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Setirlien Psychic DNA Strand Activation Attunement (22)

Description: The Setirlien Psychic DNA Strand Activation Attunement, represented by the number 22,
opens the gateway to your psychic abilities. This attunement enhances your telepathic, telekinetic,
precognitive, and empathic powers. It activates dormant psychic potentials within your DNA, allowing
you to access and develop your psychic gifts.

Activation: To activate this attunement, find a quiet and sacred space. Focus your intention and energy,
and speak the following words three times, pronouncing them clearly:







After each set of words, say your name and the title of the attunement. Then, speak the following words
once each, pronouncing them clearly:





Visualization: Visualize your DNA strands as radiant, intricate threads of light. See them intertwining and
pulsating with psychic energy, connecting you to the universal consciousness and the psychic realm.

Ways to Use Attunement:

• Telepathy: Communicate through thoughts and emotions.

• Telekinesis: Move objects with your mind.

• Precognition: Gain glimpses of future events.

• Empathy: Sense and understand emotions and intentions.

Using the Attunement on Others: To share this attunement with others, perform the activation process
on their behalf. Focus your intention on enhancing their psychic abilities and well-being.

What to Expect After the Attunement: After receiving this attunement, you may experience heightened
psychic sensitivity. Your telepathic, telekinetic, and empathic abilities may become more accessible and

Possible Occurrences During the Attunement: During the attunement, you might encounter vivid
psychic visions, heightened intuition, or a deep sense of interconnectedness with others.

FAQ for Attunement:

1. How long does the attunement process take?

2. Can I receive multiple attunements at once?

3. What can I do to enhance the effects of this attunement?

4. Are there any specific meditation or grounding practices to follow?

5. Can I perform this attunement outdoors in nature?

6. Is there a recommended frequency for repeating this attunement?

7. What is the significance of the activation words and their pronunciation?

8. Are there any specific psychic rituals I should incorporate into my practice?

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