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I think this article falls within the cultural- History theory. Because it talks about certain
categories and creating paradigms

I think this article falls within the Post-Processual Archaeology theory. Because it
critiques the approaches of both the culture-history and New (Processual) Archaeology
theories. Also, the article focuses particularly on the meaning of artifacts.
Pots in Karanga society are seen as important property belonging to women, and
breaking them can result in severe consequences, even divorce. Different types of pots have
varying symbolic meanings, and their decorations are used to symbolize femininity.

3) (I choose page 11)

I think, it fits with the school of Processual Archaeology, because it talks about rather than
concentrating on the characteristics of the material itself, pottery is used as a tool to study past
civilizations since it is seen as an element of a system, also it mentions the development of
scientific techniques.

- The words the author selects to show the concept of “entanglement:

Connectivity, Fluidity, Engagement, İnteractions, Dynamic

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