friend. My views grew more clear on the things that we really needed to
cherish—things that we felt had no sense or value. There is worth and significance in every
scenario and occurrence in our life. I learned to treasure every bonding moment with my
cousin and younger sister because I don’t always pay attention to them because I’m too busy
with school and other things. The relationship within the church: I have many friends, friends
in our area, friends at school and friends at church, but not all circles of friends have the
same environment, but all circles of friends are important.

This daily art of mine demonstrated that art may be found anywhere and at any time. All of
these are benefits as long as we learn to appreciate what happens in our life. This everyday
art has taught me a lot. Now, I admire everything creative in nature, food, bonding with
family and friends, my life scenario, and so on. All of this made me happy and made me grin.
I can honestly say that I love my daily art.

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