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I. What comes to your mind when you think of the word COLD WAR?

II. Are you familiar with these terms? Match the two columns!

a) Cold War 1.a system or set of beliefs

b) ideology 2.blocking the Soviets from spreading communism

c) containment 3. line dividing Europe

d) Iron Curtain 4.both sides were willing to go to the edge

e) brinkmanship 5. the USA and USSR

f) arms race 6. competition between two Cold war rivals

g) superpowers 7.the rivalry between the two superpowers

h) space race 8.increase in the intensity of a war

i) domino theory 9.a communist government in one nation would lead to a

takeover in another one

j) escalation 10.two or more groups compete in military


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
III. Map of the Iron Curtain of Europe. Put the countries into the
appropriate camps!

1. Great Britain 2. France 3. Soviet Union 4. Hungary 5. Ireland 6. Norway 7. Turkey

8. Belgium 9. Luxembourg 10. Netherlands 11. Swedem 12. Finland 13. Spain 14. Portugal
15. Albania 16. Yugoslavia 17. Denmark 18. Greece 19. Federal Republic of Germany
20. German Democratic Republic 21. Czechoslovakia 22. Switzerland 23. Austria 24. Italy
25. Poland 26 Romania 27. Bulgaria
Warsaw Pact countries:

NATO member states


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