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1. It is an ancient form of textile art which has been practice all the world for thousands of
A. Wall covering
B. Tapestry
C. Crafts
D. Wall Hangings
2. The ERA of __________ that tapestry art, like stained glass properly emerged and
A. Carolingian and Tapestry
B. Ottonian Tapestry
C. Gothic Tapestry
D. Textile Art
3. It is the finest European tapestries are considered to have been made by the _____?
A. Array’s
B. Tournai
C. Goblins Tapestry
D. Brussels
4. It is the oldest surviving specimen the famous Bayeux tapestry?
A. Romanesque art
B. Ottonian art
C. Bayeux museum Normandy
D. Carolingian art
5. It is the one of the most expensive and time-consuming craft, tapestry making only truly
flourished in European Middle Ages?
A. Architecture
B. Flemish weavers
C. Goblins tapestry
D. Sculpture
6. It is also the famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci?
A. Mona Lisa
B. The Swing
C. The School of Athens
7. For a three dimensional work of art line sculpture or of architecture?
A. Color
B. Space
C. Form
8. It is a design in which lines, shapes, forms or colors are repeated?
A. Rhythm
B. Unity
C. Pattern
9. Refers to the feeling of depth or three dimensions?
A. Line
B. Form
C. Space
10. Movement can be directed along lines, edges. Shape, and within the work of art?
A. Movement
B. Unity
C. Rhythm
11. This term is characterized by paintings containing hot beeswax as a cohesive material.
A. Presco Painting
B. Encaustic painting
C. Tempura
12. Instead of using beeswax as a blinding agent, artist used a mixture of water and egg yolk.
A. Tempura
B. Fresco painting
C. Oil painting
13. This is the ancient drawing technique that probably originated in Japan.
A. Pastel drawing
B. Charcoal drawing
C. Chalk drawing
14. The _____ method involves the same technique as calligraphy, so it is based on precious and
attention to detail.
A. Water color
B. Chinese painting
C. Japanese painting
15. These methods are very common and effective ways to add depth to your sketches through
A. Cross hatching
B. Stippling
C. Scribbling
16. It is the soluble colors with an incorporated binding agent.
A. Water color
B. Oil painting
C. Tempera
17. It is a painting method where colors are mixed with only water additional blinders.
A. Fresco painting
B. Encaustic painting
C. Oil painting
18. A cloth or other material produced by weaving or knitting fibers?
A. Paint
B. Fabric
C. Ink
D. Tempera
19. Also known as egg tempera, is a permanent, fast drying painting medium consisting of
colored pigments mixed with a water soluble?
A. Ink
B. Pastel
C. Crayon
D. Tempera
20. A wax pastel is a stick of pigmented wax?
A. Paint
B. Crayon
C. Pastel
D. Pigment
21. It is medium used in drawing and writing?
A. Ink
B. Fabric
C. Pencil
D. Tempera
22. A ________ is a colored material that is completely or nearly insoluble in water?
A. Paint
B. Pastel
C. Pigments
D. Ink
23. An art of medium in the form f a stick with powdered pigment and a binder?
A. Paint
B. Pastel
C. Crayon
D. Pigment
24. A common tool with bristles, wire or other filaments?
A. Pigment
B. Brush
C. Ink
D. Paint
25. The following are the materials for mosaic except?
A. Pebbles
B. Stone
C. Glass
D. Cement
26. What is the name of the Andamento practice in your first Mosaic?
A. Opus
B. Opus palladianum
C. Opus regulatum
D. Opus andamento
27. What did the Romans often include in their ancient Mosaic?
A. Scenes from nature
B. People and events from the bible
C. Governmental leaders
D. Gods and goddesses
28. A Mosaic is made up of hundreds or thousands of individuals small tiles called?
A. Grout line
B. Opus
C. Tesserae
D. Andamaento
29. Andamento can be describe as the ___________?
A. Emphasis in work
B. Visual flow using rows of tesserae
C. Names of color
D. Names of different styles describing the andamento
30. San Vitale is one of the most important surviving examples of what type of architecture and
mosaic work?
A. Roman
B. Islamic
C. Byzantine
D. Contemporary
31. Opus can be described as the ____________?
A. Emphasis in work
B. Visual flow using rows of tesserae
C. Names of color
D. Names of different styles describing the andamento.
32. Printmaking is divided into _________ techniques?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 7
D. None of the above
33. One of this part of four types of printmaking?
A. Paper
B. Ruler
C. Artist
D. Monotyping
34. A monotype is a?
A. Drawing
B. Painting
C. Print
D. Typing
35. One of this are part of four types of printmaking?
A. Lithography
B. Ink
C. Artist
D. Printer
36. Lithography is immiscibility of?
A. Sand and Gravel
B. Gas and Wind
C. Oil and Water
D. Fire and Lava
37. One of this are part of four types of printmaking?
A. Artist
B. Intaglio
C. Printing
D. Artwork
38. Screen making is also known as?
A. Calligraphy
B. Serigraphy
C. Monology
D. Typing
39. How many types of print making are there?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
40. How many techniques of printmaking divided?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
41. The Greeks and Romans used them as ______ for and civic buildings temples like the
A. Textile art
B. Wrapping gifts
C. Wall coverings
D. Wall hangings
42. The growth of tapestry art considered with the era of _________ and __________?
A. Romanesque and Catholic art
B. Consuming craft and tapestry making
C. Wall covering and wall hanging
D. Sculpture and stained glass
43. One of the oldest preserved all tapestries Moven in medical Europe is the?
A. Cloth of saint gereon
B. Gothic art
C. Tapestry of the angel
D. Textile art
44. It is the woven by the arts and crafts firm Morris and co for stand more hall. Birmingham
museum and art gallery.
A. The attainment (1894-94) of several holy Grail
B. Fellitin
C. Ottonian art
D. Carolingian art
45. It is applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface?
A. Drawing
B. Painting
C. Sketching
46. Moral painting by the Italian high renaissance artist?
A. The persistence of memory
B. The last supper
C. The kiss
47. It is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture and space?
A. Balance
B. Contrast
C. Movement
48. Art that helps the audience put the story of a painting together in their own minds?
A. Contrast
B. Emphasis
C. Rhythm
49. It is a point of view in a work of art?
A. Color
B. Valve
C. Shape
50. Movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape and color within the work of art?
A. Movement
B. Unity
C. Rhythm


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