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Republic of the Philippines


City of Naga

Chapter 4- Assessment Sheet
Creating Analytic Rubric

Name:Mikaela O. Alto Subject: EDUC106A – Assessment in Learning 1 Section: BSED-English

3A Instructor: Dr. Monetta C. Valencia



1. Choose any topic or lesson from Grade 7 to 12 English that interests you. 2. After
selecting your topic, design an authentic task that is relevant and meaningful for the
chosen lesson or topic. Ensure that the task reflects real-world application and assesses
the understanding and application of the concepts learned.
3. Create an analytic rubric for the authentic task you have designed. Refer to the
attached rubric as a guide for structuring your own.
4. Encode your output on a standard-sized short bond paper while adhering to the
following format below:


Topic/Lesson: [Name of the Chosen Topic/Lesson] Grade Level:_______

Authentic Task Description:

[Provide a brief description of the task you have designed]

Analytic Rubric:

[Include the analytic rubric you have created, listing the criteria and descriptors]
Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and
Technology College of Education

Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga



Clarity of Criteria The criteria are The criteria are The criteria are
clear, specific, and somewhat clear unclear and
well but lack specific insufficiently
defined. details. defined.

Relevance of All criteria are Some of the The criteria are

Criteria relevant to the criteria are irrelevant to the
assessment task. relevant, but assessment task.
others are not.

Specificity of The descriptors The descriptors The descriptors are

Descriptors are clear, are somewhat too vague to
specific, and specific but provide
provide precise could be meaningful
guidance. improved. guidance.

Organization The rubric is well The rubric is The rubric is

organized, with a somewhat disorganized and
logical progression organized but difficult to follow.
of criteria. lacks a logical

Task Title: Parts of Speech Scavenger Hunt

Objective: The objective of this task is to reinforce students' understanding of different parts of speech,
including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and more, through a fun and engaging scavenger hunt activity.

Materials Needed:

A printed or digital list of items to find.

Writing materials (pens, pencils, or digital devices).

Timer or stopwatch (optional).


Part 1 - Preparation:

Create a list of items or scenarios for students to find or observe. Include a variety of examples of different parts
of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
For example:

Find a noun: Something you can eat.

Find a verb: An action someone can do.

Find an adjective: Something that describes a color.

Find an adverb: Something that tells how someone does an action.

Find a pronoun: Something that can replace a person's name.

Find a preposition: Something that shows location or direction.

Find a conjunction: Something that connects two ideas.

Find an interjection: A word to show surprise or excitement.

Part 2 - Scavenger Hunt:

Distribute the list of items to students in print or digitally.

Explain the rules and objectives of the scavenger hunt:

Students need to find and identify items or scenarios in their surroundings that match the descriptions on the list.

For each item or scenario, they should write down the word or phrase they find and label it with its
corresponding part of speech (e.g., "apple" - noun).

Set a time limit for the scavenger hunt, if desired.

Students should work individually or in small groups, depending on class size and preferences.

Once the scavenger hunt is complete, gather the students and review the answers as a class. Discuss any
items that may have multiple correct answers or those that were challenging to categorize.

Part 3 - Reflection and Extension:

After the scavenger hunt, have a class discussion to reinforce the concept of parts of speech.

Ask students to share any interesting or challenging items they found during the hunt.
Challenge students to create their own items for parts of a speech scavenger hunt, incorporating more complex
or abstract concepts related to grammar and language.

This authentic task reinforces students' knowledge of parts of speech and encourages them to actively engage
with their environment and apply their understanding in a practical context. It can be a fun and interactive way to
reinforce grammar concepts.

Rubric: Parts of Speech Scavenger Hunt

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)

Student has
Student correctly significant difficulty
Student correctly identifies and labels Student struggles to identifying and
identifies and most items or identify and label labeling items or
labels all items or scenarios with the items or scenarios scenarios with the
Identification scenarios with the appropriate parts of with the appropriate appropriate parts of
of Parts of appropriate parts speech, with parts of speech, speech, with many
Speech of speech. minimal errors. with several errors. errors.

Student's list is
Student's list is significantly
Student's list is Student's list is incomplete, with incomplete, with
complete, and all mostly complete and several missing many missing items
items are contains few items or numerous and numerous
Completeness accurately inaccuracies in inaccuracies in inaccuracies in
and Accuracy categorized. categorization. categorization. categorization.

Student Student's
demonstrates Student is engaged engagement is
creativity and in the activity but limited, and there is Student shows
enthusiasm in lacks creativity or little evidence of minimal engagement
Creativity and finding items or enthusiasm in the creativity or or creativity during
Engagement scenarios. findings. enthusiasm. the task.

In group settings, In group settings,

In group settings, student participates student has
student actively in collaboration but difficulty Student does not
collaborates with may not be collaborating with effectively
peers and consistently active in peers, leading to collaborate with
Collaboration contributes to the contributing to the challenges in peers in group
(if applicable) group's success. group's success. completing the task. settings.
Student has
Student struggles significant issues
Student manages Student mostly with time with time
time effectively manages time well management and management and
and completes the but may need some requires significant does not complete
task within the extra time to extra time to the task within the
Time given time frame complete the task (if complete the task given time frame (if
Management (if applicable). applicable). (if applicable). applicable).

Student actively
participates in the
class discussion Student's
and is able to Student participates participation in the Student does not
reflect on in the class class discussion is actively participate in
interesting or discussion but has minimal, and there the class discussion
Reflection and challenging items limited reflection on is little reflection on and lacks reflection
Extension found. items found. the items found. on the items found.

Overall Rating:

Excellent (16-20 points)

Proficient (11-15 points)

Basic (6-10 points)

Limited (1-5 points)

Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology

College of Education

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