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SERIES – Off the Charts (25 HP), Four Color, Highly Experienced (45 SP, +15 HP)
Starting: Skill Points 47, Hero Points 45, Refresh 5, Stress Boxes 4

Current Skill Points: 61

Current Hero Points: 77

Concept: The Last Kryptonian
Motivation: Overly Protective of Earth
Aspects: Mild-Mannered Journalist, Raised by Humans, Beacon of Hope


Lois Lane (+1 SP)
Martha Kent (+1 SP)

Darkseid (+1 HP)

Doomsday (+1 HP)
Dru-Zod (+1 HP)
Lex Luther (+1 HP)
Steppenwolf (+1 HP)

Fantastic (+6): Athletics, Physique, Will
Superb (+5): Accuracy, Fight, Leadership,
Great (+4): Empathy, Investigate, Knowledge, Rapport
Good (+3): Deceive, Notice, Provoke, Technology
Fair (+2):
Average (+1):

1. Brawler*
2. Bend Bars, Lift Gates*
3. Extraordinary Determination
4. Face the Pain
5. Fighting for What You Believe In (Lois Lane)*
6. Fists of Fury*
7. Fling Foe*
8. Heavy Hitter*
9. Herculean Strength*
10. Indomitable
11. Iron Will
12. Knockback*
13. Piledriver*
14. Uncanny Agility
15. Scrum*
16. Superhuman Agility
17. Tactician
18. Take the Blow
19. Tough as Nails


Kryptonian Invulnerability (16)
 Aspect – Man of Steel
 Complication – Power Loss (Kryptonite)
 Hardiness (6); Total 6
 Invulnerability (5); Total 5
 Life Support (1); Total 1
 Limit – Requires Exposure to Yellow Sunlight (-1); Total -1
 Regeneration (4) – Immortality (1); Total 5

Kryptonian Abilities (42)

 Aspect – Powers Far Beyond Those of Mortal Men
 Complication – Power Loss (Kryptonite)
 Blast: Freezing Breath (5) – Area Effect (1), Ice (1); Total 7
 Blast: Heat Vision (6) – Energy (1), Penetrating (2); Total 9
 Blast: Super Breath (5) – Area Affect (1), Concussive (1), Telekinesis (1); Total 8
 Hyper-Sense – Directional Hearing (1), Hyper- Hearing (1), Hyper-Olfactory (1), Microscopic
Vision (1), Thermal Vision (1), X-Ray Vision (Limit – Cannot See Through Lead) (0); Total 5
 Flight (4); Total 4
 Limit – Requires Exposure to Yellow Sunlight (-1); Total -1
 Super-Speed (4); Total 4
 Super-Strength (6); Total 6

Mild Consequence: After one scene

Moderate Consequence: After half an issue
Severe Consequence: After one issue

Refresh: 5

 Physical:
 Mental:


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